28 May08.....the buzz about Michael at that party is still going

i guess your lucky interms of knowing ppl who tend to follow mj abit interms of knowing about all the rumours over the years about the ranch. the average joe who doesnt follow mj one bit and only sees whats in the papers and doesnt remember all the rumours over the years because they dont care. they see what they read now and because its pushed down everyone throats they presume it happened ie he sold the cat ranch etc because when it doesnt happen the media just ignore it so joe public doesnt know any better because they only know what the media allow them to know
i guess your lucky interms of knowing ppl who tend to follow mj abit interms of knowing about all the rumours over the years about the ranch. the average joe who doesnt follow mj one bit and only sees whats in the papers and doesnt remember all the rumours over the years because they dont care. they see what they read now and because its pushed down everyone throats they presume it happened ie he sold the cat ranch etc because when it doesnt happen the media just ignore it so joe public doesnt know any better because they only know what the media allow them to know

Nah, the folks I'm talking about don't follow MJ, per se. They just don't believe everything they read, because they just don't TRUST the media. LOL!
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the pictures of mjs kids were all over one of the uk papers yesterday and the same again today with another one. im sure its against the regulations for them to be posting such pictures of minors but nothing will happen unless mj complains.one of the papers is the daily mail who openly admit they hat mjs guts so as when they plasted the kids over the front page a few months back yet again they will be going on about how "white" they are daily mail is the most racist and xenophobic paper in the U.K read by middle class white folks who blame the countries problems on foreginers.
The Daily mail did a fake interview with Debbie a few months back and her her denying MJ as father. The interview was so fake you could see right through it . I really do not understand where they get their morals from. Don't they think that is child abuse?:(
Nah, the folks I'm talking about don't follow MJ, per se, they just don't TRUST the media. LOL!
And the thing is after all the rumors and all the hate campaigns Thriller 25 still debuted in the top 10 in I think it was 22 different countries. It can sometimes strike back at themself also (the media I mean) if they lie over and over again and the general public starts to discover that it is lies but they print it anyway and start ask themself how may times have I heard this story and what else do they lie about. Most people are not like NG or DD and I don´t think they ever hated MJ they just follow the pack mentality.
And the thing is after all the rumors and all the hate campaigns Thriller 25 still debuted in the top 10 in I think it was 22 different countries. It can sometimes strike back at themself also (the media I mean) if they lie over and over again and the general public starts to discover that it is lies but they print it anyway and start ask themself how may times have I heard this story and what else do they lie about. Most people are not like NG or DD and I don´t think they ever hated MJ they just follow the pack mentality.

Exactly! Another example is the recent Thriller video screening at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. I was there and the joint was PACKED. CNN reported that there was over 2,000 people out there. That's a lot of people, just to see a 25 year old video, that most folks have already seen dozens of times.

Once again, the PEOPLE have spoken. LOL!
Exactly! Another example is the recent Thriller video screening at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. I was there and the joint was PACKED. CNN reported that there was over 2,000 people out there. That's a lot of people, just to see a 25 year old video, that most folks have already seen dozens of times.

Once again, the PEOPLE have spoken. LOL!

I have to agree.. I think the media thought that they finally got MJ in 2003 with the Bashir fiasco and the subsequent fallout including a trial, but once again MJ has risen from the ashes. He will be ok, and I think they've done all they can do now
You guys have to do a better job learning to not sweat the small stuff. The general public is not as dumb as the media would like to think. Do you know what's going to happen after someone...that is not a fan...reads that article online? They are going to want to see it for themselves. And what do you think they will most likely do to see it for themselves?

They are going to go straight to YouTube expecting to see a bunch of people disappointed..

Now, after doing this, what do you think this person is going to see? You already know the answer...

Now, ask yourselves...who is going to look stupid after this reader goes to YouTube? Is it going to be Michael Jackson, or the person that wrote the article?

You already know the answer to that too...

Also, these type of crappy articles are only getting noticed because Michael Jackson...who is a HUGE star...is quietly working. Once he is no longer quietly working on his undisclosed plans/projects, but is actually implementing them, do you think the articles of these small-minded writers are going to continue being noticed? I mean, how will something so smalll be able to get noticed once Michael kicks off something that you already know is going to be big, mind-blowing and fun?

What he is going to be doing is going to easily overshadow all the present non-sense. Right now, it's much like, "when the cat's away, the mice will play." So for now, gotta learn to not sweat the small stuff.

It is not going to last...and it is not going to be able to stand up to what's coming. You already know Michael Jackson thinks big.

Also, if the masses was given a choice between articles that takes jabs at people, and music that uplifts humanity, the masses will choose the music. You can bet money on this.

Also, for every "one" journalist that writes bad articles about him, there are "thousands and thousands" of fans that openly show him support. The way the fans across the globe stuck by him during the hardest time ever, is causing the general public to take a closer look at him to see what made the fans want to do this. And as they take a closer look at him via the Internet, they are starting to notice that he is a really nice guy that has done a lot of nice things.

The turning of the tide was inevitable, because the saying, "you can't keep a good man down," is not just a saying. It is true. :yes: :flowers:
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I have a feeling that folks are becoming NUMB, to the MJ and his children stories. I mean, how many times can they discuss MJ's children before folks lose interest. In my opinion, it's repetitive and boring at this point. No need for MJ to complain.

Exactly.. I also think.. its not a complete accident they don't have on veils...

MJ might be gradually getting the public use to seeing them.. because when he is ready to do his thing.. those kids are going to also be there with their Dad... just my opinion..

those kids are beautiful and happy...
Thanks for the news.

It is insane that the laughable media have to hate and say that MJ was a disappointment. These people are idiots. The PEOPLE have spoken and they were GLAD to see him.

It is funny that the crappy Daily Mail hate the man that still talk about him and his children like they were nothing. They look "white" How the hell you look white? Can black children have long hair, be fair skin and the like? I know some blacks that do not even prefer to be known as black and they "look" black. The racism and ignorance of the media is obvious. They trash his children because they hate him. Whatever. Lionel Richie's children are BLACK yet no one is trashing them. (No one should) You wanna know why? Because they do not hate Lionel. The media is disgusting. Just disgusting.

Right. I am glad you bought up the very point that the children were at a book store and not somewhere else. It is good that MJ is encourging his children to read because he knows that reading can get you anywhere in life. He is not going to spil his children rotten like certain famous people have no issue doing.

also alot of the comments I read on the Daily Mail site about the article are pretty supportive...
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I have to agree.. I think the media thought that they finally got MJ in 2003 with the Bashir fiasco and the subsequent fallout including a trial, but once again MJ has risen from the ashes. He will be ok, and I think they've done all they can do now

this is the most positive statement I have read from you since being part of the forum from 2001.

WONDERFUL!!... Keep that tone..
Wow, why do these a**holes always have to do this?

"Michael Jackson leaves partygoers disappointed".


"The rumours, scandal and cosmetic surgery of recent years have seen Michael Jackson fall from favour, but let’s gloss over that for the moment and celebrate his former glory with this cute Michael Jackson Roll Cuff T-shirt."


Please excuse me, I am a member of the MJDL (Michael Jackson Defense League), and this kind of stuff really pisses me off.

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The media is sp pathetic. They try so hard to bring MJ down, bit they will never accomplish it. I mean MJ has risen from the worst possible scenario, and is as strong as ever. No matter what people are going to want MJ, because he is NEEDED here. Many can deny it, but they know deep down they want him back.
Right on giss!!!

So true, the medai cant handle the face that mike really is "UNBREAKABLE!" :)
Don't bothered too much about those stupid articles, if there is something I learned from life is that more rumors and stories are written or said about a person, then more this perosn is important, otherwise nobody will be interested in talking bad about he/she. If tabloids want to go on with their ignorant battle against MJ just laugh at them, cause the worst has already been done and MJ is still there going to bparties, in the charts with T25, still one of the most searched celebrities on internet, the one who has the largest fan base on internet and so on.

For the rest I have to disagree with some of you, I know people who believe the worst about MJ, cause what they read is never positive, and after a while is getting into their head. If the media will show MJ in a better way for sure, more people will change their mind about MJ.
Anyway also Chaplin was hated and humiliated in the States, and he had to live in exile, and then magically after his death now he is only remembered to be on of the greatest actors ever. It will be the same for MJ, time will tell.
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I hope that we don't have to wait until Michael passes away to see the media tide turn back in his favor. Michael deserves more respect than he gets. And I personally feel that he also needs some kind of definite closure regarding alot of the things he has faced. I don't expect it. But I hope it happens while he's still alive.
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^^^ F*** THOSE B*****DS!! Disappointed???? If anyone SAW footage NO BODY was disappointed!! they didn't even know he was going to be there!!!! I swear I could throw a brick at those f*&$#s!! Cater to the ignorant...is what they do best...arggghhh I am soooo pissed...

Yeah I was pissed too at first, but let's face it, they didn't write ANYTHING bad for him , they even said he was in good shape. And maybe disappointed is a strong word, but of course ppl want Michael to perform every time they see him , so IN A WAY I find this a positive article :)
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I hope that we don't have to wait until Michael passes away to see the media tide turn back in his favor.
u think its bad now wait till then the media will have even more of a free rein to mess with his legacy
Of course people was disappointed!! LOL !!
They want see Michael even MORE !!!
They wants see Michael always!
Anyway... Michael leaves the party after he said "He's the king of fashion"? I don't think so... but time with Michael is never enough... LOL!
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cause the worst has already been done and MJ is still there going to bparties, in the charts with T25, still one of the most searched celebrities on internet, the one who has the largest fan base on internet and so on

Right. Also, Madonna and Janet have CDs out and they are not being talked about as much as MJ and MJ is working on his new CD. They never went through half of what he went through yet, he gets more talked about than those two. That is amazing and whether the news is good or bad, all publicity is good publicity and at the end of the day, he is getting in the news.
Today, we just live in a cruel world and our media is just full of it. I do not believe most people take the media serious; however, the few that do take the media serious are often the people the media puts through and put into polls, call ins, etc. I said it before Thriller 25 came out that fans should NOT let the voices of a FEW make you think EVERYONE is hating on Michael or anyone else. I look at the president elections now in the United States. Most of these talking heads from MSNBC, CNN, FOXNEWS, etc have their own agenda to push certain people and will degrade the other candidate, dig up people connected to these candidates, and make a mountain out of a mole hill or twist the truth or the message these candidates are trying to do. It is very clear nowadays. If Michael would have listen to people after 2005, according to these haters, Michael would have never brought out Thriller 25 or anything else. And of course, Thriller 25 is a SUCCESS. Look at Rf who called T25 a flop, now this idoit had to eat his words and admit it is a great success (even out selling Janet's new cd). As long as Michael has a core audience and one that can keep him selling at least ONE million, Michael will be fine. the media is nasty to everyone, the internet is nasty and degrading people because they can hide behind a font and pretend to be who they want and say what they want about people (even though many of these folks turn out to be cowards in person). I think some things needs to be address while other issues can pass. It all depends on the issue when I response. sometimes you need to talk in order to let the media know you will not take the unfairness to Michael.
Right. Also, Madonna and Janet have CDs out and they are not being talked about as much as MJ and MJ is working on his new CD. They never went through half of what he went through yet, he gets more talked about than those two. That is amazing and whether the news is good or bad, all publicity is good publicity and at the end of the day, he is getting in the news.
I agree. I am sorry to make this comparison but Michael is like porn. SOme people CLAIM not to like it; but if it is either in the room or come on tv, these SAME people will be the first to look it, and can't put it down, and like it.:rofl::rofl:
The thing i dont get is that, Why ppl. @ Christian's B-day party were "Disappointed"!!! He was there to speak NOT Perform, THERE WASnt even a rumor that he would be there... They're Lucky they got to get a peak @ him. Why dont thay just be contained with that!!!???
Today, we just live in a cruel world and our media is just full of it. I do not believe most people take the media serious; however, the few that do take the media serious are often the people the media puts through and put into polls, call ins, etc. I said it before Thriller 25 came out that fans should NOT let the voices of a FEW make you think EVERYONE is hating on Michael or anyone else. I look at the president elections now in the United States. Most of these talking heads from MSNBC, CNN, FOXNEWS, etc have their own agenda to push certain people and will degrade the other candidate, dig up people connected to these candidates, and make a mountain out of a mole hill or twist the truth or the message these candidates are trying to do. It is very clear nowadays. If Michael would have listen to people after 2005, according to these haters, Michael would have never brought out Thriller 25 or anything else. And of course, Thriller 25 is a SUCCESS. Look at Rf who called T25 a flop, now this idoit had to eat his words and admit it is a great success (even out selling Janet's new cd). As long as Michael has a core audience and one that can keep him selling at least ONE million, Michael will be fine. the media is nasty to everyone, the internet is nasty and degrading people because they can hide behind a font and pretend to be who they want and say what they want about people (even though many of these folks turn out to be cowards in person). I think some things needs to be address while other issues can pass. It all depends on the issue when I response. sometimes you need to talk in order to let the media know you will not take the unfairness to Michael.

VERY Well Said!!! :clapping:I Totally agree!!!:D
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Yeah I was pissed too at first, but let's face it, they didn't write ANYTHING bad for him , they even said he was in good shape. And maybe disappointed is a strong word, but of course ppl want Michael to perform every time they see him , so IN A WAY I find this a positive article :)

Unfortunately I've come across a few articles on Finland's second to largest news broadcasting website and the largest tabloid paper where some journalists dared to call it a "pathetic comeback" and that "he let the fans down/ betrayed them"... which must sound all too familiar to those who read the news at the time of the 2006 World Music Awards.
Moreover, they described Michael's speech as a one-sentence-statement in the fashion of "Hey, Christian is the King of Fashion." They described what MJ uttered as "incoherent mumbling"... when in fact you could hardly hear his voice due to the screaming fans... and, in general,they applied very negative diction throughout the article... used his tabloid nickname on one occasion... and so on. :mello:

Even then, there were parts in these articles that were in fact somewhat positive, such as the mentioning the huge expectancy for his new album and the excitement of the guests at the birthday party. Overall the reporting has improved from what it was some years ago and they've already stopped mentioning the trial altogether which is a positive sign. :)
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Unfortunately I've come across a few articles on Finland's second to largest news broadcasting website and the largest tabloid paper where some journalists dared to call it a "pathetic comeback" and that "he let the fans down/ betrayed them"... which must sound all too familiar to those who read the news at the time of the 2006 World Music Awards.
Moreover, they described Michael's speech as a one-sentence-statement in the fashion of "Hey, Christian is the King of Fashion." They described what MJ uttered as "incoherent mumbling"... when in fact you could hardly hear his voice due to the screaming fans... and, in general,they applied very negative diction throughout the article... used his tabloid nickname on one occasion... and so on. :mello:

Even then, there were parts in these articles that were in fact somewhat positive, such as the mentioning the huge expectancy for his new album and the excitement of the guests at the birthday party. Overall the reporting has improved from what it was some years ago and they've already stopped mentioning the trial altogether which is a positive sign. :)
The world media is owned by the same 5 conglamorate. They set the agenda for what will be repported and the others just copy and paste. This is a sound example of it.