A Call To All Members - Please Read


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
The staff here at MJJC is really working hard to make sure that we continue to please the members here. We have noticed that some members who were once very active, no longer post as much, no longer post at all and just lurk, or have stopped coming here all together. Because of this, we want to find out from our members what they need to have a more positive experience here.

With that in mind, we have come up with a short survey we would like for all members to feel out. Now, I want to let you, that there is no way to trace who says what in the surveys so we are asking for everyone to be as honest as possible and as specific as possible. (The staff here have already put on their protective gear and are ready for whatever feedback you guys have. :))

So, if you all would take a few moments to fill out this survey here:


it would be greatly appreciated.

We also have some things we want to implement here and want to do so at the most appropriate time. As result, we are trying to get an idea of what day and what time of day would be best. Don't worry, it is all good things. :yes:

We will also be emailing this survey out to the members, so if they miss it here, hopefully they will see it in their inbox.

We appreciate all of you and want your opinions. Thanks so much to everyone for all of your input. The survery will be live for 10 days.

Thanks again. :wub:

Feel free to ask any questions you may below.
Will fill in the survey. Just wanted to say I have actually started posting more than I ever did before. Love this place and my fellow fans.
I think people are coming here less because there's not much going on right now. The trial hasn't started yet. No major new releases are coming soon. And it's been two years since MJ died. The surge of activity after he passed has gone. There's bound to be less activity now. It's not what you are doing with the forum. It's just what happens when the person the forum is dedicated too is no longer here.
I started posting less lately, but not because of some bad developments here that I don't like (there are none and I still like the forum!). It's just that the news we've been getting lately is so frustrating that I don't even have the energy to comment. I just read, have another brain explosion and leave.
I think people are coming here less because there's not much going on right now. The trial hasn't started yet. No major new releases are coming soon. And it's been two years since MJ died. The surge of activity after he passed has gone. There's bound to be less activity now. It's not what you are doing with the forum. It's just what happens when the person the forum is dedicated too is no longer here.
I agree with this 100%
thank you for filling the survey and if you haven't done so please complete it. It's a perfect opportunity for you to provide us feedback anonymously.
I think people are coming here less because there's not much going on right now. The trial hasn't started yet. No major new releases are coming soon. And it's been two years since MJ died. The surge of activity after he passed has gone. There's bound to be less activity now. It's not what you are doing with the forum. It's just what happens when the person the forum is dedicated too is no longer here.

Sorry but I don't agree. :no:

Michael is not just a person to whom this forum is dedicated .:sad2:
Sorry but I don't agree. :no:

Michael is not just a person to whom this forum is dedicated .:sad2:
That's not what I said! The decrease in activity has nothing to do with how much we love MJ or who he was. It's to do with the fact he is no longer here.
I am one of those "old" ("legendary?") members who rarely posts here anymore. The question asked is legitimate, and I will attempt to reflect on it, and try to answer. The legacy of this board deserves as much.

I was INCREDIBLY active during the trial, as were many of the "old members." The answer to the question of "where did we go?" is complicated, of course, and may not have so much to do with this board, as with the fan-world as it's evolved? The trial was about Michael, and was also a larger, JUSTICE issue. We felt that we had clear purpose, and were tireless. This board was THE major vehicle and voice for those who were fighting for Michael.

When Michael died, each fan-board and the fan community itself, had to change and evolve. (some boards vanished, entirely). But, for me, and to many of the "old members," this remains a "justice issue." There are many new fans, and I certainly don't see "length of fandom" as any indicator of sincerity or quality. But, it IS different. Now, the primary reason that I'm scarce here is that there are too many fans for comfort who seem to see Michael as a "product," or generator of "products," and not necessarily as having been a living, breathing human-being. . . and yet. . . there is so much that remains unfinished, and there are so many QUESTIONS. I can't participate in any discussions of "products" until those questions are answered (and I realize, they may NEVER be answered)

Here is an example. There is a thread here:


The thread (just an example) is about a company that has bought some of Michael's stage clothing at auction, and is CUTTING IT UP and selling as trading cards. Fans are buying these (and if you are, I don't fault that, necessarily), but yet are not asking the deeper questions. The JUSTICE questions! Michael was the MOST famous person of our era. He was pivotal in shaping contemporary music. He was pivotal in "cross-over" and giving African American musicians a voice and venue on mainstream media. His messages to the world could not possibly have been more important! So, HOW was this stage clothing acquired? "At auction?" How was that POSSIBLE???? Why is this material not being kept together for a major museum? What about the LEGACY? Is Michael really to be sold off in "bits and pieces?" Where are the executors in stopping this kind of action? What would his CHILDREN want? Were they even consulted (even though they don't have a legal voice in this)? And so on. Sure, buy the stuff if you want, but the bigger questions DO need to be asked. I see little or none of that happening. I'm not blaming or faulting anyone (and I do expect flak from this post, which will, I guess, make my point about why my posts are so scarce?)

The "deeper questions" are not just "what," but WHY, and HOW? Why is this kind of stuff being sold off in pieces? Why is it not being kept together for the legacy, for generations to come? There was a scheduled auction of Michael's stuff when he was still alive. We know now, he did NOT want this. So why is it acceptable NOW, for his belongings to be sold at auctions? WHY is no one questioning this type of thing? I don't post much because the JUSTICE issues need to be pursued, I think. Michael was murdered. And why still don't really know why. (Again, I'm not faulting those who choose differently, but to me, to "own a piece of him" would make me INCREDIBLY sad!)

