A new story from MJ ‘friend” Shmuley. What to believe?


Ok, there is an article from another Michaels’ “friend”. My opinion the whole point of writing this article is to make the story look like Michael wasn’t killed but died from doctor’s mistake. Shmuley is very smart guy and he works like the media, mixing the truth with complete lie imo. So in the end nobody can realize where the truth is and where is the fiction. I think we have to read this article keeping in mind who is an author.


The Myth That Michael Jackson Was Happy And Healthy

There is a destructive myth taking hold about Michael Jackson, originated by some of his devotees, perpetuated by many in his entourage and articulated outright by the Rev. Al Sharpton in his eulogy at the Staples Center last July. As Rev. Sharpton put it, looking directly at Michael's orphaned children, "There was nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what he had to deal with it." The myth is that Michael was living a healthy and balanced life at the time of his death and expired only because some careless doctor accidentally murdered him in his sleep with a drug overdose. I have heard more and more people in the media making the same claim, particularly after having seen the This Is It documentary which is now being released. As one radio host put it to me recently, "Michael looks amazing in the documentary. It's clear that he was in excellent physical health and couldn't wait to go out and do his concerts."

The reason this misrepresentation is so destructive is that it would have us believe there is nothing to be learned from Michael's tragic death. It was all a mishap. Michael was loving life, ready for his big comeback, but a capricious mistake cut his life short. This myth demeans the tragedy of Michael's life by robbing him of a redemptive moment. It would have us believe there is nothing that we the living can learn from his untimely death; nothing that a celebrity-obsessed culture can extract from the painful life of one of America's greatest icons. And if this myth is allowed to continue then, dare I say it, Michael died in vain.

Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Health is not determined by the physical alone. There is also mental, emotional and spiritual health. In all these departments Michael was suffering severely. It's not normal to have to take hospital-grade anesthetics to fall asleep, and this even after downing a small trove of anti-anxiety medication and sleeping pills. Toward the end of his life Michael was an isolated and lonely figure who had squandered his wealth and was forced to agree to a staggeringly large number of concerts in order to rescue himself from a fate he repeatedly told me he feared, namely, becoming like Sammy Davis Jr., who was forced to degrade himself on late-night talk shows in order to pay his bills.

Michael always believed in the power of mystery. He stated repeatedly that while other stars had destroyed their careers through ubiquitousness, he had remained in the public imagination through scarcity. He highlighted the fact that other artists produced an album a year while he did so only once every few years. He also told me he never agreed to ever be a presenter at an awards show because it would make him too available. There is no way on earth Michael would have agreed to do 50 concerts unless he was absolutely forced to by insurmountable financial pressure.

In The Michael Jackson Tapes, we encounter, for one of the first times, not Michael Jackson the performer but Michael Jackson the man. Michael recorded these tapes for the express purpose of making it available in a book because he was tired of the myth. The book, which contrary to the speculation of some was published for an extremely modest advance and will benefit the "Turn Friday Night into Family Night" initiative, reveals a performer who understood that his heart was not known to a public who judged him very harshly for what they saw as his unethical excess. They did not know the extreme pain he had endured as a child, the loneliness with which he lived as an adult and how much it hurt him that people thought he had improper motives in his relationship with children. While Michael's entourage now say that Michael was positive and happy, Michael himself reveals that he was regularly walking around Encino, California, begging people to simply talk to him. While some of Michael's fans want us to believe that Michael had a lust for life, Michael himself says that he wished to "disappear" and that his greatest fear was growing old and beginning to forget. Michael rued the day when he would be seen as past his prime and therefore unable to command the admiration of the public through his talent.

All this, as well as a broken and lost childhood, is part of the price that Michael paid for fame. He wanted to share with the public the utter emptiness of fame and the importance of family and love. Michael loved being around ordinary families and he dreamed of a life of simple pleasures.

So why are we so afraid to hear his voice?

I suspect it has to do with a culture that is mostly fueled by fame. In a world where nearly every teenager wants to be famous, in a country where reality TV dominates the airwaves and where celebrity magazines rule the newsstands, we simply don't want to hear that it's all one big lie. That the unbridled lust for fame is killing people and that the emperor has no clothes. Fame will never be a proper substitute for love, and talent will never be an acceptable alternative for virtue.

How sad, therefore, that so many who claim to love him now want to rewrite his story to tell us that Michael was so shallow that fortune and fame alone were enough to make him happy. This was never the case.

