You're banned...

:nono: you got it all wong, it's Ima eatchu :D

banned for getting it wrong :p
You won't have time to, I'm dangerous :naughty: you don't know it but the song's about me

Banned for being so poorly informed :D
Banned cause that song was about my illegitimate cousin from another mother :p

Banned for being mistaken :lol:
Banned cuz I never knew I was your illegitimate cousin :blink:
Banned cause now im going to the federal court system for a Deoxyribonucleic acid Test........ -comes at you with a cotton swab-
What in the name of fried socks does deoxibuwhatevaaa mean??? *runs from the weirdowith swabs*

banned for using words that cannot be pronounced
Banned for making me crack up till point of tears.. :lol: rofl fries socks! :lmao:

Deoxyribonucleic acid aka DNA lol

Yes I want a DNA test :mellow: -does like in the horror films, walks slowly with Cotton swab but no matter how fast you run im right behind you- :bugeyed
Again glad I amuse you :D

oh now there's something I understand :D wouldn't have it been so much easter to just say DNA?

:scare: creepy deoxibublaaaaah guy take your stupid test elsewhere cuz if youtouch me you loose an arm :D

banned cuz you should know I know karate :D
Banned because inside my mind I can physically embody Jackie chan so you have met your match -gets in fighting stance- -whispers- Shamone..
I'm gonna shamone your ass while I beat it :D

banned cuz Jackie chan, Sylvester stalone and van damme together are no match for me :queen:
banned because you wanted to leave for hours:D


banned because I am too slow:)
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