The Last Person to Post in This Thread Wins

The weather is dripping and dripping. It's annoying to hear this ringing on the metal parts of the facade. It's so monotonous and sparse. It's on that frequency. I love rain, but not right now. 💧💧💦💧💦💦💦💦💧💦
I'm done.
There's still only Metro 2033 sci-fi novel, post-apocalyptic future 😅😅😅😅
How are you feeling? The weather? Nature? Impressions of the day?
How are you feeling? The weather? Nature? Impressions of the day?
Terrible headache at the moment. Rainy last night. Slowly awakening flora and fauna.

How about you?
Terrible headache at the moment. Rainy last night. Slowly awakening flora and fauna.

How about you?
It's raining, I can't sleep, because I've lost my daily routine on vacation 😅😅😅😅 The weather is generally pleasant, it's warm)))) Recently for the first time I rode the speed slide in the water park 😅😅😅😅😅 but only 1 time, the second time was scary)
It's raining, I can't sleep, because I've lost my daily routine on vacation 😅😅😅😅 The weather is generally pleasant, it's warm)))) Recently for the first time I rode the speed slide in the water park 😅😅😅😅😅 but only 1 time, the second time was scary)
How warm?