3-hour Interview with Joe Vogel

thank you for the updates.. nothing really "new" info when it comes to the music.. we heard this about will.i.ams music but its nice to know as a re confirmation
On MJFC interview Joe said that vocals on Cascio's songs sounds strange and they "haven't offered much in terms of explaining their origins and recording process". Joe gave them advice to be "be more forthcoming in addressing fan concerns." As I see he says something similar about it on this interview too.
Well Cascios never did interviews except that conversation on Oprah. Cascios are Cascios :)
But it seems to me that Joe doesnt believe them and doesnt like them :)

Thanks for summary I just didnt know how to find a time to listen full 3 hours lol
One thing that really struck me in the interview was when he mentioned the fact that he will discuss in more length the work AFTER the Bad and Thriller era. Very excited about that. I believe that from the Dangerous album on, Michael showed his true passion, his humanitarian efforts, and personally, that's when I first truly became a fan. I truly believe that is what will bring in the newer fans who still have preconceptions of him from the media, and that's really what this is all about. I support this book 100 percent! Finally, a positive book for Michael! :D
Stupid question, I'm sure, but.....who is Joe Vogel? :scratch: :lol:
A brief summary I found on maxjax:

Anyway, for those who don't feel like sitting through a three hour long interview, here are some interesting bits I picked up on . . .

About the Will.i.am songs: "My understanding is that there's at least three or four songs that are pretty close to finished. I haven't heard them, I've heard about them, I've heard titles. I hear that they're great. I do think that they will come out eventually. [...] It is mostly kind of dance-oriented music, and it's very, from what I understand, forward-looking dance music."

About the classical music MJ wrote before his death: "I might be doing a piece on it this summer. So if I can get lined up with David Michael Frank, we can do something. Because of all [Michael Jackson's] unreleased material, that's what I'm most excited about. I'd love to hear it."

Info about the book's promotion: "It looks like we're going to do some tie-ins with Cirque du Soleil, which will be a lot of fun. And Sterling Publisher is a subsidiary of Barnes and Noble, so it's supposed to be in the front of bookstores at Barnes and Noble, displayed very prominently in stores. So that will be great for the United States [promotion]. We'll also be doing a book tour and both radio and TV interviews."

About the class Joe teaches at the University of Rochester, which incorporates MJ: "This semester, actually this whole year, I taught a course called 'Romanticism in Rock,' which explored connections between Romantic poets like Blake and Wordsworth and Shelley, and then contemporary popular music. So we explored bands like the Beatles and Arcade Fire and of course Michael Jackson, and [we] explored parallels with their work. That was a really fun class to teach!

"I pulled some sections from my book to stimulate class discussions, occasionally. We looked at aspects of [Michael's] work in the class, like we looked at music videos like 'Black or White' and 'Thriller,' and we looked at some of his more obscure works like 'Morphine' and 'Scared of the Moon.' And the students respond really well to it and really enjoy it. A lot of them didn't think of Michael in that way before, they just thought of him as a phenomenon but never really understood his art. So that's the kind of thing we explore."

Thoughts about the 'Michael' album: "I have mixed feelings about the album. There's some incredible songs on there . . . 'Much Too Soon' is one of my favorite songs ever, out of [Michael's] catalog. 'I Like the Way You Love Me' is a favorite of Stevie Wonder, and 'Best of Joy' is amazing, it's just a beautiful song. Some of my issues with the album have to do with process. I'm a purist. I want to hear music exactly how Michael left it. And after that, I love to hear different takes, like remixes or reproductions. So in some cases on this album, that didn't happen and that was a frustrating part of it."

About the Cascio songs: "In terms of the controversy, I think my position on that is that we just have to wait for more. I never talked to the Cascios. I talked to a lot of Michael's collaborators, but I just didn't talk to them, so I don't know a lot about those tracks. I reached out [to the Cascios]. They've been reluctant to do interviews and I don't know the reasons for that. I think one of the Cascios is coming out with a book, so maybe that will be a time that he can shed more light on those tracks.

"You know, the piece I did on 'Hollywood Tonight' for Huffington Post . . . I was able to call the people that were involved with that song and basically just trace it from the time that the idea came, and the various kind of stages that it went through. So it's very clear-cut. You can hear different versions of it, in terms of where it was at different stages, you can hear those different demos. I haven't been able to do that with the Cascios' songs, so I would just be speculating if I said anything about them, other than what people already know."
Thanks a lot bluesky! Look at the bolded part :wild:

Thank you!
On MJFC interview Joe said that vocals on Cascio's songs sounds strange and they "haven't offered much in terms of explaining their origins and recording process". Joe gave them advice to be "be more forthcoming in addressing fan concerns." As I see he says something similar about it on this interview too.
Well Cascios never did interviews except that conversation on Oprah. Cascios are Cascios :)
But it seems to me that Joe doesnt believe them and doesnt like them :)

Oh dear, the Great Debate continues. I have to respond. Joe clearly disagrees with the Cascios on their production decisions. As a music historian he would have preferred to hear the straight tracks without overproduction. And he's frustrated that he couldn't get an interview with them in time for his book. He's hinted this might be because they want to save the material for their own expected book.

But I've seen nothing about his personal feelings about the Cascios, or their honesty.

He expressed hope their book will shed more light on the production process. If he didn't believe them, why would he think their book would shed light on anything?

Do you have links or exact quotes? Thanks. (Really looking forward to Joe's book!)
Oh dear, the Great Debate continues. I have to respond. Joe clearly disagrees with the Cascios on their production decisions. As a music historian he would have preferred to hear the straight tracks without overproduction. And he's frustrated that he couldn't get an interview with them in time for his book. He's hinted this might be because they want to save the material for their own expected book.

But I've seen nothing about his personal feelings about the Cascios, or their honesty.

He expressed hope their book will shed more light on the production process. If he didn't believe them, why would he think their book would shed light on anything?

Do you have links or exact quotes? Thanks. (Really looking forward to Joe's book!)

Ok, Joe told his opinion and i told my opinion as i understood his words. I would not prefer to start any great debates about them. I respect Cascios and their statements about collaborations with Michael.
Ok, Joe told his opinion and i told my opinion as i understood his words. I would not prefer to start any great debates about them.

Trust, I'm not the LEAST interested in that debate. I'm just making sure Joe Vogel isn't misinterpreted and a rumor isn't started by people who would love to latch onto this. Vogel's about to become the most important music critic on the market writing about Michael's music, so it matters.

It's needed as you aren't letting us know what Joe's opinion is, but only your view of what it is. Few are going to go back and comb through three hours of audio to find the quote.

Here's the quote from the interview. It's clear Joe is not saying he dislikes or disbelieves the Cascios. He's simply saying as a purist and music historian he would have preferred the tracks stripped down, and is frustrated they wouldn't give him an interview in time to include in his book.


Caller: Regarding his new "Michael" album, I was wondering what you think of it, and how would you compare it with his older music? And would you care to comment about people saying that some of the tracks are not him singing?

JV: I have mixed feelings about the album. There's some incredible songs on there. Much Too Soon is one of my favorites ever in the whole catalog, and I Like the Way That You Love Me, which is a favorite of Stevie Wonder's. Best of Joy is amazing, it's a beautiful song.

Some of my issues with the album have to do with process. I'm a purist. I want to hear music exactly as Michael left it -- then after that I love to hear different takes, remixes or reproductions. It's probably the historian in me, but I just want to hear exactly what he left, because I find that very illuminating. So in cases on this album, that didn't happen, and that was the frustrating part of it.

[Note: It was our research at Lipstick Alley that uncovered the archived and unreported Stevie Wonder radio interview, where he discusses his love for the album and this song in particular, and his belief that the Cascio tracks are authentic. Our transcript was then picked up by other websites.]

In terms of the controversy, I think my position on that is that we just have to wait for more. I never talked to the Cascios. I talked to a lot of Michael's collaborators, but I never talked to them. So I don' know a lot about those tracks. [Is there a reason you haven't talked to them?]

I reached out to them... They've been reluctant to do interviews, you know, and I don't know the reason for that. So I think one of the Cascios is coming out with a book so maybe that will be the time he can shed more light on the process of those tracks.

You know, like the piece I did on Hollywood Tonight, I was able to call the people who were involved in that song and basically just trace it from the time the idea came, through the various stages it went through, so it was very clearcut. You could hear different versions of it, in terms of where it was at different stages, you could hear those different demos... I haven't been able to do that with the Cascio songs, so I would just be speculating if I said about them other than what people already know.
On MJFC interview Joe said that vocals on Cascio's songs sounds strange and they "haven't offered much in terms of explaining their origins and recording process". Joe gave them advice to be "be more forthcoming in addressing fan concerns." As I see he says something similar about it on this interview too.
Well Cascios never did interviews except that conversation on Oprah. Cascios are Cascios :)
But it seems to me that Joe doesnt believe them and doesnt like them :)

Thanks for summary I just didnt know how to find a time to listen full 3 hours lol

For the bold part, I don't think Joe is suggesting he doesn't believe in the Cascios.
He wrote an album review of "Michael' couple months ago.

In addition, the vocals, particularly on a couple of the "Cascio tracks," don't always measure up to Jackson's typical
strength and vitality, leading some to label them as "fake." Until a forensic analysis or some other concrete evidence proves otherwise that conspiracy theory doesn't hold up for me--especially after hearing the final album versions on very good speakers.

This is directly from his article so he didn't imply he didn't believe in the Cascios.
He just thought they can handle the songs in a better way (which I also agree with him).
He also said it would be good that SONY can also release the pre-produced songs.
I think he just disagreed with how the Cascios produced the songs and having questions about the Cascios not giving much information about how the songs formed through times like all the other MJ collaborators.
On the other hand, the Cascios not just appeared on Oprah.
Eddie Cascio also showed up in the video 'MICHAEL: The Making of the Album'.
JV: I have mixed feelings about the album. There's some incredible songs on there. Much Too Soon is one of my favorites ever in the whole catalog, and I Like the Way That You Love Me, which is a favorite of Stevie Wonder's. Best of Joy is amazing, it's a beautiful song.

Some of my issues with the album have to do with process. I'm a purist. I want to hear music exactly as Michael left it -- then after that I love to hear different takes, remixes or reproductions. It's probably the historian in me, but I just want to hear exactly what he left, because I find that very illuminating. So in cases on this album, that didn't happen, and that was the frustrating part of it.

thanks for this. I am look forward to his book and this is the only book I would like to buy. Much too soon and best of joy are my favorite in this album too:) I love reading Joe Vogel's words, cannot wait for the book.
I can't wait to get Joe's book. As far as the Cascio tracks go i think Joe is being tactful in what he says which is very understandable considering he needs the cooperation of the Estate to get his book written and would have to be careful about what he writes in it from a legal point of view. Based on what he did say though i can take a pretty good guess as to what he really thinks about the Cascio tracks!
My personal opinion is that Vogel doesn't hold in much respect the Cascio tracks but he is trying to be balanced when he is expressing an opinion. If so, am totaly with him. Those songs should have never been associated with the Michael Jackson name.
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Yeah Kasi i agree. The Cascios refused an interview with Joe Vogel about the tracks......why would they do that unless.........well we all know why! Unbelievable when you think about it really considering that Joe wrote an article that was very favourable to the Cascios back when the album first came out and really gave them the benefit of the doubt. Joe's article even convinced many that doubted the tracks initially that they were real. And then they refuse to do an interview with him about the tracks! They seem to be completely incapable of speaking about the tracks in any detail whatsoever.... Personally that speaks volumes to me.
My personal opinion is that the Vogel doen't hold in much respect the Cascio tracks but he is trying to be balanced when he is expressing an opinion. If so, am totaly with him. Those songs should have never been associated with the Michael Jackson name.

I agree with you as well.
My personal opinion is that Vogel doesn't hold in much respect the Cascio tracks but he is trying to be balanced when he is expressing an opinion. If so, am totaly with him. Those songs should have never been associated with the Michael Jackson name.

It's exactly the same what i meant to say before. Joe didn't have to put it baldly just to understand him that way. He is diplomatic.
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Dear MJ Fans:

After several weeks of research, interviews, and writing, I am excited to let you know that my "Earth Song" piece is nearing completion. If all goes as planned it will be available as a "Single" on Amazon.com worldwide in mid-to-late June. It will be approximately 30-35 pages. I plan to publish part of it for free on The Huffington Post.

I have worked very hard on this piece. You've all been extremely patient waiting for my book so I wanted to get this out to you over the summer. I hope it will allow fans and non-fans alike a glimpse into the brilliance of this song, how it was made, what it meant to Michael, and why it is one of the most important anthems of our time.

You can read a bit more about it on my website: http://www.joevogel.net/earth-song.

Thank you for your continued support!

All the best,
Joe Vogel

Dear MJ Fans:

After several weeks of research, interviews, and writing, I am excited to let you know that my "Earth Song" piece is nearing completion. If all goes as planned it will be available as a "Single" on Amazon.com worldwide in mid-to-late June. It will be approximately 30-35 pages. I plan to publish part of it for free on The Huffington Post.

I have worked very hard on this piece. You've all been extremely patient waiting for my book so I wanted to get this out to you over the summer. I hope it will allow fans and non-fans alike a glimpse into the brilliance of this song, how it was made, what it meant to Michael, and why it is one of the most important anthems of our time.

You can read a bit more about it on my website: http://www.joevogel.net/earth-song.

Thank you for your continued support!

All the best,
Joe Vogel

Earth Song! :wild: :heart:

Thanks for posting! ;)

Dear MJ Fans:

After several weeks of research, interviews, and writing, I am excited to let you know that my "Earth Song" piece is nearing completion. If all goes as planned it will be available as a "Single" on Amazon.com worldwide in mid-to-late June. It will be approximately 30-35 pages. I plan to publish part of it for free on The Huffington Post.

I have worked very hard on this piece. You've all been extremely patient waiting for my book so I wanted to get this out to you over the summer. I hope it will allow fans and non-fans alike a glimpse into the brilliance of this song, how it was made, what it meant to Michael, and why it is one of the most important anthems of our time.

You can read a bit more about it on my website: http://www.joevogel.net/earth-song.

Thank you for your continued support!

All the best,
Joe Vogel

Awesome, thanks!..