ABC 20/20 has a good MJ special on today

I didn't watch the first hour of 20/20 I was watching NBC Dateline special but now I see why some of you didn't like the special.

the 2nd hour which I did record was actually pretty good IMO.
I watched it, and of course the BS media still says the same crap..It had some positives but, give me a break media, if your going to do a show on something. Then please get the all the facts
in the end it is all speculation. I haven't watched the whole programme, but I've watched Faye, Tompkins and Bush, and when actually pushed to come up with anything concrete to back up their claims they actually come up with nothing. Heresay and speculation don't stand up in courtrooms, and by doing this special they could be helping dr. death's defense not hindering it. 'Saying I thought he was too thin', is not evidence. The autopsy is evidence that he was very light but still in the normal weight range for his height. Emotions don't come into courtcases, just hard medical evidence and I don't see much of that in Faye's and her colleagues claims about Michael's health.
I´m not going to argue about Karen with anyone, you´ve right to have your opinion about her. My opinion is different though. ;)

I met/saw Michael several times the two last months and he was losing weight rapidly the last week. The movie and pics from it has been retouched to make him look more rounded. Just take a look at the pics with his fans and pics where he´s trying out clothes.

Both Bush and Faye are witnesses, so they couldn´t go into details because of that.
Unless you had the chance to weight Michael you had no idea how he was weighing how weight he lost 136 pounds is a normal weight for a 5'9 man. Get over it
I watched Katherine's Dateline special in full. I loved seeing her. She was someone who KNEW Michael for REAL, so I really didn't bother much with the 20/20 show. I did click there one or two times and they were talking about Michael's death, what happened ect and I switch the channel over. It was too much for me to bare. Then later after Katherine's special was done, I click again and saw Karen talking and I just turned the TV off completely. Didn't even want to bother. Didn't care for what she or any of those people had to say. That's just me. I proceeded to put in This is it movie and enjoyed seeing Michael instead.

The only good thing from that 20/20 show was the video clip Karen sold to them on Michael and it's available on the ABC website.

That's about it. People here know how I feel about Karen, so I won't repeat myself like a broken record. And as for Michael's weight, I already discussed that in another thread, so don't want to get into it. I still don't believe for a minute any of those people who claim to have clothed/applied his makeup for his memorials, and I already explained why in another thread I posted.

Anyway, today I am making a small pilgrimage for Michael. Going to the Apollo and The Hoyt Sher subway station where 'Bad' was filmed.

I hope everyone here is feeling better today. Yesturday was rough :weeping:
From Chucky's facebook today

Charles Klapow (Chucky Klapow)
"Bravo to Michael Bush and Karen Faye for finally, finally telling the truth on 20/20 tonight. While so many have been in such denial. The truth is finally being told."
7 hours ago

Is this the FIRST time we hear a dancer from TII saying the opposite of what they (AEG + dancers) have been saying?
after such a detailed description of the making up and clothing of Michael after he passed away, I wonder how the believers still believe...
From Chucky's facebook today

Is this the FIRST time we hear a dancer from TII saying the opposite of what they (AEG + dancers) have been saying?

major importance that Chucky said this - I agree it adds alot of credibility!
From Chucky's facebook today

Is this the FIRST time we hear a dancer from TII saying the opposite of what they (AEG + dancers) have been saying?

Chris Grant said something AEG unfriendly once too.
Last Night's 20/20 Episode: Karen Faye

Hi Everybody,

I am sure that many of you watched last nights episode of 20/20 on the anniversary of Michael's passing.

What did you all think of the interview portions with Karen Faye and her comments about the This Is It movie and rehearsals?

I can tell she loved Michael deeply and was a true friend to him. I am curious what you think about her comments about him not being able to finish an entire song at once, how he only made it through "two ballads," and other things she said. I know there is a feeling among some fans that the movie is a negative but I love it myself. I thought every moment was riveting.

I believe everything she says, but it made a me a little suspicious of Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne. What do you guys think? I remember Kenny Ortega in interviews saying that Michael was 100% even in the last days.

Karen's comments seem to contradict this. What do you guys think?
Re: Last Night's 20/20 Episode: Karen Faye

She's all over the map. She may seem to care about him but Travis and Kenny also worked with him forever and seemed to love him. In all their interviews never once have they come across as shady. Before Michael died none of what Karen says now is what she was saying before. If it were true why not say something? Maybe somewhere in the middle is the truth but every single person who worked with him day to day said he was on top. Not just the promoters but the dancers, the back up singers, musicians. Kai Chase said he moved a tad slower but that was about it. What Karen is trying to gain from this I don't know but she obviously can't see she is only making Michael look worse and Dr. Murray better. Someone needs to slap her across the face with that.
Re: Last Night's 20/20 Episode: Karen Faye

Maybe somewhere in the middle is the truth but every single person who worked with him day to day said he was on top. Not just the promoters but the dancers, the back up singers, musicians. Kai Chase said he moved a tad slower but that was about it.

One of the dancers has made a comment about that. It's on the 20/20 thread.
Re: Last Night's 20/20 Episode: Karen Faye

Hi Everybody,

I am sure that many of you watched last nights episode of 20/20 on the anniversary of Michael's passing.

What did you all think of the interview portions with Karen Faye and her comments about the This Is It movie and rehearsals?

I can tell she loved Michael deeply and was a true friend to him. I am curious what you think about her comments about him not being able to finish an entire song at once, how he only made it through "two ballads," and other things she said. I know there is a feeling among some fans that the movie is a negative but I love it myself. I thought every moment was riveting.

I believe everything she says, but it made a me a little suspicious of Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne. What do you guys think? I remember Kenny Ortega in interviews saying that Michael was 100% even in the last days.

Karen's comments seem to contradict this. What do you guys think?

I don't know what to say. It is obvious she loved him and maybe that is what she saw,but everybody around Michael at those rehearsals seems to contradict that.

Also, if Michael was indeed in that bad shape then that makes Murrary look worse not Michael. If he knew his patient was in bad health then as his doctor he should have done something about it and certainly not given him all the meds he gave him that eventually killed him.

There are fans that find TII negative? I wasn't aware of that. I loooved it myself. I went 3x and I have it in DVD and blu ray.
Re: Last Night's 20/20 Episode: Karen Faye

@ rainny I know about that quote by the dancer but look at the whole picture. Those who worked with him, as a whole were in agreement that Michael was giving his all. Another dancer said his last night was his best yet. I am trying to look at the overall picture. TII and the autopsy showed he was not a drugged out anorexic zombie. There is plenty more footage which I am sure will come out over time. The point is Karen doe not seem to realize she is 1 contradicting herself was well as other and 2 helping Murray's case.
Re: Last Night's 20/20 Episode: Karen Faye

I think Karen is telling the truth. The people that contradict her (Kenny, Travis, the dancers, etc.) are on AEG's payroll. I think they're being told to say that he was healthy. BTW - apparently one of the dancers is saying on facebook that Karen is telling the truth.

The fans that saw him that week were very concerned about his health.

I liked This Is It, and parts of it were just wonderful. However, there were some parts were he was clearly out of breathe and starting to struggle. I noticed right away that he would were at least 3 different outfits in every song. I didn't realize that the songs were spliced together because he couldn't rehearse through a whole song, though.
Re: Last Night's 20/20 Episode: Karen Faye

I like Kenny and Travis, but....I believe the fans, and there if proof of them having been

very concerned for MJ before June 25th.
Re: Last Night's 20/20 Episode: Karen Faye

I think Karen is telling the truth. The people that contradict her (Kenny, Travis, the dancers, etc.) are on AEG's payroll. I think they're being told to say that he was healthy. BTW - apparently one of the dancers is saying on facebook that Karen is telling the truth.

The fans that saw him that week were very concerned about his health.

I liked This Is It, and parts of it were just wonderful. However, there were some parts were he was clearly out of breathe and starting to struggle. I noticed right away that he would were at least 3 different outfits in every song. I didn't realize that the songs were spliced together because he couldn't rehearse through a whole song, though.

that could very well be that he rehearsed the same song, more than one day.
Re: Last Night's 20/20 Episode: Karen Faye

that could very well be that he rehearsed the same song, more than one day.

Karen said that they were actually starting and stopping a lot, rather than going through entire songs. That's why all the splicing was necessary. Until she said that, I had just assumed that they spliced together the footage because they were picking out the best rehearsals and camera shots.
Karen also said that Michael improved on June 23 and 24. And that 2 days were the best.
Did you guys catch that Alberto Alvarez apparently told the police that Murray told him that this was the first time he had performed CPR? I didn't know about that.

I didn't know that either and I was disgusted, he's a cardiologist for crying out loud and he was doing CPR with one hand? Any idiot knows you use two! How long has he been a Dr?
Michael was really thin so what. He didn't die from being too thin-let's just remember that.