14 Aug 08 - Michael Jackson News & Mentioning


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Jul 25, 2011
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Hi guys, I hope you enjoy today's mentionings:) I thought the first one was kinda interesting...

Michael Jackson Mentionings

Warp-core breach

"Especially when we hear that it might be Michael Jackson replacing it," Jirak adds. (Jackson is in debt to LV Hilton owner Colony Capital and has been seen on the property. A nightclub is also rumored for the, um, space.) Hilton Vice President of Communications Ira David Sternberg couldn't elaborate on any plans for the area.

Artist sponsorship:Kenny Chesney and Corona Team Up

Celebrities have consistently scored big endorsement deals, but Michael Jackson's arrangement with Pepsi in the early 1980s lifted the practice to an unprecedented level of income potential. Alabama, Garth Brooks, Brooks & Dunn, Tim McGraw, Brad Paisley, Randy Travis and Shania Twain are among the many Country artists who have worked out similarly lucrative arrangements with tour sponsors.

Music Listings

Weird Al Yankovic King of parody pop launched his career with Eat It, inspired by Michael Jackson's Beat It. Boulevard Casino's Red Robinson Show Theatre, Aug. 22-23, 8 pm, $49.50/59.50, 604-280-4444.

Fresh Sounds: Eric Hutchinson

GayWired: Where does that soul in your sound come from?
Eric Hutchinson: I was introduced to [soul music] at a young age. My mom really liked Motown and I feel like I kind of learned how to sing by listening to Michael Jackson records and making my mom go out and buy me Stevie Wonder albums. Then as I got older, I found more and more of it. I think it’s kind of the human side of music I guess.

New Kid on the Block:Luke Kenny

In 2005, he came up with 'Luke's After Hours' featuring his personal favourites. He now writes a column in HT Café called 'If I may say so' and is Contributing Editor for Rolling Stone magazine. Speaking about his musical influences, he says, "I have many favourite bands but The Beatles are my favourite because they influenced generations after them and opened so many possibilities in music by changing themselves and their music with the times. Michael Jackson's Thriller was another life altering influence for me because that is how I got into dancing."

After three decades, freestyle dancing finds new home in Brookline

In between circles, dancers are as likely to hear Marc Cohn as Michael Jackson. The group’s DJs — there are between 12 and 20, depending on whom you ask — are free to play anything: salsa, reggae, ’80s-pop, disco or any number of re-mixes or mash-ups.

Holmes offers musical preview
Jones will share quarters with magician Dixie Dooley's "Master Mystifier." Dooley is marking his 30th year in Las Vegas, and says he recently did a private show for the royal family of Saudi Arabia in a Caesars Palace suite. Dooley also did a show for Michael Jackson's children last year. All good news for Dooley, and power to him. But you have to wonder: Couldn't people who are this rich just buy out David Copperfield for a night?

Back to School at Prep

To get the class in a musical mood, Holbert, who formerly taught at Jackson Academy and Long Beach High School, popped in Michael Jackson's Can you feel it? while students were filling out a form.

Would you buy a new old album?

Earlier this year, Michael Jackson’s Thriller was re-released, celebrating its 25th anniversary with an expanded deluxe edition. Late last year, U2 (them again) offered the 20th anniversary edition of their record-breaking album The Joshua Tree. Yes, I already have these albums, but I’ve been considering getting the new ones. Why, you ask?

Leaving a tall legacy

"I also went with her to (the Guinness Museum of World Records in) San Franciso. She met Michael Jackson. I'll never forget the moment: This one young ... fellow came up and said, 'Good evening Sandy, my name is Michael Jackson.' She said, 'Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England.'"
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OH YEAH! To get ppl in a musical mood, popping in "Can you feel it" is DEFINATELY a good choice!!!!! LOL :yes:

Thank for the news!
This guy Matt Fidde is being a real cry baby. He is suing but he is talking to the press. Sounds a loyt like Mark Shaffel to me. Remember he is not suing for the money, but the respect. The only problem is that he has not been able to show where he has been disrespected by the Jacksons at all. Oh, they did promise to move close to him,

'I've been taken for a fool' says man suing Tito Jackson

11:20am Thursday 14th August 2008
THE Jacksons have become a familiar sight in Swindon, but one member of the family could be making his next appearance in the town’s dock.
Tito Jackson, original member of the Jackson 5 and brother of Michael, is facing legal action from estranged friend, Matt Fiddes, who wants the case to be heard in Swindon.
Matt has become familiar to Adver readers not just for his successful martial arts schools, but also for his decade-long friendship with the famous pop family.
But that friendship has now turned sour over more than £12,000 allegedly owed to Matt by Tito.
The 29-year-old former Greendown pupil is now suing him over money who said he lent to the star for travel costs and accommodation.
He claims the bills were racked up when Tito flew over to the UK to take part in a planned television documentary.
Matt said: “I feel like I’ve been taken for a fool, and by somebody I thought was a real friend.
“Tito and his family have been here loads of times. Earlier this year they were looking around Swindon for houses so they could be close to me.
“Tito was even due to be godfather to two of my kids.
“Of course I was willing to help him with the money to get over here and set himself up and I was happy to have him near me.
He said: “At the end of the day I’m not there to bankroll Tito – I thought he was my friend.”
He said he has been close to the Jacksons for 10 years now and has turned down money to talk about Michael’s personal life.
He said he would not speak about the personal life of anyone in the Jackson family.
A third party debt order has now been filed by his legal team against Tito at Carlisle County Court, but Matt is determined to have the case heard in Swindon.
He said: “If they think I’m going all the way to Carlisle they’ve got another thing coming.”
No-one was available to comment on behalf of Tito Jackson.

This guy Matt Fidde is being a real cry baby. He is suing but he is talking to the press. Sounds a loyt like Mark Shaffel to me. Remember he is not suing for the money, but the respect. The only problem is that he has not been able to show where he has been disrespected by the Jacksons at all. Oh, they did promise to move close to him,

I have to laugh at this guy, I guess the story didn't create the HUGE buzz he was hoping for. I mean, it got a "little" attention the other day, but the story died out very quickly.

And for him to say that "Tito and his family wanted to find a house in Swindon so they could be close to him", is just too silly for words. What grown man talks like that.

Is he upset because of the money, OR is he upset because Tito won't be living CLOSE to him. LOL!
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I have to laugh at this guy, I guess the story didn't create the HUGE buzz he was hoping for. I mean, it got a "little" attention the other day, but the story died out very quickly.

And for him to say that "Tito and his family wanted to find a house in Swindon so they could be close to him", is just too silly for words. What grown man talks like that.

Is he upset because of the money, OR is he upset because Tito won't be living CLOSE to him. LOL!
It is pathetic isn't it. Notice his veiled threat about being offered money to reveal MJ's private life. He desn't know a damn thing, but I have no doubt that the media would have offered him money to tell. They want MJ's head.
I doubt Tito owes this guy any money. The story doesn't make any sense.
Tito is involved with a documentary with Channel 4 . The channel has exclusive rights to the family. There is no way the tv channel wouldn't be paying all the Jacksons expenses.It doesn't make any sense that Tito would be financing a documentary. It just doesn't work like that. I would bet that channel 4 are the people that owes the man the money, as he was in negotioans wth them.

Looks like he wanted to feature in the docu as the Jacksons friend and they said no and he is angry. he sure is angry. I doubt he would be angry with a friend for being 2 months late with part of a few thousands of pounds.
Looks like he wanted to feature in the docu as the Jacksons friend and they said no and he is angry. he sure is angry. I doubt he would be angry with a friend for being 2 months late with part of a few thousands of pounds.

That sounds like a possibility. I say that because this guy is so QUICK to throw out the Jackson name. He talks so much about the Jackson's, he was sounding like a "manager" or something. LOL! I just think he is upset by "something" and it has nothing to do with money.

All I know is that sooner or later this whole thing will be resolved one way or the other and in the end Matt is gonna have a huge void in his life, because he won't be able to talk about doing "this-that-and-the other thing" with the Jacksons. I remember shortly after the trial he was talking about MJ coming to his martial arts school. LOL!

I don't know too much about this guy, but his claim to fame does seem to be his constant chatter about what he and the Jackson's will be doing next. When that is gone, I have a feeling that this guy is gonna be hurt-hurt.
Matt said: “I feel like I’ve been taken for a fool, and by somebody I thought was a real friend.

