14 Aug 08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentioning

That is very true. If this clown was his friend, he would have called him on the phone and settle the issue.

The Jacksons have got to really learn from this and be careful. They have to have a radar device to see who is loyal and who is there to get some information and start spreading it.

That is the truth. This is what is most important about Michael that separates him from Madonna and Prince.

Really, Levy? But Madonna can be a media "whore", do all of these weird PR stunts and not get trashed for it. Michael does the same thing and he destroyed his career? Please. Mike can't even fake an image or have a calculated one without someone hating. Mike's impact in music is more important than the tabloid crap that these people like to focus on. Blah. It is not Mike's fault if all the media ever want to talk about is lies, lies, and more lies. Hell, without the lies, they wouldn't have a business. The only people they are fooling is themselves.

Inactive? So, this means what exactly and what does it have to do with his legacy? This man has been working and performing since he was fucking 11 years old. When these clowns, that state their shitty opinions, were growing up having a childhood, Michael was performing and recording music that these clowns were buying. Now, that it seems that he is "inactive" they wanna assume that he will not be relevant at 60? Please. Can a black man have a damn life? Look at Prince, he makes music all of the time. He has no family life, no children. Just his music. Madonna is juggling three children and a demanding music career and a rumored failed marriage. You have Michael that is trying to recover (hell, I think he has been doing far better than recovering) from some bull he went through years back. He is doing music at the same time raising three children as a single father (single fathers do not even get respect at all) and trying to get his career back in order. He is trying to fix everything and make sure things go fine when he does return. He does not want to return and all hell has broken loose. So, I do not know what these fools are talking about, really. Justin, Chris Brown,etc. are not even at their peak and most of their careers are based on what Michael put on the table. They will never have the success that MJ had because of various reasons. So, they are not going to go through 2% of what MJ went through. As for the voice - oh please. Can the man have a soft spoken voice that is deep at times? He doesn't have to get all deep voiced to the hating ass media all of the time. I mean, what the hell has that got to do with anything.

And your magazine is an amazing piece of shit. Please. No PR person can turn what around for him? Is Mike expecting them to? Hell no, so the point is? Who cares about that ish? Mike has been a teen idol, a underrated sex symbol, he had a "great" image, he had people that did a great job with his image. However, that was the past. Michael doesn't seem to care about what people think about him. This media created this nonsense, not Michael. Michael's only fault was not being careful and seeing people's true motives and giving a damn. That is it. The media rewards people who have trashed this man for no damn reason and that is not right. Michael cannot change what happened and he has accepted that. He did all he can do for his image. He did that shitty docmentary and got played. He did great interviews with Geraldo and Jesse Jackson and was mocked. I mean, he did all he can do regarding some shitty image that really means nothing. This man's music is far more important than some image that is created by the laughable, facist, piece of a crap media. It is not Michael's fault or issue if all the media cares about is his personal life that THEY MADE UP! The truth is known to these clowns but they purposely ignore it because it proves that their theories about MJ is wrong as hell. Hey, to me, Michael did it better than some Prince and Madonna. These people need to go and sit down. It is not fair to compare these three because each of their careers are different. They still have fans and they are still important in some way. That is all that matters. These three have their haters and lovers. Image and the truth are two different things. When people see the real Michael, they are not going to believed the trash that was said about him.

Great Post!!!:clapping:
The Jacksons must have been really sheltered. they seem to have no clue whatsoever, when people are trying to use them, they seem to just fall for it over and over again. I sometimes wish they were more street wise.
GIRL, If I was in LOndon, I would come to your house and give you hug on this comment. :clapping:SO true. THey have overall been sheltered. Even Joe has been too quick to do business with "thieves". I even said this about Michael and him dealing with the last family and Gboy who looked like a little crook. I said this about Latoya that if she had street sense, Latoya would have know how to handle Jack Gordon. Once Jackson whom seem to know her "street" is Janet. Janet has been able to deal with people of the "street' who serve to benefit her. I give her that.
^ I think we know that. He might "know" Michael, but he might not "know" everything. My issue with Matt Fiddles is that he just needs to stop using the Jacksons as a way to get into the papers. He has a problem with Tito and he needs to tell him personally. Not tell the media and the world. I don't care what Tito owes him, but Matt needs to just tell the man what is issue is with him and move on. Maybe Matt missed his phone calls with Tito. Maybe Matt wants to hang out with MJ and Mike is refusing. Whatever it is, it is best that Matt tells these people privately instead of running to the media and bitching about it.
Re: usa today about michael (article from aug 15th)

If Madonna really had it like Michael Jackson, her name would be mentioned as much as his is.

When we start hearing the name Modonna regularly mentioned in songs like Michael Jackson's is, and regularly mentioned as a draw for award shows, then and only then can they use her as a good comparison.

Until we see that happen, this person's article is just wishful thinking.

