Proud Member
My mum once caught me in the back garden sucking on a shoe ( When I was 1 ) It had dog poo on it. uke: :fear: BARF!
I grew up in a historic downtown area in the south, surrounded by water. You cannot escape cockroaches there. Perfect breeding grounds. Most people just accept it. However, not me. I have a bigger phobia of Cockroaches than anyone you'll ever meet. It. is. bad. My mom even wanted to try taking me to a hypnotherapist, lol. It's not logical...when I was little I used to play with daddy long legs and try to save earthworms from drowning in puddles. I don't even really have a problem with those small brown roaches.... But those 2-3 inch, jet black, flying cockroaches are the most vile creatures on the planet. I have like feline predator senses when it comes to them and I *always* know when there is one in the room. It is way strange. And someone else has to get it, 'cause I can't come within 5 feet without freaking out. If there's no one else there to get it, I'll just leave and go to someone else's house. LoL. One time I was leaving the grocery store at night and I opened the car door and saw one in the backseat and I slammed the door and walked to my friend's house and left my car in the parking lot for a week because I was too scared it was still in there. LoL. No good. No good. :no:
:fear: ...And when I was less than a year old, my mom caught me sitting on the living room floor with half of one in my hand and the other half...:doh: My dad said she was horrified and like shoving her hands down my throat, trying to fish it out, LoL. It was too late. :no: uke: And perhaps that explains it all...