Youtube Michael Glitch?


Proud Member
Sep 11, 2009
When I type in "michael jackson" in the youtube search box, it only gives me 17,600 results on the top right hand corner...this can't be right. Whenever I put his name into the box before, the results would always say something like "20 out of MILLIONS". Is this just happening to me? :(
I get:
“Michael Jackson” results 1 - 20 of about 6,640

Its going down too.
hmmm thats strange. I hope youtube is not removing videos again :worried:
Woah, mine says 5,350. This is some seriouse BS.

Youtube has been changed as well, the layout, etc. It sucks. I hate it.
It happens when you search on everything. It's just youtube being lame.
Yeah, like, why do you have to mouse over a comment to see when it was posted? Dumb
Mine says 17,600.

I hope youtube isn't deleting videos either. Then again it might just be messed up. I don't like how youtube is now...
Maybe we should send letters to youtube service and let them know we liked the old version better? I'm sure they have recieved letters already, but it couldnt hurt!
Wait,I just typed his name on Google and only got "141.000.000". Anyone has the same problems ?....
YouTube's new format has really thrown me! They change it all the time! Looking for Michael videos was great before June-never had a problem finding anything. Now all I seem to get is 'this video has been claimed by Sony.' It makes you realise just how much Michael protected us from so much crap from people like Sony.
on youtube i get this: “michael jackson” results 1 - 20 of about 7,890
on google: Results 1 - 10 of about 114,000,000 for michael jackson. (0.29 seconds)
Then again it does say "of about" so and so videos. So Im guessing its just an estimate

Yeah but the estimate is WAYYY off =(. MJ always held the "millions of videos" title - fit for the king. Now it just gives us a lame number on the thousands....
Youtube, if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
You can't go past a 1000 , when you search.

Must be copyrights getting rid of the videos, not just sony but other places.

Me too. It sucks. And none of my downloader add-ons in my browser work anymore on youtube either :sad:

do you have Vdownloader?