A Call To All Members - Please Read

Well no one is going to know its you anyway:) Its all anomynous
but its important to see the demographics of our members .. so
we know what will be most appealing to the majority ..

I would personally like to thank our members for the great response
we had much more replies thank expected and it will help us tremendously
to make MJJC "a better place for you and for meee " LOL
I know I will get back to my MJJC addiction as soon as the trial starts. I visit here every day but post every now and then.
I would just like to add that I'm not happy with the amount of needless censorship that's been going on here this last year or so. Perhaps another reason people are coming here less. Some of the staff are a bit too quick to press the edit button. Expressing opinions politely and without generalisation should be allowed. But apparently not.
I've completed the survey.

But I don't feel that there's any fault with the forum or us fans.

The faults belong to:
1.) Evil Doctor
2.) Incompetent Estate
3.) Sony - Who Appear To Hate MJ And His Fans
4.) Money Grabbing Family Members and "Friends"
5.) Other Backstabbing "Friends"

And it's because of these people that MJ fans become very bitter and angry!!!!
I also have a small note to make..

I logged out before just to test it .. but I found it difficult to find the 'Register' button for the forum. Whereabouts is it out of interest? I'm just concerned it makes it more difficult for a potential user to join us if it's not right in their line of sight!
I filled out the survey :)

I've completed the survey.

But I don't feel that there's any fault with the forum or us fans.

The faults belong to:
1.) Evil Doctor
2.) Incompetent Estate
3.) Sony - Who Appear To Hate MJ And His Fans
4.) Money Grabbing Family Members and "Friends"
5.) Other Backstabbing "Friends"

And it's because of these people that MJ fans become very bitter and angry!!!!

I agree.

I would just like to add that I'm not happy with the amount of needless censorship that's been going on here this last year or so. Perhaps another reason people are coming here less. Some of the staff are a bit too quick to press the edit button. Expressing opinions politely and without generalisation should be allowed. But apparently not.

I also agree with this. My posts get edited/deleted all the time : /
I've just finished the survey. The survey notification reminded me to come back to MJJC, as I've been away for a while.
I promise to come back and visit more often...
I'm still here Autumn11 and I totally agree with you and Lindsey. I couldn't really put my finger on it and put it down to still being in a void...even 2yrs on. I suppose the void bit is natural after 42yrs of having Mike in my life, but fact is.... he still is and always will be and this forum needs us all...young and 'as in my case' very old lol. I said in the survey that it was me and not MJJC that was the problem, I also said that when I see Justice done, I will probably settle more easily and contribute much more.
I think the decrease of activity has to do with personal life demands as well as some members' progress in the coping/grieving stages regarding Michael's death. Everyone deals with grief differently, and some people relapse into earlier stages at times, or the trigger of the deceased reminds them of the loss, etc. so it is not surprising that two years later, some members have decreased their activity. Some may be entirely disappointed with the way the Murray trial is going, or the fact that some of the Jackson family members aren't doing enough for Michael's legacy, etc. I dunno, the reasons are many and varied, but I think above all, it's the overwhelming fact that he won't be here again that has us all down from time to time, the sorrow ebbs and flows. Normal grieving.

With that said, I hope things go back to normal soon. I filled out the survey, and I like it here.
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@ Ashtanga: Yeah, it's pretty sad. Although they may not post as much due to personal life demands and/or their grieving, these fans don't love Michael any less, and they have not forgotten him at all. We should wish them luck in their affairs so life can return to manageable terms, and hope they come back soon.

As for the suggestion a previous poster mentioned in his post [re: censorship], I can't say I've seen too much of it, but this is probably because I'm not very active at all in the more controversial threads and forum sections. With that said, I'll make the general [and probably irrelevant] suggestion that posts should only be flagged/edited if their author is personally insulting a member of this forum. I mean, clearly personally insulting them/treating them with disdain, etc. not stating an unpopular opinion, etc. even if the thread is case/family related. The general nature and purpose of a discussion forum should not be forgotten in our attempts to protect the community, and censorship/warning/banning should only be used in cases which clearly warrant for such measures [fights between posters--not arguments/heated debates, but fights where people are nasty to each other, etc.]

You guys probably know how to run things much better than I do, but those are my two cents on the matter.

Well no one is going to know its you anyway:) Its all anomynous
but its important to see the demographics of our members .. so
we know what will be most appealing to the majority ..

I would personally like to thank our members for the great response
we had much more replies thank expected and it will help us tremendously
to make MJJC "a better place for you and for meee " LOL

i did it. And i hope you *mods* are reading it. I felt its importend, and i say importend things..
@ Ashtanga: Yeah, it's pretty sad. Although they may not post as much due to personal life demands and/or their grieving, these fans don't love Michael any less, and they have not forgotten him at all. We should wish them luck in their affairs so life can return to manageable terms, and hope they come back soon.


Yes.... You're absolutely right. :)