25th December, xmas will never be the same again!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson fans are going to experience more than just christmas. And not just this christmas but every christmas for the rest of thier lives. 25th of every month brings back life changing memories. 25th was the date when my life changed drastically. I can say that i am not the same person i was before. 6months passed by but its still fresh, like it happened yesterday. 2.26 pm is tattooed over my heart. This christmas for me personally is going to be solemn. While i will physically be a part of the festivity my mind will be elsewhere. But not trying to bring the christmas spirit down, i am going to remember him for the love he showed us through his music and through his dance.

Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin' back at me
Dancin' in moonlight
I know you are free
Cuz' I can see your star
Shinin' down on me

(Together again, by Janet Jackson)
no it won't be the same :( never again. I don't celebrate Christmas on December 25, because I am Orthodox and our Christmas is on January 7. But ever since I became a fan I always wished Michael Merry Christmas on this day. When I was younger and had MJ posters on the walls of my room, I used to stand in front of one of the posters and give Michael on the poster a long Christmas speech about my feelings for him and my Christmas wishes for him, how he should be happy and know that we love him etc.... In the later years I didn't have posters, but still I always remembered to wish him Merry Christmas... And this year I will be lighting a candle... :(
Well.... I do not celebrate Xmas, so for me things are a bit different. However, I know how important this day is for most of the people around me and I respect your feelings.

Despite this, December 25 IS going to be very difficult, because people are usually happy and having fun, enjoying the moment... and even now, I do not feel like having all the fun most people have. I am still very sad and as Helena mentioned, my life changed dramatically on the 25. Every 25 is extremely hard to face.

Six months feels like eternety, sure, but the pain doesn't get any better. I am still waiting for that to come and I just hope I can think of Michael without this pain in my heart. But so far... I can't :cry:
I have been extremely sad in the last days....not just because of Christmas...I see happy people everywhere and I can"t be happy. Because of my own belifes I don"t celebrate Christmas or any other religious holiday.
I hate when ppl are trying to be nice that one day and other days they don"t give a damn about others in need. I have seen it billion times.
Sorry....I really don"t want to bring anybody down with my post....but living in a world without Michael , it is just so dificult.
He was giving and giving the love....all of his life...and look how ppl were treating him...omg.
I miss him....I want him back....he was the light in this world.
It's going to be hard tomorrow.
But Michael and his children will be in my heart and prayers tomorrow for sure. :heart:

Oh it hurts thinking that it's been 6 months...already. :cry:
I know how you feel. The past couple of days I have been feeling so sad. Christmas is a happy time and my thoughts just keep going to Prince, Paris and Blanket who are having to spend tomorrow without their wonderful daddy. I miss him so much and its hard to think about whilst I'll be unwrapping presents and seeing family, Michael is no longer here. Michael loved christmas and its hard to think about the thought that Michael wont be here tomorrow. Every christmas I say merry christmas to my Michael poster and this year I will be blowing a kiss to the sky, wishing him a very merry christmas. Merry Christmas Michael, I love and miss you so much.
I'm 15 and I don't care at all about Christmas this year. Last year was so good, all I got was Michael things. But this year.. he isn't even with us. :(

I'm 15 and I don't care at all about Christmas this year. Last year was so good, all I got was Michael things. But this year.. he isn't even with us. :(

Ive never even really assosciated Michael with Christmas. So it makes no difference to me really.

You got MJ stuff last year, whats stopping you this year? :)

The only way it will affect me is the fact thats its been half a year since he died tomorrow. Im sure I wont even remember though.

(I cant turn italics off btw)

Your all looking at this the wrong way. If your upset about MJ or anything else in your life, Christmas can allways be used as an escape of sorts.

Ive had an absolutely terrible year, but Christmas allways changes that for me. On Christmas, nothing else matters to me but my family and Christmas itself. Its just wonderful.

I just cant see how you all assosciate Christmas with Michael so much. Sure you may have got MJ stuff for a lot of Christmases (so did I of course) but theres nothing stopping you from still getting MJ stuff.

