ABC News: Dr says no phones were working in MJ's house

This mo'fo didn't have a mobile?? lol what a fucking joke!! I think there's something fishy going on here!!
So many LAPD or whatever jurisdiction it is couldn't find the house and escort paramedics, you mean to tell me they've never been called there for paparrazi and fans lurking...all they had to say was it's Michaels house.....excuses excuses get the hell outta here with the lame excuses.............what's next :mello:
I think it's becoming more and more evident this was a case of negligence...I cannot believe it.
a doctor in the house, no phone, doesn't know the address.... ok, something's up :banghead:
I ain't buying most of this.
I don't for a second believe he "just happened" to walk in the room. He went in there for a reason.

And bullsh*t about the 911 thing even IF he didn't know the address he shoulda called 911 while at the same time finding someone who might know the address or had a phone.
This mo'fo didn't have a mobile?? lol what a fucking joke!! I think there's something fishy going on here!!

He called from his mobile, but he claims he couldn't find the exact address and had to ask someone. Well, if that's true, then there should be a 911 tape to prove it.

I don't think this guy did anything to intentionally hurt Michael, but I am certainly suspicious that he may have made a severe mistake or two.
Well seeing MJ frequently disconnected his land lines (and moblie I think) I have absolutely no problem believing no landlines were working.
The hospital was 6 MINUTES away...put him the in CAR and drive him there!!!!!!

stupid idiot!!!!! You cant tell him he coudnt find anyone! Hes gonna leave michael and run around the house trying to find someone? Start screaming for help but continue CPR! But then again he wasnt doing it properly in the first place...unless you count the excuse "firm bed"

which to mind.. where was he before he found Michael... and how long was he there....

and if he just came to the house.. someone must have let him in............

I hope there are surveilllance cameras
TOOK 30 MIN FOR 911 TO COME (wtf!?! it's mj dying for god sake!)

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Guys please, let's not crucify him just yet! We are all better than this! I'm not defending him, but i'm not rejecting him either.

Let's just please be patient for a little longer. We will all know soon....hopefully...

So, um, how did the doctor get to the house? If you don't know the specific address, you still know something that is around and I'm pretty sure most people with a private client making house calls at least know the street name even if they don't know the street/house number.
I hate when someone is taking me as a stupid! This is a f***ing joke! :banghead::banghead::banghead: I can't believe if he screamed for help, no one was there to answer!!!
The worst thing for me is to live with the fact that Michael had a chance to be alive now!!!
You know what really makes me sick is that Ian H. guy was quoted on one of the news shows saying how he told everyone that Michael only had six months to live and that it had been six months and one day to the date that he had stated (paraphrasing). Can you get any sicker than to gloat about a death with an "I told you he was going to be dead."
He called from his mobile, but he claims he couldn't find the exact address and had to ask someone. Well, if that's true, then there should be a 911 tape to prove it.

I don't think this guy did anything to intentionally hurt Michael, but I am certainly suspicious that he may have made a severe mistake or two.

This is what I am trying to figure out. Are they saying that he actually placed the 911 call but got stuck on the address? Because I have a hard time believing a 911 operator would have let that end the call; they know how to deal with all of these situations; it would not have been the first or last time that would have happened. Or are they saying he simply thought to call but didn't because he didn't have the address?

If the call was actually placed, then there should have been a recording and it would be strange that it wouldn't have been released with the one the other day. So, I'm not sure if another one exists.
You know what really makes me sick is that Ian H. guy was quoted on one of the news shows saying how he told everyone that Michael only had six months to live and that it had been six months and one day to the date that he had stated (paraphrasing). Can you get any sicker than to gloat about a death with an "I told you he was going to be dead."
What the.....:no::(Oh no....:no:
Honestly, I just can't deal with all of this suspicion and innuendos....I just see this thing getting dirty and dirtier and Michael's personal business being held up for all to see.

I just want Michael back!:(

We were all so happy for the past couple of months and never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined that this would be happening now!:(
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The part about the emergency services not sending out any EMT's because he didn't have the exact address might be true. I needed an ambulance a few weeks ago and they wouldn't send it out until my sister told them the exact address. Even though we were in a cinema and there was only one with that name in the city. She had to find a member of staff to get the actual address before they sent anyone out.

It's always been my understanding that they can lock on to your location; not sure about circumstances with a cell phone. For example, what if it was a child calling? It is not always realistic to think that a person would know. Sometimes there are also lousy 911 operators, unfortunately.
Honestly, I just can't deal with all of this suspicion and innuendos....

I just want Michael back!:(

We were all so happy for the past couple of months and never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined that this would be happening now!:(

Exactly. Even if they find the doctor was negligent I honestly don't care if he's punished or not. I would rather just see him lose any doctor's license he has and not be jailed and maybe put on probation. If he made a mistake he has to live with contributing to the death of Michael Jackson. Obviously, if it was more nefarious, the guy can rot in jail...

One question I would love to have answered is why the hell MJ hired the guy. I have other suspicions about that, but I'll keep it to myself. Either way, this guy was not qualified to be a personal doctor based on his background.
I ain't buying most of this.
I don't for a second believe he "just happened" to walk in the room. He went in there for a reason.

And bullsh*t about the 911 thing even IF he didn't know the address he shoulda called 911 while at the same time finding someone who might know the address or had a phone.

That's what I want to know. Why did he go into the room in the first place. I hope that was answered. And so wanted one of the media to ask the lawyer today but of course nothing was pressed.

Has anyone heard any medical doctors/experts respond to the latest from the attorney today? I wanted to know their reactions because some where indeed questioning the CPR on the bed thing, etc.
Well seeing MJ frequently disconnected his land lines (and moblie I think) I have absolutely no problem believing no landlines were working.

Disconnected how? Unplug the phones? Then that just requires you to insert the connection into the phone jack. If something else, then you take your self outside and call on your cell phone. But I have a hard time understanding why he wouldn't been able to get a call on his own cell.

Also, in an interview this morning Dileo mentioned that Michael said that he may call him after getting home and Frank said that that would be fine and that his phone would be on in case Michael called; so, how exactly was Michael planning to call.
That is really, really sick about that Ian guy. Ugh...
Disconnected meaning he cut off the number. APparently he did that constantly (at least we've heard that from myriads of folks).
That's what I want to know. Why did he go into the room in the first place. I hope that was answered. And so wanted one of the media to ask the lawyer today but of course nothing was pressed.
They interviewed the attorney also on Dateline yesterday, and he claimed that the doctor told him Michael would ask the doctor to sit with him and check on him while he slept. It was during one of these times that the doctor found him unresponsive.

Yeah. Well. That's what he said.
How the he** can he not know of the adress 2 mikes house!!!!!????

He went there properly everyday or most of the time.....that grrr!!! :angry:
This doctor was at the house and still didn't know the address? I don't believe it. This guy was supposed to have been around Michael almost constantly for weeks or maybe months before this happened. How could he not know where the house was? Either he was actually living with Michael or somebody called him and told him to get over there. Whatever way, he should have known. And I have to say that I feel from what I've heard so far that this guy could have done alot more to save Michael and did not. I'm so sad and disgusted by this whole thing. The more things that come out about what happened, the less sense it all seems to make IMO.