9 New Michael Jackson Song Titles

there's not an exact link but here's how you can access them


Put " The Michael Jackson Estate " to the search for line

and select " Name (Crichton Michael ; Walt Disney Company)"

and hit "begin search"

(without quote marks of course)

This is kool, ty for the link. I searched what u said, but also searched "Michael Jackson " and found some more things, including a few rtitles i hadn't heard before=) Also, at the bottom of that page, registered in 1983 was something titled simply Michael Jackson, and when i clicked to find more info, it says its visual material for Human Nature. Does anyone know anything about this? was there going to be a video for that song?
to SC_05, they didn't make the album because they weren't registered, and also because Sony is only GIVEN a handful of songs by the estate to work with, on the other hand, it may just be because they're saving the best till last?

We don't have that long to wait. SONY !!!!! :bugeyed Put out the last songs ON A CD or COMPILATION that Mike did before he passed.IT WOULD Benefit all of us if you did and Make alot of Cash for you.:(And They have to be The Real Deal with only Mike's Voice. IT WOULD SELL BILLIONS, No TRillions.:punk: As Mike Said at the end of Privacy,"DO IT."

We don't have that long to wait. SONY !!!!! :bugeyed Put out the last songs ON A CD or COMPILATION that Mike did before he passed.IT WOULD Benefit all of us if you did and Make alot of Cash for you.:(And They have to be The Real Deal with only Mike's Voice. IT WOULD SELL BILLIONS, No TRillions.:punk: As Mike Said at the end of Privacy,"DO IT."

It wouldn't sell trillions, billions or millions. Nothing is going to beat Thriller, ever.
It wouldn't sell trillions, billions or millions. Nothing is going to beat Thriller, ever.

It Might Not Sell as Much as Thriller But it could come close. Remember Thriller Special Edition with Extras and Thriller25 When Mike Sang with Akon on WBSS, And With Will.I.Am AND Kanye West. It only added to what Was already a RecordBreaker but iF it was alone they wouldn't have sold as much. It will only be a repeat of a reissue with added tracks.The LP I'm Speaking about will always interest fans.It's his last recordings whether they are Demos or Completed songs,believe me.This LP will sell off the shevels. I know only The Estate can give the oTay but If They pick the right Songs that are from 2006-2009.I pulling for 2008-2009, It would be great to hear what was on his mind and the Groove he was trying to come across to fans. NEVER SAY NEVER.:cheeky::angel:
It Might Not Sell as Much as Thriller But it could come close. Remember Thriller Special Edition with Extras and Thriller25 When Mike Sang with Akon on WBSS, And With Will.I.Am AND Kanye West. It only added to what Was already a RecordBreaker but iF it was alone they wouldn't have sold as much. It will only be a repeat of a reissue with added tracks.The LP I'm Speaking about will always interest fans.It's his last recordings whether they are Demos or Completed songs,believe me.This LP will sell off the shevels. I know only The Estate can give the oTay but If They pick the right Songs that are from 2006-2009.I pulling for 2008-2009, It would be great to hear what was on his mind and the Groove he was trying to come across to fans. NEVER SAY NEVER.:cheeky::angel:

I dont know if it would truly sell huge. They had their chance with the MICHAEL project. That album should be been an album full of songs he had recorded his last few years (perhaps 05-09) then the next couple of albums should of been outtakes from all different eras. Now after the disaster of the MICHAEL album theres a good chance his future albums won't do so well also.
Nothing will ever come close to Thriller ever again. Not even the same ballpark...those days are gone. Even Bad/Dangerous numbers are questionable.
Maybe more and more songs appear.

Maybe they have found a harddrive with songs.

Maybe MJ made some songs with different people and these are giving the songs to the Estate now. - Like Will.I.Am has not given his songs to the estate yet.

That... actually isn't true, the estate have the vocals for the tracks with Will, they don't have the music, nor do they have Will's parts

We don't have that long to wait. SONY !!!!! :bugeyed Put out the last songs ON A CD or COMPILATION that Mike did before he passed.IT WOULD Benefit all of us if you did and Make alot of Cash for you.:(And They have to be The Real Deal with only Mike's Voice. IT WOULD SELL BILLIONS, No TRillions.:punk: As Mike Said at the end of Privacy,"DO IT."

Sony has that long to wait... and with the money lost after the failed "Michael" album (although i bought it and enjoy it) they won't release new music for a couple of years, to them, they wanna pull in the money for as long as possible, and i think this album's release was a test to see how many people are interested in a Michael Jackson record.
Totally off topic, here, but... I have to say that your signature quote....

Accept that Michael Jackson is no longer with us, and therefor cannot give us the same music we are used to.

Really hit me hard. I have listened to MJ's voice and music ever since I can remember... so this is like a slap on my face. True, of course, but still, hard to read.

Well.. that's just me being weak again :(
Totally off topic, here, but... I have to say that your signature quote....

Really hit me hard. I have listened to MJ's voice and music ever since I can remember... so this is like a slap on my face. True, of course, but still, hard to read.

True to a certain extent, but he DID leave us so much music, its just if the songs are treated right and Produced by the right people, done properly we can have a proper MJ release.
People should take into consideration that some of these are most likely the 'working titles'.

Bad's working title was 'Pee' (Strange, but true), so the names might have nothing to do with the actual song.

With that said, I'll bet you anything that when/ if they release 'Water', it will sample that clip of This Is It where MJ's singing 'Water... Water...' (Sad, but probably true).
People should take into consideration that some of these are most likely the 'working titles'.

Bad's working title was 'Pee' (Strange, but true), so the names might have nothing to do with the actual song.

With that said, I'll bet you anything that when/ if they release 'Water', it will sample that clip of This Is It where MJ's singing 'Water... Water...' (Sad, but probably true).

Even though any fan with half a functioning brain cell knows that was just Michael being, well, Michael, and asking for some water. He sung random words and sentences all the time.

Also, thank u for reminding me that "Bad" was once "Pee" it always cracks me up trying to think of how it went under that title..... something like "i need a pee, a pee, u know it, ahhh" lmao