Michael wouldnt want you spending Christmas feeling upset because of him, he would want you all to be having fun and be child like. I would personally gurantee that.
yes..christmas is depressing for me, now. mj reminds me of good things. he was a very important part of my life, and still is..i am depressed.
yes..christmas is depressing for me, now. mj reminds me of good things. he was a very important part of my life, and still is..i am depressed.

Just try and seperate the two. Try and see Christmas as an escape from some aspects of your life rather than a part of it.
*sigh* been down for a few days now. I will try to have a nice time tomorrow, but I'm still going to be missing Michael and wish he were here. One thing I can look forward to is finally being able to look at my Opus. I think if that were the only gift I got, I would be happy. I hope the Jackson family have a nice Christmas. It will be hard for them too. :( My love goes out to them and Michael. Wish he were here so I could give him a hug. :cry:
I've said this on antoher thread, and I'll say it here too...

I really hope Mike is watching all of us from up above! :angel:

Merry Christmas everyone :better:

Re: jiHi

Ive never even really assosciated Michael with Christmas. So it makes no difference to me really.

You got MJ stuff last year, whats stopping you this year? :)

The only way it will affect me is the fact thats its been half a year since he died tomorrow. Im sure I wont even remember though.

(I cant turn italics off btw)

Your all looking at this the wrong way. If your upset about MJ or anything else in your life, Christmas can allways be used as an escape of sorts.

Ive had an absolutely terrible year, but Christmas allways changes that for me. On Christmas, nothing else matters to me but my family and Christmas itself. Its just wonderful.

I just cant see how you all assosciate Christmas with Michael so much. Sure you may have got MJ stuff for a lot of Christmases (so did I of course) but theres nothing stopping you from still getting MJ stuff.

Michael wouldnt want you spending Christmas feeling upset because of him, he would want you all to be having fun and be child like. I would personally gurantee that.

I totally agree with you...I miss Michael soo much, but it's true..Michael would want us to be happy...Celebrating his life, instead of mourning his death...
I celebrate Christmas with a christmas eve dinner so actually 24th and then 25th and 26th as well. 25th is absolutelly devastating for obvious reasons - Michael, but for me today, the 24th is absolutelly devastating as well because it's exactly 1 month since my mum passed away... I just couldn't make it today at the dinner and didn't share wafer with my friends and didn't say any wishes. I just left the room and waited for them to finish so I could just go and eat. It's just too much...
I celebrate Christmas with a christmas eve dinner so actually 24th and then 25th and 26th as well. 25th is absolutelly devastating for obvious reasons - Michael, but for me today, the 24th is absolutelly devastating as well because it's exactly 1 month since my mum passed away... I just couldn't make it today at the dinner and didn't share wafer with my friends and didn't say any wishes. I just left the room and waited for them to finish so I could just go and eat. It's just too much...

Its really not the same... It feels so empty without him :cry:
Michael come back!!
Trust me when I say I know how everyone is feeling. My heart aches just knowing there will be no Michael this Christmas, or any more christmasses...But we all knew he loved Christmas. I don't think he would want us to mourn for him on such a festive holiday. No. He would want us to be happy and have as much fun as possible.

So..Just smile tomorrow. I know that will make him happy, wherever he is.
I celebrate Christmas with a christmas eve dinner so actually 24th and then 25th and 26th as well. 25th is absolutelly devastating for obvious reasons - Michael, but for me today, the 24th is absolutelly devastating as well because it's exactly 1 month since my mum passed away... I just couldn't make it today at the dinner and didn't share wafer with my friends and didn't say any wishes. I just left the room and waited for them to finish so I could just go and eat. It's just too much...

I am so sorry for your lose...:hug:
I celebrate Christmas with a christmas eve dinner so actually 24th and then 25th and 26th as well. 25th is absolutelly devastating for obvious reasons - Michael, but for me today, the 24th is absolutelly devastating as well because it's exactly 1 month since my mum passed away... I just couldn't make it today at the dinner and didn't share wafer with my friends and didn't say any wishes. I just left the room and waited for them to finish so I could just go and eat. It's just too much...

ohhh huni...:cry: we're all here for you....:better:
