7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated

Re: 3rd April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)


As Motsey and Spoonie have said - this event is going ahead - between us today we have had confirmation but its important if you intend to be there you need to give your name to Motsey as he started this thread.

It will be a midweek evening event. Before we can confirm anything we need a list of names to put forward.


Thanks guys x

What date will it be now do you know?
Re: 3rd April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)

Stacey - the original unveiling will go ahead but we are in negotiations with Fulham to provide us with a one off MJ fan event. At the moment we have been offered a midweek evening event, invitation only, but Motsey is in the process of trying to negotiate a weekend just for fans.

Watch this space....
Re: 3rd April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)

Ohh ok, sounds awesome! Keep us updated peeps! :)
Re: 3rd April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)

Hey guys I am providing a quick update just so you know what's happening. As Diane has kindly let you all know Fulham FC have agreed to give MJ fans their own special time to view the statue that is not a match day. This will more than likely NOT be April 3rd as this is for media attendance only.

Whilst they have offered another date that is a mid-week evening, Motsey is trying to negotiate with them to change this to a weekend, as this will obviously be more convenient for those of us who live outside London and work during the week, as getting to London from work (if you live outside London) for the allocated time slot could prove difficult, and whilst they have so far agreed to push the time slot back to later, Motsey has made one last-ditch attempt for a different weekend instead as he pointed out that those of you coming on public transport need to get back home afterwards as well.

I can't promise they will agree and we can't keep pushing them on it for fear of them withdrawing the offer altogether which we don't want. As soon as Motsey has a response one way or the other one of us will update here (or we will ask Dianelesley to), but please bear with us as Motsey has had a family emergency in the last few hours that will need his attention today (it's 1:40am so I am calling it "today", don't get confused!), so it may not be him updating personally but if not he will pass the information along so either myself or Diane can update you - which should be today provided they email him back today, which they should do as they've been quite good about it.

I feel it is safe to confirm at this time though that this event WILL NOT need a ticket for entry so it is safe to assume it is free of charge (which is possibly why they've offered such an odd time) so anyone who was worried about that need not be, and so can therefore go ahead and confirm they want to be on the guest list.

Thanks for your patience guys.
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Re: 3rd April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)

sorry. a bit off topic here but if the press thing is April 3rd then thats Paris's birthday isn't it ?
that would be an awesome birthday present and i hope she knows about it
p.s hav fun to all those lucky enough to go
Re: 3rd April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)

I'm still provionally down as a yes.
Re: 3rd April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)

Ok guys good news and bad news. The bad news is Motsey was unsuccessful in his bid to make a free of charge weekend date (you can still view the statue at a later date, but will have to pay for a guided tour of the entire grounds which I know a lot of you were against).

The good news however is we have a set date THURSDAY APRIL 7TH and this is a one-off free of charge event especially for Michael Jackson fans BUT it is by invite only so like Diane has already said you need to 100 percent confirm you wish to attend BY FRIDAY in order to be put on the official guest list.

As far as I am aware there is not a limit to the numbers of people who can attend (30 so far I believe?) as long as they have confirmed in advance. (Diane - please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong lol)

Motsey will no doubt update further (ie change the thread title etc) later on and confirm the time slot we have been given (as this is still being discussed).
Re: 3rd April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)

I love teamwork!

Thanks Spoonie - you are absolutely correct. The event has been confirmed - everything Spoonie has mentioned is spot on. When you are letting one of us know about your attendance please ensure you give your real name and the names of any friends you are bringing. So far FFC have said no name, no admittance!
It will be an evening event and the exact details and timings will be given to you after the lists are compiled.

Thanks again - thinking of you Motsey.
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

Updated the title and the final arrangements will be confirmed in the enxt few days but what is confirmed as already mentioned is it will be on Thursday the 7th April and will be in the evening.
It is strictly a guest list only viewing so please ensure you or any friends who wish to attend get your Full names pm'ed to either me, spoonie or dianelesly or you wont be able to get in!

Lets make this an event to remember and bring the spirit of Michael with us.
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

I would love to go with you guys but as work in the morning I just can't attend on a weekday living outside London. Would have been ok had I had no work!
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

Just to say please please please don't forget to submit your real name to either Motsey, Diane or myself by 6pm if you want to come as this is the deadline Fulham FC have asked for. We have taken the names from the facebook page(s), the pms you sent us both on facebook and mjjc and the emails we have received from you and are currently compiling the list to email to the Fulham FC representative who has been fantastic in her correspondence.

Looks like this is going to be a great day for many many fans :)
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

Yaaay. Depending on the parking situation mec& Kimmy will be there soon after 7pm. Can't make it any earlier cos of work :(
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

Aw I can't make it unfortunately. :(
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

All of you lucky people who are going, I hope you'll think of us, and post pics! Have fun guys. :)
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

OMG LOL! After talking to Wall Street Journal, they have printed this http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704530204576236513165301514.html

I am especially loving what they said about Motsey: "Regardless, some Jackson followers are hanging tough. Motsey Hamid, a 26-year-old from Winchester, will attend with other English fans who plan to play music and "have a big sort of sing-along, light candles and remember Michael."

