2008 ~ New Edition 25th Anniversary


Great article. And I looove the pic! Thank you!
You're welcome. The people who run the Walk Of Fame, said that NE had the highest turnout of any Star unveiling ceremony with an estimated 1,500 people (and it was raining too). On one of the videos, I saw Ray Parker Jr., who wrote Mr. Telephone Man, in the crowd.
Really? More than Michael's? That's impressive. :yes:

I couldn't spot Ray Jr. but I could have sworn that I saw Stephen Hill from BET. (maybe not, lol!)

I enjoyed watching the videos you posted of the fellas. The one in the studio with the female radio host, was good.
Her comments at the end made me go check out "Mr.Telephone Man" again to see if I could catch what she was talking about.
I did. and was like, "well I'll be damned!" hahaha!

The WOF Ceremony.....I'm so happy for NE. They deserve it of course.
They've put in a lot of work and have been thru many ups and downs. So, big ups to them :)
It boggles my mind when I think....they've been at this for 33 years.
Would love to see them in concert, but it probably wont happen. I missed MJ in concert too, except for
one time when he was just a lil fellow with his brothers as the J5 and I was even younger. Lol!

Thank you Duran. :girl_smile:
Saginaw native Algee Smith brings New Edition role to life

By Eric Woodyard March 02, 2017 mLive

John Eley spent many nights traveling across the country with R&B frontmen Bobby Brown, Johnny Gill and Ralph Tresvant.
Eley was hired as a guitarist from 2008-09 as the trio embarked on a tour under the short-lived Heads of State moniker.

Although the band was pretty much a spinoff to the legendary New Edition hit group, Eley witnessed adoring fans worship the lead singers at every stop.

He never imagined that his young son, Algee Smith, would someday portray Tresvant - who he grew to know as "Rizz" - for The New Edition Story.

"I gave him a cheat sheet. It was funny, though, because seeing him perform Ralph was crazy," Eley said. "I called some guys that were in the band and told them what Algee was doing.

"I didn't actually get a chance to talk to Rizz myself, but I was able to give him some heads up and pointers about him about Ralph's personality, how he carried himself and Algee just adapted it and carried it well."

Smith, a native of Saginaw, delivered the performance of a lifetime during the three-night miniseries, which aired Jan. 24-26 on BET. The 22-year-old singer and actor said he felt a spiritual connection to the sweet-voiced Tresvant, especially with him still being alive and able to share his input along the way. The two were able to develop a bond that still stands.

"Other than the fact that we have many similarities with family and stuff, it was some stuff that I learned about his mom that I want to share but I really can't," Smith said. "It was so detrimental with what he went through with her, having to watch her pass from drugs and stuff like that so learning that about him was great.

"I was just talking to him about that stuff the other day."

Then there's the untold chronicles that didn't make the film.

"When him and Bobby were touring, they once hooked up with this dude's girl over here in L.A. so the dude got hot and put some money on Ralph's head and they were following him from city to city until they had to pay him off for like $30 or $40K," Smith said. "But it's just like learning little fun stuff like that, which I'm sure wasn't fun at the time for them."

Watching other storied music films, such as "The Jacksons: An American Dream" and Prince's "Purple Rain" was also impactful. Smith said he honestly had never studied New Edition before taking the role, but enjoyed the brotherhood he formed with the cast throughout the experience.

"The whole time it was like a spiritual thing," Smith explained. "It wasn't too deep where we were all bowing and praying on the floor every day before the set, but we could all feel the energy. We kept that.

"We were praying before takes but I feel like the energy that we brought to everything, plus the timing and long overdue process for the actual New Edition to be honored like that just all made it so special."

Smith was born in Saginaw on Nov. 7, 1994, briefly attending Early Head Start and Kempton Elementary before being home schooled. He moved to Georgia at seven-years-old, returned briefly in 2001 then relocated to Peach State again in 2002. He now resides in Los Angeles.

His mother, Tanesha Eley, was also born and raised in Saginaw, graduating from Buena Vista High School. He still has relatives living in the area, including several aunts, uncles, siblings and his biological father, Algee Smith III, but hasn't been back since he was 16-years-old.

"He does have a value for coming back to do something for Saginaw and I do, too," Tanesha said. "For people to know that some people come from Saginaw and are doing well, I don't just necessarily preach it to him but we do team him to not forget where he came from."

