1 unknown fact about you

Everybody says that i'm so mature ( they think that i'm older than i really am !!)
I lurk the manhood thread every day..."no homo" as they say.

I was with the father of my kids from the age of 14 until I was 32.
LOL sorry, that's about as exciting as my life gets. Let me see if I can think of something a little more interesting...

I met President Bill Clinton once.
I am addicted to word games - Bananagrams, Scrabble, Upwords...
Me too!! I have all of those! I LOVE words. I read books on words, LoL.

I like to sleep curled up in a little ball :wub:
Me too. =P Feels safer, right? :yes:

Me too - I'm 22 and look about 17 apparently :p
Yeahhh...Approx. 3 hrs ago I was at work and some guy said "Are you old enough to work here?"...I was hostessing, which means you have to be...what? 15?...I'm 22. About 20 minutes later my manager said "Yeah, you could definitely pass for 14." And last weekend while I was playing Apples to Apples with my mom and sister and a couple friends, My mom said "You know, If someone didn't know you and they were to just look at your hands, they'd think you were eight years old." Everyone laughed and she said "No, I'm serious. And not just because they're small." :doh:

Oh yeah! Unknown fact: I was on a soccer team for a year. (Prolly only funny if you know me. =P)
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I always get so excited when I find out we're having a play/musical or get to perform at school !! :D I'm always the only who's so excited .. :lol: :blush:
I haven't slept in 32 hours...

EDIT: ok that wasn't really a fact... Eh I have been vegetarian for 13 years. I'm 22. Most people ask me if it was because of Babe so I decided to watch it a couple of months ago. Babe is sooo cute!
I am writing a fanfic story about Michael to help improve my writing, fuel my imagination :cheeky: have fun and comfort my sorrows.
When I'm at home, I HATE sleeping with my door closed. It makes me feel weird.

(I make some exceptions though, like tonight, if my brother keeps snoring the way he does with his door CLOSED...yeah, I think I'll shut mine.)

Haha, I'm the opposite, I can't sleep with my door open, it must be closed :p