2 Really Good Kenny Ortega Interviews: On Michael's New Moves, DVD package and TINI

*sigh* Put it this way: I could easily hold you accountable. I could easily blame you for Michael's death, as you had more access then I did. I could easily say that you didn't do enough, even though you wrote letters and did what you could, I could still say "well Michael's dead, so obviously you didn't try hard enough"... but I'm not going to say that, because that would completely out of line and, quite honestly, I'm not that type of person. I could never go out and say such things about you. I would never build a website calling you a murderer and accusing you of neglect. I would never do that. I would never ever blame you for Michael's death, because it was not your fault. I would never attend public places with a replica of Michael's coffin and right in front of you say that you are the reason Michael is laying in this coffin. How would you feel if I did that? As if you didn't feel bad enough, here I am trying to convince the public that you killed him. What right do I have to do that? I don't even know you. It isn't fair to place such guilt on a person.

There are things in life you shouldn't do. That is why our parents teach us right from wrong. I don't know about you, but I would never take a grieving man, and try to blame him for the death of his loved ones. If a friend of yours died of anorexia, or of a drug overdose, would it be right for me to hold you accountable because you didn't do more to help? Kenny is someone that loved Michael. I don't care what anyone says. It's obvious that he loved and respected Michael. Their working relationship was that of 22 years. I'm sure knowing what he knows now, Kenny is looking back saying "I could have... I should have"... How could you intensify that feeling by claiming he contributed to Michael's death? It is not fair. I appreciate your efforts for justice, but I don't understand how you could say the things you're saying in not feel bad.

*sigh* Put it this way: I could easily hold you accountable. I could easily blame you for Michael's death, as you had more access then I did. I could easily say that you didn't do enough, even though you wrote letters and did what you could, I could still say "well Michael's dead, so obviously you didn't try hard enough"... but I'm not going to say that, because that would completely out of line and, quite honestly, I'm not that type of person. I could never go out and say such things about you. I would never build a website calling you a murderer and accusing you of neglect. I would never do that. I would never ever blame you for Michael's death, because it was not your fault. I would never attend public places with a replica of Michael's coffin and right in front of you say that you are the reason Michael is laying in this coffin. How would you feel if I did that? As if you didn't feel bad enough, here I am trying to convince the public that you killed him. What right do I have to do that? I don't even know you. It isn't fair to place such guilt on a person.

There are things in life you shouldn't do. That is why our parents teach us right from wrong. I don't know about you, but I would never take a grieving man, and try to blame him for the death of his loved ones. If a friend of yours died of anorexia, or of a drug overdose, would it be right for me to hold you accountable because you didn't do more to help? Kenny is someone that loved Michael. I don't care what anyone says. It's obvious that he loved and respected Michael. Their working relationship was that of 22 years. I'm sure knowing what he knows now, Kenny is looking back saying "I could have... I should have"... How could you intensify that feeling by claiming he contributed to Michael's death? It is not fair. I appreciate your efforts for justice, but I don't understand how you could say the things you're saying in not feel bad.

Great post! I agree!
Kenny Ortega seems to genuinely care for Michael. I know fans have a hard time with it because we've seen so many people stab Michael in the back, but I've never heard of anything that Kenny Ortega has said bad or negative about Michael. The whole interview was nothing but nice and polite, even to fans who talk badly about him. We can't say the same for other people. Michael trusted him, so maybe we should. Michael did not like some people from AEG, but he's not one of them.

I agree with him that Michael would not have wanted his fans to be arguing like this. Also, look at how easy it is to accuse someone else of not caring or not doing enough, when in truth, we don't know how much someone did try or didn't. Someone from TINI even thought Karen didn't try or didn't do anything to help, but then they found out from her that she did. That just shows that you can't assume anything.

Maybe Kenny genuinely thought Michael was okay or maybe he did try to help. I've heard stories about him cutting up food for Michael. If that's true, then he did try. I don't think any of this is helping anything, and it's also making it seem as though Michael was a druggie and a puppet. He was anything but. I don't doubt that he did share with friends that he had misgivings about the performances or was uncertain (it had been a long time since he'd performed like that). I don't doubt that at all, but that doesn't mean that he was absolutely miserable and didn't want to do it at all and was forced to do it.

