Nudity is great just as long as a middle aged man isn't standing in front of you, with everything eye level as you're sitting down, giving you directions to the cafe!!!!! :lol:

Just to let you guys know, this did really happen. :lmao:
I am totally down with nudity. Here in the US I think our ultra conservative view of it has many detrimental consequences. I think so many women here have very low self esteem when it comes to their bodies and feel so uncomfortable being naked, even when alone. And it's scary how many people in this country are opposed to mothers breastfeeding in public--our uptight mentality of the human body and its normal functions is a major contributing factor for the pitiful breastfeeding rates here.
I'd better stop before I get carried away. But I don't think there is anything wrong with nudity.
Human beings are the only creatures born with any kind of protection for the body.
We are very weak, probably the weakest creature on the planet.

I definitely think we were not made to be naked, as we are not animals. Well, we are a different kind of animals, thinking animals with no protection for our bodies and our nature makes us feel we should be covered.

I believe every theory about human being creation confirm we were not made to be naked.

Evolutioned human being are not made to be naked.

So, I consider myself educated or try to be educated, and do not compare myself with animals, I dont feel the need of being naked.

Nudity is a very private moment to share with some one special. Yeap, nudity makes love more initresting and romantic.

I am not interested in watching *everybody* naked if you ask me, only the youngs and hotties LOL.:: Mother Nature, or God if you are a believer, definitely is very wise, definitely LOL
Ok, interesting thread. :p
For me nudity is something very natural. I can go to the sauna with my friends (both male and female) and familymembers, and there's absolutely nothing sexual about it. But I don't enjoy walking around naked in my appartment, I prefer wearing clothes, lol.

There's this dude who lives across the street from us, and he's always naked (when he's at home). And makes no effort to hide it, he never closes the curtains... :mello:

That just totally gave me a FRIENDS flashback...."ugly naked guy." LOL (Sorry, I'm a Friends-a-holic.)
Ha! Ha!

phebe: Ewww ungly naked guy lit a bunch of candles....
All: Ewwwww... Oh!!!
Ross: Ouch.. Thats gotta hurt...
I don't have a problem with it, but you wouldn't catch me going nude. :ninja:
acctually an artist close to where I live, was doing a nude project were hundreds if not thousands of people were walking around nude somewhere in a park I think :thinking:
That just totally gave me a FRIENDS flashback...."ugly naked guy." LOL (Sorry, I'm a Friends-a-holic.)

No kidding, that's exactly what we thought about as well! And for that reason we actually call him the ugly naked guy!! :lol: Even though he's not that ugly... :ph34r:
Lol I will never forget that day as long as I live! 'Don't worry girls, we won't jump out at you!' Oh, and remember the nude runner along the beach!

How could I forget? Forever ingrained on my memory! :lol:

I love nudity. As long as we're talking Michael Jackson naked telling me how to get to a cafe` or streaking down the street in front of me. :baby:

I think nudity is a beautiful thing. Nudity can be used to express art, and I love art.
I wouldn't walk around naked though. LOL. Not randomly. That would be awkward.