25th December, xmas will never be the same again!

I celebrate Christmas with a christmas eve dinner so actually 24th and then 25th and 26th as well. 25th is absolutelly devastating for obvious reasons - Michael, but for me today, the 24th is absolutelly devastating as well because it's exactly 1 month since my mum passed away... I just couldn't make it today at the dinner and didn't share wafer with my friends and didn't say any wishes. I just left the room and waited for them to finish so I could just go and eat. It's just too much...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww:(:better:So sorry to hear about your'e mum!:no:
((((((((((((warm hug))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Take care hun,we all are here for you:yes::better:
I totally know what you guys mean. I can't even begin to describe of just how sad, miserable, and depressed I am now. It was just earlier I was upstairs looking at my presents underneath the tree. And I am really not looking forward to opening them at all. Especially since I already know a few of them is going to be MJ items. Like I usually get every year. I am crying now just by thinking of what tomorrow is going to be. Which is why I am going to try and spend tomorrow in bed. And just try to forget of what day it is. And if I can't I really don't know how I am going to be able to handle it. When there is only going to 4 people on my mind the entire day tomorrow. And that is Michael and his 3 children. I don't know how I am going to be able to open up those presents of mine. Without wanting to really cry over Michael again. I know Michael would want me to happy on Christmas. But I can't not when I don't have a single ounce of joy or happiness left in me now. It is just so extremely horrible having to live in a Michaelless world now. A world that I would never had thought I would live to see.
I know what you mean. Today it seemed that he was everywhere. I was in a store & they were playing J5 Christmas, then watching one life to live & there were kids singing ABC kareokee I want to cry.
Same here I would give anything to go back in time to more happier times. Especially going back to the early 90s. Where I had such happy memories of Michael. That I would give anything in this world now to relive again.
It will never be the same. I got Invincible for Christmas in 2001 and I have been a fan ever since, I always think of that Christmas when I listen to that cd. God I miss him.
It's so unbelievable. To that time I find myself very often saying "to that time xx months ago, Michael was alive and I was so happy and looking forward for the concerts". When I look at the time now I know Michael was with us, 6 months ago. He was probably rehearsing. He rehearsed "Thriller" and "Earth Song" on June 24th, wasn't he? So he probrably was on stage now to that time, 6 months ago- not knowing what'll happen a few hours later... that's what's going on in my mind around the last 25th's.
I also always repeat in my head what I did on that day without knowing what will happen. I'll never forget the day, meeting a good friend, driving around, I even remember stuff we talked about, the day plays over and over again, though it wasn't anything special. But life was fine then. It was happy and I expected to see Michael 1 month later.

Here in germany christmas was already, I even had a litte Michael-Moment. My sister gave a present to me and I laughed so hard because she gave me a (Wannabe-)Super Soaker. So, I sat there laughingl like a little kid and screaming out like Michael did "Super Soakeeeeer". I almost cried because it was funny and so sad and the same time.

I miss Michael so much :cry:

I celebrate Christmas with a christmas eve dinner so actually 24th and then 25th and 26th as well. 25th is absolutelly devastating for obvious reasons - Michael, but for me today, the 24th is absolutelly devastating as well because it's exactly 1 month since my mum passed away... I just couldn't make it today at the dinner and didn't share wafer with my friends and didn't say any wishes. I just left the room and waited for them to finish so I could just go and eat. It's just too much...

Aaaaaawwww I'm so sorry :hug:
Bless you ALL. you have all been so incredibly strong. I pray Michael is looking down and giving strength to all those who love him. We all miss him dearly.. but remember ~love lasts forever~

and I will love you forever Michael!
love you all too. please be happy for Michael..he's in a beautiful place now.
It's so unbelievable. To that time I find myself very often saying "to that time xx months ago, Michael was alive and I was so happy and looking forward for the concerts". When I look at the time now I know Michael was with us, 6 months ago. He was probably rehearsing. He rehearsed "Thriller" and "Earth Song" on June 24th, wasn't he? So he probrably was on stage now to that time, 6 months ago- not knowing what'll happen a few hours later... that's what's going on in my mind around June 25th.
I also always repeat in my head what I did on that day without knowing what will happen. I'll never forget the day, meeting a good friend, driving around, I even remember stuff we talked about, the day plays over and over again, though it wasn't anything special. But life was fine then. It was happy and I expected to see Michael 1 month later.

I was looking through my chat log with my closest friend yesterday and we was speaking to each other on the 25th, and when it happened, she showed me the thread. I always remember what happened next, like what I said, thought, did.
on June 25th I was 1 month and 1 day away from seeing Michael (26th July) and it just hurts how close it was and all I could think about was the concerts. Little did I know the worse thing ever could happen :(

I wish I could go back and save him somehow :sigh:
beautifully written crazy4umichael..touching :cry:
Michael I DONT WANNA LET YOU GO!!!! :cry:

Thank you dear.

I celebrate Christmas with a christmas eve dinner so actually 24th and then 25th and 26th as well. 25th is absolutelly devastating for obvious reasons - Michael, but for me today, the 24th is absolutelly devastating as well because it's exactly 1 month since my mum passed away... I just couldn't make it today at the dinner and didn't share wafer with my friends and didn't say any wishes. I just left the room and waited for them to finish so I could just go and eat. It's just too much...

Aww, sorry about your mom :cry: Its one of the hardest thing to lose a parent. Be strong and think that shes having a blast with michael. They both are watching over you.

ps: i am not associating michael to xmas, just that the date 25th marks his 6 months anniversary. And xmas will always remind us that we lost someone incredible. I am planning on driving out to the beach tomorrow, so i can spend some time alone somwhere peaceful so i can say my global prayer. Merry christmas to you all, i know i am not alone, because everytime i feel i am alone in this i think about all of you! Love you guys and hugs
I want a time machine :(

...i have one. But I'm afraid it doesn't work like it did in the movies.... :cry:

I was looking through my chat log with my closest friend yesterday and we was speaking to each other on the 25th, and when it happened, she showed me the thread. I always remember what happened next, like what I said, thought, did.
on June 25th I was 1 month and 1 day away from seeing Michael (26th July) and it just hurts how close it was and all I could think about was the concerts. Little did I know the worse thing ever could happen :(

I wish I could go back and save him somehow :sigh:

We would have been on the same concert :hug:
It was so close, that's so true :cry: It was my biggest dream to see Michael.

I remember that night very well...it was night over here. I got a text message, I was almost falling asleep and then this message - I refused to believe, I even forced myself not to cry because I told myself if I would cry then it would true. I was running around, I felt like had a fever, I almost passed out. I tried to figure out something via twitter (I just had mobile web to that time and couldnt view all pages) and when I read the tweet "They are playing MJs videos on times square now" I knew it was true... it was the point where I realized it. I don't remember much after that, just trying to listen to the radio and forcing myself to sleep to "wake up" - it was like a blackout after that for almost 3-4 hours. June 26th I wasn't able to speak the whole day, I was so damn much in a shock.... I'm sorry for that long post
We would have been on the same concert :hug:
It was so close, that's so true :cry: It was my biggest dream to see Michael.

I remember that night very well...it was night over here. I got a text message, I was almost falling asleep and then this message - I refused to believe, I even forced myself not to cry because I told myself if I would cry then it would true. I was running around, I felt like had a fever, I almost passed out. I tried to figure out something via twitter (I just had mobile web to that time and couldnt view all pages) and when I read the tweet "They are playing MJs videos on times square now" I knew it was true... it was the point where I realized it. I don't remember much after that, just trying to listen to the radio and forcing myself to sleep to "wake up" - it was like a blackout after that for almost 3-4 hours. June 26th I wasn't able to speak the whole day, I was so damn much in a shock.... I'm sorry for that long post

sigh. such an awful night. throughout the 25th June before it happened, I was well excited at school, we talked about Michael in every lesson because I was saying "OMG tomorrow will be a MONTH before I see Michael!" and everyone would be so excited for me. I'd count down the days with people.. it was so fun. I was on top of the world. then BAM my dreams just blew up :( I didn't go to school the next day. :(
Right this minute I may well be pissed alot. But right now I could write an essay on why I/we miss Michael. I could write another on why we need him. A Christmas without Michael. Ive not witnessed one before being just 19 years.

Right now... we should all thank the mods and Gaz for providing us with a place like this to come at special times like this. So... Thank You Everyone.
Thank you mods and Gaz and everyone who is keeping Michael's love alive forever! I love you all.
I celebrate Christmas with a christmas eve dinner so actually 24th and then 25th and 26th as well. 25th is absolutelly devastating for obvious reasons - Michael, but for me today, the 24th is absolutelly devastating as well because it's exactly 1 month since my mum passed away... I just couldn't make it today at the dinner and didn't share wafer with my friends and didn't say any wishes. I just left the room and waited for them to finish so I could just go and eat. It's just too much...

Oh, dear... Yours have been really hard days. I hope... well... I wish I could just find the right words, but... are there any at this time? All I can do is send you a big hug and wish you keep the faith and your strenght. All the best for you.
I am just starting to cry again. Because I just remember this little message that was carved on to my grandparents grave stone. Time moves by swiftly, Cause my grandfather who I had lost on April 3rd of this year. Had a love for clocks. And they were married for 59 years until his wife's death on January 6th of 2001. But that little message is also perfect for Michael too. Cause time really does move by swiftly. And I really wish that it didn't. Which is why I would give anything in this world now to have a time machine,
It's so unbelievable. To that time I find myself very often saying "to that time xx months ago, Michael was alive and I was so happy and looking forward for the concerts". When I look at the time now I know Michael was with us, 6 months ago. He was probably rehearsing. He rehearsed "Thriller" and "Earth Song" on June 24th, wasn't he? So he probrably was on stage now to that time, 6 months ago- not knowing what'll happen a few hours later... that's what's going on in my mind around the last 25th's.
I also always repeat in my head what I did on that day without knowing what will happen. I'll never forget the day, meeting a good friend, driving around, I even remember stuff we talked about, the day plays over and over again, though it wasn't anything special. But life was fine then. It was happy and I expected to see Michael 1 month later.

I think this has been one of the craziest years of my life too. Emotions up and down, happy moments, hope, then tears and sorrow.. Yes, this happens all the time, but this year I am emotionally exhausted and devasted. Though the world has not changed a thing, I am no longer the same. I am sad. I am depressed and I am unable to just go on. Six months ago he was giving his best, working to give us his precious talent on stage again, while I was just sleeping at home, so far away from him.

But here I'm now.... 1:00 am here... 25 has arrived for me. And again, I feel like I die a bit.
Its been exactly 3 years since James brown passed and 6th months since MJ. I miss them like crazy!!!!

Its been exactly 3 years since James brown passed and 6th months since MJ. I miss them like crazy!!!!


Awww man, just look at those two icons together! I never thought id be here on Christmas 2009 talking about MJ not being here. Is it possible im still in shock that hes not here? Its still so hard to grasp.

I try repeating the words in my head over and over. Or reading them. Michael Jackson has passed away, Michael Jackson has passed away. Its madness.
Awww man, just look at those two icons together! I never thought id be here on Christmas 2009 talking about MJ not being here. Is it possible im still in shock that hes not here? Its still so hard to grasp.

I try repeating the words in my head over and over. Or reading them. Michael Jackson has passed away, Michael Jackson has passed away. Its madness.

Sure this is madness.
Sure it is insane. For things went out of control and look at us now: lost with no direction. At least this is what I feel and my heart can't accept it either. I was reading some news and went to BBC home page and there they had it: "2009, the year Michael Jackson died" and it was such a slap on my face. Why did he have to repeat it so many times that "this" was it? Why couldn't this have been "2009: the year Michael Jackon came back to stay" :cry: