2 Really Good Kenny Ortega Interviews: On Michael's New Moves, DVD package and TINI

Thank you for posting this. :flowers: I really love Kenny's sensitivity.

It makes me so sad every time when I hear about MJ's film plans - something that I had wished for so badly. :no:
I think kenny is just amazing I really do, hes very genuine and sincere with his words and he trying his very best to work things out and get michael message across to everyone. Much respect to kenny:)
Aww, Kenny! :better: such a great guy, I have nothing but love and respect for him.

I can't even imagine how the whole crew must have felt when they found out about Michael's death.. after seeing him the night before.. God, that's awful! :cry:

Thanks for posting these. Great interviews!
Q: How do you respond to theThis Is Not It website? Would you take legal action?
KO: I don’t. I mean, everybody, the way I look at it is they’re all fans. Everything is coming from a sense of loss. There are some fans out there that are just looking to sort of point at something, to point to the reason why we don’t have Michael anymore, put blame. All I would say is Michael didn’t live that way. That’s not the spirit of Michael Jackson. Michael didn’t assume. There were an awful lot of people though that did assume about Michael Jackson. They created scenarios and they speculated and even persecuted him and demoralized him. I would just say to anyone, if you don’t know what you’re talking about, if you weren’t there, if you don’t have the information, don’t put that information - - don’t. Don’t do it. See the movie. Look at the movie. The movie speaks for itself. It’s Michael. It’s Michael talking, Michael doing, Michael sharing. It’s pretty clear. It’s pretty honest. It’s pretty raw. It’s pretty unguarded. That Michael wanted to be there. He was doing this. This nourished him. It invigorated him. It excited him. He wanted to do this more than anything other than spend time with his children. This is what he wanted to do.


I appreciate that the TINI girls are so determined to get justice for Michael, but at the same time, they can't just throw a whole lot of dangerous accusations at the people that Michael loved and respected and then in the same sentence say "Michael would be proud of you". I don't think he would be proud. I personally think that he would be mortified to see his fans trying conduct a witch hunt against those he loved. It is WRONG. But I am relieved that AEG or Kenny aren't thinking of taking legal action against these fans, because that was something that I feared. What they have said would be considered as defamation of character. It is libel.

Anyway wonderful interview. Thank you for posting :huggy:
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Great read, thanks so much for posting!:clapping:

It's so difficult to know that Michael had so many plans, so many things he wanted to do - things that lived only in his head, never recorded, never let out - and now we'll never know...

The enormity of our loss is beyond description.:(
I love kenny, he is a true friend of MJ. Thank you for the posting!
Thanks. I enjoyed reading these, and got teary, as usual!
I would just say to anyone, if you don’t know what you’re talking about, if you weren’t there, if you don’t have the information, don’t put that information - - don’t. Don’t do it. See the movie. Look at the movie. The movie speaks for itself.

It's funny because he doesn't know who we are and that we were actually there...and meanwhile he was Twittering away about how fantastic it was all going yet Michael was not feeling well and missing rehearsals and he himself was aware/frustrated by this...our response will clearly and factually show this. He can of course say whatever he wants now, Michael is not around to say otherwise. This Is It has become a huge marketing bonanza for HIM. His new catch phrase is Michael was "nourished" by the shows - I suppose that is why he was taking drugs (sorry but accept FACT) nearly every day and not sleeping or eating and was beyond stressed, the shows were not nearly enough ready for the opening, etc. etc.

The movie does speak for itself...we can tell which days the specific performance footages are from and you can tell when Michael is not himself...the general public will not spot this but if you have a keen eye you can notice it easily.

But I am relieved that AEG or Kenny aren't thinking of taking legal action against these fans, because that was something that I feared. What they have said would be considered as defamation of character. It is libel.

It is not defamation or libel because it is TRUE and FACT what we are saying and they know it (and it's why they can't & won't do anything against us, they also surely know the police have everything we've known and they will be called to testify in trial against Murray at some point where they will eventually be forced to admit Michael was not "fit, healthly, fine" and now the popular "nourished"). We have every date and time Michael went to rehearsal, when he wasn't feeling well and MISSED, words FROM HIS OWN MOUTH about how he was feeling, etc. etc. This is not defamation or libel. But thanks for being concerned....(btw, we are not all girls.)

Back to your Kenny lovefest...
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It's funny because he doesn't know who we are and that we were actually there...and meanwhile he was Twittering away about how fantastic it was all going yet Michael was not feeling well and missing rehearsals and he himself was aware/frustrated by this...our response will clearly and factually show this. He can of course say whatever he wants now, Michael is not around to say otherwise. This Is It has become a huge marketing bonanza for HIM. His new catch phrase is Michael was "nourished" by the shows - I suppose that is why he was taking drugs (sorry but accept FACT) nearly every day and not sleeping or eating and was beyond stressed, the shows were not nearly enough ready for the opening, etc. etc.

The movie does speak for itself...we can tell which days the specific performance footages are from and you can tell when Michael is not himself...the general public will not spot this but if you have a keen eye you can notice it easily.

It is not defamation or libel because it is TRUE and FACT what we are saying and they know it (and it's why they can't & won't do anything against us, they also surely know the police have everything we've known and they will be called to testify in trial against Murray at some point where they will eventually be forced to admit Michael was not "fit, healthly, fine" and now the popular "nourished"). We have every date and time Michael went to rehearsal, when he wasn't feeling well and MISSED, words FROM HIS OWN MOUTH about how he was feeling, etc. etc. This is not defamation or libel. But thanks for being concerned....(btw, we are not all girls.)

Back to your Kenny lovefest...

So, if Karen Faye was so concerned about Michael why was she joking around with him during the last 2 days of rehersal before he died? Wouldn't you think she would have taken any alone time she had with him to express her concerns? And those of you in TINI who are supportive of Karen, have you asked her why she didn't do anything herself? I know she was on the AEG payroll as well, but if that is her excuse, she shouldn't be making accusations against others. Here is a link to an interview with Orianthi about Michaels last rehersal where she describes how he was Joking around with his make up artist. Karen, I presume.


Doesn't seem like she was very worried at that point....
It seems like TINI and Karen behaved one way before Michael died and another after.

Kenny Ortega's repsonse to unsubstantiated slander is so gracious, just proves that he is a class act.
Kenny never really responds to serious/real/actual truth...he is just lala-land peace love and happiness fluff all the time...if Michael was really healthy/fit/fine/nourished he would still be here...

London, Nov 1 (ANI): King of Pop Michael Jackson used golf cart to whisk him to and from his car during This Is It tour rehearsals, because he was so drugged and exhausted he could barely walk, it has been revealed.
In the new movie This Is It, the late singer is shown as a master at work as he leaps around the stage at Los Angeles Staples Center.
However, aides have revealed behind the scenes he was a wreck who could hardly stand.
"Everyone in the house knew Michael was not himself, and was clearly under the influence of drugs. I was amazed at how he looks on film, because in the flesh he was a shadow of himself. He was thin, almost anorexic, pale and didn't seem to have enough energy to walk across the room, let alone dance," News of the World quoted concert promoter and friend Terry Harvey as saying.
"He had a sharp mind, but he was deluded, hampered by the drugs. He didn't know what he was saying to people. To make his life easy he would just say 'yes'.
"He was walking around in a daze like a zombie," Harvey added.
Harvey also said: "To me that movie is all smoke and mirrors. Michael was struggling with his dance moves and schedule.
"Michael was not fit enough - he couldn't pull off a tour if his life depended it. They took the best bits of the video and made it into this movie.
"The rehearsals were long days, and Michael was tired. He hadn't been on stage for over 10 years and wasn't used to the physical demands of long days. Some days he didn't even turn up to rehearsals," Harvey added.
A source close to the production said: "Michael was exhausted. Some days he barely said a word. He slumped down in a chair and would just get talked at. During one rehearsal he nodded off."
Choreographer Travis Payne admitted Jackson, who died in June, used the golf cart to whisk him to and from his car, parked a few yards from the stage.
Both Payne and promoter Randy Phillips were worried about the star's weight and mental welfare.
"He used to forget to eat because he was so focused and Kenny Ortega and I used to cut up his food and physically feed him," Phillips said.
One friend said: "The hard work needed was just too much for him, and his mood became very dark by the end. He was a gibbering wreck.
"He shouted out, 'They are pushing me and I can't take it anymore. They are gonna kill me'." (ANI)
And those of you in TINI who are supportive of Karen, have you asked her why she didn't do anything herself?

It seems like TINI and Karen behaved one way before Michael died and another after.

Actually you're wrong. You need to go re-educate yourself on what happened.
First we are not "Karen supporters" for the millionth time. We are in fact the same people that originallly called her out on her Facebook page and so to answer your question, yes we asked her why she didn't do anything (look at posts from Diana Dalo, Marika Prochet, Sara Arnejo, Sandy Stadler)

Second and more importantly, I wrote to Karen and Michael Bush 4 days before Michael died asking them to do something. Marika also wrote to Karen (who tried to confront Dileo about it but was told not to speak about it.) Our letters to Karen & Bush, and our last letters to Michael, are on This Is Not It, all over this board, and Facebook...

Can't believe people still have this warped idea.

It is very strange to me how some people have such strong opinions about some things for which they don't even have the story straight.

So, if Karen Faye was so concerned about Michael why was she joking around with him during the last 2 days of rehersal before he died?

Ask her yourself. I don't answer for her.

Because I'm tired of everyone misconstruing TINI with Karen and saying we are LYING, and insinuating we knew something but did nothing, here is a letter (again) from June 21st.
If you want to attach Karen to someone who did nothing, attach to KENNY, DILEO, PHILLIPS, or PAYNE...and stop living in denial that Michael was completely fine just because they have (almost) managed to make him appear so in the film. I'm really saddened that people are practically CELEBRATING those that could have DONE SOMETHING to help Michael, while turning their backs on FANS who are just trying to tell you the TRUTH and have those who could have done something HELD ACCOUNTABLE. DON'T YOU ALL WANT THEM TO ADMIT/BE ACCOUNTABLE...or you are just happy with a new FILM?
It goes beyond Murray-and I'm not talking crazy conspiracy theories-I'm talking simple obvious FACT that Michael was not well and was taking drugs and THEY KNEW AND DID NOTHING. I'm sure that Michael's family will be filing a wrongful death suit, and then will everyone also say THEY are defaming and libeling against Ortega/Phillips/AEG/etc? Of course not...It's really rather sick some of the thought processes (or lack thereof) that happens here. Very sad :( We won't let you accuse us of having done nothing as you do with Karen (we were contacting Michael's mother and Elizabeth Taylor the day Michael died to try to get help.) meanwhile you're putting Kenny on a pedestal. You're hating on Karen and TINI yet you adore Kenny, why? Because he gave you a film? Well, if you want to hate on Karen for happily yapping away on Facebook before Michael died, you need to hate on Kenny for happily yapping away on Twitter. They are one and the same.

Subject: Please look after Michael-INTERVENE PLEASE-something is wrong, I saw it.

Karen, Michael...
There is something that has been worrying me for several months now. I think there is something wrong with Michael and his health or his self-image about his weight and I am really worried.

I have been afraid to say anything to anyone because it's probably not really my place to talk about something so personal concerning Michael, and talking about it amongst fans can make you an outcast because it is regarded as criticising Michael. But I want to know if he is alright. I also want to know if he is not alright that someone is intervening and doing something about it. There are always new people around Michael and as has always been obvious they do not always have his best interest at heart because of their own interests, but I expect that you really care about Michael in a way that you would perhaps cross a line that others might not if you saw that he is somehow hurting himself.

It is painfully obvious that Michael is TOO THIN. I know that Michael's weight fluctuates, and he is often mostly too thin anyways, but NOW he is REALLY TOO THIN. I first noticed back in October that his weight was really plummeting. I spent a couple hours with Michael in his Bel Air suite at Halloween, and it really struck me how thin he was even back then. When we hugged I felt there was literally nothing to him. I told him to please take care of himself and stay healthy and that he looked good-I was trying to make a point that he doesn't need to lose more, that he looks good already, to stop now. Naturally this embarassed him and he mostly just smiled and said thank you without knowing what to say. I also wrote him a letter about it, which he read but only replied again saying thank you.

Michael told me back then that he was preparing a tour and so I thought perhaps it is normal for him to slim down in preparation. I expected that he would become very weight-conscious. But now it seems he has gone TOO FAR. I met him inside the dance rehearsal studio a couple weeks ago and I was honestly SHOCKED. I noticed how the bones of his shoulders were LITERALLY protruding, poking through the material of his black fitted top. He was SCARY SKINNY. When we hugged I felt his skeleton. I felt very worried and very sad for him.

He was also looking very down and stressed and his demeanor and voice were very frail. HE ACTUALLY SAID he was stressed and worried how he will be able to do all 50 shows, that he does not eat enough, and he does not have enough breaks between shows. Clearly the situation is too much for him, it is making him SICK...whether it is self-imposed because he is not eating or something else.


Karen do you see this? Do you say anything to him?
Michael do you see this when you go over wardrobe? Do you say anything to him?

PLEASE INTERVENE AND HELP. I really think he is to the point where something bad and regretable could happen to him. I don't mean to suggest that you are responsible for him but AS A FRIEND AND ONE OF THE VERY FEW CONSISTENT PEOPLE around him that I think TRULY CARES about him, please risk saying something to him if you have not already.

Michael Amir, Alberto and Faheem have begun to restrict access to Michael and I'm now no longer allowed to even give a letter into his hands without them reading it first. They have many excuses that Michael is tired or in tour mode now or it's for his safety. This is ridiculous after 15 years of seeing Michael, I don't expect to be treated this way as if I would somehow harm him. I may be “just a fan” but I have been there for Michael for a really long time before them and will surely be here after them and Michael needs to hear from his fans when it is clear he is distressed, and those on the inside aren’t always worried for him but probably more concerned for their jobs should they say something deemed inappropriate. THEY MUST SEE that Michael is wasting down to nothing, but I don't trust that they say or do anything. And shutting his fans out during this time is not what he needs. I see how alone Michael is, and heard from him how heavy he feels under the pressure. He has his children, but they are his responsibility to look after not the other way around, and so beyond his children his close friends are very few and far between. Everyone else around him in this time is focused on This Is It. I have seen in the past couple years that no one has really been around for him in Las Vegas, then Bel Air, now Los Angeles, no one who really cares for him as a friend and not just as a business. Except of course the two of you.

If he is suffering from something serious, physically or mentally, regarding his weight or health, please intervene. Please let me know that he is alright. These concerts are not worth jeopardizing his life.

I’m really in tears for him, for the state that I saw him in. If you’ve already said something to him, please give him this letter if you think he needs to hear it again from someone else. I'm sure whatever exactly is going on must be a fragile situation but please don't avoid it altogether. I'm so worried. Please tell me he is okay. Above that, please tell me the TRUTH.

I love him. Please help him if he needs it. I wish I could do something, I feel helpless.

Thank you for reading,
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LMAO @ the way all these conspiracy stories begin with Karen Faye.

shady character... i’ve never heard Michael talking about her, i’ve never seen her around Michael (other than when she was working for him), i haven’t seen/heard the family or Michael’s friends being close to her. nothing! the only occasion i hear her name is when someone tells me about another fabrication of hers.
it bothered me though that she discussed Prince & his health issues. that was so cheap! she is no friend of Michael’s.
& also the pictures she took at Michael’s resting place... she wants attention & some people here seem to be spoiling her rotten.

i won’t believe a word coming from Karen Faye’s mouth, she’s not trustworthy. she is trying so desperately to get attention... the TINI campaign -all the testimonies had her as the “insider” confirming “their suspicions”, lol- and now this guy, with his foolish story... which, by the way, is also centered around how amazing Karen Faye is and what a great friend she was for Michael. *excuse me while i go into shock*

this lunatic was obviously obsessed with Michael. and still is... she’s beyond frustrated that he didn’t want anything to do with her crazy self.

why do u think the family is keeping a distance from her? -except Randy, who, of course, wants AEG out of the picture, to get $$$- the Jacksons are letting the detectives do their job. no one's paying attention to her claims, except her facebook friends. those are the ones she's trying to take advantage of, because those are the only people believing her. i'm sorry, but the ones who thanked her for taking pics of Michael's crypt are out of their minds. she's using all these strategies -pics & saying she'll print the fans' messages and take them to the cript- to get people on her side. she'll probably convince many of them to buy her lousy book and, there u go, u've made KF richer! ;)

and what in the world is her problem with Kenny? Jesus! i never imagined people would ever even consider bashing or hating him.
i had the pleasure of meeting him in 2008, while he was in the HSM tour... and i gotta say, without exaggerating, that he's a sweetheart. the HSM cast seemed to be loving him, they were like a family and i don't see how could anyone think of him as the bad guy. i mean, when i saw him with his little dog, Manly, my heart just melted. he's taking care of that dog, as if it were a baby or something. adorable!
i asked him a few questions (about the movie, the tour, everything) and he was very kind, polite and friendly, even though i was a complete stranger to him. he had such a great connection with the crew. those guys loved him. to some of them, most of them, he was ike a father figure.
i don't know, maybe he's got this mischievous side and only revealed it during the TII rehearsals lol. but back when i met him, i saw a sweet person. and i'll always remember him like that, hold him dear & respect him.
Actually you're wrong. You need to go re-educate yourself on what happened.
First we are not "Karen supporters" for the millionth time. We are in fact the same people that originallly called her out on her Facebook page and so to answer your question, yes we asked her why she didn't do anything (look at posts from Diana Dalo, Marika Prochet, Sara Arnejo, Sandy Stadler)

Second and more importantly, I wrote to Karen and Michael Bush 4 days before Michael died asking them to do something. Marika also wrote to Karen (who tried to confront Dileo about it but was told not to speak about it.) Our letters to Karen & Bush, and our last letters to Michael, are on This Is Not It, all over this board, and Facebook...

Can't believe people still have this warped idea.

It is very strange to me how some people have such strong opinions about some things for which they don't even have the story straight.

Ask her yourself. I don't answer for her.

Because I'm tired of everyone misconstruing TINI with Karen and saying we are LYING, and insinuating we knew something but did nothing, here is a letter (again) from June 21st.
If you want to attach Karen to someone who did nothing, attach to KENNY, DILEO, PHILLIPS, or PAYNE...and stop living in denial that Michael was completely fine just because they have (almost) managed to make him appear so in the film. I'm really saddened that people are practically CELEBRATING those that could have DONE SOMETHING to help Michael, while turning their backs on FANS who are just trying to tell you the TRUTH and have those who could have done something HELD ACCOUNTABLE. DON'T YOU ALL WANT THEM TO ADMIT/BE ACCOUNTABLE...or you are just happy with a new FILM?
It goes beyond Murray-and I'm not talking crazy conspiracy theories-I'm talking simple obvious FACT that Michael was not well and was taking drugs and THEY KNEW AND DID NOTHING. I'm sure that Michael's family will be filing a wrongful death suit, and then will everyone also say THEY are defaming and libeling against Ortega/Phillips/AEG/etc? Of course not...It's really rather sick some of the thought processes (or lack thereof) that happens here. Very sad :( We won't let you accuse us of having done nothing as you do with Karen (we were contacting Michael's mother and Elizabeth Taylor the day Michael died to try to get help.) meanwhile you're putting Kenny on a pedestal. You're hating on Karen and TINI yet you adore Kenny, why? Because he gave you a film? Well, if you want to hate on Karen for happily yapping away on Facebook before Michael died, you need to hate on Kenny for happily yapping away on Twitter. They are one and the same.

I have asked Karen and have gotten no repsonse. But your snarky response to my inquiry would be rather like me saying to you. "Why don't you just go ask Kenny and Randy Phillips if they were involved in Michaels death instead of posted accusations on a web site?". Silly. And I didn't say all of TINI are Karen supporters, I don't know why you responded as if I had said that.

But, since you brought it up...WHy was one of the pictures of a TINI member with Michael that is posted to your site as proof that Michael was abviously way too thin, posted earlier ( before Michael died) on KOP and this site in the "curls are back" thread with a caption written by on of TINI saying how great he looked with his new hair style? This, supposedly when TINI members were concerned that he might die. Why on earth would you pose for a picture with him and not express your concerns when you had easy access to him and were in fact standing righ next to him?

By the way, I don't adore Kenny as i have never met him, although, now that you mention it, he does seem adorable. I respect him for his kindness and integrity and the fact that he was with Michael as a friend through many years and his ups and downs and that he was helping Michael with TII.

I am not upset with Karen or Kenny for happily posting on Facebook or Twitter about the upcoming concerts before MIchael died because I don't think either one of them knew that Murray was giving him propofol. But Karen has since started accusing Kenny and others of being neglectful without presenting any real evidence; she needs to be accountable for that. And with the serious accusations that are being made by both Karen and TINI (before anyone gets upset, i am not saying here that you are one and the same) you should be prepared to be sued for slander if you are wrong.
It seems like some people are getting really heated on here. where is the L-O-V-E people?
Michael would not have wanted all of this fighting. Anyway, i thought that these interviews were very lovely and I really liked what Kenny said:

"All I would say is Michael didn’t live that way. That’s not the spirit of Michael Jackson. Michael didn’t assume. There were an awful lot of people though that did assume about Michael Jackson. They created scenarios and they speculated and even persecuted him and demoralized him."
It seems like some people are getting really heated on here. where is the L-O-V-E people?
Michael would not have wanted all of this fighting. Anyway, i thought that these interviews were very lovely and I really liked what Kenny said:

"All I would say is Michael didn’t live that way. That’s not the spirit of Michael Jackson. Michael didn’t assume. There were an awful lot of people though that did assume about Michael Jackson. They created scenarios and they speculated and even persecuted him and demoralized him."

Amen to that!

This whole nonsense of "MJ's an addict" He is frail" and "yes people" phony-bologna is ridiculous.

The day the MJ died, I was on the computer and was in total denial(at first0.
thanks for posting these. I really like Kenny. I think he was one of Michael's TRUE friends. I have a great deal of respect for him.
It seems like some people are getting really heated on here. where is the L-O-V-E people?
Michael would not have wanted all of this fighting. Anyway, i thought that these interviews were very lovely and I really liked what Kenny said:

"All I would say is Michael didn’t live that way. That’s not the spirit of Michael Jackson. Michael didn’t assume. There were an awful lot of people though that did assume about Michael Jackson. They created scenarios and they speculated and even persecuted him and demoralized him."

I'm really saddened that people are practically CELEBRATING those that could have DONE SOMETHING to help Michael, while turning their backs on FANS who are just trying to tell you the TRUTH and have those who could have done something HELD ACCOUNTABLE. DON'T YOU ALL WANT THEM TO ADMIT/BE ACCOUNTABLE...or you are just happy with a new FILM?

*sigh* Put it this way: I could easily hold you accountable. I could easily blame you for Michael's death, as you had more access then I did. I could easily say that you didn't do enough, even though you wrote letters and did what you could, I could still say "well Michael's dead, so obviously you didn't try hard enough"... but I'm not going to say that, because that would completely out of line and, quite honestly, I'm not that type of person. I could never go out and say such things about you. I would never build a website calling you a murderer and accusing you of neglect. I would never do that. I would never ever blame you for Michael's death, because it was not your fault. I would never attend public places with a replica of Michael's coffin and right in front of you say that you are the reason Michael is laying in this coffin. How would you feel if I did that? As if you didn't feel bad enough, here I am trying to convince the public that you killed him. What right do I have to do that? I don't even know you. It isn't fair to place such guilt on a person.

There are things in life you shouldn't do. That is why our parents teach us right from wrong. I don't know about you, but I would never take a grieving man, and try to blame him for the death of his loved ones. If a friend of yours died of anorexia, or of a drug overdose, would it be right for me to hold you accountable because you didn't do more to help? Kenny is someone that loved Michael. I don't care what anyone says. It's obvious that he loved and respected Michael. Their working relationship was that of 22 years. I'm sure knowing what he knows now, Kenny is looking back saying "I could have... I should have"... How could you intensify that feeling by claiming he contributed to Michael's death? It is not fair. I appreciate your efforts for justice, but I don't understand how you could say the things you're saying in not feel bad.
I agree ^^

No point playing the blame game now. Sadly it wont bring Michael back to us. No one else can fairly judge what others could or could not / did or did not do. They do not know if that person is wracked with guilt thinking they should have done more. Hindsight is a wonderful thing!
*sigh* Put it this way: I could easily hold you accountable. I could easily blame you for Michael's death, as you had more access then I did. I could easily say that you didn't do enough, even though you wrote letters and did what you could, I could still say "well Michael's dead, so obviously you didn't try hard enough"... but I'm not going to say that, because that would completely out of line and, quite honestly, I'm not that type of person. I could never go out and say such things about you. I would never build a website calling you a murderer and accusing you of neglect. I would never do that. I would never ever blame you for Michael's death, because it was not your fault. I would never attend public places with a replica of Michael's coffin and right in front of you say that you are the reason Michael is laying in this coffin. How would you feel if I did that? As if you didn't feel bad enough, here I am trying to convince the public that you killed him. What right do I have to do that? I don't even know you. It isn't fair to place such guilt on a person.

There are things in life you shouldn't do. That is why our parents teach us right from wrong. I don't know about you, but I would never take a grieving man, and try to blame him for the death of his loved ones. If a friend of yours died of anorexia, or of a drug overdose, would it be right for me to hold you accountable because you didn't do more to help? Kenny is someone that loved Michael. I don't care what anyone says. It's obvious that he loved and respected Michael. Their working relationship was that of 22 years. I'm sure knowing what he knows now, Kenny is looking back saying "I could have... I should have"... How could you intensify that feeling by claiming he contributed to Michael's death? It is not fair. I appreciate your efforts for justice, but I don't understand how you could say the things you're saying in not feel bad.

Excellent post. ITA.