Smith isn't a fan of the Golden State Warriors, but says he holds deep respect for fellow Saginaw native Draymond Green. They've never met but he hopes that changes soon.

"I actually want to do something for the youth back in the city with Draymond," Smith said. "So that's on my mind and I've been thinking about that a lot."

For now, Smith remains busy putting in a ton of work. He plans to release singles from his EP music project soon. Smith will also star in the "Untitled Detroit Project," about the 1967 Motown riots, which was directed by Oscar-winning Kathryn Bigelow. The movie will get released Aug. 4.

Displaying versatility and not just being known as the dude who played Tresvant is his ultimate goal.

"The movie I've got coming out Aug. 4 is a biopic as well and it's about another character so now I don't want to do anymore of those for a minute," Smith said. "It is very important not to get boxed in and that's my thought, but as long as the work is solid, people can feel you and you can touch people's hearts ... the work will be straight."
Uhn uhn! Stop it Duran! :busted: I'm lovin' those pics you posted.
And look at B.Brown showing off his sneaks. Yeah I see 'em and I like 'em too. Lol!

Dem my boyz! NE 4Lyfe.
New Edition Story part 1

BET has uploaded Part 1 of the miniseries on their website, where it can be watched for free, and you don't have to register to the site. But they have the other 2 parts set up where only people who are subscribed to the channel can see them. See it here.

Here's a clip from a recent BBD concert where they invite some of the audience to dance on stage. Ronnie's comments are funny. :rofl:

Re: 2017 ~ New Edition 34th Anniversary

^^^Yes! Ronnie is the best! Thanks for the clip! Fun!

Still enjoying this film. I've watched it a few times now. And again today. (Sunday)

And OMG! Little Ralph singing one of my fave's! "Is This The End."
When he looks up into the camera his eyes are so amazing @56:27. :)
Reminds me of a similar scene with Little MJ singing "I Want You Back"...when he wore the little string band around his head. :girl_sigh:
Re: 2017 ~ New Edition 34th Anniversary

^^^Yes! Ronnie is the best! Thanks for the clip! Fun!

Still enjoying this film. I've watched it a few times now. And again today. (Sunday)

And OMG! Little Ralph singing one of my fave's! "Is This The End."
When he looks up into the camera his eyes are so amazing @56:27. :)
Reminds me of a similar scene with Little MJ singing "I Want You Back"...when he wore the little string band around his head. :girl_sigh:
I've been listening to Ralph's radio show recently and the past few days he hasn't been in. His assistant is running the show and said Ralph has been in the studio recording. During promo for the movie, BBD announced that all 6 members were going to record a new song for a Greatest Hits compilation NE is going to release. I wonder if this is what Ralph is doing in the studio.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/SandiMcCree">@SandiMcCree</a> &#10084; <a href="https://twitter.com/KingBobbyBrown">@KingBobbyBrown</a> &#128081; <a href="https://t.co/4Oa6MAYu9n">pic.twitter.com/4Oa6MAYu9n</a></p>&mdash; Woody McClain (@WOODY_THEGREAT) <a href="https://twitter.com/WOODY_THEGREAT/status/846438154064216064">March 27, 2017</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-version="7" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:28.10185185185185% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BLX1JUuASzC/" style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">(37 seconds in) Wait for it ---&gt; Bobble Head #BellBivDeVoe!!! &#34;The Town&#34; episode of #TheSimpsons was #BBD official tonight! • You gotta love it...! But watch your mouf Homer! #TheLateNiter #BOSTON #CityOfChampions</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by Ronnie DeVoe aka RBDJr (@bigrondevoe) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2016-10-10T06:28:30+00:00">Oct 9, 2016 at 11:28pm PDT</time></p></div></blockquote>
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Gooch - Come Back To Me

Ricky Bell sings the hook on this 1997 rap song. Some of you might recognize what Ricky is singing. :)
^^That was pretty-he has a nice voice. Wish he had sung the whole song. :)
Here's a NE song where Ricky is doing a solo lead. He's the only member in the video because this was filmed after the Home Again tour fell apart and no one else showed up to the video shoot that had been already scheduled.
Inside The Ride

I'm listening to Ralph's show right now and he mentioned that he knew Michael Jackson. Ralph said that they weren't real personal, but that he sometimes called Mike. Ralph said that if people knew the real Mike, they'd like him even more. Ralph said that he was like Mike in that he wasn't interested in the celebrity life, like being seen at parties and celebrity functions like that. Ralph said he started started doing the radio show to let his fans know his personality and he wished his heroes like Mike and Marvin Gaye had done that. Ralph has said a similar thing before on the show, that he wasn't like Bobby Brown, who wanted a lot of attention and to be seen. He said he didn't mind being in the background of NE, but as the lead singer, couldn't really do that much.
Re: Inside The Ride

I've been listening to Ralph's radio show recently and the past few days he hasn't been in. His assistant is running the show and said Ralph has been in the studio recording. During promo for the movie, BBD announced that all 6 members were going to record a new song for a Greatest Hits compilation NE is going to release.
I wonder if this is what Ralph is doing in the studio.
Could be.

I'm listening to Ralph's show right now and he mentioned that he knew Michael Jackson. Ralph said that they weren't real personal, but that he sometimes called Mike. Ralph said that if people knew the real Mike, they'd like him even more. Ralph said that he was like Mike in that he wasn't interested in the celebrity life, like being seen at parties and celebrity functions like that. Ralph said he started started doing the radio show to let his fans know his personality and he wished his heroes like Mike and Marvin Gaye had done that. Ralph has said a similar thing before on the show, that he wasn't like Bobby Brown, who wanted a lot of attention and to be seen. He said he didn't mind being in the background of NE, but as the lead singer, couldn't really do that much.

I'm sure! :)

Ricky Bell sings the hook on this 1997 rap song. Some of you might recognize what Ricky is singing. :)

Oh yeah! I most certainly do! An awesome little gem from The Jacksons 1980 Triumph album....TWFNO.
Ricky Bell was great! I don't know the rapper tho.:unsure:
Re: Inside The Ride

Could be.
Actually it turns out Ralph's doing a solo album, and he played a few snippets about a week ago. He mentioned that he's not supposed to sing right now, doctor's orders, as he had some vocal cord problems during the NE tour last year. So he's taking a break from singing and I think he was in the studio mixing some songs.
Thanks again Duran!

Oh and I really like that song......One More Day. I don't believe I have heard it before. Thanks.

Ralph is doing a solo project? That will be interesting to hear.
Wishing him well with it and his throat.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Happy birthday big bro <a href="https://twitter.com/RalphTresvant">@RalphTresvant</a> and <a href="https://twitter.com/JanetJackson">@JanetJackson</a> may 16th the day we celebrate leaders God bless MB...</p>&mdash; Mike Bivins (@MikeBiv) <a href="https://twitter.com/MikeBiv/status/864475116217958400">May 16, 2017</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/HappyBirthday?src=hash">#HappyBirthday</a> to <a href="https://twitter.com/JanetJackson">@JanetJackson</a>, Sommore, <a href="https://twitter.com/RalphTresvant">@RalphTresvant</a>, and <a href="https://twitter.com/thejohnsalley">@thejohnsalley</a>! <a href="https://t.co/up19Eo3bUs">pic.twitter.com/up19Eo3bUs</a></p>&mdash; TV One (@tvonetv) <a href="https://twitter.com/tvonetv/status/864488253021466624">May 16, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Finally got to watch the New Edition tribute on the BET Awards and it was excellent! Definitely was not expecting the whole NE cast to be participating, but they killed it!
NE meets Michael Jackson

A few minutes ago Ralph talked about when he took that picture with Michael Jackson in the early 1980s. He said that his grandmother blew the picture up into poster size and hung it on her wall. One of the other guys on the radio show Marv said that Ralph gave him a copy of the photo and his brother took the picture to school when their mother told them not to take it out of the house. When he brought it back home it was bent up. Later Marv said his brother played hooky one day and brought some friends over and the picture disappeared after that. Ralph then said when he and the other members of NE visited Mike he showed them the Thriller video before it had been released to the public. He said Mike had a movie screen at his house and NE ate dinner with Mike's mother and sisters. Ralph said he didn't brag about that to other people and didn't tell many people about it. Ralph said it was little known until he posted the pic online a few years ago.
Mitchell Coleman Jr. feat. Ralph Tresvant - I Can't Help It

new song