***4 New Singles At Least Before New Album***(imo)

xscape guy 2003

Hi everyone,

Well i havnt done a thread for ages, so ithought i would start one up. With regard to the release of new material. IMO here is how i see it.

Many of the producers and collaboraters on these new projects are made to adhere to NDAs or risk not working on these projects, however they still drop little snippets saying about various things concerning the new material, but i think Michael has learnt from Rodney days that its best to keep quiet until everything is finished.
Michael has been in the spotlight again recently more than he has in ages, he is popping up everywhere.
He has not just got new material as in music as *THE PROJECTS* but also clothing and im sure your going to see lots more.

Why do i think Michael will go the singles route? as i have said a few times before!

Well first Raymone said a long time ago that he would release 3-4 singles before the album, contary to what people might have took that as, there was no timeframe to that statement and some people just added onto it.

Michael has said via a fan that the music buisness is so volatile nowadays that it would be best to try the singles route before he brings out a full blown album, i really think the old days of new single followed straught by the album has well and truely gone.

Think of it this way though, new single , new video, appearances, performances, mj single and possibly collabs, jackson 5 new material, and all the promo to go with that.

He could then ride on the back of all that success off that last release and release another new single, etc etc, until he has enough interest out there to go right here is the full album and put some unreleased tracks on that or special promotion to sell it even more.
The poster Rubba said about him in the recording studio with Leona, i think this is true as i trust this person. There are many, many posiblities he can do without just releasing a brand new album straight away, maybe like the maxi cd including unreleased gems again, putting the new vid also onto the disc.

Of course nothing will promote his new projects better than him performing, that will definetly be when i say Michael jacksons new era has started.

So to sum up, Michael is in the final parts of these projects now, maybe he wont release all of it at once, i hope he doesnt really. I hope he lets the world wait for his presence to be felt again and to know there can only be one true king of pop!!


Geez.. someone's given this some thought :D
To be honest though, I doubt there will be any new Jackson 5 material or touring.
Although I expect there to be quite a few collabs, for some reason.

Perhaps Michael could release his concerts on DVD though. That would be good.
Otherwise, you've got it pretty well covered
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thats the other new projects im talking about, with the new era of hd and lossloss sound , Michael Jackson has new areas of entertainment to conquor again now.

Look, Leona and michael supposedly and the source is well respected and trusted! (rubba) are or where recording with a time scan of some 3-4 months before being released, given that this was reported back in May , then the new single release would make sense! and would tie in well with what i have said.

Will iam and Akon will have advised michael a lot on releasing singles first and esp with Will giving him all his knowledge of releasing electronically to net first!

Michael has said he wishes to pursue this new release outlet but i still think there will be the maxicd like i said, with hopefully new ventures into bluray!

Akon's new single, with poss collab with Mike could pave the way for the releases to happen, oh and dont discount any future j5 releases, with them in Uk now or have been there was lots of interest. With future jackson ch4 doc we are going to hear a lot more about the reunion and what they have all been working on, along with Joes projects!

Come on u lot, i thought about this thread , lets get some replies and discussion going!!

btw, the time slot for new album would be around november if he was to release, however i find it more of a sure thing its the singles route till next year or at the earliest xmas market.

Personally.. in my opinion I would have to respectfully disagree with just about everything you have said. I dont know, I just get the feeling that by doing single, single, single, gives WAY too mcuh time. Instead of gaining interest, people may LOSE interest.

Reasons: Because music buying public dont always like the lead single. Or they do like it, but due to hearding JUST that ONE song over and over, get sick of it! When you have the FULL album soon after the lead single you can delve into it, and find your own favourites - not have to rely on radio to choose what you listen to. Also, by doing them single by single, you dont get to guage what the audience will like. By doing ONE single, then an album, the radio, record company and artist will be able to see which tune from the ALBUM is most popular/most asked about/most requested to radio, and have an idea what they want to do as the second single. ALSO, the longer u do singles, and no album, the highest the risk becomes of that full album leaking out online.

I agree the Akon single could pave the way for the first NEW mj release. Thats probably the idea.

Leona rumour and the timeline surrounding that certainly makes sense and fits the bill, meaning it could be a single in the near future if the rumour is infact true, which from the source, I think is highly probable (but remember MJ does MAKE duets, but not always release them - eg not including Freddy Mercury on Thriller)

I think Jacksons MUSIC would be a bad move. I just have a bad feeling about that. I think their time has passed.

Jacksons reunion tour would ROCK... BUT... would have to be AFTER all the hype of Michaels new solo album has died down. I would have them perform a set exactly like the 30th celebration at MSG, right in the middle of a MJ SOLO show. I think having them onstage the whole time would be more bad than good. Image them onstage during HIStory tour. Dangerous, Smooth Criminal, Black Or White, Earth Song... would NOT work.

To me this is the MOST IMPORTANT THING....


The Thriller 25 thing confirmed that fact. Thriller was on iTunes top albums for a short period of time, but maintained highly impressive chart positions LONG after its departure from iTunes, thanks to in store CD sales.... The selling point there is ALWAYS RELEASE A NUMBER OF DIFFERENT PACKAGES OR DESIGNS OR COLOURS (no thats not ripping us off, thats good marketing)



Thats my opinion on stuff:)
haha, sorry to get so carried away with the capitals and all :lol: but yeah, im done:)
Hi everyone,

Well i havnt done a thread for ages, so ithought i would start one up. With regard to the release of new material. IMO here is how i see it.

Many of the producers and collaboraters on these new projects are made to adhere to NDAs or risk not working on these projects, however they still drop little snippets saying about various things concerning the new material, but i think Michael has learnt from Rodney days that its best to keep quiet until everything is finished.
Michael has been in the spotlight again recently more than he has in ages, he is popping up everywhere.
He has not just got new material as in music as *THE PROJECTS* but also clothing and im sure your going to see lots more.

Why do i think Michael will go the singles route? as i have said a few times before!

Well first Raymone said a long time ago that he would release 3-4 singles before the album, contary to what people might have took that as, there was no timeframe to that statement and some people just added onto it.

Michael has said via a fan that the music buisness is so volatile nowadays that it would be best to try the singles route before he brings out a full blown album, i really think the old days of new single followed straught by the album has well and truely gone.

Think of it this way though, new single , new video, appearances, performances, mj single and possibly collabs, jackson 5 new material, and all the promo to go with that.

He could then ride on the back of all that success off that last release and release another new single, etc etc, until he has enough interest out there to go right here is the full album and put some unreleased tracks on that or special promotion to sell it even more.
The poster Rubba said about him in the recording studio with Leona, i think this is true as i trust this person. There are many, many posiblities he can do without just releasing a brand new album straight away, maybe like the maxi cd including unreleased gems again, putting the new vid also onto the disc.

Of course nothing will promote his new projects better than him performing, that will definetly be when i say Michael jacksons new era has started.

So to sum up, Michael is in the final parts of these projects now, maybe he wont release all of it at once, i hope he doesnt really. I hope he lets the world wait for his presence to be felt again and to know there can only be one true king of pop!!


:yawn: ........................
Well, i think we have to agree to disagree, because i feel that making lots of music vids will have the interest of the public more than just having an album out there.

Dont underestimate a jacksons revival, i think that is inevitable with the amount of projects going on.

I dont think we will have that long to wait for new material now. After all Michael is now in the mixing stage of any project, i think also that maybe he has been working on new short films, however as he is keeping all the cards close to his chest you wont of heard of anything of this.

As regards to concerts, i think that he will do a huge one off show to kickstart his new era of showmanship and promote those very projects you will all soon see.

I agree with Escape. I am leaning toward believing that Michael will not go the entire traditional route when it comes to the release of this new music. I think he is gonna do somethin different and I think it is going to work well for him. I think he is going to release those singles, but I don't think he is gonna wait until after Christmas to release the full album. Peeps are gonna have that CD under their Christmas tree!

What I do hope to see is him coming out strong with his first live performance of new dance moves to his new music. That first show needs to have the same level of magic, excitement and anticipation as the performance he did for Motown 25. It needs to be announced on tv in time for everybody to go crazy waiting to see it. That way, EVERYBODY will be sitting right where they need to sit in order to see it. It will be like the Thriller video. People are gonna be talking about where they were when they saw it.
I agree with Escape. I am leaning toward believing that Michael will not go the entire traditional route when it comes to the release of this new music. I think he is gonna do somethin different and I think it is going to work well for him. I think he is going to release those singles, but I don't think he is gonna wait until after Christmas to release the full album. Peeps are gonna have that CD under their Christmas tree!

What I do hope to see is him coming out strong with his first live performance of new dance moves to his new music. That first show needs to have the same level of magic, excitement and anticipation as the performance he did for Motown 25. It needs to be announced on tv in time for everybody to go crazy waiting to see it. That way, EVERYBODY will be sitting right where they need to sit in order to see it. It will be like the Thriller video. People are gonna be talking about where they were when they saw it.

Agreed. Michael is always trying to come up with ways to be innovative and do things that have never been done before, so it wouldn't suprise me if he did something completely different and went a different route for the new album.
Its not just about a different route, i think he has tons up his sleeve, lets face it he has had lots of time preparing now, i cannot wait for him to be everywhere again to see him perform live again will be amazing, but to see a new short film in high def with fll lossless sound will be unreal!!!

i also think that he will go this route simply because he will have more *noise* made than simply dropping an album and then making the big noise!!!

anyhow its going to get interesting as we go into july, august, as i feel that we will hear lots more.

I think the best way is no more than 2 singles before the album is released..

If u release 4 singles prior to the album than many of the songs will be off the air by the time it comes out.. 2 singles.. and like this..

First single is released... Then as the first single is slowing down, drops from lets say #1 to #10 he drops the second single just a few weeks prior to the albums release... ALBUM COMES OUT, has 2 strong hits to open sales..

POSSIBLY release the 3rd single the same week the album comes out, to UP first week sales.. (and that is pushing it) 4 is WAY too much..

Anyways, the singles should be spread out through a long period of time.. The album will VERY MOST LIKELY have over 12 tracks.. Lets say he releases 8 singles.. (I see the album with aprox. 17 tracks)

He should release each single maybe 2-3 months apart.. making the album have hits through 16-20 months..

Why do u think Thriller kept selling for so long so well?? It was released in 1982 and was still releasing singles through 1984.. over 2 years old and still rocking out the hits with that SAME album..

See the mistake many peopel do today is release an album every year or 2.. meaning, by the time a year goes by, another album is being promoted and released.. While that SAME album could have so much more potential..
There will be 4 singles released before the album, I can even name 3 of them.... WBSS 08 which has already been released, TGIM 08 also already released , and Hold my Hand with Akon from Akon's album probably to be released in the next couple of months.

the fourth single will come out a month before Michaels new Album and will be the lead single from the new album.
There will be 4 singles released before the album, I can even name 3 of them.... WBSS 08 which has already been released, TGIM 08 also already released , and Hold my Hand with Akon from Akon's album probably to be released in the next couple of months.

the fourth single will come out a month before Michaels new Album and will be the lead single from the new album.

We are talking about the NEW album, not Thriller 25. You can't possibly be claiming that T25 was Michael's new album?
No I'm not claiming anything of the sort.... Raymone claimed there could be up to 4 sinlges released before the new album, I'm just saying what I believe those 4 singles are / will be.
No I'm not claiming anything of the sort.... Raymone claimed there could be up to 4 sinlges released before the new album, I'm just saying what I believe those 4 singles are / will be.

Well we all know what eventually became of Raymone Baine -_-
But we are not talking about singles being released from T25. We are talking about the new album.

Yes I realised that, what I am saying is that no-one in MJ's camp or even a reputable source of info said that these 4 new singles would be songs taken from the new album. Raymone telling us that there would be up to 4 singles before the new album did not say that these would be songs appearing on the new album.

Why do people believe that 4 singles before the album means four songs released that will eventually be on the album?

As stated in the first instance and repeating myself now, I believe the 4 singles before the album refers to 2 singles released from T25 + 1 from Akon's album + 1 lead single from the new album.

I know that is not what you were talking about, It is however what I believe will happen and a much more likely scenario than having 4 new singles released before the album and then releasing an album afterwards with these same 4 songs on them. I mean really I don't see the point. Anyway time will tell so no point in arguing about it.

Peace out!
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Well we all know what eventually became of Raymone Baine -_-

Do we really? Care to share? Even if she was fired, and I couldn't really care less either way but obviously while she was employed by MJ she knew more about what MJ was doing than any of us on here.

Either way she said 2-4 singles before the new album and with the two single releases from T25 happening after her saying we can expect 2-4 singles before the album is released well it is obvious that she was right. So to imply that this information is wrong when it is already true and fact is ludicrous.

Peace out 4sure this time!
Terry, I have to take back SOME of my disagreement... i didnt realise you meant music VIDEOS with the singles. In that case, it COULD work.. but i still believe 4 singles is way too many.

Here is how I would plan out the comeback of Michael Jackson (remember this is the opinion) - I will base it around some rumours of dates we have all heard, some I have personally heard from certain places, and some of my own personal independent beliefs...


Late July -
(akon's album due August as he has said so late july would be the time the lead single is released. great way to get MJ's name and face back out there)

Late August / Early September -
(29Aug is MJ's birthday - naturally there will be BIG attention paid to Michael on this day and nothing will be negative. akon's single has been out for a month, people are warming to MJ once more due to both akons song and MJ's 50th, good time to release brand new music and have it accepted without negativity surrounding michael)

(Perform all his classic hits, plus the NEW single which has been out for about a month. No one will care if he performs all classics and only one new song because Michael being onstage is awesome enough. He wont need a variety of new material. And dont forget he has tunes from Invincible and songs like Weve Had Enough he COULD perform if he chose. A concert would be FANTASTIC publicity, just like 30th at MSG in 2001 was. Announce album release date.)

Early November
(Michael would HAVE to be exec producer of the doco. MJ did that for "Private Home Movies" and "The One" doco's both of which were FANTASTIC, POSITIVE documentries. Get Michael talking about making his comeback, making new music, include people he has worked with. Like Oprah, set it up on purpose so MJ is asked to sing something acapella. Sings a short bit of a song. At end of doco, feature THAT song that he sang acapella, with a fully blown Music Video.)

Few days after Doco / Early November
RELEASE 2ND SINLE (as above)
(Awareness of the single and it's release is at it's highest point due to revealing the song and video on the documentry only days before)

Late Novemeber / Early December
(After 2 singles, 2 videos, his 50th birthday, a concert, and documentry, ALL positive for Michael, release the NEW ALBUM! Another reason for the release at THIS time is it is in the Xmas lead up. Xmas time is the BEST time to release music. Sales BOOM at Xmas. That is for sure! (Album have 12-13 tracks on it - i'll explain later) )

December 31
(Could work well for an enormous worldwide AND live attending audience. He now has 2 singles out plus Akon's feature AND a full album. Could work in Michael's favour)

*****Through out the following months I would release a few more singles and a few more videos. Perform at the big awards shows like the Grammys for exposure and promotion.*****

Midway through 2009
(Being that I would have given the album 12-13 tracks, there would be space for MORE music. Fill that space with a few more NEW songs. Release ONE of those songs as the NEW SINGLE! This would launch album sales and interest enormously! Announce a few concert dates for key venues like London, Vegas and New York... maybe a couple of Asia dates, Australia, and maybe an African date too. You now have a host of NEW singles out over the past 9 months, which can be combined with mega-hits, and peformed in these concerts, much like HIStory Tour did. I would space these concerts out, so he has maybe one every week or two.. Plenty of time to travel, recoup, recover vocally, see sights, spend time with his kids etc. The concerts could take us to late 2009)

Late 2009
(Release one of the live concerts from the short tour as one DVD with a "Making of the tour" special feature, and on the other DVD release all of he music videos with a special "Making of the album and videos" special feature. Another boost for sales and ULTIMATE FAN COLLECTION ITEM!)

Umm, I think thats enough. I doubt many of you would have read all of that LOL! But thats just what flowed off my fingers when I thought about how I would do things.

What do you guys think?:)
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Terry, I have to take back SOME of my disagreement... i didnt realise you meant music VIDEOS with the singles. In that case, it COULD work.. but i still believe 4 singles is way too many.

Here is how I would plan out the comeback of Michael Jackson (remember this is the opinion) - I will base it around some rumours of dates we have all heard, some I have personally heard from certain places, and some of my own personal independent beliefs...


Late July -
(akon's album due August as he has said so late july would be the time the lead single is released. great way to get MJ's name and face back out there)

Late August / Early September -
(29Aug is MJ's birthday - naturally there will be BIG attention paid to Michael on this day and nothing will be negative. akon's single has been out for a month, people are warming to MJ once more due to both akons song and MJ's 50th, good time to release brand new music and have it accepted without negativity surrounding michael)

(Perform all his classic hits, plus the NEW single which has been out for about a month. No one will care if he performs all classics and only one new song because Michael being onstage is awesome enough. He wont need a variety of new material. And dont forget he has tunes from Invincible and songs like Weve Had Enough he COULD perform if he chose. A concert would be FANTASTIC publicity, just like 30th at MSG in 2001 was. Announce album release date.)

Early November
(Michael would HAVE to be exec producer of the doco. MJ did that for "Private Home Movies" and "The One" doco's both of which were FANTASTIC, POSITIVE documentries. Get Michael talking about making his comeback, making new music, include people he has worked with. Like Oprah, set it up on purpose so MJ is asked to sing something acapella. Sings a short bit of a song. At end of doco, feature THAT song that he sang acapella, with a fully blown Music Video.)

Few days after Doco / Early November
RELEASE 2ND SINLE (as above)
(Awareness of the single and it's release is at it's highest point due to revealing the song and video on the documentry only days before)

Late Novemeber / Early December
(After 2 singles, 2 videos, his 50th birthday, a concert, and documentry, ALL positive for Michael, release the NEW ALBUM! Another reason for the release at THIS time is it is in the Xmas lead up. Xmas time is the BEST time to release music. Sales BOOM at Xmas. That is for sure! (Album have 12-13 tracks on it - i'll explain later) )

December 31
(Could work well for an enormous worldwide AND live attending audience. He now has 2 singles out plus Akon's feature AND a full album. Could work in Michael's favour)

*****Through out the following months I would release a few more singles and a few more videos. Perform at the big awards shows like the Grammys for exposure and promotion.*****

Midway through 2009
(Being that I would have given the album 12-13 tracks, there would be space for MORE music. Fill that space with a few more NEW songs. Release ONE of those songs as the NEW SINGLE! This would launch album sales and interest enormously! Announce a few concert dates for key venues like London, Vegas and New York... maybe a couple of Asia dates, Australia, and maybe an African date too. You now have a host of NEW singles out over the past 9 months, which can be combined with mega-hits, and peformed in these concerts, much like HIStory Tour did. I would space these concerts out, so he has maybe one every week or two.. Plenty of time to travel, recoup, recover vocally, see sights, spend time with his kids etc. The concerts could take us to late 2009)

Late 2009
(Release one of the live concerts from the short tour as one DVD with a "Making of the tour" special feature, and on the other DVD release all of he music videos with a special "Making of the album and videos" special feature. Another boost for sales and ULTIMATE FAN COLLECTION ITEM!)

Umm, I think thats enough. I doubt many of you would have read all of that LOL! But thats just what flowed off my fingers when I thought about how I would do things.

What do you guys think?:)
Wow. :eek:mg:
I REALLY like what you put down there, :eek:hmy2: just actually imagining about it got me really excited, especially MJ performing New Year's part. :hysterical: And your plan is not really like, out of the league type of thing, if you get what I'm sayin. lol But wow, thats' really good. I think the documentary part would be really great also, get people watching and see how MJ is really like. :yes:
Wow. :eek:mg:
I REALLY like what you put down there, :eek:hmy2: just actually imagining about it got me really excited, especially MJ performing New Year's part. :hysterical: And your plan is not really like, out of the league type of thing, if you get what I'm sayin. lol But wow, thats' really good. I think the documentary part would be really great also, get people watching and see how MJ is really like. :yes:

Thanks:) Glad you liked it.
I tried to keep the plan as "real" as possible.
WOW! Why aren't you on MJs team!? As Micky said that sounds like an 'optimum' plan! Now im more excited then ever! (Maybe we should forward your ideas to MJ and his team??) LOL
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This is what i think im gonna throw out a few ideas:

1. First this single/video with akon comes out and it doies well on charts.
2. Then September comes and mj releases new single.
3. October he Has world premiere video. (As goes back to black or white days) when ABC/NBC, MTV, BET, VH1 all world premiere the video. Day in and day out starting in september they have advertisements and everything. The special is 2 hours long and it picks off where 'THE LEGEND CONTINUES ENDS'.
4. end of november to beginning on December DROPS The new album.
5. Mj HEADLINES on Dick Clarks rocking New years Eve bash.

To be continued.
I'm not sure what Michael Jackson is doing,usually true of him finding different ways to entertain,but i'm not sure if Michael would want take this risk of exploring changes in the music Industry.
Well as damien said!!


i really believe my singles route now, and after hearing about t pain and usher OMG!! i am so excited , this really is the kickstart we have been waiting for.