Just another reason why I rarely post is because, especially in the early days, when this board's eventual shape was uncertain, and when "investigations" were on the main page, I was pursued and disrespected RELENTLESSLY and personally, for posts that I thought were logical, and reasonable, but asked some hard questions. This went on, and on, and I will no longer post here about anything related to Murray's trial. I see this as a "legacy board" now, and not in any sense an "investigative" board. That's fine, but it was rough going, back when I was still TRYING. (I am not a "conspiracy theorist," in general. I AM a thoughtful person who really does need to know what the HELL happened!? I think we still do not know. . . and the trial may or may not give us answers.)

Well, y'all ASKED? I think this board is just fine, but it's not the same place that it once was. It has changed and evolved, into more of a legacy board. That's just fine, but I do think that SOMEWHERE, the hard questions do need to be asked. (I am hoping that some of the "old members" will respond to this post, if they still "lurk?")

Peace. . . .
Just completed the survey. :)

I just want to say that since I've been out of school, I've been visiting here regularly just as I used to. During the school year in the fall and winter, I'm not as active. I don't even use the computer much unless I need it for school. Otherwise, I really have no time to surf any other websites unless I get a lucky free day. Though, I really missed coming here and I'm black to be back more often! :heart:

Love you all.
I think people are coming here less because there's not much going on right now. The trial hasn't started yet. No major new releases are coming soon. And it's been two years since MJ died. The surge of activity after he passed has gone. There's bound to be less activity now. It's not what you are doing with the forum. It's just what happens when the person the forum is dedicated too is no longer here.

This is also very true. It has nothing on how much we love MJ (as you said). But rather, everything was already discussed and I don't know what more we can do.

I'm not saying there's NOTHING to discuss.. I'm just saying there aren't as many anymore.
AutumnII, I completely agree although there are sections of the forum such as "The Case" and "The Controversy" in which we can discuss the case but I think we aren't putting it to best use and that the members who were good at organising have taken a step back. We need to organise like in the old days and organise those sections of the forum somewhat so updates are easy to find and complex issues are discussed and bullet pointed for members who are interested but don't have the time to read through every article. We need to bring back that spirit where members felt they were collectively doing something.
AutumnII, I completely agree although there are sections of the forum such as "The Case" and "The Controversy" in which we can discuss the case but I think we aren't putting it to best use and that the members who were good at organising have taken a step back. We need to organise like in the old days and organise those sections of the forum somewhat so updates are easy to find and complex issues are discussed and bullet pointed for members who are interested but don't have the time to read through every article. We need to bring back that spirit where members felt they were collectively doing something.

I think those are very positive suggestions. Thanks.
AutumnII, I completely agree although there are sections of the forum such as "The Case" and "The Controversy" in which we can discuss the case but I think we aren't putting it to best use and that the members who were good at organising have taken a step back. We need to organise like in the old days and organise those sections of the forum somewhat so updates are easy to find and complex issues are discussed and bullet pointed for members who are interested but don't have the time to read through every article. We need to bring back that spirit where members felt they were collectively doing something.

I agree with this, we have two dedicated forums just for asking those questions and I for one will not stop ANYONE doing so,

At this point they are going totally to waste with what looks like only one issue being discussed which I do not need to mention.

Thank you all for the feedback, we know we can't accommodate all but we will try our damned hardest to find a middle of the road.
I think people are coming here less because there's not much going on right now. The trial hasn't started yet. No major new releases are coming soon. And it's been two years since MJ died. The surge of activity after he passed has gone. There's bound to be less activity now. It's not what you are doing with the forum. It's just what happens when the person the forum is dedicated too is no longer here.

Agreed with this! Forum needs to develop new contents, thread, activities that members can participate to keep it more active.
AutumnII, I completely agree although there are sections of the forum such as "The Case" and "The Controversy" in which we can discuss the case but I think we aren't putting it to best use and that the members who were good at organising have taken a step back. We need to organise like in the old days and organise those sections of the forum somewhat so updates are easy to find and complex issues are discussed and bullet pointed for members who are interested but don't have the time to read through every article. We need to bring back that spirit where members felt they were collectively doing something.

That's the kind of ideas i think we / the forum needs. And not only the ideas, but also the execution of these ideas.
I just wanted to thank every one again for their feedback. We have been talking amongst ourselves and it is just fantastic to get the opinions of you guys. Anything you have to say is appreciated to constructively help to make it more palatable to you guys.

No one has to feel like they are going to be attacked for what they say. That is not the prupose of the thread and it is not the reason why we are asking for your thoughts. As I said, we understand that some of the answers may be tough and may require more reflective analysis; but, the staff is up for it.

We just want you guys to be happy.
But I must add, we are a COMMUNITY one that we are all responsible for each and every one of us are responsible for its content its tone its everything so if there is something bothering you address it come up with an idea to tackle it we will always welcome any input and action that is for the better good of our community, I need to ask a question to, is up and leaving the right thing to do after all as you rightly say we are a Legacy Board however we wont be if everyone does the same.

But as said I firmly believe we will find that balance for all thus this feedback my team are conducting.

Again my thanks for completing it.