YOUR OPINION: Gay Marriage

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Ok, there are many reasons I could debate that. But this is not the thread for it.
well, its reasons like that why it is frowned apon, if the couple are giving them a better upbringing then their current one, why can't they adopt ??
As I said before marriage is a religious thing it was instituted by god. And if you want my personal opinion with out my views from the bible it would be that I find the act unatural , sadistic and repulsive.
Ok heres my opinion.

Two people love each other, they should be able to get married.

There shouldnt be anything else left to think about I think.
How is it 'repulsive'? Im not asking you to be gay?
As I said before marriage is a religious thing it was instituted by god. And if you want my personal opinion with out my views from the bible it would be that I find the act unatural , sadistic and repulsive.

Not meaning to be harsh but get out of the stone age already and live in the present and not what was said 1000s of years ago, What i find Unnatural, Sadistic and repulsive is people like you using your religion to hate on others who haven't even laid a finger on you to provoke such responses.
As I said before marriage is a religious thing it was instituted by god. And if you want my personal opinion with out my views from the bible it would be that I find the act unatural , sadistic and repulsive.

Seeing this reaction, I'm thinking if I could be a Christian, because I really believe gay people are the same, but then they don't fuck, they adopt.
And if the world would be with alot more gay people, this world would have been so nicer. Ever met gay people? Then you know they are so nice!

@JohnC, I am sorry for ruining your thread.
How is it 'repulsive'? Im not asking you to be gay?

Funniest thing I have read all day.

We live in a barking mad world.

And the comments about Gay couples not being allowed to adopt?

I know some AMAZING gay parents, and some truly DESPICABLE heterosexual parents.

A child does not need 1x Mother and 1 X Father

S/he needs 1 X Environment in which they are loved and nurtured. And who gives that loved and nurturing, is almost irrelevant, so long as its consistent and reliable.


ETA in response to the Gay people are so nice post, which was meant kindly I know - I know some Gay people who are right friggin arseholes!

We dont need to be so scared of being seen to be homophobic that we forget to just be ourselves. Gay/straight/bi/asexual/whatever - we are all equally wonderful/annoying. :D

This reminds me of the time I was moaning about my boss because he had really pissed me off, and a colleague said 'You cant moan about him, its racist'.

Umm, no, I was moaning about him because he was being a twat. Not because he was from Pakistan.

Not meaning to be harsh but get out of the stone age already and live in the present and not what was said 1000s of years ago, What i find Unnatural, Sadistic and repulsive is people like you using your religion to hate on others who haven't even laid a finger on you to provoke such responses.

your right, times have changed, plus these things about being homosexual in the bible, I think have more to do with tradition and not religion, fo me its as simple as this if God didn't want people to be gay, he wouldn't have made them that way, some people act like they just woke up one day and decided, today I will be gay, GET REAL !!
Just remember the following;

This is a thread, not a debate.
No religious posts.
No homophobic attitudes.

- If any of these rules are violated again, I ask the mods that this thread is either removed or locked.

I am enjoying the masive response Im getting though. Thanks!
Ehh...that's not the reason. We live in homophobic world, that's why they shouldn't have children. Just try to imagine how kids from gay marriage would be treated in that kind of environment...

Yeah, I was always well aware that me acquiring any kind of higher education depended on those men and women before me who were brave enough to face the uncomfortable position in order to get a step closer to leave gender inequality behind us.

Just think about it, if everybody adopted the "it too hard, let's leave everything as is" attitude, we'd still be sitting in cold caves, period.

It's not about "shocking" people and having children just to prove a point- but other people's hang-up and issues should never be a reason for you to give up on what you really want in life.
Just remember the following;

This is a thread, not a debate.
No religious posts.
No homophobic attitudes.

- If any of these rules are violated again, I ask the mods that this thread is either removed or locked.

I am enjoying the masive response Im getting though. Thanks!

Ok, I'll stop here, not gonna reply anymore to religion posts.
Thanks for the warning!:cheers:
As I said before marriage is a religious thing it was instituted by god. And if you want my personal opinion with out my views from the bible it would be that I find the act unatural , sadistic and repulsive.

Last I checked heterosexual people can be just as "unnatural, sadistic and repulsive".
That kind of view is by the way a similar thing Michael Jackson suffered from. People only saw "sex" in their minds when he related to children. Same here, you seem to view the issue from a "sex standpoint" which is equally absurd. Nobody was asking you to engage in any kind practices that you're not comfortable with.
And that's pretty sad, to reduce people of a differing sexual orientation than oneself to mere genitals on legs.

All that religious talk is indeed a great excuse for all that homophobic sex fear.

People are people, humans, with everyone having the right live in a way that makes them happy, as long as nobody else's right to live happily is hindered. Your right to be live as you chose is in no way hindered because somebody else lives their life the way THEY see fit.
Not meaning to be harsh but get out of the stone age already and live in the present and not what was said 1000s of years ago, What i find Unnatural, Sadistic and repulsive is people like you using your religion to hate on others who haven't even laid a finger on you to provoke such responses.

Now my opinion was asked and i gave it not because I dislike what someone may do means that I hate that person. Just the same as with a relative that does something to upset you , you don't hate that person but what that person did.

Why is it when gay people get the response I gave from others they start to cry that some hates them. I do not hate them I hate the practice.

And if that sounds old fashion to bad. Check it out the old fashion way is always the best way. That is why ppl are goin back to that way. Many today wait for marriage to have sex, the most safe better than useing a condom that has risk.

You see god created us he tells us how to live our lives the best way possible. You do not tell the manufacturer how best to work his product. God is our manufacturer and he tells us the best way to live, homosexuality is not one of them.

As I said if god wanted a man to be with a man he would of said so. It is not natural, they cannot even procreate without medical intervention. And that is not my only reason for being against the practice there are many.
Guys, chill out. This thread is getting ugly. Anymore, and it will be closed.
Stacey, its very hard to read your posts without getting distracted by that piccie!!

Oh my LORD, that smile!!!

Just. FEINT.

Guys, chill out. This thread is getting ugly. Anymore, and it will be closed.

Thankyou Stacy.

If anyone happened to miss my last five-thousand posts, the rules are;

This is a thread, not a debate.
No religious posts.
No homophobic attitudes.

- If any of these rules are violated again, I ask the mods that this thread is either removed or locked.
Last I checked heterosexual people can be just as "unnatural, sadistic and repulsive".
That kind of view is by the way a similar thing Michael Jackson suffered from. People only saw "sex" in their minds when he related to children. Same here, you seem to view the issue from a "sex standpoint" which is equally absurd. Nobody was asking you to engage in any kind practices that you're not comfortable with.
And that's pretty sad, to reduce people of a differing sexual orientation than oneself to mere genitals on legs.

All that religious talk is indeed a great excuse for all that homophobic sex fear.

People are people, humans, with everyone having the right live in a way that makes them happy, as long as nobody else's right to live happily is hindered. Your right to be live as you chose is in no way hindered because somebody else lives their life the way THEY see fit.

What... it is about sex ever meet a celibate homosexual. That is what marriage is for sex...

And this has no comparison to what Mike suffered in the issue whit children. If you believe in a creator you would respect his views, plain and simple.
Now my opinion was asked and i gave it not because I dislike what someone may do means that I hate that person. Just the same as with a relative that does something to upset you , you don't hate that person but what that person did.

Why is it when gay people get the response I gave from others they start to cry that some hates them. I do not hate them I hate the practice.

And if that sounds old fashion to bad. Check it out the old fashion way is always the best way. That is why ppl are goin back to that way. Many today wait for marriage to have sex, the most safe better than useing a condom that has risk.

You see god created us he tells us how to live our lives the best way possible. You do not tell the manufacturer how best to work his product. God is our manufacturer and he tells us the best way to live, homosexuality is not one of them.

As I said if god wanted a man to be with a man he would of said so. It is not natural, they cannot even procreate without medical intervention. And that is not my only reason for being against the practice there are many.

I'm not gay, but I do think its fine to be gay and be religious at the same time. You say if God wanted a man to be with a man he would have said so, then don't you think if God didn't want people ro be gay he wouldn't make them that way ??
I don't have a problem with gay marriage personally but I don't think you can really dictate people into not bringing their religious feelings into the issue, especially since that's the main reason that people who are against it are against it. You're pretty much canceling out the other side's entire point of view and then asking them to explain their point of view, lol. If I had strong religious feelings about this subject, I would talk about it here whether you wanted me to or not.
I'm not gay, but I do think its fine to be gay and be religious at the same time. You say if God wanted a man to be with a man he would have said so, then don't you think if God didn't want people ro be gay he wouldn't make them that way ??

God did not make them into homosexuals it was their desires that made them that way James 1:13-15. Just like god did not make judas a thief. Even if they have these desires it can be controlled ask yourselve how come you do not see homosexuals in some countries (middle eastern in particular) where this practice is reviled. It's cause even if they have they find some way to surpress it.

That word homophobia is areverse psycology thing that ppl try to make others who oppose it feel. When the truth is I am NOT afraid of any homosexual.
I'm not gay, but I do think its fine to be gay and be religious at the same time. You say if God wanted a man to be with a man he would have said so, then don't you think if God didn't want people ro be gay he wouldn't make them that way ??

God didn't make people that way, the same reason he didn't make people criminals. God has given people free will.

There are many people that have changed their way of life, and completely turn away from homosexuality and now they are straight.

I would give my opinion on this, but I don't wanna upset anyone, so I won't.
No more posts please.

I said the rules of the thread. People ignored them. Thats enough.
My opinion is that gay people are human beings just like heterosexuals are. Human beings should be treated equally. Why deny one group of human beings the same things that another group of human beings can have? In many ways the Bible is outdated. Much of those ancient writings just cannot apply to society today. I don't care if gay people want to be married. Let them suffer too. :D :cheeky:

PS I'm not gay. :)
I'll close this thread. If you would like it reopened later, PM me.
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