20/20 Next week

Oh that is never going to happen. When you have his so called friends and family saying otherwise
You know, these people are saying something was wrong, but no one ever goes into detail. What was wrong with him? Explain. It's like the family members that implied he was an addict. To what? And how long ago? What are they referring to? Everyone is so vague.

And none of that matters anyway since we all know that he died only of a Propofol overdose.
after his death every one has their opinion about his health ,otherwise they were happily blind before .
Hi all,

Cant wait to see what they have to say.

I am SOOOOOO SICK of hearing Justin bieber's name when Michael's in the same sentence, it is embarrassing to his genius to be compared to Bieber !!!

Get over it ! Bieber might be a hit with little girls but MJ is a hit will all age groups period !!

Sorry had to vent my anger.

with L.O.V.E Romen

I hear you. Bieber's talent to me seems very mediocre. I just don't see or hear anything about him that is so special. But Michael throughout his life, from child to adult was anything BUT mediocre! So these comparisons annoy me too.
20/20 is another tabloid masquerading a journalism. Haven't we all learned by now they are never going to give the whole story? Tito just wrote in the few weeks before his death Michael was fine and he seemed himself. His hairdresser, fellow dancers and costume designers said he was fine, his autopsy said he was in acceptable weight range. Why are we giving the media what the want by agreeing "he was a drug addicted, anorexic wreck"? Somewhere in the middle of the the 2 extremes is the truth, it's not black or white but the only way we are gonna stop the 1 sided sensationalism is to stop giving them any weight by speculating which gives them fodder, agreeing or worse, giving them ratings.
Saw this preview last night too and from the clips was not impressed, it seems to me the angle that will be focused on is his health and all that alledged drug drama.

BTW....with Cynthia McFadden asking the questions, I know ABC will be going for the jugular. I know my mute button will be working throughout this piece.
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Karen Faye Kissinger I am so busy and so excited!!!!!!

Η Karen Faye Kissinger My contractual obligations forbid me to write any more before the concert. I will read your email and posts. Keep sharing with me. Keep dancing! See you in London!
5 June 2009

Karen Faye Kissinger Hello everyone. I apologize for not posting recently. I have signed contracts, and within the contract are strictly enforced confidentiality clauses. Everyone involved in TII, must abide. I will continue to accept my friends, and I will be able to read
05 June 2009
Karen Faye Kissinger spent a few hours buying supplies for TII yesterday at my favorite makeup and hair supply store, Nigel's. It is a little bit of heaven for a girl like me.
30 May 2009

Karen Faye Kissinger Coffee and out the door. Everything is moving along full force. Watching MJ rehearse is giving me goose bumps. A genius at work. I do know how lucky I am to experience all this. Michael told me he was excited to be able to share and bring his music to the world.
29 May 2009

Karen Faye Kissinger Off to a production meeting. I asked Michael on Monday about Shaheen...he DID already see it. He loved it! I guess I am the only one who didn't see it, LOL.
26 May 2009

More innuendo from those who were on the inside seeing him everyday. It doesn't help just serves to create more confusion imo. Not long after Michael died, Randy Phillips did an interview with a radio station talking about Michael, "We knew he had an eating disorder, but we didn't know he had a sleeping disorder. We didn't tuck him into bed at night." Wtf? Nice statement coming from someone who bugged Michael 3 times to tour and was rejected twice. Murray couldn't or didn't care to see how thin Michael was getting and continue to pump him with x number of drugs for the money and eventually death ensues. If he was losing weight that rapidly for whatever the reason, the show should have been halted. Michael's well being was more important imo. Funny I remember Liza Minnelli speaking about the autopsy on LKL and she said something like " all hell is going to break loose" when it gets released....why? What did she know? Again more innuendo, the man is dead now, so whatever regret everyone around him at the time is now feeling over their "not telling", it's over. I'll never understand this, it makes no sense whatsoever.
More innuendo from those who were on the inside seeing him everyday. It doesn't help just serves to create more confusion imo. Not long after Michael died, Randy Phillips did an interview with a radio station talking about Michael, "We knew he had an eating disorder, but we didn't know he had a sleeping disorder. We didn't tuck him into bed at night." Wtf? Nice statement coming from someone who bugged Michael 3 times to tour and was rejected twice. Murray couldn't or didn't care to see how thin Michael was getting and continue to pump him with x number of drugs for the money and eventually death ensues. If he was losing weight that rapidly for whatever the reason, the show should have been halted. Michael's well being was more important imo. Funny I remember Liza Minnelli speaking about the autopsy on LKL and she said something like " all hell is going to break loose" when it gets released....why? What did she know? Again more innuendo, the man is dead now, so whatever regret everyone around him at the time is now feeling over their "not telling", it's over. I'll never understand this, it makes no sense whatsoever.

so MJ eats a little differently and 'doctor' randy phillips somehow KNOWS what an eating disorder is? anyway..if that's what phillips thought, then phillips is more culpable than i first imagined.
my problem with them is that if they knew something was wrong (like they are saying now) they should have done something, they should have said something!

Hey hun :hug: Remember the Frank DiLeo interview Raffles did? He talks about KF having concerns about MJ which caused a meeting between the organisers of This Is It, Frank, Michael and Murray. The outcome of the meeting was that after speaking with the Dr. those in the meeting were satisfied with what the Dr. said about MJ being ok.

This may not be the correct section of the interview it won't play on my laptop, so I just have to guess from the comments. If it's not right sorry, someone may be able to post the right section, or I will when I can -


Surprised at what MLB said :(

This just makes me very sad.

I wish I didn't enter this thread :cry:
Michael was NOT painfully thin. His death has nothing to do with his weight.
Michael was NOT painfully thin. His death has nothing to do with his weight.


P.S. Why the hell is anyone bothered with a programme like this??????...........Justin Bieber is just another factory-made, off-the-shelf, disposable star who is another case of no-style, no-substance!!!!!!!!!!
The special looks interesting. Not sure how I feel about how they're trying to tie Justin Bieber into it. I mean he's cute and his songs are catchy but he's NO Michael and to even suggust it is crazy.
As for Michael's weight, this will be a bit morbid but bare with me.

My friend is a pathologist and another one is a funeral director.

I asked them questions.


They weigh bodies after the body is completely washed. They remove all the clothes and jewelry. Then they are washed up with a special decifectant soap. All the organs, blood and fluids inside the body STAY inside the body. They weight the body on a special table which is meant to weigh full bodies. From there they record it. Then they examine the outside of the body. Record it. Then they move the body to another location in the room. A photographer comes in and takes photos. It's a must to have everything on record for court, files ect. The pathologist records (either on paper or voice recorder) what he see's on the outside of the corpse(bruises, needlemarks, rigor mortis, ect) Then they take the body, put it in a slab, from there they put a tag on the deceased ones toes, put a white or blue blanket over the body and place them into a crypt until it's time for autopsy. After the autopsy , they are place back in the crypt til further notice as to where to transfer the body to what funeral home.

Meaning, what the autopsy says Michael weighed (136lbs) is the weight they took when he was first wheeled in, clothes removed and cleaned up. There is no 'and' or 'if's' about it. I spoke to two professionals who pretty much cleared it up for me and follow a bit with what happened to Michael. This is the procedure for the coroner's here in NY. It's the same in California.

Now, once a body is taken to the funeral home, it is possible that all organs were removed. Depending if the family decided to donate organs or not. All Blood and fluids are removed. Either way, when the body reaches a funeral home, all liquids in the body has already been drained.

Meaning *if* Karen Faye really saw that Michael weight 108 lb's in the slab at the funeral home, it would make sense. All fluid and blood was removed. Our bodies consist of water and blood.

And I say that with a big *if* when it comes to Karen. She has proven to be a liar and mentally unstable, so I take everything she says with a grain of salt. The fact that she is being interviewed for this 20/20 episode on Michael, pretty much threw away the show's credibility for me. I don't even think I will bother to watch it to be honest.

