Gah, don't get me started. I sleep, I just don't go to bed as early as I should. On weekdays (bearing in mind I go to school), I go to bed at 2am and get woken at 7am. Is there such a thing as someone not needing as much sleep as someone else?
A lot of my friends and people I talk to say they would look dead with very little sleep, but with me it's different. Sure, if I have a sleepover and go to bed at 5 or 6am I will be tired when I wake up but after a few hours I feel right as rain.
That causes a few problems. The main one is fatigue. Recently I've struggled to stay awake on the bus both to and from school, literally over a period of seconds becoming drowsy. Movement helps majorly (keeping me awake during the day) but in a boring class or a journey home where activity doesn't occur has me struggling to keep my eyes open.
A less annoying but more regular problem I have is yawning. I literally yawned while I wrote this sentence. Sometimes I just can't stop yawning, and I don't really know why. Even getting a good sleep doesn't help. I just yawned again.
Now I know what you are saying, "Dude just go to bed earlier!". I really would like to but I totally hate wasting days. I feel so angry at myself for waking up at noon sometimes, and I go to bed as late as I can. Linda, it's a similar thing to what you said. I don't want something to happen while I'm sleeping... maybe a big piece of news surfacing or a new post to read on MJJC.
Overall though, I have no real problems with going to sleep. One thing though is I find the smallest things annoying as hell. At my Grandparents, where I usually sleep in the living room, I have to move a little clock they have so I cant hear the faint ticks emitting from it. Also, having the slightest pinch of light seeping underneath my door or shining through my curtains bugs me. Oviously, as you'd expect, I seem to lay in bed for hours at 1am because I went to bed at 3am the night before, for example too. But, after a day or so of going to bed at a similar time I can fall asleep pretty quickly.
So now I'd like to pose a question to you... why do we enjoy sleep? I mean, when I wake up I can't wait to sleep again. Why? We are lying in bed, concious one moment and then we wake up, again having the feel of conciousness. So where does that great feeling of sleep come from, and how do we feel it?
Oh and by the way Linda I love this thread
I'ts really informative and interesting, and those tips can really help people. Thanks