A new story from MJ ‘friend” Shmuley. What to believe?

This man is so wrong for so many reasons that I can not list them all.
But the one thing that gets to me, is his constant judgemental frame of mind. he needs to go and look at the man in the mirror, have a closer look at his own demons rather then profiting on others. I am longing for the day when someone will finally admit wholeheartedly that it would be a stong man who survived everything that was done to him though the years. I believe with my whole heart that what ultimately killed Michael is the general lack of emphaty in this world. Its a side to human nature that I think is responsible for more deaths then can ever be accounted for.
If this Rabbi wanted to use this as an example of anything, he could use it to show the price that is payed for the need to judge, to ridicule, to humiliate and degrade others. And for what? Most of the time it seems to be about making ourself ook good in comparison. Other times its seems to be just people being evil.
Being a fan of Michael, and learning and reading about his life and getting to know him through his own writings, speeches, and people who have met him tells me that this man should have gotten a lot more credit for being the man he was- despite the treatment he got. I know we blame the press, but I also think that is just part of the problem; the main problem is the audience.
If anything should be learned from this, ts to be kinder to people around us. To refrain from judging others that has a differet way of living, and different views. To extend our love to the things we do not understand yet, and to become "solid" enough in our own personality to defend people that are vulnerable and under attack.
I don`t see this Rabbi doing that. I see him trying to fit Michael in to his own perception and understanding of the world.
Michaels greatest mistake was that he believed that if he told the truth about his insecurities, about his loneliness, about his childhood- he would get people to understand and accept. Some people will attack you for that, for different reasons. And some will, as this Rabbi, use it to suit their own agenda.

God- I am so tired of this bad side of people. I am starting to really understand Michael prefering the company children and animals.
He was a better person than me, as he seemed to never give up. That is the one thing that is stuck with me after watching the movie- he really was sutch a strong man. Strong in the sense that he never gave up his ideals and his willingness to fight for the good causes.
Maybe that is what people can not accept: that he despite being dragged through the mud still stood there, with all his insecurities, his grief and his experience of being abused by people he trusted.
I continue to be amazed by this man. And I continue to griev over him, because I think the loss is not just about loosing him- for me its its also on a personal level a big dent in my fath in peoples good side.

Amazing post MovingCoolCat!!!:clapping: I wholeheartedly agree.
blah blah blah, tiresome. shmuley we know what u think, so now can you shut up.

He's just mad because the autopsy proved him and Geller wrong in regards to MJ's painkiller addictions!

I like his book minus his comments. I like how its very much in MJ's pure words. But I would like to hear the audio to make sure MJ really said all this.

-To the person who made the "evil religion" comment in regards to JW's.
I find that highly offensive. Maybe you should go read MJ's essay regarding his childhood religion which he praised. because they never treated him above anyone else, he was subject to the same guidelines as everyone else. In Geraldo's interview, FYI, he said that without his childhood religion's instillation of values, he didn't think that he could have done as "well as he did without".
And MJ left voluntarily not because of his dance moves, but because of FAME. The religion doesn't believe in bringing attention and praise to anyone else except for God. And MJ was quickly becoming a god himself.
That's all. :angel:
what is that ? a damage contorl stratgy ? since more people don't believe he was the addict this leech wanted the world to believe, FUCK OFF shmuly .

That's exactly what it sounds like. He's just trying to push his book, cuz ain't nobody believe his crazy self.

Look, I ain't gunna be the first in line to say e'rything in Mikes life was hunky dory. Hell aint nobody's life like that, but I don't believe the b.s. Schmuley spews. Was Michael lonely? Yes. He said as much time and time again. Was he pressured? Hell yea. All else aside Mike was a perfectionist trying to make the show perfect in a limited amount of time. I still maintain that the trial had alot to do with his last years. That b.s. really hurt him. But with all that said I do not see him as some tragic figure who needs to be looked down upon. He lived his life and had alot of joy, as well as sadness. But thank the lord he was here to begin with becuz this world is a better place because of him. Thank you Michael.

