50 Billie Jean hats. 50 lucky fans ?

ok..I guess not ;)
I have a feeling A2 row A-F has a good chance.looking at differant footages he really doesn't throw them that long..'cause his style is throwing the hat first UP towards the sky,lol and then the hat falls down to the first few rows...

he might not throw it all though this time :D
HE MIGHT NOT EVEN SING BILLIE JEAN!!! hahahaha what's the chance for that
ive got a chance in the 7th row A2 ,my brother will probably throw himself ontop of people to get at it,haha.
ok..I guess not ;)
I have a feeling A2 row A-F has a good chance.looking at differant footages he really doesn't throw them that long..'cause his style is throwing the hat first UP towards the sky,lol and then the hat falls down to the first few rows...

he might not throw it all though this time :D
HE MIGHT NOT EVEN SING BILLIE JEAN!!! hahahaha what's the chance for that


Unfortunately I'll be too far for getting a hat! :(
But I really hope he will perform in France after these concerts! :D
^^ooh you never know what he might do after London!! :)
and hey, you might get the chance buying one off ebay... just prepare to pay around
1 000 000 £ for it :S
Yeah I know! That's why I really hope he will perform in France! :pray: *fingers crossed*

1 000 000 ?? :bugeyed I prefer to buy a Ferrari! :lol:
Nope I doesn't really matter if I don't get one! I prefer to see him performing many times than to have something he wore! :p
Yeah I know! That's why I really hope he will perform in France! :pray: *fingers crossed*

1 000 000 ?? :bugeyed I prefer to buy a Ferrari! :lol:
Nope I doesn't really matter if I don't get one! I prefer to see him performing many times than to have something he wore! :p

hahahahhaa :lol: really?? I WOULD choose a MJ hat over a ferrari..but I'm crazy though:scratch:
and that's true :D better to attend many concerts than get the hat!!
after all..yeah he did wear it, but nothing beats to see him LIVE infront of you.. not get some fabric :D
I'm thinking now I don't want to catch it. I guess the rest of the show is ruined for you then... fighting for the hat, guarding it, fighting again, etc. You won't even see Michael the rest of the time. And I don't think I would really want to hurt someone for it. Maybe when I was 16, eh, but not these days, lol. The way some of you have said you'd be violent and use elbows and so forth... ummm... I'll let you all fight over it. Have fun with that. But if it gets dropped in your ensuing scuffle... well, you're never going to see it again... :whistling innocently: :angel:
^^you're right about the fighting part.. even throughout the show there will be people trying to snap it from you.
I'm prepared to hide it in my bra.
that might not stop everyone though
I'm thinking now I don't want to catch it. I guess the rest of the show is ruined for you then... fighting for the hat, guarding it, fighting again, etc. You won't even see Michael the rest of the time. And I don't think I would really want to hurt someone for it. Maybe when I was 16, eh, but not these days, lol. The way some of you have said you'd be violent and use elbows and so forth... ummm... I'll let you all fight over it. Have fun with that. But if it gets dropped in your ensuing scuffle... well, you're never going to see it again... :whistling innocently: :angel:

Yeah, that's why I let people purchasing tickets for the front blocks! :lol:

Will Michael do a break (interlude) after the BJ performance ?? :scratch: It will let some time for people to fight! :lol: Joking! ;)
Yeah, that's why I let people purchasing tickets for the front blocks! :lol:

Will Michael do a break (interlude) after the BJ performance ?? :scratch: It will let some time for people to fight! :lol: Joking! ;)
LOL! ^^^ :lol:
Yeah, it will be filmed for a special section for the DVD release later, and the winner and owner of the hat (or what will remain of it) will get the title "BAD". She/he will be photographed with the hat on one hand and his/her broken teeth on the other so as to prove the fair battle. Runner ups will be the people with the next biggest piece of MJ's hat.