My book The Michael Jackson Tapes has been greeted with apprehension by some who would like to perpetuate the lie that our celebrities are for the most part healthy. They are not. Very few flourish in fame and a great many do not even survive its effects. Those who do prosper in the limelight do so only if they hold on to what I call the three essentials of fame:

1. A strong religious faith, reminding you at all times that amidst the public's hero worship you are not a deity and are a servant of the one, true G-d.

2. A loving spouse who makes you take out the garbage and otherwise keeps you humble.

3. A cause larger than oneself to which one can consecrate one's celebrity.

Bono is an important case in point. A devout Christian, married to the same wife for 27 years, he has consecrated his fame to the cause of Africa and third-world relief and has not only survived celebrity but has become, deservedly, one of the most admired humans on earth.

Michael aspired to the same. But when he abandoned the Jehovah's Witnesses Church to which he was once exceptionally devoted, went through two divorces, and, most importantly, was prevented from serving his beloved cause of helping the world's children because of multiple allegations against him, he lost much of the anchor in life that kept him grounded.

Those who loved Michael should be true to his memory not by creating a myth of a happy man cut down by a tragic error, but rather as a noble soul who aspired to great humanitarian achievement but whose superstardom served to impede, rather than heal, a desperate and painful loneliness.
More lies from this leech.

All you need to know about this scum.


Jackson's 'Ex-Rabbi': Did $100,000 Go to Charity?

Friday, April 02, 2004
The list of con men and hustlers who've taken advantage of Michael Jackson continues to grow, especially where charity causes are concerned. Jackson has been in Washington this week talking about raising money for new charities, but his old ones are still dogging him.

You will recall that Jackson was involved in something called Heal the Kids with Rabbi "Shmuley" Boteach. The most recent filing for Boteach's charity, L'Chaim Society, under which Heal the Kids fell, listed as one of its directors James Meiskin, a man currently in trouble with the Manhattan District Attorney's office for extortion.

But it now turns out that when you call the number for the L'Chaim Society, all you get is a recorded message that says the charity is gone and so is the rabbi. There are no forwarding numbers, according to the message. There is an old, non-working number listed in Boston for the man who signed the last L'Chaim Society tax return, one Arash Farin, and no listing anywhere for its other director, Avri Vantman.

You can always hear or see Boteach on TV or radio giving his opinion about something or other and plugging one of his books.

But one thing he doesn't seem able to opine is where all the money went from the short-lived charity. And one person who might be interested is Denise Rich, who wrote Boteach a check for $100,000 in the fall of 2000 for the L'Chaim Society right around the time Boteach and his then "pal" Michael Jackson came to two of her own fundraising events.

That $100,000 shows up in the L'Chaim Society's 2000 tax return. The same return shows no money whatsoever was spent on anything remotely charitable, just salaries and expenses.
Rich, who is the victim in this case, thought she was giving the money to one of Jackson's charities at the time. But a source who was with Jackson at the time says Jackson never saw the money or the check. It went straight to Boteach and the L'Chaim Society.

Now, there is an even more interesting connection between all these people: Boteach's American benefactor is famous stock trader and philanthropist Michael Steinhardt. Steinhardt has been one of the staunchest supporters and business associates of Rich's ex-husband, Marc, a financier convicted of tax evasion and racketeering who was then pardoned by President Clinton in January 2001. Steinhardt lobbied hard for the pardon.

Like Michael Jackson, Steinhardt — whose father was the famous criminal "Red" Steinhardt with heavy ties to the mob and Meyer Lansky — has his own zoo, too. Steinhardt financed Boteach's mortgage for a $1.5 million home in New Jersey four years ago. Somehow, he managed to get him a cash loan from a local bank. Why did he do it? According to sources, Boteach may have saved one of Steinhardt's sons from involvement in a cult, and Steinhardt was grateful.

Steinhardt voiced surprise that Boteach had been running a L'Chaim Society here in New York for the last several years. And that was kind of interesting since he was one of the forces behind the Boteach/L'Chaim fundraiser in February 2001 at Carnegie Hall that featured a panel discussion on children starring Jackson, game show host Chuck Woolery, and others. The money made from ticket sales that evening has never been accounted for. The organization that hosted it — the Seminar Center — folded soon after.

