You're banned...

You're banned for caring... well its just the end of year and the classes all get re-jigged next year and you lose that tight bond you had with every1 in the class that took 2 years to build up, sounds a bit silly but i hate change...
You're banned for making a really long post for me to read in the when did you become a fan thread... was interesting tho :D
You're banned for being hot like i was before. it's been raining and then today by god it soo hot
You're banned coz it only got up to 30ish here and that's bad enough for where i live. 36 would be disgustingly hot. especially tonight when i was watching the performance in a room with no a/c and no windows/doors open!!
You're banned coz if it hit 40 here id need to sit in a freezer. I remember when it hit 40 on the other side of the city from me and that was big news in NZ, it hardly ever hits 40 here
You're banned for being a friend of mine :hug:

EDIT : you're banned for making me edit my post :pth:
You're banned coz i'm reading the thread about the new Buenos Aires concert and how it could be fake :( o got so excited about it