Yes, maybe Kenny is making money from this, but he would have made money with Michael alive too and possibly worked on future projects with him as well. Karen and others who have written books will also be making money. Does that mean they shouldn't have written them? or that they shouldn't take money from them? Or that they didn't care about Michael if they do take money? No, of course not.

The fact is, Michael would still be here if murray hadn't given him propofol. Whether Michael asked for it or not, he didn't know what he was doing, and it's not his fault. Michael did not take painkillers recently or it would have been in the autopsy report, and the media would have been all over it. So what if he was taking medication for anxiety; a lot of people do. I'm sure he had a lot to be anxious about. That is not what killed him. TINI needs to realize that they are just making Michael look bad, like he had a drug problem and didn't even take enough control of his life to eat. They are taking the focus off of Murray, who killed Michael. If he hadn't given him all those drugs, then Michael would still be alive, skinny as he was.

The This Is It movie was very well put together, and Michael was shown doing what he loved doing. He was smiling almost the whole time. People say that he might have been smiling just during that time, but it wasn't fake, and it was toward the end of his life. Just because he was stressed out or tired doesn't mean that he hated every second of being there or performing. I don't believe that. Even at the end of TII, they showed his name on the screen, and I was thinking, "Please don't show the 1958-...", and they didn't. It just said, "Music lives forever". It was very nicely and tastefully done.
Who is Karen? His make up artist? I am confused what she has to do with anything. My head hurts from this back and forth. Michael was ready to do the concerts. Michael wasn't ready. Michael was healthy. Michael wasn't. As a fan I would like to know the truth. The only evidence I have seen was what the autopsy said. What was in his system and that caused his death. He had too much propofol. Something he wasn't suppose to have yet alone in his house. That's suppose to be used in hospitals.

Michael was a drug addict? Maybe I am not paying attention but I have never seen real proof of that. Everyone thought he would have 100 medications in his body. It wasn't even like that. He had things the doctor gave him and apparently one of them should NOT be used with propofol. I am waiting for somebody to be charged here and nothing is happening. The autopsy said he was pretty healthy when he died. I have no medical experience but wouldn't that affect his organs or something if he had a drug problem?

Michael's death has been hard on all of us and I just feel sad and now confused.
*sigh* Put it this way: I could easily hold you accountable. I could easily blame you for Michael's death, as you had more access then I did. I could easily say that you didn't do enough, even though you wrote letters and did what you could, I could still say "well Michael's dead, so obviously you didn't try hard enough"... but I'm not going to say that, because that would completely out of line and, quite honestly, I'm not that type of person. I could never go out and say such things about you. I would never build a website calling you a murderer and accusing you of neglect. I would never do that. I would never ever blame you for Michael's death, because it was not your fault. I would never attend public places with a replica of Michael's coffin and right in front of you say that you are the reason Michael is laying in this coffin. How would you feel if I did that? As if you didn't feel bad enough, here I am trying to convince the public that you killed him. What right do I have to do that? I don't even know you. It isn't fair to place such guilt on a person.

There are things in life you shouldn't do. That is why our parents teach us right from wrong. I don't know about you, but I would never take a grieving man, and try to blame him for the death of his loved ones. If a friend of yours died of anorexia, or of a drug overdose, would it be right for me to hold you accountable because you didn't do more to help? Kenny is someone that loved Michael. I don't care what anyone says. It's obvious that he loved and respected Michael. Their working relationship was that of 22 years. I'm sure knowing what he knows now, Kenny is looking back saying "I could have... I should have"... How could you intensify that feeling by claiming he contributed to Michael's death? It is not fair. I appreciate your efforts for justice, but I don't understand how you could say the things you're saying in not feel bad.

Thank you for this.
Who is Karen? His make up artist? I have no medical experience but wouldn't that affect his organs or something if he had a drug problem?

And that is medical fact. If Michael had been this junkie as the press and "friends" had tried to make him out to be, his internal and major organs WOULD HAVE BEEN affected and they would not have been deemed "normal". So all these stories from former associates, former body guards, etc. are total crap. THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN MAJOR DAMAGE DONE. Michael had an issue with pain killers in the past and addressed it. The end. Period.

This whole situation both saddens me and makes me ill to think about. The reason Michael is not here is because of that "doctor". Nothing we do or say will ever be enough for Michael to be brought back, we'll never get him back.

I also wanted to add, that if you ever feel alone or in need of someone to talk too, pm me or something and I'll speak with you. I'm sure most here would do the same. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

"It's all for love. L. O. V. E."

Also I wanted to add, God bless you Kenny.
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And that is medical fact. If Michael had been this junkie as the press and "friends" had to tried to make him out to be, his internal and major organs WOULD HAVE BEEN affected and they would not have been deemed "normal". So all these stories from former associates, former body guards, etc. are total crap. THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN MAJOR DAMAGE DONE. Michael had an issue with pain killers in the past and addressed it. The end. Period.

This whole situation both saddens me and makes me ill to think about. The reason Michael is not here is because of that "doctor". Nothing we do or say will ever be enough for Michael to be brought back, we'll never get him back.

I also wanted to add, that if you ever feel alone or in need of someone to talk too, pm me or something and I'll speak with you. I'm sure most here would do the same. YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

"It's all for love. L. O. V. E."

Also I wanted to add, God bless you Kenny.

Thank you I appreciate that.
Kenny is such a wonderful person it seems.

Thanks for posting.
Im only adressing this becuase Im tired of people coming in and derailing
any postive thread about TII and Kenny _ This is NOT a TINI thread

Paisley Is This is what TINI is claiming about Michael ?
that he was a practicing drug addict _taking drugs every day
Please tell us how YOU would know that and if you did know
WHy didnt YOU say anything to Michael about it

YOU were there as you say and were so close to him...
WHY ?? didnt you say anything to help Michael with his so called
drug problem - and how do you know Kenny or AEG didnt address
his wieihg and sleeping problems with him _ from what Ive seen they
did adress it and offered help _ so why are you attcking them when
you didnt ask Mike about it or offer help _ after all YOU WERE THERE
You said you were there ..

There is a difference between Fact and speculation
You are bluring the Line along with TINI - This is just
One instance where you do that _ there are many more
where you speak in riddles or dont make clear

If TINI is making this claim Below _then no wonder fans are upset ...
There is No way you can state that as a FACT .. that is the problem I have
with TINI - They state thier opinon and then say it is FACT _ that is NOT right

According to TINI
This Is IT
he was taking drugs (sorry but accept FACT) nearly every day
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*sigh* Put it this way: I could easily hold you accountable. I could easily blame you for Michael's death, as you had more access then I did. I could easily say that you didn't do enough, even though you wrote letters and did what you could, I could still say "well Michael's dead, so obviously you didn't try hard enough"... but I'm not going to say that, because that would completely out of line and, quite honestly, I'm not that type of person. I could never go out and say such things about you. I would never build a website calling you a murderer and accusing you of neglect. I would never do that. I would never ever blame you for Michael's death, because it was not your fault. I would never attend public places with a replica of Michael's coffin and right in front of you say that you are the reason Michael is laying in this coffin. How would you feel if I did that? As if you didn't feel bad enough, here I am trying to convince the public that you killed him. What right do I have to do that? I don't even know you. It isn't fair to place such guilt on a person.

There are things in life you shouldn't do. That is why our parents teach us right from wrong. I don't know about you, but I would never take a grieving man, and try to blame him for the death of his loved ones. If a friend of yours died of anorexia, or of a drug overdose, would it be right for me to hold you accountable because you didn't do more to help? Kenny is someone that loved Michael. I don't care what anyone says. It's obvious that he loved and respected Michael. Their working relationship was that of 22 years. I'm sure knowing what he knows now, Kenny is looking back saying "I could have... I should have"... How could you intensify that feeling by claiming he contributed to Michael's death? It is not fair. I appreciate your efforts for justice, but I don't understand how you could say the things you're saying in not feel bad.

Steph, BRILLIANT post! Thank you. I've one thing to add but hmmm....it's prolly better that I don't...at least not now. :fear:

Anyway, I agree with all who think Kenny did a great job with the film. :yes: As for the lovefest...there's more interviews out there so it could very well continue. Looks like a few more, besides these 2, slipped thru the cracks during the press tour for the movie and didn't get posted on here. Some are repetitive but others have little nuggets of MJ's dream in them which we haven't heard before.