For him, the debate isn't about whether to show up; it's about what to wear.

He's choosing between his sparkly "Billie Jean" jacket, a red "Thriller" coat or his "Smooth Criminal" white suit."

LMAO I never knew his last name was "Hamid" (especially as I heard him spell his actual name on the phone...twice) and I also had no idea that he had ANY of those costumes LOL *raids wardrobe while Motsey's at the shop*
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

I'm gonna be calling him Mr Hamid from now on! ROFLMFAO!!!
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

ohh wish I could attend but as it's in London and I live In Hull it's a long way to travel and I have very little spare money right now ;(

what I do have is going to me getting to Bradford on tuesday to see illusionist Derren Brown I booked that ages ago

never mind maybe one day I will get to see it eh

I look forward to reading what those going will post about it :D

I hope you all enjoy yourselves :) i'm sure you will!!!
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

I quite like the statue, good on him for ensuring the statue goes up despite the nay sayers - re the Sun article, I despise them too but couldn't help but LOVE the pic of Michael visiting in 1999 - lovely :p
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

Hate to be a downer, but I don't like it. They should have stuck to a plain color - Bronze, Gold or Silver. If not, it has to resemble Michael as closely as possible because this statue fails to capture his likeness.
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

Hate to be a downer, but I don't like it. They should have stuck to a plain color - Bronze, Gold or Silver. If not, it has to resemble Michael as closely as possible because this statue fails to capture his likeness.
I really have to agree with you. I also do not like that object. To me it is too artificial and less authentic...
But unfortunately I don't know anything about the intention of the artist who made this. I mean it's possible he/she wanted to create something like that. Even Al Fayed could have said that he wanted it like it is now...Does anyone know anything about it?
In the end it is nothing I would recommend as a statue to see when travelling around the area.
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

I'm gonna be there with my cus. I'll be most likely wearing my Dangerous fall album cover t-shirt so look out for me. I'm the scruffy looking one who probably doesn't look like an MJ fan, lol
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

I'm gonna be there with my cus. I'll be most likely wearing my Dangerous fall album cover t-shirt so look out for me. I'm the scruffy looking one who probably doesn't look like an MJ fan, lol

Looking forward to meeting you both and everyone else going :) Looks like there will be a LOT of us there :D
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

I wonder who the artist / sculptor / creator is? I read most of the (English) non-tabloids this morning, but there doesn't seem to be any 'artistic credit' anywhere....
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

Have a great time guys. I am unable to come due to work commitments but have an awesome time.
Re: 7th April - Unveiling of MJ statue @ Craven cottage (Fulham Football stadium)- Thread updated Pa

Please deleate
Hmmm I'm not sure about this statue, whilst it was a lovely idea of Al Fayed to commission I don't think that a) it looks remotely like him and b) it's DEFINITELY in the wrong place. Why put it outside a football stadium? Sadly I can't see many MJ fans going to football matches and the people who do go will not appreciate it and will probably just take the p*** out of it. His original idea to display it outside of Harrods was a brilliant idea but he sold the store, perhaps there's a better place it can be displayed? They should keep it for whenever they re-open Neverland.
Hmmm I'm not sure about this statue, whilst it was a lovely idea of Al Fayed to commission I don't think that a) it looks remotely like him and b) it's DEFINITELY in the wrong place. Why put it outside a football stadium? Sadly I can't see many MJ fans going to football matches and the people who do go will not appreciate it and will probably just take the p*** out of it. His original idea to display it outside of Harrods was a brilliant idea but he sold the store, perhaps there's a better place it can be displayed? They should keep it for whenever they re-open Neverland.

He offered it to the o2 (which I think would have been great) but they never responded apparently. Maybe they were waiting to see what it would be like before making a decision.
I don't like the statue and although Mr Fayed's intentions were undoubtedly good i think his choice of location for the statue leaves a lot to be desired. I am also disgusted that as usual the media have seized the opportunity to use this as a way to attack Michael himself yet again. It really upsets me so much. I just read a despicable comment about Michael in an article about the statue in the Gaurdian. I also read that another statue of the 'baby dangling' incident was unveiled in London too by another 'artist'....
mjjesamor;3329148 I also read that another statue of the 'baby dangling' incident was unveiled in London too by another 'artist'....[/QUOTE said:
It's apparently called 'Madonna and child' (which seems a very 'mocking' title to me), and the Chief Exec of the music studio's where it is installed ( looking out of an upper window) is quoted (in metro) as saying' M...and C... is as much about extreme fan worship as it is about Michael Jackson'.

I think this staue is going to the States at the end of May.

..and this apparently has its own thread somewhere......
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