Y'all, take you're high blood pressure pills and relax. Madonna wishes she could be like Mike, but it's not going to happen. Not even with a song with Justin or a kiss from Britney.
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Well everyone knows that Michael is a much bigger star then Madonna. That's not a knock on Madonna, because besides Michael, she's the biggest. But NO ONE is on Michael's level in terms of fame and popularity.
Well everyone knows that Michael is a much bigger star then Madonna. That's not a knock on Madonna, because besides Michael, she's the biggest. But NO ONE is on Michael's level in terms of fame and popularity.
True. No one is on Michael's level.

I wonder...if Madonna had gone through the exact same thing that Michael went through...with everything blown completely out of proportion the way that it happened to Michael...would she be able to recover from it?

There are so many things that people across the globe hold on to Michael for. I wonder what people across the globe would hold on to Madonna for if she had faced the exact same thing? Maybe the writer of the article will answer that one day.
u ever try getting money back from people u know? they avoid u, u can'tget ahold of them...usually, court is teh last option for those owed. im sure there's no way it could have been done in a positive way and the fact he's speaking to the media doesn't make it any better.
I have been waiting for MJ to make a decent return to music since Blood On The Dancefloor and it hasn’t happened yet (IMO). I was aware at the time that he was starting to get on in years and he was running out of time to make a major comeback and so really hoped the next album would come quick with a new tour before he got old. It didn’t. We are still here in 2008 waiting for it to happen.
I don’t think Mike wants it enough, because if he did, he would be out there making it happen, it’s not as if there is lack of interest in the media or public. All he has to do is snap his fingers and just about any show anywhere in the world would have him in. Getting promotion would not be a problem for him, but he doesn’t want to promote. He doesn’t want to perform. Why isn’t he out there taking the opportunities to perform at charity events, awards ceremonies, or his own concerts like Madonna and most other celebs do year after year. Madonna practically lives in the studio and on stage and although I don’t like her or her music, I really admire her work ethic. She’s amazing in that respect and she obviously loves what she does. Her hard work is the main reason right now that she is held in high regard by the media and public, not because of her records, which IMO are pretty boring. While she is well aware of what is going on in the scene, Mike has no interest in music and doesn’t even follow the trends between his album releases. When he was out with Will.i.am watching Prince in Las Vegas, he didn’t even know that Will was in a group, he only knew him as a producer. He didn’t know about the Black Eyed Peas. That is a pretty major lack of knowledge and not somebody who has their finger on the pulse. Hell, the finger’s not even got a pulse itself. Somebody somewhere put Mike in touch with Will and Akon and Ne yo, but Mike certainly didn’t chase them down. Maybe they had people chase him down, I don’t’ know. If Mike really cared about his reputation he would be out there setting the record straight, showing why he is so famous, doing interviews and promoting himself as a person and an artist. He doesn’t need a new album to do that, but he hasn’t done it. Even if he felt the need for a new album, he could have had one out by the beginning of 2006 without too much trouble. Just think, we could be atleast half way to the next one by now! There is no real sign of a new album coming soon, only rumours and mentionings from music stars that have ‘been working on’ the album, just like the other rumours we’ve heard over the years. These are no more significant in my mind. Anything that has been recorded will be out of date by the time the album drops.
What a waste of time, but more importantly and more saddening is the huge waste of talent.
Maybe it's because wanting his name cleared was the highest thing on his list of things to do. It seems like it would be.

Now that he's had an opportunity to do that and the words, "innocent," "not guilty," "acquitted," "vindicated," "exonerated" and "cleared" are echoing across the earth, he's got reasons to celebrate and put his best foot forward again.

Don't write him off yet. This is the start of "a new beginning." We are at the threshold of "a new era" because Michael found the strength within himself to get some old problems taken care of once and for all. These things were weighing heavy on his mind and they had to be dealt with. Now that they have been dealt with, and were dealt with during downtime, he can move forward without hinderance.

It was in no way a waste of time. The best time to rid one's life of problems is during downtime. Therefore, the timing was perfect. Now, there is nothing to get in the way of his new album or whatever else he may want to do along with it.
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I wonder...if Madonna had gone through the exact same thing that Michael went through...with everything blown completely out of proportion the way that it happened to Michael...would she be able to recover from it?

Ha! I do not think we or the media would ever know about it because they probably would have covered it up. However, I think it would not be fair to assume that Madge might not recover from something. We just do not know. I wouldn't waste my time on this media. These people are losers. Mike done it better than some Madge. She still has to try to get the public on her good side in order to be treated so well. Blah. I am still trying to understand her appeal. If a black female singer/performer did what Madge did, would she ever have a career? Things that make me think.
i think things happen for a reason. if anyone OTHER than mj had to go thru this bs day in and day out, they wouldn'tget thru it. save tha drama for ur mama...it's all bonkers