Also, they have makeup people and clothing people at the funeral home to dress the dead. You don't choose the makeup artist or clothing stylist to dress a deceased person. Famous or not. At least that's the rules and regulations in NY. Don't know about California. I find it extremely hard to believe Karen did his makeup at the funeral home. Very hard to believe. I don't believe it to be quite frank. If it were true, I'm sure she would have sold the pictures she would have taken of Michael at the funeral home and sold it to TMZ the same way she did for his tomb photos. I just can't believe it. Each state has their rules and regulations, but I don't see California just allowing people who don't work in the funeral home doing other people's makeup.

And then there's the Fhyde. that's put inside the body (in order so the body doesn't decompose so fast) and a pink / red liquid also put inside the body to give it color. All that is done by people who work at the funeral home who apply the makeup, must also inject these liqiuds inside the body. I can't see Karen doing any of these things. She's not qualified for that.

As for the dressing up, that also has to be done by people who work at the funeral home. They have to use a special lift to lift the body and maneuver it here and there to dress that body up. A regular stylist can't do it. They are not allowed to. Or as in many cases, the person who works there can cut around the clothes and put the clothes in the body in that way. It easier. Either way, a professional who works at the funeral home has to do it either way. This is why I doubt Karen and ect who claimed to have dressed/put on makeup for Michael at the funeral home. This is why I also doubt she ever saw he weighed 108lb pounds.

More info (with no morbid photos)


Anyway, this is my opinion.

I asked around with people who I know who are professionals in this field.

Once again I am sorry for being morbid, but I wanted to clear this out and want the fans to know how it's done at a funeral home. All this 'was he too thin?' and 'wasn't too thin' is tiring....:sad:

Forest Lawn has a great reputation. They are one of the best in California. Michael was taken cared of very well. No need for Karen or others to intercept. Michael was in good hands. The best dare I say.
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As for Michael's weight, this will be a bit morbid but bare with me.

My friend is a pathologist and another one is a funeral director.

I asked them questions.


They weigh bodies after the body is completely washed. They remove all the clothes and jewelry. Then they are washed up with a special decifectant soap. All the organs, blood and fluids inside the body STAY inside the body. They weight the body on a special table which is meant to weigh full bodies. From there they record it. Then they examine the outside of the body. Record it. Then they move the body to another location in the room. A photographer comes in and takes photos. It's a must to have everything on record for court, files ect. The pathologist records (either on paper or voice recorder) what he see's on the outside of the corpse(bruises, needlemarks, rigor mortis, ect) Then they take the body, put it in a slab, from there they put a tag on the deceased ones toes, put a white or blue blanket over the body and place them into a crypt until it's time for autopsy. After the autopsy , they are place back in the crypt til further notice as to where to transfer the body to what funeral home.

Meaning, what the autopsy says Michael weighed (136lbs) is the weight they took when he was first wheeled in, clothes removed and cleaned up. There is no 'and' or 'if's' about it. I spoke to two professionals who pretty much cleared it up for me and follow a bit with what happened to Michael. This is the procedure for the coroner's here in NY. It's the same in California.

Now, once a body is taken to the funeral home, it is possible that all organs were removed. Depending if the family decided to donate organs or not. All Blood and fluids are removed. Either way, when the body reaches a funeral home, all liquids in the body has already been drained.

Meaning *if* Karen Faye really saw that Michael weight 108 lb's in the slab at the funeral home, it would make sense. All fluid and blood was removed. Our bodies consist of water and blood.

And I say that with a big *if* when it comes to Karen. She has proven to be a liar and mentally unstable, so I take everything she says with a grain of salt. The fact that she is being interviewed for this 20/20 episode on Michael, pretty much threw away the show's credibility for me. I don't even think I will bother to watch it to be honest.

