3-hour Interview with Joe Vogel

Thanks so much! I am listening as I write and I think it is quite interesting. I really want to read this book!!!
You can hear the interview here.

It`s a very interesting interwiew. He also says that the Taborelli-info about the only 17 songs in the vault is wrong. From his infos of the Estate they are about 50 nearly finished songs and over 100 other songs.

50 nearly finished ?

I want them like that! I don't want a shit remixe or a shit singer come to finish his songs!

And what does it mean 100 other songs ? Completly finished or just the melody or the lyrics ?

Thanks for posting.
50 finished and another 100 songs.

So the Estate has 150 MJ songs?
I am listening to this interview and it is really, really very good. Joe really knows a lot about Michael's work. And he also has a lot of info about different songs that have not been published. I agree with him about those songs: we WANT to hear the original versions, just as MJ left them. Interesting. Really interesting. Quite long, though, but very good.

This is a book we need to have soon!!! And it is a good point when he says that it was almost impossible to get his book published before June 2009, for no publishers wanted to work on any thing positive about Michael. Sad. He also mentioned he believe that, as far as publishers see this kind of positive stuff DOES sale, we will have the chance to see more serious and positive and HONEST books about Michael published. You kwnow, it is all about money in the very end, but in a way, I would really love to know more about Michael Jackson, the artist, the creator.

50 nearly finished ?

I want them like that! I don't want a shit remixe or a shit singer come to finish his songs!

And what does it mean 100 other songs ? Completly finished or just the melody or the lyrics ?

Thanks for posting.

100 other songs means not finished/ not so much finished as the 50 songs. The 50 song are finished or nearly finished. Not more defination. He says also it`s difficult to say when the song is finished because we all knew MJ changes the songs over the years before he makes the decission to do it on a album.
The 50 songs complete could be songs like Xscape, Love Never Felt So Good, BlueGangsta, Do You Know etc which are pretty much done, and the 100 other could range from Hollywood Tonight type things where a bridge is lacking, or some instrumentation here or there, to that Children of the World snippet with sum hummed lyrics, or even some more bare pieces with just instrumentation etc.
Aww he dedicated his book to Michael's kids. That's really thoughtful IMO.

He also says that the Taborelli-info about the only 17 songs in the vault is wrong. From his infos of the Estate they are about 50 nearly finished songs and over 100 other songs.

50 nearly finished ?

I want them like that! I don't want a shit remixe or a shit singer come to finish his songs!

And what does it mean 100 other songs ? Completly finished or just the melody or the lyrics ?

Thanks for posting.

100 other songs means not finished/ not so much finished as the 50 songs. The 50 song are finished or nearly finished. Not more defination. He says also it`s difficult to say when the song is finished because we all knew MJ changes the songs over the years before he makes the decission to do it on a album.

The 50 songs complete could be songs like Xscape, Love Never Felt So Good, BlueGangsta, Do You Know etc which are pretty much done, and the 100 other could range from Hollywood Tonight type things where a bridge is lacking, or some instrumentation here or there, to that Children of the World snippet with sum hummed lyrics, or even some more bare pieces with just instrumentation etc.

He actually said that the number would depend on what you consider "complete" and he said that he consider Hollywood Tonight close to completion. So in his opinion that 17 could be totally finished songs, another 23 would be close to finish equaling 50 songs. The other 100 would be the partial songs.
I'm listening to this right now..it's very interesting and his thoughts about Michael on his website are a good read..like on his top ten non-studio album songs.
for those who have listened!! Is the audio really worth listening to? anything else cool to hear besides about what MJ recorded?
A transcript would be much needed and appreciated, although it's a 3-hour interview.. Hopefully, one will somehow be available ..
i will listen to it later
but i hope we get all those songs :D And for that to happen i thing the sale of the posthumus album Michael needs to be good. So i think its better to stop hating it and try to love it so we will have alot of michael songs coming
I hope they release it in 2 versions the demo and finished. i think teddy riley did an amazing job on Michael, and some songs which are not finished are great finished to be released as single, i dont think a single will work if its a demo, but that is my thought.
Also i hope this book will do good because we need more pos books, and the publicer needs to see that good pos books about Michael sale good, and that they dont need crap and lies to sale

Im looking forward to here this interview
thanks for posting! :)
sorry, I want to hear what Vogel is saying but this is flippin' brutal to listen to ... i deserve a medal for making it through the first 32 minutes.

somebody pls help a sista out and bullet point this stuff.
^that tells me enough lol thanks I just wanna know any important stuff that is said and leave it there
A brief summary I found on maxjax:

Anyway, for those who don't feel like sitting through a three hour long interview, here are some interesting bits I picked up on . . .

About the Will.i.am songs: "My understanding is that there's at least three or four songs that are pretty close to finished. I haven't heard them, I've heard about them, I've heard titles. I hear that they're great. I do think that they will come out eventually. [...] It is mostly kind of dance-oriented music, and it's very, from what I understand, forward-looking dance music."

About the classical music MJ wrote before his death: "I might be doing a piece on it this summer. So if I can get lined up with David Michael Frank, we can do something. Because of all [Michael Jackson's] unreleased material, that's what I'm most excited about. I'd love to hear it."

Info about the book's promotion: "It looks like we're going to do some tie-ins with Cirque du Soleil, which will be a lot of fun. And Sterling Publisher is a subsidiary of Barnes and Noble, so it's supposed to be in the front of bookstores at Barnes and Noble, displayed very prominently in stores. So that will be great for the United States [promotion]. We'll also be doing a book tour and both radio and TV interviews."

About the class Joe teaches at the University of Rochester, which incorporates MJ:
"This semester, actually this whole year, I taught a course called 'Romanticism in Rock,' which explored connections between Romantic poets like Blake and Wordsworth and Shelley, and then contemporary popular music. So we explored bands like the Beatles and Arcade Fire and of course Michael Jackson, and [we] explored parallels with their work. That was a really fun class to teach!

"I pulled some sections from my book to stimulate class discussions, occasionally. We looked at aspects of [Michael's] work in the class, like we looked at music videos like 'Black or White' and 'Thriller,' and we looked at some of his more obscure works like 'Morphine' and 'Scared of the Moon.' And the students respond really well to it and really enjoy it. A lot of them didn't think of Michael in that way before, they just thought of him as a phenomenon but never really understood his art. So that's the kind of thing we explore."

Thoughts about the 'Michael' album:
"I have mixed feelings about the album. There's some incredible songs on there . . . 'Much Too Soon' is one of my favorite songs ever, out of [Michael's] catalog. 'I Like the Way You Love Me' is a favorite of Stevie Wonder, and 'Best of Joy' is amazing, it's just a beautiful song. Some of my issues with the album have to do with process. I'm a purist. I want to hear music exactly how Michael left it. And after that, I love to hear different takes, like remixes or reproductions. So in some cases on this album, that didn't happen and that was a frustrating part of it."

About the Cascio songs: "In terms of the controversy, I think my position on that is that we just have to wait for more. I never talked to the Cascios. I talked to a lot of Michael's collaborators, but I just didn't talk to them, so I don't know a lot about those tracks. I reached out [to the Cascios]. They've been reluctant to do interviews and I don't know the reasons for that. I think one of the Cascios is coming out with a book, so maybe that will be a time that he can shed more light on those tracks.

"You know, the piece I did on 'Hollywood Tonight' for Huffington Post . . . I was able to call the people that were involved with that song and basically just trace it from the time that the idea came, and the various kind of stages that it went through. So it's very clear-cut. You can hear different versions of it, in terms of where it was at different stages, you can hear those different demos. I haven't been able to do that with the Cascios' songs, so I would just be speculating if I said anything about them, other than what people already know."
^^ Thanks, bluesky, for sharing some of those highlights....His thoughts on the Cascio songs are.....interesting....and I'm not surprised the Cascio's were reluctant to give any interviews...:smilerolleyes:

The Will.I.Am tracks are quite the enigma, aren't they? lol I really would love to hear them...:D

I'm really looking forward to this book as Joe seems to be very respectful and very focussed on bringing forth information about Michael's artistic endeavours; something we don't see a lot of, especially in this much detail.
I hope this book gets some good promotion. I think people should look at Michael's music especially from History and Invincible. It gets ignored.
I usually listen to podcasts while I work, so this would be a great way to pass the time! Looking forward to a positive book for once. Will definitely be supporting this.