106 n park talks about Akon and MJ


Proud Member
Jan 25, 2007
so im watchin 106 n park, and they were giving us news on whats 2come on the black carpet comin up next, and they said akon is being dissed by the king of pop lol. ill post the story after it comes on. wow...lol wonder what happened
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Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, lol. I can't wait. Though I can't see it. Michael never disses anyone. Maybe they just mean Michael had the song pulled?
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

wow i cant wait to hear this..
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

LOL :lol:
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

Maybe you should've waited until you heard the actual story before you made this thread, lol...
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

:lol: LOL

Okay I just saw it.. they said something like MJ was not feeling the track so he didn't want aside, and may not be working with Akon 'cause of it. Blah blah blah, "Akon is hot right now".. they just twisted the story a bit. LOL didn't Akon said in that article.. because the song had been leaked.. it's not going to be out, and they will work on a new record?

WTF BET. o_o lol whatever, it ain't big of a deal anyway...
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

*********heres the scoop********
The commentator said its been reported that mj moonwalked (lol) all over akons creativety. They were recording a song together and mj had the track pulled becuse he didnt like the outcome. Not sure if they are still working together or not.

But the that dumb bi*tch commentator gone say news flash mj akons hot in the streets and right now you're not so you might want to take the back seat on this exectutive thing.

does this lil skank know who shes talkin about? take the back seat to akon? lmmfao i almost choked
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

^^ Oh so it was about Hold My hand?
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

*********heres the scoop********
The commentator said its been reported that mj moonwalked (lol) all over akons creativety. They recording a song together and mj had the track pulled becuse he didnt like the outcome. Not sure if they are still working together or not.

But the that dumb bi*tch commentator gone say news flash mj akons hot in the streets and right now you're not so you might want to take the back seat on this exectutive thing.

does this lil skank know who shes talkin about? take the back seat to akon? lmmfao i almost choked
I know right? That got me a lil irritated. :lol:
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

Who cares. If Akon is tripping because Michael told his ass how to do it, then he's got an ego problem, among other problems, lol. His butt needs to take a lesson, because Michael's a musical genius and he's just the flavor of the month. And last I heard, Akon's "hotness" is starting to dwindle, lol. Of course, that's only if that's all true. Which it probably isn't. I doubt Michael's working with even half the names that keep getting droped, or which keep dropping his name, lol.
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

Lol, this is too funny! Thanks for tellin us though!

And that commentator needs to check what she's saying. Akon may be "hot" at the moment. But his light will go out quicker than a birthday candle on a 6yr-old's cake!
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

This is two pages :unsure: Wasn't worth one :lol: I'm gonna change the title so peeps don't trip :lol:
Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

Hmmmmmm. Grand opening. Grand closing. :lol:
so im wathcin 106 n park, and they werre giving us news on whats 2come on the black carpet comin up next, and they said akon is being dissed by the king of pop lol. ill post the story after it comes on. wow...lol wonder what happened

yeah..let me take a hedge bet and say there's yet someone else who wants to 'speak' for MJ, and try to make him look bad...
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Re: Akon being dissed by the king of pop?!

Lol, this is too funny! Thanks for tellin us though!

And that commentator needs to check what she's saying. Akon may be "hot" at the moment. But his light will go out quicker than a birthday candle on a 6yr-old's cake!

LMAOOOOOO@IvoryKeys... 2 darn funny..
Man BET lost their credibility long time ago, so I wouldn't even listen to what that lil commentator said.. She is making minimum wage and we all know that if Michael walked past her 2mrrow she would wet her pants (take that part anyway ya want..lol). Also she wouldn't dare tell MJ to his face that he isn't hot, she would probably try to slide up on him (I know I would try but that's just me)... *ok getting down off my soap box*
The commentator is Rocsi or someone else?

Whoever she is, wouldn't it be digustingly funny if MJ should ever get interviewed by her and we watch what she'd have to say, as an interviewer, talkin about how great he is, you're a legend right in front of his face? She better pray that she wouldn't be in a situation to interview him in the future.
Unless that commentator has been in the music industry for 40 years etc. she can talk but until then she needs to keep her trap shut seriously.
She just thinks, or is under the dillusion, that Michael actually needs Akon, lol. But she's sadly mistaken. The only person Michael needs is Michael. Akon has said he feels privledged to be working with Michael, or has aired similar sentiments to that, and he should. This host or commentator is ignorant to Michael's talent and popularity. If he put out an album right now with zero collaborations from any of these people, he would sell way more then Akon, you can bet on that. Michael's fans are going to buy his album for him, not for Akon or Ne-Yo or whoever the heck else.
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The commentator is Rocsi or someone else?

Whoever she is, wouldn't it be digustingly funny if MJ should ever get interviewed by her and we watch what she'd have to say, as an interviewer, talkin about how great he is, you're a legend right in front of his face? She better pray that she wouldn't be in a situation to interview him in the future.

not rocsi the chick from the black carpet said.
I dont belive anything that reporters say at all
Yeah and her MJ hater co-host Tourre(sp?).

yea hes an ass. i remember him saying invincible didnt do well @ 1st because it sucked,but after some updates o sales he goes "well invincible wasnt a bad album" i was like this fool lol