Boteach — who is banned by the United Synagogues in Great Britian from having a pulpit — is best remembered for a quote he gave the London Independent in 1996. He said there is an 11th, unwritten Commandment: "Thou shalt do anything for publicity and recognition."
Not him again...why is the Hufflepuff Post allowing him to write articles for them? This guy hadn't seen Michael in years! How could he possibly know the state of Michael's emotional, mental and spiritual health? It is pure guess work. NO ONE IS REPORTING ABOUT $HUMLEY'S SHADY CHARITY DEALINGS AND HOW MICHAEL CUT HIM OUT OF HIS LIFE (it is very likely that it was because of that). $humley wants to make us believe that Michael wanted to die and was tired of life. Three reasons tell us that this is a great lie: Mike Jr., Paris and Prince Michael II.

"Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Health is not determined by the physical alone. There is also mental, emotional and spiritual health. In all these departments Michael was suffering severely. It's not normal to have to take hospital-grade anesthetics to fall asleep, and this even after downing a small trove of anti-anxiety medication and sleeping pills. Toward the end of his life Michael was an isolated and lonely figure who had squandered his wealth and was forced to agree to a staggeringly large number of concerts in order to rescue himself from a fate he repeatedly told me he feared, namely, becoming like Sammy Davis Jr., who was forced to degrade himself on late-night talk shows in order to pay his bills.

Michael always believed in the power of mystery. He stated repeatedly that while other stars had destroyed their careers through ubiquitousness, he had remained in the public imagination through scarcity. He highlighted the fact that other artists produced an album a year while he did so only once every few years. He also told me he never agreed to ever be a presenter at an awards show because it would make him too available. There is no way on earth Michael would have agreed to do 50 concerts unless he was absolutely forced to by insurmountable financial pressure."

Regarding the sleeping & anti-anxiety pills comment, I only have to refer you to what has already been said. Nothing was found in Michael's stomach except what Murray gave him. He had a normal liver and normal kidney. We don't know how old those bottles were and its possibly that they were placed by Murray to make Michael's death look like an overdose. Notice how $humley is trying to push on us that Michael only did the concerts for money. TMZ has already reported his assets were in the billions (I know he had some debts). He could have easily sold certain things to get rid of it, but he didn't want to.
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More lies from this leech.

All you need to know about this scum.


Jackson's 'Ex-Rabbi': Did $100,000 Go to Charity?

Friday, April 02, 2004
The list of con men and hustlers who've taken advantage of Michael Jackson continues to grow, especially where charity causes are concerned. Jackson has been in Washington this week talking about raising money for new charities, but his old ones are still dogging him.

You will recall that Jackson was involved in something called Heal the Kids with Rabbi "Shmuley" Boteach. The most recent filing for Boteach's charity, L'Chaim Society, under which Heal the Kids fell, listed as one of its directors James Meiskin, a man currently in trouble with the Manhattan District Attorney's office for extortion.

But it now turns out that when you call the number for the L'Chaim Society, all you get is a recorded message that says the charity is gone and so is the rabbi. There are no forwarding numbers, according to the message. There is an old, non-working number listed in Boston for the man who signed the last L'Chaim Society tax return, one Arash Farin, and no listing anywhere for its other director, Avri Vantman.

You can always hear or see Boteach on TV or radio giving his opinion about something or other and plugging one of his books.

But one thing he doesn't seem able to opine is where all the money went from the short-lived charity. And one person who might be interested is Denise Rich, who wrote Boteach a check for $100,000 in the fall of 2000 for the L'Chaim Society right around the time Boteach and his then "pal" Michael Jackson came to two of her own fundraising events.

That $100,000 shows up in the L'Chaim Society's 2000 tax return. The same return shows no money whatsoever was spent on anything remotely charitable, just salaries and expenses.
Rich, who is the victim in this case, thought she was giving the money to one of Jackson's charities at the time. But a source who was with Jackson at the time says Jackson never saw the money or the check. It went straight to Boteach and the L'Chaim Society.

Now, there is an even more interesting connection between all these people: Boteach's American benefactor is famous stock trader and philanthropist Michael Steinhardt. Steinhardt has been one of the staunchest supporters and business associates of Rich's ex-husband, Marc, a financier convicted of tax evasion and racketeering who was then pardoned by President Clinton in January 2001. Steinhardt lobbied hard for the pardon.

Like Michael Jackson, Steinhardt — whose father was the famous criminal "Red" Steinhardt with heavy ties to the mob and Meyer Lansky — has his own zoo, too. Steinhardt financed Boteach's mortgage for a $1.5 million home in New Jersey four years ago. Somehow, he managed to get him a cash loan from a local bank. Why did he do it? According to sources, Boteach may have saved one of Steinhardt's sons from involvement in a cult, and Steinhardt was grateful.

Steinhardt voiced surprise that Boteach had been running a L'Chaim Society here in New York for the last several years. And that was kind of interesting since he was one of the forces behind the Boteach/L'Chaim fundraiser in February 2001 at Carnegie Hall that featured a panel discussion on children starring Jackson, game show host Chuck Woolery, and others. The money made from ticket sales that evening has never been accounted for. The organization that hosted it — the Seminar Center — folded soon after.

Boteach — who is banned by the United Synagogues in Great Britian from having a pulpit — is best remembered for a quote he gave the London Independent in 1996. He said there is an 11th, unwritten Commandment: "Thou shalt do anything for publicity and recognition."

Excellent post. :clapping::clapping::clapping: Spread the truth, my friends.
Rabbi Schmuckley is still trying to push his bullsh&t.

I think anything from Rabbi Schmuckley should be considered as "tabloid."
Rabbi Schmuckley is still trying to push his bullsh&t.

I think anything from Rabbi Schmuckley should be considered as "tabloid."

Notice how he kept plugging his book in the article. :smilerolleyes: "Anything for money."
Not him again...why are the Hufflepuff Post allowing him to write articles for them? I'm going to finish reading it, but again this guy hadn't seen Michael in years!

This is very important to know how they manipulate and play with some facts, because ppl are being brainwashed. Rabbi was on MJ enemy list. Personally I believe, this rabbi knows a lot about MJ death.

PS.HemlockDevi, you are the best as usual.
As I come on here I love every minute of it all the fans give me life wow when there is a article dragging Michael name in the ground you all find other articles to buried the people who are talking side ways about him. Really appreciate it
what is that ? a damage contorl stratgy ? since more people don't believe he was the addict this leech wanted the world to believe, FUCK OFF shmuly .
This is very important to know how they manipulate and play with some facts, because ppl are being brainwashed. Rabbi was on MJ enemy list. Personally I believe, this rabbi knows a lot about MJ death.

PS.HemlockDevi, you are the best as usual.

The enemies list that was written by Dieter Weisner?

Anyways, $humley wants his book to sell. To him it'll sell much better if he's in agreement with those in the media who keep trying to push the 'MJ is a drug addict' BS on us. There are those who still keep trying after all we've seen and read. It is an attempt to tarnish his legacy. After all we've seen and read, this move by $humley smacks of desperation. It is incredible how much he is willing to lie.

MJ fans are not stupid. There is a lot of intelligent discussion (with good questions being asked) going on in this forum. Those who aren't MJ fans need to stop allowing themselves to be fed McInformation and have an open mind to seek the truth.

As I come on here I love every minute of it all the fans give me life wow when there is a article dragging Michael name in the ground you all find other articles to buried the people who are talking side ways about him. Really appreciate it

:yes: MJ's fans do research.
The very moment he sold MJ for 30 pieces of silver, he lost credibility for good, period.
Dummy. Devil Murray made more "mistakes" (the list is unending) than any amateur would ever make. That it was intentious murder cannot be in question.
I have worked with too many doctors and I won't remain silent in this particular case.
One thing that is clear from this article is that Shmuley is upset because many of the things he has tried to insinuate has since been proven false. This guy feels the need to blame Michael for his own death so that he could use Michael as the poster child of self destruction. He spent the last month trying to say that Michael was running his life off a cliff. That he didn't have the will to live. So, I can see why he's tripping after it was proven that Michael wasn't exactly self-destructing, but was trying to get his life and career back on track, was trying to get his finances together, and was appearing more alert, focused and happy. Shmuley's freaking out because day after day, more information comes out about Michael that contradicts everything he's been saying in his book and on television.

I love it when Shmuley tries to say that Michael was pretty much a washed up has-been that was agreeing to a deal because he was desperate for money. For instance: "...he repeatedly told me he feared, namely, becoming like Sammy Davis Jr., who was forced to degrade himself on late-night talk shows in order to pay his bills." I don't think Shmuley understands that 50 sell out concerts at one of the most popular arena's in world is hardly degrading himself. He wasn't doing shows in little known clubs and casinos to get an easy pay day. Hello! This is the O2! Hardly degrading!

Anyway I'm tired of Rabbi Shmuley. You don't sell your friends out, ESPECIALLY after they have died. You just don't do it. And to think this is the same man who called Michael immoral. I'm seriously questioning your morals, Shmuley.
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Shmuley's just annoyed that his book isn't selling as everyone can see he's selling out MJ's name for money. I looked at the Amazon UK reviews of the book and everyone is scathing of Shmuley and rated the book 1 star.
One thing that is clear from this article is that Shmuley is upset because many of the things he has tried to insinuate has since been proven false. This guy feels the need to blame Michael for his own death so that he could use Michael as the poster child of self destruction. He spent the last month trying to say that Michael was running his life off a cliff. That he didn't have the will to live. So, I can see why he's tripping after it was proven that Michael wasn't exactly self-destructing, but was trying to get his life and career back on track, was trying to get his finances together, and was appearing more alert, focused and happy. Shmuley's freaking out because day after day, more information comes out about Michael that contradicts everything he's been saying in his book and on television.

I love it when Shmuley tries to say that Michael was pretty much a washed up has-been that was agreeing to a deal because he was desperate for money. For instance: "...he repeatedly told me he feared, namely, becoming like Sammy Davis Jr., who was forced to degrade himself on late-night talk shows in order to pay his bills." I don't think Shmuley understands that 50 sell out concerts at one of the most popular arena's in world is hardly degrading himself. He wasn't doing shows in little known clubs and casinos to get an easy pay day. Hello! This is the O2! Hardly degrading!

Anyway I'm tired of Rabbi Shmuley. You don't sell your friends out, ESPECIALLY after they have died. You just don't do it. And to think this is the same man who called Michael immoral. I'm seriously questioning your morals, Shmuley.

This man is so wrong for so many reasons that I can not list them all.
But the one thing that gets to me, is his constant judgemental frame of mind. he needs to go and look at the man in the mirror, have a closer look at his own demons rather then profiting on others. I am longing for the day when someone will finally admit wholeheartedly that it would be a stong man who survived everything that was done to him though the years. I believe with my whole heart that what ultimately killed Michael is the general lack of emphaty in this world. Its a side to human nature that I think is responsible for more deaths then can ever be accounted for.
If this Rabbi wanted to use this as an example of anything, he could use it to show the price that is payed for the need to judge, to ridicule, to humiliate and degrade others. And for what? Most of the time it seems to be about making ourself ook good in comparison. Other times its seems to be just people being evil.
Being a fan of Michael, and learning and reading about his life and getting to know him through his own writings, speeches, and people who have met him tells me that this man should have gotten a lot more credit for being the man he was- despite the treatment he got. I know we blame the press, but I also think that is just part of the problem; the main problem is the audience.
If anything should be learned from this, ts to be kinder to people around us. To refrain from judging others that has a differet way of living, and different views. To extend our love to the things we do not understand yet, and to become "solid" enough in our own personality to defend people that are vulnerable and under attack.
I don`t see this Rabbi doing that. I see him trying to fit Michael in to his own perception and understanding of the world.
Michaels greatest mistake was that he believed that if he told the truth about his insecurities, about his loneliness, about his childhood- he would get people to understand and accept. Some people will attack you for that, for different reasons. And some will, as this Rabbi, use it to suit their own agenda.

God- I am so tired of this bad side of people. I am starting to really understand Michael prefering the company children and animals.
He was a better person than me, as he seemed to never give up. That is the one thing that is stuck with me after watching the movie- he really was sutch a strong man. Strong in the sense that he never gave up his ideals and his willingness to fight for the good causes.
Maybe that is what people can not accept: that he despite being dragged through the mud still stood there, with all his insecurities, his grief and his experience of being abused by people he trusted.
I continue to be amazed by this man. And I continue to griev over him, because I think the loss is not just about loosing him- for me its its also on a personal level a big dent in my fath in peoples good side.
why even post garbage from this fool.just cause its about mj doesnt mean it has to be posted
He spent the last month trying to say that Michael was running his life off a cliff. That he didn't have the will to live. So, I can see why he's tripping after it was proven that Michael wasn't exactly self-destructing, but was trying to get his life and career back on track, was trying to get his finances together, and was appearing more alert, focused and happy.

Precisely. I've been waiting for something like this from both him and from Halperin, now that "This Is It" makes both look like idiots. (BTW, it's a pleasure to read thoughtful criticism of Schmuley amidst all the mocking of his name).

My position is: I agree with Schmuley that of course no one could be said to be 100% happy and healthy who has nightly comas instead of sleep. It was insanely dangerous and it must have created great angst.

But the general picture is this: medical experts have found MJ's overall health to be sound. Those closest to him at the end said his state of mind was usually excellent. His children were by all accounts well-loved, well-adjusted and well-cared-for, and in return gave MJ great joy and love. This is the best evidence we have, and what we are therefore obligated by logic to accept.

Schmuley has no evidence, and therefore no right, to insist he has insider knowledge that the insomnia arose from spiritual destitution. It could be a medical condition without any underlying cause whatsoever. We don't know. Probably no one does. For Schmuley to pretend HE knows is lying. His information is way, way outdated; he had become a stranger to MJ. For him or anyone else to use MJ to further their own religious agenda is creepy, exploitative, religiously intolerant of differing views, and just sick..
why even post garbage from this fool.just cause its about mj doesnt mean it has to be posted

Huffington Post has a huge readership. It's a major opinion piece on Michael by the man Michael once considered his spiritual advisor and biographer. This seems to qualify it for inclusion here.
Michael once considered his spiritual advisor and biographer.
biographer?,advisor? i dont think so sounds like u been reading to many tabs. the mans a media whore who has not had contact with mj after 2001. its not different to a tabloid.his opinions are irrelevernt seeing as he thinks the mas a pedo when it suits him.the sun gets a lot of readers aswell. does tha mean we should post their articles when they have some media whore who knew mj for 5 mins and hasnt spoken to him in 8 years doing the round as some sort of expert. didums schumck is your book not selling
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I believe, this rabbi knows a lot about MJ death.
why cause he was around mj in 2001? statements like this do the investigation no good. and if u think mj had an enemies list then u seem to have no clue as to what mj was like. allred was supposedly on it yet he didnt even know who she was in 2002. like u can believe a word weisner says
Ok, there is an article from another Michaels’ “friend”. My opinion the whole point of writing this article is to make the story look like Michael wasn’t killed but died from doctor’s mistake. Shmuley is very smart guy and he works like the media, mixing the truth with complete lie imo. So in the end nobody can realize where the truth is and where is the fiction. I think we have to read this article keeping in mind who is an author.


The Myth That Michael Jackson Was Happy And Healthy

There is a destructive myth taking hold about Michael Jackson, originated by some of his devotees, perpetuated by many in his entourage and articulated outright by the Rev. Al Sharpton in his eulogy at the Staples Center last July. As Rev. Sharpton put it, looking directly at Michael's orphaned children, "There was nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what he had to deal with it." The myth is that Michael was living a healthy and balanced life at the time of his death and expired only because some careless doctor accidentally murdered him in his sleep with a drug overdose. I have heard more and more people in the media making the same claim, particularly after having seen the This Is It documentary which is now being released. As one radio host put it to me recently, "Michael looks amazing in the documentary. It's clear that he was in excellent physical health and couldn't wait to go out and do his concerts."

The reason this misrepresentation is so destructive is that it would have us believe there is nothing to be learned from Michael's tragic death. It was all a mishap. Michael was loving life, ready for his big comeback, but a capricious mistake cut his life short. This myth demeans the tragedy of Michael's life by robbing him of a redemptive moment. It would have us believe there is nothing that we the living can learn from his untimely death; nothing that a celebrity-obsessed culture can extract from the painful life of one of America's greatest icons. And if this myth is allowed to continue then, dare I say it, Michael died in vain.

Of course nothing could be further from the truth. Health is not determined by the physical alone. There is also mental, emotional and spiritual health. In all these departments Michael was suffering severely. It's not normal to have to take hospital-grade anesthetics to fall asleep, and this even after downing a small trove of anti-anxiety medication and sleeping pills. Toward the end of his life Michael was an isolated and lonely figure who had squandered his wealth and was forced to agree to a staggeringly large number of concerts in order to rescue himself from a fate he repeatedly told me he feared, namely, becoming like Sammy Davis Jr., who was forced to degrade himself on late-night talk shows in order to pay his bills.

Michael always believed in the power of mystery. He stated repeatedly that while other stars had destroyed their careers through ubiquitousness, he had remained in the public imagination through scarcity. He highlighted the fact that other artists produced an album a year while he did so only once every few years. He also told me he never agreed to ever be a presenter at an awards show because it would make him too available. There is no way on earth Michael would have agreed to do 50 concerts unless he was absolutely forced to by insurmountable financial pressure.

In The Michael Jackson Tapes, we encounter, for one of the first times, not Michael Jackson the performer but Michael Jackson the man. Michael recorded these tapes for the express purpose of making it available in a book because he was tired of the myth. The book, which contrary to the speculation of some was published for an extremely modest advance and will benefit the "Turn Friday Night into Family Night" initiative, reveals a performer who understood that his heart was not known to a public who judged him very harshly for what they saw as his unethical excess. They did not know the extreme pain he had endured as a child, the loneliness with which he lived as an adult and how much it hurt him that people thought he had improper motives in his relationship with children. While Michael's entourage now say that Michael was positive and happy, Michael himself reveals that he was regularly walking around Encino, California, begging people to simply talk to him. While some of Michael's fans want us to believe that Michael had a lust for life, Michael himself says that he wished to "disappear" and that his greatest fear was growing old and beginning to forget. Michael rued the day when he would be seen as past his prime and therefore unable to command the admiration of the public through his talent.

All this, as well as a broken and lost childhood, is part of the price that Michael paid for fame. He wanted to share with the public the utter emptiness of fame and the importance of family and love. Michael loved being around ordinary families and he dreamed of a life of simple pleasures.

So why are we so afraid to hear his voice?

I suspect it has to do with a culture that is mostly fueled by fame. In a world where nearly every teenager wants to be famous, in a country where reality TV dominates the airwaves and where celebrity magazines rule the newsstands, we simply don't want to hear that it's all one big lie. That the unbridled lust for fame is killing people and that the emperor has no clothes. Fame will never be a proper substitute for love, and talent will never be an acceptable alternative for virtue.

How sad, therefore, that so many who claim to love him now want to rewrite his story to tell us that Michael was so shallow that fortune and fame alone were enough to make him happy. This was never the case.

My book The Michael Jackson Tapes has been greeted with apprehension by some who would like to perpetuate the lie that our celebrities are for the most part healthy. They are not. Very few flourish in fame and a great many do not even survive its effects. Those who do prosper in the limelight do so only if they hold on to what I call the three essentials of fame:

1. A strong religious faith, reminding you at all times that amidst the public's hero worship you are not a deity and are a servant of the one, true G-d.

2. A loving spouse who makes you take out the garbage and otherwise keeps you humble.

3. A cause larger than oneself to which one can consecrate one's celebrity.

Bono is an important case in point. A devout Christian, married to the same wife for 27 years, he has consecrated his fame to the cause of Africa and third-world relief and has not only survived celebrity but has become, deservedly, one of the most admired humans on earth.

Michael aspired to the same. But when he abandoned the Jehovah's Witnesses Church to which he was once exceptionally devoted, went through two divorces, and, most importantly, was prevented from serving his beloved cause of helping the world's children because of multiple allegations against him, he lost much of the anchor in life that kept him grounded.

Those who loved Michael should be true to his memory not by creating a myth of a happy man cut down by a tragic error, but rather as a noble soul who aspired to great humanitarian achievement but whose superstardom served to impede, rather than heal, a desperate and painful loneliness.

I keep trying to ignore the wannabes and hangers on but Shmuley is just too much.

1. He hasn't been close to Micheal since before his trial in 2003.

2 So, therefore, he has no idea what state of mind Michael was in in recent years.

3. He believes that if Michaels life doesn't support his agenda (the only successful people have a traditional Jewish or Christian family) then it is not inspirational and he lived in vain.

4. Michael abandoned the Jehovah Witnesses because they, like so many religious people (SHmuley a prime example) and organizations were judgemental. THey told him his dancing was of the devil.

Here is what being inspirational is all about:
Michael was passionate about saving the planet.
Michael fought back from horrible allegations in 2003 -2005, was vindicated in court and devoted his time to his children and his art.
He found meaning in his life and inspiration and wanted to engage with the world again to get his message across.
He never gave up. He still loved people even though he was treatd so badly by so many. He worked hard even when he was hurting to make the concerts the best because he loved making people happy and inspiring people.
While so many tried to take away his dignity (including the "rabbi") he wouldn't let them. He held himself and those who worked with him to the highest standards.
He continued, even in the hard times, to be true to his art, to write music, to create.
He gave a tremendous amount of time and money to charity throughout his life.
Michael wasn't perfect but he stayed true to himself. He never changed to fit anyones idea of who he should be.
This is more motivational to me than any "family values" lesson that Shmuley is trying to sell.

I have met Bono and I love Bono, but is Shmuley actually saying that Michael aspired to be like Bono but never got there????? Michael accomplished as much for charity and various causes in his lifetime as Bono has and I think, he was more well known than Bono at the time of his death.

