***4 New Singles At Least Before New Album***(imo)

4 singles from that ONE album is too much before it's release.. ya it would give it a good first week sales but it would minimize the potential of a long life for the album..
Exactly. Albums require quality singles to be coming out months, if not YEARS after release! Justin Timberlake was a perfect example on his last album. He had singles flowing for over a year after the album came out, but had he used 4 before there was even an album, his tour and album would have died off much sooner.

The way to go is lead single with video to start, then as the album hits stores throw the public a second single. From then onwards, singles every few months like normal. (remember good hits stay on charts for months and months on end)

How old are you smiles?
Apparently not old enough to remember just how insanely popular Thriller was in it's heyday.
Michael was god in 1984, when Thriller was at the height of it's popularity. That won't ever happen again.
You're living in la-la land if you think otherwise. MJ's 50 years old, has been accused of pedophilia twice, and hasn't made a hit since "You Rock My World". Just because it's taking him a few years (which is something he always does) to make the new album doesn't mean it's gonna sell over 100 million copies. MJ will NEVER out-do Thriller.
He'll be much better off when you and other's here realize this. Because Michael doesn't need that kind of pressure leveled at him. Give the guy a break.

Bang! On target. 100% agree:)
Terry....sometimes I think you put WAY too much sugar in your kool-aid, man.
Calm down.
There is no way Michael and his 50-somethin' year old brothers are "going to be bigger than ever". The Jackson 5 won't ever get bigger than they were in the 70's. And MJ himself won't ever get bigger than he was during the Thriller era. That's real talk.
I know we're all a little bit excited over the "Hold my hand" leak, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.


You're right. MJ won't be bigger than he was in the Thriller era, and the Jackson 5 will not be bigger, it's not possible.
its my 1000 post! lol

*back on topic*

did sum1 say mjs new album will outsell thriller?

*walks outta thread crackin up*
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If Michael can win a Grammy nomination for You Rock My World, then he can also nab a view Grammies for this next album. That is not far reaching. Especially since we have seen the response to this new song that he is barely singing on!

I believe that HMH can win Grammy for best collab easily. I also believe that if radio plays it enough, it can also end up with Grammy for Song of the Year.

Will he ever top Thriller? No! And no one else will either. Michael will go to his grave being the one entertainer with the biggest selling album ever. Bank on it.

Will he win some awards and accolades for this new album? Hell, ya!

think your all getting the wrong message!

i said that Michael could be as big or bigger than he was , if he has the jacksons reunited and also the new singles with breakthrough videos! again (IMO)

Look what impact HMH is having!

! this us not confirmed official download yet or release!! just goes to show how much people want feel good factor back! sweet melodies!! this is what Michael brings to the music industry!

Wait and see, more eating crow soon people lol:p


think your all getting the wrong message!

i said that Michael could be as big or bigger than he was , if he has the jacksons reunited and also the new singles with breakthrough videos! again (IMO)

Look what impact HMH is having!

! this us not confirmed official download yet or release!! just goes to show how much people want feel good factor back! sweet melodies!! this is what Michael brings to the music industry!

Wait and see, more eating crow soon people lol:p


With all due resepect, we ARE getting your message Terry:) It's just than it seems none of us agree with you.

I think Jacksons reuion music would spark LESS interest than solo Mike music to be honest. And still with all that, and every possible situation that could go right, the will still never be as big as he once was. Its not that we dont WANT him to be, its that it is IMPOSSIBLE! Honestly, its not going to happen. It cant. No one can do it. Really lol:lol:

Also i agree with everyone who has said 4 singles before the new ablum is bad. Singles, apart from a stand alone LEAD single, need to be held onto tight and firm for AFTER the album comes out, and released over time, in order to give the album a longer life. If 4 singles come out before release, you have spent probably MORE than half you promotion before the album comes out! After it DOES come out there is nothing remaining to support it... ya know?
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Also i agree with everyone who has said 4 singles before the new ablum is bad. Singles, apart from a stand alone LEAD single, need to be held onto tight and firm for AFTER the album comes out, and released over time, in order to give the album a longer life. If 4 singles come out before release, you have spent probably MORE than half you promotion before the album comes out! After it DOES come out there is nothing remaining to support it... ya know?

exactly.the standard practice was to release the first single a coulple of weeks or so before the album and then release the rest of your singles every 3 months or so depending on how it did. if u release 4 singles then you release singles that arent gonna be on the album because who gonna bother to buy he album when they already have half of the decent songs on it already.the album will be half way dead b4 its even been released
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you must be dreaming... You will be lucky to get one let alone 4!! haha
One single a couple months prior and another RIGHT before the album is released.. within a week or 2 before.. Is good.. No more..
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Who said would be off the forthcoming album????:p

Could well be collabs and one new song from present or forthcoming project!

Well time will tell , and im hearing about sept time if the Leonna project goes as plannned!

Perhaps Michael could release his concerts on DVD though. That would be good. [/QUOTE said:
yes it would be really nice. a big show with big sound and big energy. only lot of happiness