A.I Michael - opinions

So a solo version of this little gem, would it be possible by using A.I. and filtering..? I would love to hear it (hint hint) :)

I wish it would all stop. it’s usually a.i or tribute artists that show up in search results these days. what’s worse is that they’re being used to tell a false narrative. the real person and the truth, is being lost. it’s a problem.
Chris Brown has started his 11:11 Tour on June 5 and it includes Michael Jackson voice generated by AI.
I never experienced a Michael Jackson concert and somehow I still dream of a deepfake of it by AI singing, speaking and hologram all together...I would know that it is fake, but somehow, I do not know, when I see this video of the concert crowd and MJ "speaking" I am very sure that i would love this illusion in reality
his stuff sounds like from someone who did some insane AI stuff with MJ but got canceled by $ony.
some not so good AI songs were uploaded on purpose aswell. ;>?!
his stuff sounds like from someone who did some insane AI stuff with MJ but got canceled by $ony.
some not so good AI songs were uploaded on purpose aswell. ;>?!
btw thats not my channel.. there is now several faux fakes out there, lol :D
So what songs can you imagine the estate completing with AI once they force it to be used in the music industry?
A lawsuit filed by the Recording Industry Association of America is demanding compensation of $150,000 for each song allegedly copied by artificial intelligence startups Suno and Udio.

The corporations are accused of breaching copyright laws to create clones of hit singles by the RIAA, which says it represents around 85 per cent of all legal music sales in the U.S. including the major labels.

“"The use here [of AI] is far from transformative,” the complainers argued in the suit, filed in New York and Massachusetts federal courts. “There is no functional purpose for... the AI model to ingest the Copyrighted Recordings other than to spit out new, competing music files.”
The BBC reported that an AI-produced song called “Prancing Queen” was cited as an example, with the RIAA arguing that it was difficult to distinguish it from a genuine ABBA song.
Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason said he was intrigued by using AI to continue the classic-era lineup’s career.
The chances of a real-life reunion were rendered impossible with the death of keyboardist Rick Wright in 2008. But in a new interview, Mason suggested an alternative.
“It would be fascinating to see what AI could do with new music,” he told the Mirror. “[What would happen] if you tried to run it as a sort of ‘Where did Pink Floyd go after?’ The thing to do would be to have an AI situation where David and Roger become friends again.”
Can anyone change Janet's voice to Michael's and the deep voice to Tito and Jermaine's, then we have a new Jacksons track :)