Also, they have makeup people and clothing people at the funeral home to dress the dead. You don't choose the makeup artist or clothing stylist to dress a deceased person. Famous or not. At least that's the rules and regulations in NY. Don't know about California. I find it extremely hard to believe Karen did his makeup at the funeral home. Very hard to believe. I don't believe it to be quite frank. If it were true, I'm sure she would have sold the pictures she would have taken of Michael at the funeral home and sold it to TMZ the same way she did for his tomb photos. I just can't believe it. Each state has their rules and regulations, but I don't see California just allowing people who don't work in the funeral home doing other people's makeup.

And then there's the Fhyde. that's put inside the body (in order so the body doesn't decompose so fast) and a pink / red liquid also put inside the body to give it color. All that is done by people who work at the funeral home who apply the makeup, must also inject these liqiuds inside the body. I can't see Karen doing any of these things. She's not qualified for that.

As for the dressing up, that also has to be done by people who work at the funeral home. They have to use a special lift to lift the body and maneuver it here and there to dress that body up. A regular stylist can't do it. They are not allowed to. Or as in many cases, the person who works there can cut around the clothes and put the clothes in the body in that way. It easier. Either way, a professional who works at the funeral home has to do it either way. This is why I doubt Karen and ect who claimed to have dressed/put on makeup for Michael at the funeral home. This is why I also doubt she ever saw he weighed 108lb pounds.

More info (with no morbid photos)


Anyway, this is my opinion.

I asked around with people who I know who are professionals in this field.

Once again I am sorry for being morbid, but I wanted to clear this out and want the fans to know how it's done at a funeral home. All this 'was he too thin?' and 'wasn't too thin' is tiring....:sad:

Forest Lawn has a great reputation. They are one of the best in California. Michael was taken cared of very well. No need for Karen or others to intercept. Michael was in good hands. The best dare I say.

so u doubt how she would know how he would weigh 108 pounds, yet u say that it's plausible, what she said about him weighing that, based on ur info..

how could she 'know' then? is it possible she did some research, like u just did?
so u doubt how she would know how he would weigh 108 pounds, yet u say that it's plausible, what she said about him weighing that, based on ur info..

how could she 'know' then? is it possible she did some research, like u just did?

I already said what I needed to say on the subject. Personally I don't think Karen was even there to view Michael's body much less put his makeup on. They have professionals who do that at Forest Lawn. I already discussed the weight issue. That's it.

I don't want to talk more about the subject because it upsets me. This is Michael we are talking about. Just wanted to post the info I got from those two friends of mine who work in that field and that's it. :)
one thing is for sure. this looks like another incidence of the media unprohibiting what this site prohibited. this time, the taboo subject seems to be Karen Faye.
No offense to you prettygirlmj, or any others, but would you use a different part of the forum to discuss the autopsy stuff? To me and many others, it's much too morbid and wrong to talk about so casually.
I used to trust Karen Faye. Now I simply don't. i was as guilty as anyone for awhile thinking she had all the 'answers'. But I don't think she does. She is simply Michael Jackson's ex make-up artist with a mind twisted with grief. The fact she run to the very tabloid shows she claims to be against says it all. Michael was always thin- look at him during Thriller- he was stick thin then, he just had the plumpness of more collagen on his side. As we age, we begin to break down our collagen and fat so being very thin at say 25, and then being the same weight at 50 will look very different to others. Michael didn't die from not eating he died of acute propofol intoxication - injected by Dr. Conrad Murray. Shame on Faye and Bush for cashing in just like everyone else who thinks MJ is their next paycheck.
What do they think they're accomplishing by saying this to the media? Its pointless. I won't be watching.
my problem with them is that if they knew something was wrong (like they are saying now) they should have done something, they should have said something! but they didn't and Michael passed. and now they are giving interviews about how worried they were etc. if they were worried why didn't they say a word then? if the things are like they say they are, then it's their fault as well that Michael passed.

especailly ol girl who acts like she is MJ wife ( i will never respect or have any love for her i'm not going to even dear mention her name..cause she might be lurking to write some mental details on her FB/Twitter page) go sit down some where she did nothing to stop what MJ was going through that's why I stress on here all the time the truth will come out and when it does those same people will have the screw face I don't have time for 20/20 i will not be even giving those people being interview any of my eye watch. A lot of things should of been done MJ even reached out for help and many turn there backs enought said.
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I feel that some MJ fans would benifit by not hating on people that supported Michael for so long. People will say things we disagree with, and i dont find it right to attack someone because they say things we dont want to hear.. As much as we fellt like we did, we did not know Michael personally. And of course people are going to say things like we knew things were wrong and should have done something.. Thats very normal, anyone that has delt with someone that had something bad happen to them. Get sick, commit suicide, (whatever).. many feel like they could have done more and the signs of HELP become really appearent once its too late. We dont know what we would have done in others possition so we cannot state we would do any better.. I would like to think I would have saved Michael, helped him! but who the hell knows how hard it would have been, or what I would have known, or even how capable I felt like i was.. a year and two days ago I met MJ for the first time, and heard him rehears from outside 'the forum' and I still feel like I wish for that moment that I shook MJ's hand could have helped in someway! but I did NOTHING but say is I love you, and God bless you and he said it back..

I see all this hate on so many people MJ trusted over the years, for some are scum, and others are just not what WE want them to be. so I think we should lay off the selected people that dont deserve hate
Wasn't Michael Jackson always thin?

Yep, pretty much.
This appears to be another one of them character assasination "specials" produced by the good folks at ABC. Remember this is the same network that gave us Martin Bashir. I sure as hell won't be watching. Instead, I think I'll check out "The Secret Life of Michael Jackson's Children" tonight on TLC. It looks to be a little interesting.
Lol...I'm not gonna even comment on that Bieber boy.
Yep, pretty much.
This appears to be another one of them character assasination "specials" produced by the good folks at ABC. Remember this is the same network that gave us Martin Bashir. I sure as hell won't be watching. Instead, I think I'll check out "The Secret Life of Michael Jackson's Children" tonight on TLC. It looks to be a little interesting.
Lol...I'm not gonna even comment on that Bieber boy.

i share ur sentiments about ABC. every time i see Bashit at work there(and he still works there) i am reminded of what kind of a tv network i am dealing with. so..i don't trust anything they do. that thing with the guards..even...sure there are positive things they say..but they're going to have to suffer the collateral damage in my eyes, since they appeared on ABC tv. that's how i feel about the network. i don't trust them, and never will. besides...there are some fans who come across to me, as if they want to seek the approval of MJ haters....i, of course have no proof of that. but i'm just saying that, we don't need their approval, by way of those guards. MJ has enough loving fans, to make the haters obsolete, forever. and, there really hasn't been a figure in human history, whose detractors' minds could be changed, no matter what. yes..there are some converts in MJ's case..and if some fans want to continue to change the minds of some haters..so be it.. i do want people to love MJ, too. but we have various opinions...some people don't even trust that those guards were there all the time that the guards say they were there...so...

but i just feel comfy not trusting fully, any stories broadcast on the ABC tv network. MJ had the ability to pick and choose those he would go to for an interview. most other people don't seem to have that discipline. maybe because MJ's stardom dwarfed that of others, and MJ didn't feel he needed the media..but..anyway...i just don't trust ABC tv.
then phillips is more culpable than i first imagined.

That was exactly the point of my post...Phillips, if he knew that something was wrong had a responsibility to Michael. Faye and Bush who were around Michael as well and were involved with this tour and now want to speak to media after the fact. However, why bother doing an interview if you are going to be that vague? Are they saving it for court, will they even be called? Btw this takes nothing away from the fact that Murray drugged Michael, he is responsible for Michael's death. I checked this board and YT for the RP 3pt radio interview and it's been deleted on YT. He was speaking quite freely after Michael's death, now his words are deleted...why? Is someone trying to save their rear? Looks like it to me. These are people who worked closely with Michael before his death, so their words would generally carry more weight, what they say matters given the tragic turn of events. Whether it's the truth or not is another matter all together.
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