Shmulay's charlatin nature is very thinly veiled in his letter above. It is so obvious that to him Michael was a tool to further his family values agenda. He was upset when Michael was alive that the didn't fit into this mold. He was a fool to think that Micahel would fit any mold. Now, he is upset because, God forbid, Michael was happy and inspired before he died. And that means he can't use him as a tragic example to further his agenda. Perhaps he is the one who started TINI.
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biographer?,advisor? i dont think so sounds like u been reading to many tabs. the mans a media whore who has not had contact with mj after 2001. its not different to a tabloid.his opinions are irrelevernt seeing as he thinks the mas a pedo when it suits him.the sun gets a lot of readers aswell. does tha mean we should post their articles when they have some media whore who knew mj for 5 mins and hasnt spoken to him in 8 years doing the round as some sort of expert. didums schumck is your book not selling

I appreciate that you disagree, but see no need to be unpleasant.

Huffington Post is not a tabloid; it's a left-leaning political news site and, while nearly anyone can post a crappy blog there, important people also use the site to post opinion piecesl, which triggers large discussions among a slightly-more-educated-than average readership.

The focus on mocking Schmuley's name comes off as vaguely anti-Semitic and makes me uncomfortable. I'd like to ask as a favor that we tone that down.
im not stating the huff is a tabloid but its contense are.the man is an asshole plain and simply. i remember reading his articles back in 2001 where he was vertually calling mj the second coming. hes a media whore who stole from charites and got dropped by mj so he suddenly did a u turn and the media lapped it up. his book is obviously not doing anything so hes doing the rounds again. he shouldnt be given the attention he wants. a his name is schuml ie samuel. if he wants to use that nickname then ppl are free to take the piss. and as my last name begins with gold i call him what ever i like the man is a schumck schumel or not be him jew muslim or a little green man. a friend of mine had this guy coming up to her when he was in london with mj asking if she had any kids that come could up cause mj was lonely. yet he calls him a pedo. i guess hes an accomplise then
He was a better person than me, as he seemed to never give up. That is the one thing that is stuck with me after watching the movie- he really was sutch a strong man. Strong in the sense that he never gave up his ideals and his willingness to fight for the good causes.
Maybe that is what people can not accept: that he despite being dragged through the mud still stood there, with all his insecurities, his grief and his experience of being abused by people he trusted.
I continue to be amazed by this man. And I continue to griev over him, because I think the loss is not just about loosing him- for me its its also on a personal level a big dent in my fath in peoples good side.

Amen to that. Michael , the real Michael, is way more inspiring than anything Shmuley could ever write about. Shmuley is upset because Michael was an inspiration to millions of people despite the fact that he didn't follow the "rabbis" advice and didn't have a traditional Jewish or Chritian family. This is what upsets Shmuley. If he can't use Michael as an example of a trajic superstar figure to promote his family values agenda, then he has nothing to sell.
If he can't use Michael as an example of a trajic superstar figure to promote his family values agenda, then he has nothing to sell.
very true.
I appreciate that you disagree, but see no need to be unpleasant.

Huffington Post is not a tabloid; it's a left-leaning political news site and, while nearly anyone can post a crappy blog there, important people also use the site to post opinion piecesl, which triggers large discussions among a slightly-more-educated-than average readership.

The focus on mocking Schmuley's name comes off as vaguely anti-Semitic and makes me uncomfortable. I'd like to ask as a favor that we tone that down.

I kind of agree, I don't know what this mans motives are, but no matter what they are we shouldn't be so hateful.
Even if he is evil or spreading lies, it doesn't make us any better by saying nasty things about him.

The focus on mocking Schmuley's name comes off as vaguely anti-Semitic and makes me uncomfortable.
I'd like to ask as a favor that we tone that down.

There is no way on God's green earth that I would even fathom the thought of discriminating against another person that way. But as it bothers you, I'll stop.

The word "Schmuck" is actually a Yiddish term for an obnxious person which is commonly used in the United States now. (see here for a Wiki link).

Shmuley and the word "schmuck" seem to go hand in hand as far as I'm concerned.

But again, as you said that it bothers you, I'll stop.
well when u have seen the things he said about mj since 2002 then u might feel differently
I have no interest in reading the Rabbi's ramblings, I just came in to say that his book did not meet expections, in my opinion, for him nor his publisher. As a matter of fact, I would say the Rabbi's book tanked.

So of course he will do whatever is necessary so that this book get's recognized, or he MAY have to give back his advance. LOL! Maybe not his entire advance, but a portion thereof.