ABC News: Dr says no phones were working in MJ's house


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Jul 25, 2011

Lawyer: Jackson's Doctor Had Difficulty Summoning Help
Dr. Conrad Murray's Lawyer Says Phones in Jackson's Home Weren't Working for 'Privacy Reasons'
June 29, 2009—

As scrutiny of the doctor who was with Michael Jackson when the pop star was stricken grows, a lawyer for Dr. Conrad Murray told ABC's "Good Morning America" that it took Murray a while to find anyone in Jackson's rented mansion to help him call 911 after he failed to revive the superstar.

"We can't tell you exactly when 911 was called," attorney Edward Chernoff told "Good Morning America" today.

Chernoff said that once Murray realized that CPR was not bringing Jackson back, Murray, he said, tried to dial 911 on his cell phone but did not have the exact address of Jackson's home. And with none of the phones in the home working "for privacy reasons," Murray ran around the house till he found Jackson's chef, who alerted security.

It was the security person, Chernoff said, who eventually dialed 911. CPR, he said, was done for 25 to 30 minutes before emergency officials arrived.

Chernoff said over the weekend that Murray found Jackson unconscious in his bedroom, detected a weak pulse in his femoral artery, and began CPR.

"He just happened to find him in his bed, and he wasn't breathing," the lawyer said. "Mr. Jackson was still warm and had a pulse."

A senior law enforcement official told ABC News that Jackson was heavily addicted to OxyContin and Demerol, and received both in daily doses. Officials said Jackson received an injection of Demerol an hour before a 911 call was placed after he lost consciousness.

But Chernoff reiterated his statements today that the personal physician did not administer Demerol to Jackson, nor see him take it.

"I can't go into any specifics that Michael Jackson might have taken the night before," Chernoff said. "Whatever was taken by Michael Jackson at any time wouldn't have caused his death."

Yet the family, who seems to be growing more suspicious of Murray as time passes, is waiting for results of its own independent autopsy.

"I have a lot of concerns," Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, told CNN. "I don't like what happened."

As Murray's qualifications have come into question, so have those of his associates. Murray has referred to himself as a cardiologist, but he is not board certified in cardiology.

And his partner in his Houston office has had his license revoked for improperly dispensing prescription drugs. Their clinic was shut down in 2002 for being what law enforcement officials call a "pill mill."

Chernoff said he is unsure where the discussion about Jackson and Demerol came from, but "I think that once toxicology comes back this rumor about Demerol is going to be squashed."

Murray and Chernoff met with investigators for three hours Saturday. Law enforcement authorities said Murray is not considered a suspect but rather a witness in Jackson's death.

Forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht told "Good Morning America" today that Jackson's history of prescription drug use can be confirmed by analyizing just a few strands of the performer's hair. Measured in increments of a centimeter at a time, a pattern of prescription drug use can be traced back in time, depending on the length of the hair.

As for Murray's lawyer's assertion that Murray did not administer Demerol, Wecht said, "the question is whether Michael Jackson obtained those drugs from someone else -- another physician or someone we refer to as an enabler."

Jackson's manager, Frank DiLeo, said he was with the nanny and a psychologist when he told the singer's three children that their father had died. But little needed to be said. DiLeo said they knew just by looking at his face.

"They said, 'Say it's not true.' I said, 'I'm sorry,'" DiLeo told "GMA" today. "We all cried, and they came over and we hugged and they all hugged each other."

DiLeo said he also told Katherine Jackson of her son's death.

"She was emotional, grabbed me," he said. "We just cried together."

DiLeo said he was able to view Jackson's body in the hospital. He said he kissed Jackson and told him that he loved him.

DiLeo was with Jackson during his final rehearsal for his upcoming 50-concert series.

"He had stamina," he said. "He was in shape."

DiLeo denied rumors that Jackson had been pushed beyond his capacity.

"He goes at his own pace," he said, "and he knows when he has to step it up and when he doesn't."

As the two walked together at the end of rehearsal, DiLeo said Jackson was optimistic and excited about the tour and had promised to call him later to go over a few things for the show.

"He said, 'Frank, we're going to do this,'" DiLeo said.
sorry I dont know if this had been posted....take it down if it has but this made me sick.....
OMG you gotta be fucking kiddin me!!! What else does he wants to come up with?!? There was no electricity and water!?!??!
gotta love the cover up sound familiar. "there were no clocks working in the house"
The hospital was 6 MINUTES away...put him the in CAR and drive him there!!!!!!

stupid idiot!!!!! You cant tell him he coudnt find anyone! Hes gonna leave michael and run around the house trying to find someone? Start screaming for help but continue CPR! But then again he wasnt doing it properly in the first place...unless you count the excuse "firm bed"
gotta love the cover up sound familiar. "there were no clocks working in the house"

That's the first thing that came into my mind when I read it. I think Michael actually lived in a spacheship :doh:

So first we knew the doctor gave him Demerol. Then he denied giving him anything. And now "Officials said Jackson received an injection of Demerol an hour before a 911 call was placed after he lost consciousness. "

Has this guy been taking story mixing lessons from the Arvizos? :blink: Really now :blink:
Did the guard not use a phone in the house to finally call 911?

"I can't go into any specifics that Michael Jackson might have taken the night before," Chernoff said. "Whatever was taken by Michael Jackson at any time wouldn't have caused his death."
There's no way for him to even know something like this.

