
Proud Member
Jul 19, 2009
No clothes. Just skin. Nude. Naked. Hear that? NUDITITITY! :bugeyed

Ok, in all seriousness (?) your opinions about nudity. No, I don't mean in a sexual way. Just in general. Your thoughts?
It depends what you mean. Streaking in public is not right.
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lol. No, I don't mean exposing yourself to complete strangers.
I find it funny in America that violence is more acceptable in movies than nudity. I know it's the other way around in other places.
Nudity doesn't bother me if its tasteful. If I see a beautiful painting, sculpture, baby picture or something like that its fine because its pure and harmless.
So far so good lol. I love to be nude... in the shower...
Good point. Thats what I don't get. Its a matter that we can show bodily fluid gushing from someones head as long as it blood, but as soon as we see someones privates, its all of a sudden 'wrong' or 'dissgusting'...
I personally think nudity is ok. We are a wonderful creation. Why not show it? unfortunatly I live with my bro now. But before that, when I was living alone or with female roommates, I never wore clothes. (I know TMI).
I don't like being nude really. I feel too exposed, even if I'm alone.
When your an artist, you stop seeing nudity in a sexual way...To me, as an artist (Yes, photography is considered art), nudity can be beautiful without being sexualised and raunchy...It can also symbolise peace and purity...

I think theres alot of stigma against nudity due to the emdia. (Yeah, they do that alot.)...Nudity is so overly sexualised that society believes it to be immoral. Completely forgetting that alot of the great works of art in history did infact include naked people.
I don't like being nude really. I feel too exposed, even if I'm alone.

Thats how I feel. And I don't like the look of my body. And its winter at the moment. *shrinkage* lol.
My opinion of nudity? It rocks. :D LOL. If you think about it, it really is ridiculous that nudity is seen as some major over the top thing, when it's just our bodies.
Well, I think about the magazines Playboy, Penthouse............ I really do not have the courage to pose nude....NEVER!!!!!!!! And then the money does not matter. The body is something very private. But if these people get naked in this way, it certainly is for money. But I respect people who do this kind of work.
Its good to see the respons to my 'YOUR OPINION' threads. Very facinating.
I think nudity is acceptable, depending upon the context. Movies for example....I don't mind nudity in a movie, as long as it's tasteful and not just nudity for nudity's sake, or as a segue into graphic sex. Sometimes less is more, if you know what I mean, and I like to have something left to the imagination.

Do I think people should be able to walk down the street in the nude? Heck no. I want a choice as to what I have to look at--and I don't want to see THAT, nor do I want anyone to see ME like that. Yuck.

Nudity in art? As a means of creative expression? Absolutely fine, IMO. But then again, some artists take it too far and go all graphic just to shock people. If you have to do that, IMO, you're not an artist because you're only doing something for shock value--which means you aren't that creative in the first place.

I also don't like graphic violence (blood and guts) in visual media. It's unnecessary. And I agree with others who don't understand why that is acceptable while nudity is not.
Ok, interesting thread. :p
For me nudity is something very natural. I can go to the sauna with my friends (both male and female) and familymembers, and there's absolutely nothing sexual about it. But I don't enjoy walking around naked in my appartment, I prefer wearing clothes, lol.

There's this dude who lives across the street from us, and he's always naked (when he's at home). And makes no effort to hide it, he never closes the curtains... :mello:
Mate you just totally jacked this thread from Max Jax, lol.
Nudity is great just as long as a middle aged man isn't standing in front of you, with everything eye level as you're sitting down, giving you directions to the cafe!!!!! :lol:

OMFG! :toofunny: *dies*