Nonsense. It seems like the Jackson family was being taken for fools. (Not saying that they are because I don't think they are.) This guy needs to just shut up and drop his lawsuit. He doesn't have a case. This man wants people to think that he is this "great" friend of the Jacksons and he wants to tell people how long he knew the family. Who cares? I doubt Tito owes this guy a dime. I think that Fiddles got mad that Tito didn't want to deal with him anymore.

Notice his veiled threat about being offered money to reveal MJ's private life

I do not see that as a threat, in a sense. I think the fool mentioned that to state that he did not do that because he is "loyal" to Michael. He doesn't know Mike. He spent some time with the guy, but not enough to know the man. I wouldn't be shocked if he does get paid to talk. The Jacksons need to choose their friends wisely. They got to learn from these mistakes.
Exactly, as i said before they need to learn by their mistakes, but they don't they keep makeing the same ones over and over
I see it as a underhanded threat actually. He is sending a message to the Jacksons that there are people in the media who is willing to pay him to talk to them about Michael. In a way, it is a type of blackmail. the same type the Aviros and the Schaffels used in an attempt to put pressure on Micheal. To say that someone offers money to talk, is to say that you could make things difficult for the Jacksons if he really wants to. that is a threat, even though it wasn't direct. imo. I do agree that The Jacksons need to chose their friends carefully, the problem is that many who befriended the jacksons are looking for their 15 minutes of fames. that makes it very difficult to make friends.
Exactly, as i said before they need to learn by their mistakes, but they don't they keep makeing the same ones over and over
That's probably because there are too many of them. They really need good PR. I was one of the few on this board who was alarmed that Tito was going around with this guy. I could see trouble ahead. This is one angry guy who looks like he wants maximum embarassment for the Jacksons. I am so glad that Michael stayed away from him.
Well what can he say about michael, everyone who has met mike say nothing but good things about him, so whatever fiddes has to say we'll know is rubbish, and he says he doesn't want money. As mike says money is the route of all evil
I have to laugh at this guy, I guess the story didn't create the HUGE buzz he was hoping for. I mean, it got a "little" attention the other day, but the story died out very quickly.

And for him to say that "Tito and his family wanted to find a house in Swindon so they could be close to him", is just too silly for words. What grown man talks like that.

Is he upset because of the money, OR is he upset because Tito won't be living CLOSE to him. LOL!

You pretty much said exactly what was running thru my mind as I was reading that article, BigApple2. I think this isn't so much about money as it is about him feeling personally slighted in some way. Seems like someone got their feelings hurt or possibly their calls are going unanswered? And the money thing is just a way of lashing out in frustration? Meh. I hope they resolve whatever the problem is. Tito is probably sitting somewhere thinking "WHY the hell did I bother even going there?!" :doh: Most of the family seem to have left right after they got there anyway. :dntknw:

Thanks for posting the news. :flowers:
Well what can he say about michael, everyone who has met mike say nothing but good things about him, so whatever fiddes has to say we'll know is rubbish, and he says he doesn't want money. As mike says money is the route of all evil
The guy knows nothing about Michael he is an oppportunist. It was plain to see when you read his various interviews in the press. he started out as a volunteer bodyguard, and with each story it changes to friend of the family to the one who brought him to Devon with Uri Geller.
If his story were true it would have been consistent and not changing with each article. Now he claims to have been a friend for 10 years. BS,:(
You pretty much said exactly what was running thru my mind as I was reading that article, BigApple2. I think this isn't so much about money as it is about him feeling personally slighted in some way. Seems like someone got their feelings hurt or possibly their calls are going unanswered? And the money thing is just a way of lashing out in frustration? Meh. I hope they resolve whatever the problem is. Tito is probably sitting somewhere thinking "WHY the hell did I bother even going there?!" :doh: Most of the family seem to have left right after they got there anyway. :dntknw:

Thanks for posting the news. :flowers:

When you look at the people who have hurt michael in the past, this has been tyhe same type of anger that they showed, from the Chandlers to the bodyguards to Schaffel to LMP. All of these people felt slighted and took their revenge.
Well what can he say about michael, everyone who has met mike say nothing but good things about him, so whatever fiddes has to say we'll know is rubbish, and he says he doesn't want money. As mike says money is the route of all evil

I wouldn't worry. It was just a few months ago before the Devon trip that he was singing Michael's praises. If he suddenly starts talking crap now that Tito "allegedly" owes him some cash, everyone will be able to see right through it. :yes:
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I wouldn't worry. It was just a few months ago before the Devon trip that he was singing Michael's praises. If he suddenly starts talking crap now that Tito "allegedly" owes him some cash, everyone will be able to see right through it. :yes:

I'm glad you mentioned that, because I was thinking the same thing. LOL!

I recall that article and it was VERY long, with homeboy talking about the "greatness" of Michael Jackson. As a matter of fact, I "probably" read it right on this very board. If I recall correctly Matt was the one "alluding" that MJ would be coming to Devon also, when he did that huge newspaper interview.
the second i heard about titos doing business with the guy and the whole reality show i knew it was going to end in a lawsuit. everybody thinks they can just sue the jackson and make free money
He is sending a message to the Jacksons that there are people in the media who is willing to pay him to talk to them about Michael. In a way, it is a type of blackmail.

I wouldn't think about it like that. However, I would not hold out the possbility. Anything is possible. See, if the Jackson were my friends, I will never go there with them. However, that is just me.

I was one of the few on this board who was alarmed that Tito was going around with this guy. I could see trouble ahead. This is one angry guy who looks like he wants maximum embarassment for the Jacksons. I am so glad that Michael stayed away from him.

Yeah, I remember that. I always had an issue with him because he could not stop talking to the media. I remember reading an article about this fool and he stated that he was friends with Uri and I was like, "oh hell no." LOL. Well, at least Mike smelled that clown and cut contact with this guy.

If his story were true it would have been consistent and not changing with each article. Now he claims to have been a friend for 10 years. BS

Yep. His stories are not constant. That is a big read flag.
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When you look at the people who have hurt michael in the past, this has been tyhe same type of anger that they showed, from the Chandlers to the bodyguards to Schaffel to LMP. All of these people felt slighted and took their revenge.
So true. Look at Corey Feldman as well.
At the end of the day if a Jackson owed u money and wasnt returning your calls u would be pissed off aswell lol... I dont get why everyone has to jump to the defence of the one thats clearlly in the wrong, If Tito owes money he should pay up

And i couldnt give to flying f**ks about the karate, bodyguard dude, its just the way things work...u borrow money, u pay it back. END OF lol!
Oh God, just because this guy says that Tito owes him money DOES NOT MEAN that he owes him money. Everybody that sues a person for money is not telling the truth. So why should we believe this guy when we don't even know what the details were?
At the end of the day if a Jackson owed u money and wasnt returning your calls u would be pissed off aswell lol... I dont get why everyone has to jump to the defence of the one thats clearlly in the wrong, If Tito owes money he should pay up

And i couldnt give to flying f**ks about the karate, bodyguard dude, its just the way things work...u borrow money, u pay it back. END OF lol!

If I lend a friend money, I would expect to get it back. I would ask him for it first, but if I did sue him, I would not be running to the media with it, knowing full well that it would embarassed him. I certainly would not be issuing veiled threats either.
I made my comments about the money because the story doesn't sound right. Why would Tito be borrowing money from a 'friend' so that he could take the entire Jackson family on a holiday to Bleak Devon?
Tito gave channel 4 exclusive rights to his stay in Devon. The media normally pays for such privelege. Channel 4 would not be doing a documetary on the Jacksons with exclusive rights without paying for it.
Also, the guy has admitted to getting some of the money, so it isn't as if he is being ignored.
Why sue at such a short time frame? Why speak to the press about it? Why the veiled threat? I thing the guy has answered the questions already.
It is not about the money, it is the principle. They promised me that they would come and live next to me and they changed their minds,.:mello:
Fine I will accept that theres a possibility it could be a lie, but I bet you people cant acknoledge that he may be telling the truth as it would be putting the JACKSONS in the wrong...i guess time will tell

All i will say is the Jacksons dont have a good track record when it comes to paying back loans...
"I also went with her to (the Guinness Museum of World Records in) San Franciso. She met Michael Jackson. I'll never forget the moment: This one young ... fellow came up and said, 'Good evening Sandy, my name is Michael Jackson.' She said, 'Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England.'"
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"Michael Jackson? Yeah, and I`m the Queen", funny stuff.. I`m curious how Michael has reacted. :lmao: