50 Billie Jean hats. 50 lucky fans ?

The hat is going to be so torn up when someone finally ends up with it. On the Bucharest tour, they showed the person who finally ended up with the hat. It didn't even look like a hat anymore.
Hahha your all cracked me up, i like reading fans post..
Your very funny haha...

I'm sure a gun, wouldn't scare the fans haha..
I will fight everything i can, to get my hands on that hat..
hes gonna need a lot of hats if hes doing that at every show lol hope they remember to buy a few lol
In case someone that is in need of a new kidney or a testicle or something would grab the hat, I'd might consider donating in exchange for the hat :D
I want his hat, I want his hat.:bounce:

Imma laugh if Mike throws a curveball and doesn't do BJ...n then I will cry...
Can he throw the hat all the way back to B2 ?
I know that at least one night it's got to come over into A1, row G... right into my arms, baby! ;) My husband was joking a while back about what if AEG said they're not paying for 50 hats, so there will be one, with a retractable elastic cord attached. MJ flings it into the audience, it sails out, just touching the tips of our fingers and.... snap... back to the stage. Psyche! Imagine, lol.

LOL!! This made me laugh so much!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Aww lets hope he's not that mean :p
I hope he throws the hat, but also the glove...

In HIStory Tour though, I always thought throwing the glove was a sign of tiredness as he only did that much during first leg where his dancing was rough... In Seoul his glove was really loose.

Victory Tour looked kinda rigged the cameraman was catching the hat in Houston!

Well there's rumors he'll do Billie Jean differently, what if no hat? What if like music video with black leather jacket?

yeah with some with shoes , and pink socks ! :D
^^that's the thing though..he's michael jackson.. not superman!!!! lol!!!

btw, just watching billie jean live (in munich)
and the guys fighting over the hat.. I wonder if they kept on going throughout WHOLE thriller?? seems like thriller begins and they're still fighting over the hat..
I guess nobody wanna let go so they'll continue throughout the show! hahaaa

ohh and edit:
the hat landed about 2nd row! hmmm
not pretty far Michael...
I've been going to the gym regularly, so I'm well prepared to fight! That fedora will be miiiine *buahahahaa* :evil:
Just watch and see, I can easily defeat all the 19 999 concert-goers :cheeky:
^^hahaha that would be funny.. maybe he'd just tell the sequrity guard to get it and throw it after he's left stage
I think Michael would be kinda embarresed though.. it can't be THAT FAR from stage to at least the front row..
maybe at the last concerts if he's tired!

I'm so curious to see if some of the BJ hats gets sold on ebay or something..Don't wanna think of the price though
lol Yeah I do think so too! xD

Well, if someone gets a BJ hat, at first he will have to fight with his neighbours to keep it till the end of the concert! :lol:
It would be bad if you caught it but then people snatched it off you. I think I'd kill someone if that happened. I'm in A2 for one show so fingers crossed!
^^I actually think they're not, lol!!!!
gonna be one huge fight over the hats!!!

I'm scared!!
I want my mummy :(
If I caught it and someone tried to nab it off me I'd go mad!! Imagine how gutted you'd be if someone nicked it! Man, there'd be hell to pay! I kind of hope I don't get it, I'm not a fighter lmao!
He better be in shape on july 13 of july 16 coz i need him to throw it right into the upper tier LMAO.
Me and my best friend are going so there will be some major arguing between us if one of us gets it. :lol: