***4 New Singles At Least Before New Album***(imo)

So with the response that Michael has been given even though its not his song, do you all see how 4 singles could come before new album!!

This is definetly the route michael is going and it may not even be all of them from new album as in Akons , Usher etc etc!!

I think this new era is going to be even more exciting than any before , and i also think that Michael and The rest of the Jacksons are going to be bigger than ever.

I think this new era is going to be even more exciting than any before , and i also think that Michael and The rest of the Jacksons are going to be bigger than ever.


I dont think MJ can possibly be bigger than he has been. Think back to his power and position in the world in decades gone by. That would be near impossible to re-capture in my opinion. Janet has proved she is not a force anymore. She was everywhere in Feb/March, doing the rounds of promo the record company paid for, but they pulled all promotion and singles coz people weren't feelin' her anymore. I dont see the brothers being relivant anymore if Janet cant even succeed with that even after all the promo, however I CAN see Michael being relivant.. i mean, if you re-release a 25 year old album and it hits the top of the charts worldwide and STAYS there for a considerable amount of time, sells over 2 million copies, without the promo performances and videos that Janet DID have, sure someone is diggin' ya.

I could be wrong about the Jacksons, but i stand by my opinion (which at the end of the day, is just an opinion) that they will never ever be a relivant musical force for new songs... they will only be known for what they did 2 decades ago.

I hope they perform together again after Michael's solo album has finished in a year or two (however long they decide to promote it)... I think a set of Jackson brother reunion concerts around the world would be a good way to end the promotions for Michaels new album, and sell The Jacksons as a band (much like 1984 which was the end of Thriller but promoting The Jacksons)

Solo first, Jacksons later IMO:)
Oh, but yes, more exciting than ever.. because what Michael has been through, to come through it swinging with ANOTHER album would be truely incredible. No one else in the world has that kind of stength, determination or heart. Michael is one brave man. This era will DEFINATELY be the most special. It will be emotionally satisfying for us all I imagine, to see Michael succeed once more:)
I dont post that often, but I have to say - MJ, Bring it on! Times are changing, I'm sure we have all noticed a marked change in the general public's perception of Michael and what he stands for.... if anything Britains Got Talent was a massive show of hands in Michael's favor. Im sure both he and his team are smart enough to ride the current wave of positivity.

How, well time will tell, but the Akon single is the first crack of light.
:no: I don't know, guys. That all seems too . . . inside the box. You know how Mike has said he wants people to go: "Wow! I wasn't expecting that!". I think we're gonna have to get more experimental in our thinking of we want to come up with ideas for Mike's new album campaign. It surely won't be anything we can expect or imagine. That's just the way Mike puts it down. He has had a lot of time to concoct a lot of new ideas. We're gonna have to start thinking like Mike. :yes:

:no: I don't know, guys. That all seems too . . . inside the box. You know how Mike has said he wants people to go: "Wow! I wasn't expecting that!". I think we're gonna have to get more experimental in our thinking of we want to come up with ideas for Mike's new album campaign. It surely won't be anything we can expect or imagine. That's just the way Mike puts it down. He has had a lot of time to concoct a lot of new ideas. We're gonna have to start thinking like Mike. :yes:


I think he means he wants to shock us with the MUSIC, not the promotion method or release methods. Neyo says he cant reveal track descriptions or titles because Mike wants it hush hush so when its out he can shock the world. I think there will be a fairly standard campaign, coz in reality, there are only certain things u can do to promote the album that will actually work.
It wont be the BIGGEST era, but to me and many fans will be the greatest..


Simply for one reason.. We've been waiting for SO long for Michael to PROVE EM ALL WRONG.. Before in his biggest era's, he was not in the possition to PROVE his GREATNESS.. right now he is MOST under estimated.. So he has so much to prove..

and that is what I CANT WAIT FOR.. I have never been this eddicted prior to an album as this one.. I'm glued and ready like never before..

The first era I am really going to push fan promotions in a large way..

Do you know more ??? If it is S.b!!!!

Man i am hearing so many whispers at the moment!! I cannot wait for phase 2!!

I think that phase 2 will be the new announcements of full on jackson project, but i got a feeling my predictions for new singles collabs or feom new album are going to be spot on!

Also!! he is 50!! this is going to e when he sends a message out showing *he still got it**


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When do we predict the next anything Jackson-related 'news' to come? and what will it be?

I think it'll be regarding Akon's new album and release of a new single. He might feel forced to bring it out sooner than he was planning.

I don't know when to think next news on MJ alone will come out and what it'll be. I'm taking a wild guess at sometime around his birthday.
When do we predict the next anything Jackson-related 'news' to come? and what will it be?

I think it'll be regarding Akon's new album and release of a new single. He might feel forced to bring it out sooner than he was planning.

I don't know when to think next news on MJ alone will come out and what it'll be. I'm taking a wild guess at sometime around his birthday.

I agree

Akon news will come first, soon.
Then on his Bday they will use that attention to announce something else, whatever it may be:)

Single Sept, Album first week in Dec.

Thats my guess.
Yes I realised that, what I am saying is that no-one in MJ's camp or even a reputable source of info said that these 4 new singles would be songs taken from the new album. Raymone telling us that there would be up to 4 singles before the new album did not say that these would be songs appearing on the new album.

Why do people believe that 4 singles before the album means four songs released that will eventually be on the album?

As stated in the first instance and repeating myself now, I believe the 4 singles before the album refers to 2 singles released from T25 + 1 from Akon's album + 1 lead single from the new album.

I know that is not what you were talking about, It is however what I believe will happen and a much more likely scenario than having 4 new singles released before the album and then releasing an album afterwards with these same 4 songs on them. I mean really I don't see the point. Anyway time will tell so no point in arguing about it.

Peace out!

Ok, I see what you are saying now. You believe that the 4 singles Raymone was referring to had nothing to do with the new album, right?
Ok, I see what you are saying now. You believe that the 4 singles Raymone was referring to had nothing to do with the new album, right?

He is saying that he believes there will be 4 singles released before the new album. He never said 4 singles FROM the new album.

single 1 - TGIM08
single 2 - WBSS08
single 3 - Hold My Hand
single 4 - *New MJ single (from new album)*

4, as above, is what he is saying... before the new album comes out:)
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I think that a perfect place for Michael to perform with his brothers would be in Indiana. I also think that he should keep his word with Mayor King and help fund the Michael Jackson Performing Arts Theatre. The people of Gary think that this will never happen because the trial sidetracked Michael. But I don't think that Michael has forgotten about Gary.
So with the response that Michael has been given even though its not his song, do you all see how 4 singles could come before new album!!

This is definetly the route michael is going and it may not even be all of them from new album as in Akons , Usher etc etc!!

I think this new era is going to be even more exciting than any before , and i also think that Michael and The rest of the Jacksons are going to be bigger than ever.


Terry....sometimes I think you put WAY too much sugar in your kool-aid, man.
Calm down.
There is no way Michael and his 50-somethin' year old brothers are "going to be bigger than ever". The Jackson 5 won't ever get bigger than they were in the 70's. And MJ himself won't ever get bigger than he was during the Thriller era. That's real talk.
I know we're all a little bit excited over the "Hold my hand" leak, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Terry....sometimes I think you put WAY too much sugar in your kool-aid, man.
Calm down.
There is no way Michael and his 50-somethin' year old brothers are "going to be bigger than ever". The Jackson 5 won't ever get bigger than they were in the 70's. And MJ himself won't ever get bigger than he was during the Thriller era. That's real talk.
I know we're all a little bit excited over the "Hold my hand" leak, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.


I agree.
Jackson 5 in my opinion wont ever re-group. One-off shows at the most is all i can visualize.

Back in the day...
Michael Jackon was literally one of the most powerful and influencial people in the world in Dangerous era. He could snag the BIGGEST sporting star ever to make a fool of himself dancing in his video (Michael Jordon)... He could get the BIGGEST supermodel in the world to act in a sexual manner towards him in a video (Naomi Campbell)... he was alligned with the BIGGEST politician at the time (Bill Clinton)... the BIGGEST media person, talk show host gave him a fantastic interview (Oprah)... BIGGEST comedian in Remember The Time (Eddie Murphy)... he performed on the BIGGEST stage in the world (Superbowl)... the BIGGEST tours, the BIGGEST audiences... pretty much the biggest in every field possible. IF (and i dont wanna dwell on past events).. but IF the 1993 accusations never happened, can you imagine the heights he would have taken the Dangerous era.

But now....
What's he gonna do? Allign himself with the biggest sports star? Who is that anyways? Kobe Bryant? David Beckham?... or in media, is he going to befriend Perez Hilton or TMZ?.... Maybe he will allign himself with George Bush or Barrack Obama?... whats the biggest event to perform on? MTV VMA's? None of that stuff is realistic today.. Times have changed... the chances of Michael being bigger than ever are slim to none, with none being the more likely of the two.

His option is simple. Quality music. Quality videos. Quality performances. All possible.

And I do believe he can be the biggest star in the world again, but bigger than he once was? No.
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I think your wrong.. look at the music industry today. Albums last a week until the next ringtone fad comes along. Copycats who are doing what Michael did 20 years ago trying to go single platinum.

Michael has been working for years on this project and he is taking his time and has access to literally everyone he wants in the music industry. Everyone working on the project says that the songs are amazing. I don't think he needs to align with sports stars or any other celebrities. Public opinion is in Michael's favor and people (even non fans) are waiting for his comeback. I think he is capable of out-doing Thriller if everything falls into place.
Public opinion is in Michael's favor and people (even non fans) are waiting for his comeback. I think he is capable of out-doing Thriller if everything falls into place.

I respectfully accept your opinion but disagree strongly.

Thriller and its videos were big because MTV was a new craze. Videos altogether were relatively new. When a GOOD one came along it was like AMAZING. Michael's were quality and big budget. Not many other singers spent the money required to make amazing videos. And when MJ has a video, it would be premiered. That rarely happens now. Madonna's '4 Minutes' video was premiered, but you would find that a large percentage of fans didnt bother watching it on MTV, or anything like that, because they would have rathered watched it on youtube or Perez Hilton after work or the next day, because its accessable whenever they want. No NEED to see it RIGHT AWAY when it premiers. Meaning there is no real hype.

Michael has a STYLE that had NEVER been witnessed before. It was brand new. Innovative. People were amazed. He danced incredible. He sang incredible. His videos were like no other. He was HOTT! Women wanted him. Men wanted to be him. Kids knew who he was, and what his art was. Old people did too. Everyone loved Michael Jackson.

MTV was perfect for him. Motown 25 was perfect for him. He won all those Grammys. He got a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame. Victory tour was while HE AND HIS BROTHERS were all on top of their game. Everything fell into place.

Now he is starting from square one.. and i dont care if that offends people, but its true. First he needs music out. Something to promote, to perform, to make videos for, for people to fall in love with. The problem is that MTV and the likes are about reality shows, not music videos.. EVERYONE dances like Michael Jackson. Music videos that are played are copies of Michael Jackson. Michael has already got all the awards that he could possibly receive. He has BEEN as big as it can possibly get.

I maintain that he can be bigger than every other artist in the world at this point in time, but there is NO point penning hopes on being bigger than Thriller, or Dangerous, or anything within that 10 year period. The industry wont allow for it. Thats not how it works these days.

I would be more than happy to be proved wrong though;)

The first step for me is changing his hair he has had for the last 6 years. HAHA!
He likes to shock, surprise... so turn up to an event with shortish curly hair like on 30th MSG 2001. Surprise us:lol:
Kingofpop,!!! well your entitled to yours and so am i!

However, we (i believe) will see the fruits of the jackson clan very soon! and i carnt wait to be saying its ok, you dont have to say i was right lol :rolleyes2:

Michael has stated that he thought the way of producing albums has changed dramatically and that he may release singles to see how the music buisness accepted these, after speaking with Will iam on his delivery system through online only distribuction, however i still think he will make sure there is the actual physical release to compliment such a delivery system.

Kingofpop,!!! well your entitled to yours and so am i!

However, we (i believe) will see the fruits of the jackson clan very soon! and i carnt wait to be saying its ok, you dont have to say i was right lol :rolleyes2:

Michael has stated that he thought the way of producing albums has changed dramatically and that he may release singles to see how the music buisness accepted these, after speaking with Will iam on his delivery system through online only distribuction, however i still think he will make sure there is the actual physical release to compliment such a delivery system.


he must make sure there is a physical form or he will fail. his digital sales of thriller 25 for exampled sucked majorly in comparison with his physical sales. he was on the album charts and physical charts looooong after he vanished (quickly) from the digital charts.

singles is different, but for albums, CD should always be Michael's main form of release.

and after all will.i.am said. "day of 15 songs on an album is done" .. "digital release online only".... what did will.i.am do? .... FIFTEEN SONGS ON AN ALBUM, AND RELEASED IT ON CD!
4 singles from that ONE album is too much before it's release.. ya it would give it a good first week sales but it would minimize the potential of a long life for the album..
Not only will no one else ever match the success of Thriller, but Michael won't either. Why? The climate has changed. The climate today is totally different from the climate back in the early 80s.

Now what Michael will do is sell a buckload of CDs. He CAN do that and on a worldwide basis.

Another thing Michael will do is break a few records, like the fastest selling CD out the gate....why?...because anticipation is so great for his new music post trial.

Another thing Michael will do is bring excitement back to the music industry like only he can do. The music industry really does need a jolt and Michael can do that.

And lastly, Michael will certainly go home with a ton of Grammies next year. I do believe that.
With the new album he wont break many/if ANY (ALL TIME) records because the industry has changed SO MUCH..

But he could do ground breaking 'Firsts' and best selling RIGHT NOWS..

Now that this millenium is so different than the last, he could have the BEST career of the millenium.. But not of ALL TIME.. He did that all ready.. He cannot top the past..

Not in a LARGE way anyways..
I think your wrong.. look at the music industry today. Albums last a week until the next ringtone fad comes along. Copycats who are doing what Michael did 20 years ago trying to go single platinum.

Michael has been working for years on this project and he is taking his time and has access to literally everyone he wants in the music industry. Everyone working on the project says that the songs are amazing. I don't think he needs to align with sports stars or any other celebrities. Public opinion is in Michael's favor and people (even non fans) are waiting for his comeback. I think he is capable of out-doing Thriller if everything falls into place.

How old are you smiles?
Apparently not old enough to remember just how insanely popular Thriller was in it's heyday.
Michael was god in 1984, when Thriller was at the height of it's popularity. That won't ever happen again.
You're living in la-la land if you think otherwise. MJ's 50 years old, has been accused of pedophilia twice, and hasn't made a hit since "You Rock My World". Just because it's taking him a few years (which is something he always does) to make the new album doesn't mean it's gonna sell over 100 million copies. MJ will NEVER out-do Thriller.
He'll be much better off when you and other's here realize this. Because Michael doesn't need that kind of pressure leveled at him. Give the guy a break.

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naw the days of thriller are long gone. been there done that and that was a magical time period but nobody including MJ is seeing that moment in time again.

but with 4 songs that are tight MJ can do quite well I could see and hear that indeed.
Out doing any album out today.. VERY EASY for him..

Outselling THRILLER?? NEVER!!!

It's a different industry and world now..

Thriller did not just sell itself, so much went around it.. The timeing was perfect, and it was released at a time that it just allowed it.. It's was just destin to happen..

U cannot compare different worlds.. it cannot work..
back in the day MJ was great for business period. you had folks that bought his album in droves and then you had fans who bought his albums and others and then you had people who weren' feeling Michael and bought other acts just to help them sell up against MJ. in other words MJ was a Industry all onto himself for many years,but that was a whole different era.

no internet, no file-sharing, no over the top media, and the mind set was different then as well. more racist in terms of a Black artist getting Pop play. there is still alot of racism in the music business and life in general but the segeration of Music back then was near Jim Crow level. thanks to MJ and thriller alot of those walls came crashing down in a thump.