Schmuley GO HOME!! and shut yo' trap!
When I saw he was coming on TV, I was like what? isn't he finished yet? I turned the channel. I cannot for one moment listen to that Judas speak. Which man of God will do a thing like this? To sell a book? Michael may not be here but his spirit is. The Rabbi seems to only want media attention. Well, he will definitely have his chance.
Bringing down a good man for the sake of money does not sit well, it comes back to bite you in the a**
Revealing your inner most self to anyone will have its reprecussions. Michael Learned too late. I am quite sure it rue the day he spoke so candidly to that wicked Schmuley. Does anyone have a conscience any more?
The Huntington Post is not newsworthy. It will print anything that will sell it papers or gain readership. If it can post rubbish like this, then it is not worth reading.
Leave Michael Alone!!!
Why can't we write to this Rabbi? I think he ruined his book sales, as no one will be even remotely contemplating buying it now.
"There is a destructive myth taking hold about Michael Jackson."
Wth?! Even *if* it was false, there's nothing destructive about the world believing he was happy when he left this earth!

"The reason this misrepresentation is so destructive is that it would have us believe there is nothing to be learned from Michael's tragic death. It was all a mishap. Michael was loving life, ready for his big comeback, but a capricious mistake cut his life short. This myth demeans the tragedy of Michael's life by robbing him of a redemptive moment. It would have us believe there is nothing that we the living can learn from his untimely death; nothing that a celebrity-obsessed culture can extract from the painful life of one of America's greatest icons. And if this myth is allowed to continue then, dare I say it, Michael died in vain."

F^@% you!! His purpose in life was not to serve as some kind of a warning!!!!!! What a selfish, selfish, selfish, selfish, selfish, selfish thing to say!!!

"Those who loved Michael should be true to his memory not by creating a myth of a happy man cut down by a tragic error, but rather as a noble soul who aspired to great humanitarian achievement but whose superstardom served to impede, rather than heal, a desperate and painful loneliness."

The truth lies somewhere in between these two scenarios and Rabbi Full-of-shite-ly needs to practice what he preaches.
He's saying "celebrity obsessed culture"

He's the one that is CELEBRITY OBSESSED.... gawd he is so lame.
I agree. Schumley is the one who is obsessed with celebrity! Personally I don't love Michael because he was a "celebrity". I love him because of who he is/was as a human being.
The focus on mocking Schmuley's name comes off as vaguely anti-Semitic and makes me uncomfortable. I'd like to ask as a favor that we tone that down.

I think you're referring to the "Rabbi Shmuckley" comments, right? I just gotta say "wow". I went to look up the word 'schmuck' and yep, it meant what I thought it meant: Schmuck is most often used in American English as a pejorative or insult, meaning an obnoxious or contemptible person; one who is stupid, foolish, or detestable.

But I had no idea about the etymology: Schmuck entered English as a borrowed pejorative from the common Yiddish insult, where it is an obscene term for penis. Also, the foreskin that is removed from the Penis during a circumcision. In his cultural lexicon, The Joys of Yiddish, Leo Rosten lists the Yiddish schmuck as related to the Slovene word, šmok, meaning "a fool, an innocent, a gullible dolt. The term 'schmo' is also derived from this word."

I can definitely see how that could be offensive. I'm so sorry, not at all the way I meant it. I work at the Kabbalah Centre here in NY, believe me, I have absolutely nothing at all against his religion. I think it's beautiful - However, he is very very unbeautiful.

I've only been calling him Rabbi Shmuckley because 1) He's acting like a total schmuck (1st definition) 2) Reference to Michael's "What a schmuck" comment in that home video and 3) It resembles his name. If his name was Rabbi Hoover, I'd be calling him Rabbi Loser or Rabbi Niviot, it would be Rabbi Idiot. =P What a strange coincidence that was to find it had yiddish roots. I should've been able to guess that anyway. Sorry again. =/
Last edited:
i think we need to invent a new "MJ-free Rehab" for some people like this Rabbie , RF , Howerd stern ,Larry king , TMZ and many others in the media . they seem to be unable to get enough of him.
Oh dear...

I guess the book didn't do as well as he hoped it would.

The autopsy results, the lean, mean machine in the film, the heartfelt message of hope and selflessness cannot be good for a tome intent on creating a Greek Tragedy where there is none. A Greek Tragedy that never was.

Michael had some rough patches, but so have we all. Rabbi should do what Michael so often did even in his last years. Step out of his life for a minute and step into the lives of those who are really struggling day to day.

Pastor Joel Osteen gave this advice to one of his congregation who was going through a tough time. He told the man to help someone else in greater need. It put his pain into perspective and helped him through his trial.

If Rabbi could visit some of the orphanages Michael visited where they chain children to their beds. Or visit villages where people have to travel to a dirty river in order to get water. If he can't be bothered to leave this country, maybe he could visit inner city schools where the sounds of gunfire over-power the alphabet. If not, maybe he could visit St. Judes and see how spiritually agonizing it is when you haven't been blessed with seven healthy children.

These attempts at making Michael's extraordinary and triumphant life into something sad and tragic pales in comparrison to what I have described.

This part of his rant sticks out to me:
1. A strong religious faith, reminding you at all times that amidst the public's hero worship you are not a deity and are a servant of the one, true G-d.

-Michael knew this ten-fold. He left the Church, not the faith. As he always said, God was the creator and he was the vessel. There are plenty of good, loving people in this world who are constantly giving of themselves who do not go to a brick and mortar Church. Churches are supposed to be places for comfort, teaching, friendship, and fellowship. Not a scheduled chore. God never wants to be forced on His children, He'd rather they come to Him.-

2. A loving spouse who makes you take out the garbage and otherwise keeps you humble.

-As romantic as this notion is, not everyone wants (or needs) to be married. Even the Apostle Paul suggests staying single--more specifically amongst the clergy--as it makes you a more available servant of God and a better servant to People. Surely the Rabbi knows this. Michael left the Church YEARS before he got married. It seems--after a few fruitless relationships--Michael wanted to be a father more than he wanted to be someone's husband. Having children can do a lot more for keeping you humble than a nagging--I mean loving--spouse demanding you to do menial chores.

Michael not having a wife did not make him any less humble and appreciative of all the things he was blessed with.

And Bono and his wife breaking up--God Forbid--would not make them any less humble and appreciative of all they have been blessed with.

3. A cause larger than oneself to which one can consecrate one's celebrity.

-"USA for Africa" and "We Are the World" and "Heal the World" and--had it not been for the Rabbi's sticky fingers--"Heal the Kids." Not to mention the innumerous charities that have been thankful for Michael's gifts of love. Not just monetary, but his visits and encouragement.

If anyone is creating a myth here, it is the Rabbi. His blatant jealousy of Brother Michael in death is even more startling than the blatant jealousy he displayed towards him in life.

We all don't disagree that Brother Michael needing an anesthetic in order to sleep is not normal. But what is worse is a doctor who--instead of taking Brother Michael to the hospital to investigate what may have been a serious medical condition--decided the solution was a stronger dose of poison.

Living in denial won't sell a book Rabbi. Not when the facts keep knocking you on your arse in such a way that you must resort to nine year old conversations about twenty year old laments that had long ceased being a problem.
God- I am so tired of this bad side of people. I am starting to really understand Michael prefering the company children and animals.
He was a better person than me, as he seemed to never give up. That is the one thing that is stuck with me after watching the movie- he really was sutch a strong man. Strong in the sense that he never gave up his ideals and his willingness to fight for the good causes.
Maybe that is what people can not accept: that he despite being dragged through the mud still stood there, with all his insecurities, his grief and his experience of being abused by people he trusted.
I continue to be amazed by this man. And I continue to griev over him, because I think the loss is not just about loosing him- for me its its also on a personal level a big dent in my fath in peoples good side.

Couldn't have expressed this any better - I'm so feeling what you mean!!
After seeing MJ in his element, I simply don't want to hear any more tabloid garbage about him. Michael, right now, is being celebrated now for his Legacy, Humanitarianism and Magic. Just stop raining on his parade!!!

I love that you looked into this! Great research.

I wasn't thinking of you in particular -- don't worry. It's been common here for many folks to do variations on this. The result is that his very ethnic name is what's getting mocked, not his meanspirited comments. I've realized few if any intended anything prejudicial.

Oh dear...

I guess the book didn't do as well as he hoped it would.

The autopsy results, the lean, mean machine in the film, the heartfelt message of hope and selflessness cannot be good for a tome intent on creating a Greek Tragedy where there is none.

Eloquent! I like!

I would expand on the rabbi's lack of religious intolerance: it extends to bigotry against nontheists. We secularists are no less capable of a deeply ethical life profoundly interconnected with humanity and nature... which many of us feel is indeed spiritual...
I love that you looked into this! Great research.


Of course, thanks. If there's anything an MJ fan is adept at, it's thorough research; esp. sifting through the steamy heaping piles of b.s. to get to the truth. Sadly, I don't think any of us would be members of this forum had we not taken the time and effort to do that.

He's just mad because the autopsy proved him and Geller wrong in regards to MJ's painkiller addictions!

I like his book minus his comments. I like how its very much in MJ's pure words. But I would like to hear the audio to make sure MJ really said all this.

-To the person who made the "evil religion" comment in regards to JW's.
I find that highly offensive. Maybe you should go read MJ's essay regarding his childhood religion which he praised. because they never treated him above anyone else, he was subject to the same guidelines as everyone else. In Geraldo's interview, FYI, he said that without his childhood religion's instillation of values, he didn't think that he could have done as "well as he did without".
And MJ left voluntarily not because of his dance moves, but because of FAME. The religion doesn't believe in bringing attention and praise to anyone else except for God. And MJ was quickly becoming a god himself.
That's all. :angel:

I think you are referrring to me with the evil religion comment. I apologize if i offended you or anyone else. I really do respect all religions and I realize i mispoke. I have just been judged myself by "religious" people and have a bit of a chip on my shoulder when I see it happen. No one is any more of a sinner than anyone else, in my opinion. The most judgemental are usually doing something even worse. Throwing stones to hide their hands as Michael said. And I know he did get a lot of strength from his spiritual beliefs. What I meant to say was that it is wrong of an individual to judge another in that manner, in my opinion, in the guise of religion or for any other reason. Michael said that they dissaproved of the way he moved and some of the songs he sang. I don't know the whole story only bits and pieces that i remember him saying
I am not sure what you mean about Michael becoming a god, but I do know he never thought of himself that way.
Oh dear...

I guess the book didn't do as well as he hoped it would.

The autopsy results, the lean, mean machine in the film, the heartfelt message of hope and selflessness cannot be good for a tome intent on creating a Greek Tragedy where there is none. A Greek Tragedy that never was.

Michael had some rough patches, but so have we all. Rabbi should do what Michael so often did even in his last years. Step out of his life for a minute and step into the lives of those who are really struggling day to day.

Pastor Joel Osteen gave this advice to one of his congregation who was going through a tough time. He told the man to help someone else in greater need. It put his pain into perspective and helped him through his trial.

If Rabbi could visit some of the orphanages Michael visited where they chain children to their beds. Or visit villages where people have to travel to a dirty river in order to get water. If he can't be bothered to leave this country, maybe he could visit inner city schools where the sounds of gunfire over-power the alphabet. If not, maybe he could visit St. Judes and see how spiritually agonizing it is when you haven't been blessed with seven healthy children.

These attempts at making Michael's extraordinary and triumphant life into something sad and tragic pales in comparrison to what I have described.

This part of his rant sticks out to me:
1. A strong religious faith, reminding you at all times that amidst the public's hero worship you are not a deity and are a servant of the one, true G-d.

-Michael knew this ten-fold. He left the Church, not the faith. As he always said, God was the creator and he was the vessel. There are plenty of good, loving people in this world who are constantly giving of themselves who do not go to a brick and mortar Church. Churches are supposed to be places for comfort, teaching, friendship, and fellowship. Not a scheduled chore. God never wants to be forced on His children, He'd rather they come to Him.-

2. A loving spouse who makes you take out the garbage and otherwise keeps you humble.

-As romantic as this notion is, not everyone wants (or needs) to be married. Even the Apostle Paul suggests staying single--more specifically amongst the clergy--as it makes you a more available servant of God and a better servant to People. Surely the Rabbi knows this. Michael left the Church YEARS before he got married. It seems--after a few fruitless relationships--Michael wanted to be a father more than he wanted to be someone's husband. Having children can do a lot more for keeping you humble than a nagging--I mean loving--spouse demanding you to do menial chores.

Michael not having a wife did not make him any less humble and appreciative of all the things he was blessed with.

And Bono and his wife breaking up--God Forbid--would not make them any less humble and appreciative of all they have been blessed with.

3. A cause larger than oneself to which one can consecrate one's celebrity.

-"USA for Africa" and "We Are the World" and "Heal the World" and--had it not been for the Rabbi's sticky fingers--"Heal the Kids." Not to mention the innumerous charities that have been thankful for Michael's gifts of love. Not just monetary, but his visits and encouragement.

If anyone is creating a myth here, it is the Rabbi. His blatant jealousy of Brother Michael in death is even more startling than the blatant jealousy he displayed towards him in life.

We all don't disagree that Brother Michael needing an anesthetic in order to sleep is not normal. But what is worse is a doctor who--instead of taking Brother Michael to the hospital to investigate what may have been a serious medical condition--decided the solution was a stronger dose of poison.