I have a feeling there's going to be a criminal trial where the truth will come out. This guy is full of something very foul imho according to what we have to go by so far.
This is getting more suspect by the minute, however we have to be careful about all these statements that are suposed to be given out, when Murrey has not even spoken to the family.

You don't do chest compressions if someone has a pulse, I agree Michael needed to be put in a car and taken to hospital, it sounds to me as if that Dr is in it up to his neck, and I think tried too long to revive Michael rather than get him to a hospital and be exposed.
^ yes not only that he should have been taken to the hospital as soon as he started having chest pains, the night before. This is so upsetting oh Lord help
OMG the hospital was fu*king 6 mins away?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
what stupid motherfu*king idiot is this >=(
he let him die jeez NO .__.
This is also being talked about in the Doctors CPR technique thread. Yep, looks like a rat, smells like a rat... so.....join the dots. Our man was murdered.
Chernoff said that once Murray realized that CPR was not bringing Jackson back, Murray, he said, tried to dial 911 on his cell phone but did not have the exact address of Jackson's home. And with none of the phones in the home working "for privacy reasons," Murray ran around the house till he found Jackson's chef, who alerted security.
That's just crap. The worst that will happen if you use your cell phone to call 911 is that the call will roll over to the California Highway Patrol. They will still find you. He must have known the city and street name, if not the number.

It was the security person, Chernoff said, who eventually dialed 911. CPR, he said, was done for 25 to 30 minutes before emergency officials arrived.
No wonder the EMTs couldn't save him.

A senior law enforcement official told ABC News that Jackson was heavily addicted to OxyContin and Demerol, and received both in daily doses. Officials said Jackson received an injection of Demerol an hour before a 911 call was placed after he lost consciousness.
Well, that's what ABC first reported on Thursday, with this anonymous source, but on Friday, the detective that heads the LAPD unit actually investigating the case directly contradicted this to the LA Times:

On Friday, an LAPD detective told The Times that investigators had no information that Jackson was injected with Demerol or other painkillers. Such claims "are coming from outside the investigation," said Lt. Gregg Strenk, head of the LAPD's Homicide Special Section 1, which is assigned to the Jackson case.
Last night, Dateline said the LAPD told them they hadn't even found any Demoral in the house. As for the OxyContin, police might suspect Michael was an addict because of witness statements or pill bottles recovered from the scene, but they couldn't conclude he was an addict without toxicology reports showing that the drug was in his system and had been used for a protracted amount of time at levels inconsistent with a doctor's responsible supervision.
Oh god, I really don't know what to make of this. I just want to scream.
The part about the emergency services not sending out any EMT's because he didn't have the exact address might be true. I needed an ambulance a few weeks ago and they wouldn't send it out until my sister told them the exact address. Even though we were in a cinema and there was only one with that name in the city. She had to find a member of staff to get the actual address before they sent anyone out.
The part about the emergency services not sending out any EMT's because he didn't have the exact address might be true. I needed an ambulance a few weeks ago and they wouldn't send it out until my sister told them the exact address. Even though we were in a cinema and there was only one with that name in the city. She had to find a member of staff to get the actual address before they sent anyone out.

but he kind of lived with MJ there...
he has to know that o_O
he had a pulse and was still warm,then how the fuck did he just stop breathing
I just wish that someone would tell the whole truth.
he had a pulse and was still warm,then how the fuck did he just stop breathing
Bad drug reaction or a mix of drugs can have that affect on people. They can stop your breathing which would inevitably stop your heart.
But the doc obviously got to him before his heart stopped...
The part about the emergency services not sending out any EMT's because he didn't have the exact address might be true. I needed an ambulance a few weeks ago and they wouldn't send it out until my sister told them the exact address. Even though we were in a cinema and there was only one with that name in the city. She had to find a member of staff to get the actual address before they sent anyone out.
Here it is mandatory to respond to a 911 call. It may take time to locate the person, but they will send someone.
Ok...this is making me feel more and more like I did the other night...SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT. SOMETHING IS VERY FISHY ABOUT THIS. I've felt it for the last two days. I hope to God I'm wrong.

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OMG, I am so angry! Ineffective one-handed CPR on a bed, running around supposedly trying to find a phone while leaving the patient without a pulse, feeling for a pulse in the femoral artery??? Which medical school did he train in??

Ridiculous, senseless excuses for his, at best, negligent behaviour!!
Something is very wrong here. How many more excuses can this guy come up with? It just sounds more and more like he wasted the last minutes of Michael's life. :(
Chernoff said that once Murray realized that CPR was not bringing Jackson back, Murray, he said, tried to dial 911 on his cell phone but did not have the exact address of Jackson's home.

How can he NOT KNOW THE ADDRESS if he LIVED in that damn house with MJ???!! And even if he didn't live there....surely he nows the address of the place where his PATIENT lives??! Or if MJ called him to come...did he first wait that MJ's car goes through traffic to pick him up, and then goes through LA traffic again to get him to the house? And wasn't HIS CAR towed away from the house??? So he DROVE there himself?? So he drove there himself and doesn't know the address?! PLEASE!!!! :doh: Or was he f***ing BEAMED into the house??!! :doh: As I have kept saying....the more I read about the doctor, the LESS things make sense. Something's not right with that doctor!!
The part about the emergency services not sending out any EMT's because he didn't have the exact address might be true.
Well, we're speaking of a 150,000$/month paid doctor of Michael Jackson, one of the most important persons in the world. He was living with Michael since months and didn't know the address? :scratch: