8 grammys for swifty

The fact the Beyonce is nominated for 10 awards means that it's impossible for both Beyonce and Taylor to get 8 awards as Mike did back in 84.Coz in each nomination ,there is only one winner. So why we need to worry at all '.'?
Beyonce's and Taylor's nominations are beyond ridiculous (I know I'm repeating myself, but this can't be repeated enough :p )
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Beyonce's and Taylor's nominations are beyond ridiculous (I know I'm repeating myself, but this can't get repeated enough :p )

:lol: I hear ya... Say it one more time...Lmao...

It is ridiculous, IMO when I think about it, its better them than Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus...(sorry dont know how to spell her name)...but anyways yeah, B. and TW is the only good singers we got now I guess...Damn, We need New Original singers...But I know that*thats something that aint gonna happen*!
To Taylor's defence though - her two albums has sold over 10 MILLION(!) together.
Selling 5 million albums in 2008 isn't bad, at all.

Even though I'm not necessarily a fan of her, I still respect her hustle.
Selling 5 mill of each album - that's girl power for y'all there.
See now this is what I am talking about now..:smilerolleyes: soooo irritating!

Music and REAL talent do not exsist anymore! (did I spell that right? just woke up):scratch: Music died June 25th. It's so easy for anyone to be famous now and have awards. I mean there's some good talent out there..but you know what I mean. She is nowhere NEAR Michael in my book. Michael is a legend! Done ranting..sorry...:cheeky:

I agree completely. She's VERY overrated (in my opinion) and by next year nobody will even remember her name.

GOOD, REAL music is dead and the Grammy's are useless anymore. Give 'em all to Kanye, Eminem, Beyonce, Swift, and Black Eyed Peas. In 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on years, people will still remember Michael Jackson but say, "Who?" to these new millenium artists. Michael is a legend and that's forever. These new artists can't touch him and they are what I call, "one year wonders" if you will. They have a few so called "good hits" all in one year, win a bunch of awards for them, and then they're forgotten about by the next.

Taylor Swift is a sweet girl and I have nothing against her. But her music is only half decent and her voice is average at best. There's nothing THAT special about her to me. All her songs are about her being angry at her ex-boyfriends or being in love with them. I honestly don't think she deserves 8 Grammy nominations and I didn't think she deserved to win all of those AMA's either. That's my opinion though.

All in all, I think it's absolutely ridiculous to nominate these artists for that many awards. None of them are THAT great or worthy of them in my opinion. They are all mainstream acts and their songs sound all the same. When I turn on mainstream radio, I can barely tell when a different song comes on because it is all the same beat, rhythm and melody. lol.

haha anyway, I'm shutting up now. Saying this all with L.O.V.E. :heart:
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I'm not gonna join the bash Taylor and real music is dead crowd. But She would prob get 3 or 4 Grammy. Don't worry Mike's record will stay there. :yes:
To Taylor's defence though - her two albums has sold over 10 MILLION(!) together.
Selling 5 million albums in 2008 isn't bad, at all.

Even though I'm not necessarily a fan of her, I still respect her hustle.
Selling 5 mill of each album - that's girl power for y'all there.

Bruce, she sold that much cause ske keeps re-releasing her album and adding new songs in.

If Michael did that in the heyday of Michael Mania- trust that Thriller would have probably have the Eagles beat right now (and not tied :p) by a LONG LONG shot in the USA.

But, still, we have to give props to her marketing and the media from promoting her so much. The girl has talent but I'll put her in the same category as Avril Lavigne... She's alright...she's more for the angsty teenage girls and pre-teens.
ahahahahah, what a world.... im just like, ok then, im like, this is so laughable, this must be so the pree teen girls can see the show...
The "Taylor's OK but doesn't deserve this" crowd on this board actually sounds a lot like Kanye West, lol!

Like someone else also said, the eight-grammy record was tied already by Carlos Santana, so tying Michael has already been done before. Heck, one year (1997 I think) Lauren Hill had 10 nominations (5 wins), so it was almost tied/broken before Santana did it. Point is one day someone will nine grammys, and then what? Just because someone wins more awards doesn't make them better. I put zero stock in these shows.
That song she did...don't know what it's called but the first one that was released in the UK, that sounded like she was making it up as she goes along. Me and my friend were laughing so bad, it really does sound like that lol.
I hate how the grammys have lot so much value.

I wanna be a recording artist and as hopeful this seems to me :mellow: trust me, it still breaks my heart in to a million pieces.

I WANT artists to be super talented and super hard working to recieve grammys.

When I enter the biz, I actually would not want a grammy (even if notimated or won) unless I actually think my work deserves it.

I'm sorry but real music is FAR more important than fame, awards or cash.

The hell with it.
That song she did...don't know what it's called but the first one that was released in the UK, that sounded like she was making it up as she goes along. Me and my friend were laughing so bad, it really does sound like that lol.

Love story?

The "Taylor's OK but doesn't deserve this" crowd on this board actually sounds a lot like Kanye West, lol!

Like someone else also said, the eight-grammy record was tied already by Carlos Santana, so tying Michael has already been done before. Heck, one year (1997 I think) Lauren Hill had 10 nominations (5 wins), so it was almost tied/broken before Santana did it. Point is one day someone will nine grammys, and then what? Just because someone wins more awards doesn't make them better. I put zero stock in these shows.
yup. These awards and sales are fun. But real talent is where it's at :)
you guys do realize that beyonce is nominated for TEN awards right? :mellow:
But do you realize that Beyonce is a much better singer and composer(well she was) and performer(she is also a performer) and YES her last album was not so good but the first ones were, 10 is not exagareted if Switf has 8,

Wonder how they didnt create like a hundred categories and nomited 80 times Swift and 100 for Beyonce, its all exagerated anyway, everyone does a crappy song and is like ("oh he/she is sooooo talented")

But Beyonce (putting aside her sexual videos, which are the most creative things i have ever seen:bugeyed(SARCASM ALERT) is defenetly more talented than Taylor Swift, my dog is more talented than Swift, and i mean it
But do you realize that Beyonce is a much better singer and composer(well she was) and performer(she is also a performer) and YES her last album was not so good but the first ones were, 10 is not exagareted if Switf has 8,

Wonder how they didnt create like a hundred categories and nomited 80 times Swift and 100 for Beyonce, its all exagerated anyway, everyone does a crappy song and is like ("oh he/she is sooooo talented")

But Beyonce (putting aside her sexual videos, which are the most creative things i have ever seen:bugeyed(SARCASM ALERT) is defenetly more talented than Taylor Swift, my dog is more talented than Swift, and i mean it

I didn't mean that, I thought people here were worried that she might beat MJ's record. Beyonce has a much better chance doing that this year. I agree though, Beyonce's 10 nominations aren't really out of the charts compared to taylor's.
I really like Taylor and Beyonce. However I was just saying yesterday to my niece how easy it is for singers to now get a Grammy now, not like it used to be. I don't put much value on them anymore.
I agree. It's not the same anymore.
LOL. Where did you hear she might beat Michael. did someone say that?

but no, 8 is actually the record of grammy's won. michael won his 8 out of 12 nominations in 1984.
I just HOPE they have that Michael tribute. Or I will not even watch the thing, because I don't even care what the other get, honestly.
I didn't mean that, I thought people here were worried that she might beat MJ's record. Beyonce has a much better chance doing that this year. I agree though, Beyonce's 10 nominations aren't really out of the charts compared to taylor's.

NOT ME, my point here was to say how WEAK music is nowadays, even if taylor Swift wins 8 grammys every year, she wont "beat" Michael, do i even have to clearfy this and in comparison to taylor swift??????:bugeyed, i feel stupid, she is good on what she does, but to be nominated for 8 grammys....This shows how weak mainstream music is nowadays and how much the grammys have changed

noone will top Michael, Michael was a one of a kind GENIUS, i always say he was not Pop, he was not Rock, he was not Soul, he was Michael Jackson... he should be in another category, a category of his own, noone view music they way he did, his unique style, i mean unbelievable man Michael Jackson, i mean he was Michael. This is why he generates so much admiration and fans and everything, he was soo peculiar, ingenius, see what he generates on me, i just love genius....

not even the grammys Michael won will tell me how good Michael is, i dont need that, i think noone who is a fan of his does
I just HOPE they have that Michael tribute. Or I will not even watch the thing, because I don't even care what the other get, honestly.
Im sure they will, but if they dont i wont watch it either
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LOL. Where did you hear she might beat Michael. did someone say that?

but no, 8 is actually the record of grammy's won. michael won his 8 out of 12 nominations in 1984.
yeah who said that??? is pathetic and even OFFENSIVE...lol
It's almost like people are voting for her because they feel sorry for her due to the whole kanye fiasco. I really don't see her as being all that special, sorry!
A bit of a misleading title, innit? If that country tween gets 8 grammys then I'll post pictures of myself dressed as Marilyn Monroe with the dress blowing and all. Panties included.
Im sure they will, but if they dont i wont watch it either

It's all I'm going to watch. If they have the Michael tribute, I'll watch that, then change the channel or turn it off. It's all I'm interested in.