Living in denial won't sell a book Rabbi. Not when the facts keep knocking you on your arse in such a way that you must resort to nine year old conversations about twenty year old laments that had long ceased being a problem.

What wise words. Michael left the church not the faith! I love that. Thanks for expressing these things so eloquently. I tried to find Shmuleys blog but i couldn't connect to it. I want to add some comments there as i feel a bit like we are "preaching to the choir" here.
And I absolutely love your last paragraph!
Bleah. I just read about half the article and couldn't stomach the rest. This hypocrite preaches about how to live yet has no qualms about airing his former friend's inner most thoughts.

Someone couldn't pay me to read his book; he's just using TII as publicity. I'm sure any time a Michael-related project arrives, we'll hear from this wretched little man.
i read that book....the only good thing about that book is what Michael said...Michael's words,it make me cryyyyyyy....
the bad thing is of course the rabbi's point of view...he seems like want to preach the reader into his belief....i dont think Jewish is bad but the way this rabbi preach using Michael's name...that is so wrong
in this book....shmuley almost like bragging about himself. there is also statement that he is angry to Michael when Michael cut off their relationship. while he claim himself that he wants to be Michael's friend...what kind of friends that is not loyal during the sad time?he speaks about Godly matter...in his own point of view
for the fans....i think this book is interesting to know Michael from his own words and just ignore the comment of stupid rabbi

i wish....we all fans can set up something like an organization or something that could censor all kind of documentaries abt Michael,esp the unofficial since we....fans can feel,we know which is the truth which is not while non fans will just read and believe for what they read.
it would be great that in every books....fans can make comment or warning to other readers
In all these departments Michael was suffering severely. It's not normal to have to take hospital-grade anesthetics to fall asleep

^^^I have to agree with this though that's really not sitting well with me , I don't know
Michael always believed in the power of mystery. He stated repeatedly that while other stars had destroyed their careers through ubiquitousness, he had remained in the public imagination through scarcity. He highlighted the fact that other artists produced an album a year while he did so only once every few years. He also told me he never agreed to ever be a presenter at an awards show because it would make him too available. There is no way on earth Michael would have agreed to do 50 concerts unless he was absolutely forced to by insurmountable financial pressure.

In The Michael Jackson Tapes, we encounter, for one of the first times, not Michael Jackson the performer but Michael Jackson the man. Michael recorded these tapes for the express purpose of making it available in a book because he was tired of the myth. The book, which contrary to the speculation of some was published for an extremely modest advance and will benefit the "Turn Friday Night into Family Night" initiative, reveals a performer who understood that his heart was not known to a public who judged him very harshly for what they saw as his unethical excess. They did not know the extreme pain he had endured as a child, the loneliness with which he lived as an adult and how much it hurt him that people thought he had improper motives in his relationship with children. While Michael's entourage now say that Michael was positive and happy, Michael himself reveals that he was regularly walking around Encino, California, begging people to simply talk to him. While some of Michael's fans want us to believe that Michael had a lust for life, Michael himself says that he wished to "disappear" and that his greatest fear was growing old and beginning to forget. Michael rued the day when he would be seen as past his prime and therefore unable to command the admiration of the public through his talent.

Isn't he contradicting himself there?. He's saying Michael didn't want to make himself too avaiable to the public, because he wanted to preserve mystery and mith, and then he says all the oposite...
Ok,Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Health is not determined by the physical alone. There is also mental, emotional and spiritual health. In all these departments Michael was suffering severely. It's not normal to have to take hospital-grade anesthetics to fall asleep, and this even after downing a small trove of anti-anxiety medication and sleeping pills. Toward the end of his life Michael was an isolated and lonely figure who had squandered his wealth and was forced to agree to a staggeringly large number of concerts in order to rescue himself from a fate he repeatedly told me he feared, namely, becoming like Sammy Davis Jr., who was forced to degrade himself on late-night talk shows in order to pay his bills.
Not him again...why is the Hufflepuff Post allowing him to write articles for them? This guy hadn't seen Michael in years! How could he possibly know the state of Michael's emotional, mental and spiritual health? It is pure guess work. NO ONE IS REPORTING ABOUT $HUMLEY'S SHADY CHARITY DEALINGS AND HOW MICHAEL CUT HIM OUT OF HIS LIFE (it is very likely that it was because of that). $humley wants to make us believe that Michael wanted to die and was tired of life. Three reasons tell us that this is a great lie: Mike Jr., Paris and Prince Michael II.

Regarding the sleeping & anti-anxiety pills comment, I only have to refer you to what has already been said. Nothing was found in Michael's stomach except what Murray gave him. He had a normal liver and normal kidney. We don't know how old those bottles were and its possibly that they were placed by Murray to make Michael's death look like an overdose. Notice how $humley is trying to push on us that Michael only did the concerts for money. TMZ has already reported his assets were in the billions (I know he had some debts). He could have easily sold certain things to get rid of it, but he didn't want to.

You are right. I hadn't noticed. The autopsy (assuming we can trust those leaked reports) shows he hadn't taken any anti-anxiety medication. So why on earth is he saying that?.
Where is the link for this article

More lies from this leech.

All you need to know about this scum.


Jackson's 'Ex-Rabbi': Did $100,000 Go to Charity?

Friday, April 02, 2004
The list of con men and hustlers who've taken advantage of Michael Jackson continues to grow, especially where charity causes are concerned. Jackson has been in Washington this week talking about raising money for new charities, but his old ones are still dogging him.

You will recall that Jackson was involved in something called Heal the Kids with Rabbi "Shmuley" Boteach. The most recent filing for Boteach's charity, L'Chaim Society, under which Heal the Kids fell, listed as one of its directors James Meiskin, a man currently in trouble with the Manhattan District Attorney's office for extortion.

But it now turns out that when you call the number for the L'Chaim Society, all you get is a recorded message that says the charity is gone and so is the rabbi. There are no forwarding numbers, according to the message. There is an old, non-working number listed in Boston for the man who signed the last L'Chaim Society tax return, one Arash Farin, and no listing anywhere for its other director, Avri Vantman.

You can always hear or see Boteach on TV or radio giving his opinion about something or other and plugging one of his books.

But one thing he doesn't seem able to opine is where all the money went from the short-lived charity. And one person who might be interested is Denise Rich, who wrote Boteach a check for $100,000 in the fall of 2000 for the L'Chaim Society right around the time Boteach and his then "pal" Michael Jackson came to two of her own fundraising events.

That $100,000 shows up in the L'Chaim Society's 2000 tax return. The same return shows no money whatsoever was spent on anything remotely charitable, just salaries and expenses.
Rich, who is the victim in this case, thought she was giving the money to one of Jackson's charities at the time. But a source who was with Jackson at the time says Jackson never saw the money or the check. It went straight to Boteach and the L'Chaim Society.

Now, there is an even more interesting connection between all these people: Boteach's American benefactor is famous stock trader and philanthropist Michael Steinhardt. Steinhardt has been one of the staunchest supporters and business associates of Rich's ex-husband, Marc, a financier convicted of tax evasion and racketeering who was then pardoned by President Clinton in January 2001. Steinhardt lobbied hard for the pardon.

Like Michael Jackson, Steinhardt — whose father was the famous criminal "Red" Steinhardt with heavy ties to the mob and Meyer Lansky — has his own zoo, too. Steinhardt financed Boteach's mortgage for a $1.5 million home in New Jersey four years ago. Somehow, he managed to get him a cash loan from a local bank. Why did he do it? According to sources, Boteach may have saved one of Steinhardt's sons from involvement in a cult, and Steinhardt was grateful.

Steinhardt voiced surprise that Boteach had been running a L'Chaim Society here in New York for the last several years. And that was kind of interesting since he was one of the forces behind the Boteach/L'Chaim fundraiser in February 2001 at Carnegie Hall that featured a panel discussion on children starring Jackson, game show host Chuck Woolery, and others. The money made from ticket sales that evening has never been accounted for. The organization that hosted it — the Seminar Center — folded soon after.

Boteach — who is banned by the United Synagogues in Great Britian from having a pulpit — is best remembered for a quote he gave the London Independent in 1996. He said there is an 11th, unwritten Commandment: "Thou shalt do anything for publicity and recognition."
I couldn't even get past the first paragraph....
Why is he so concerned about what other people think about MJ's death or the reason for his death?
If he's your "friend" why fight so hard to portray him as a weak, self-destructive narcissist?
He's trying to act like for some reason he wants to make MJ's death a teachable moment but its coming off more as he's trying to use MJ's death in a very self-serving attention-grabbing way.
I do not care to read what that snake has to write. I am glad MOST MJ fans were smart enough not to buy his book.
hopefully everyone read it online instead seeing as a fan nicely edited out his comments so everyone could just read mjs bits.