your most treasured Michael memories

My ET album. I was (am) an only child, shy, so I didn't go out and interact with other kids my own age too much. I spent alot of time alone and would play the ET album alot. I knew what he was gonna say, when he was gonna say it, how he was gonna say it. I would repeat it word for word. His voice was like heaven for me. I wore that record OUT. I still have it. The picture book in inside is almost in bits and pieces, but I'll never get rid of it.
This sounds simple compared to some of yours but mine were simply when he randomly came on Musicmax or music channels out of the blue.
I got so excited and i used to get up and start dancing and singing and just being so glad that other people were watching this at the same time as me :(
This sounds simple compared to some of yours but mine were simply when he randomly came on Musicmax or music channels out of the blue.
I got so excited and i used to get up and start dancing and singing and just being so glad that other people were watching this at the same time as me :(

The simplest things are sometimes the most beautiful ones. I really do believe that.
The simplest things are sometimes the most beautiful ones. I really do believe that.

yeah, me too. Now whenever i see, or hear him, it's just different. When he was alive, it was a serendiptious surprise that made my day and got me smiling and thinking about wherever he was and the fact that whatever he was doing, his music is still being lived through. Now that he's gone, his music is commemorating his death, and even though it can be said that it is also celebrating it, there's just this permanent sense of sadness that hangs with it as well.
The Jackson 5 music wa a big part of my growing up. Then when MJ went solo, I followed his career.
when me and my best mate went to see him at Wembley in 97....after camping out for like 34 hours and the gates of turnstile A were opened and we ran for our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When we hit the barrier it was like I had acheived something was what I had always dreamed of, being at the front of an MJ concert, just like all the crazy fans I had seen on tv for years. I was like " am I really here??"

I NEVER thought I could get to be at one of his shows that moment of being there, looking behind me seeing thousands and thousands of, it was the best thing ...........

When Michael jumped on stage I was in a daze, then Jam kicked in it was like BAM!!!!!!!! I was so happy and overwhelmed I started to cry...gosh this makes me well up thinking about it :cry:

I was stone deaf for a week after the show :p

those are my best memories :cry:
Seeing Moonwalker and thinking how cool he was. I wanted to hang out with him.

Seeing Captain Eo and being both fascinated by it and scared (of the Supreme Leader)

Seeing "Thriller" and thinking it was awesome (like this has got to be the best music video in existence) and funny. Also seeing other music videos which I thought were actually movies.

Seeing bits about Neverland and wanting to be able to go there and play with Michael. Lucky kids.

Seeing "You Rock My World" video for the first time, and amazed MJ still had it

Seeing the trial and Martin Bashir interview around 2003ish and feeling so much emapthy and sadness for Michael. I was practically shouting at the TV, "Just leave him alone!" :(

Seeing The Jacksons TV movie and feeling even more empathy for Michael.

That's what I remember the most. Now creating some new memories of him. As a causal fan, I wasn't a close follower of his life.
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Oh my...all these wonderful memories just made me cry! I can sooo imagine how you guys have felt that one special moment where u actually saw him in real person.:cry:

I've never seen him in real person...and now I can't anymore. Oh why...:(
Just 19 years old and living in the smallest country of the world, that was probably one of the issues. He went to perform in Amsterdam though but I was too young at that time. I'll keep holding on to the memories of that place where he performed, I now work at that stadium and it's even special to know he's been there, and at some other places in Amsterdam.
And ofcourse I'll cherish every knowledge I have about him, every note of the music, every movement in the video's, every amazing quote, and every bit of love he gave....:angel:
My favorite Michael memory...when I danced to Smooth Criminal and Beat It with my dance team.

At the time I wasn't a Michael fan, I had only heard several songs of his and was wayyy too in to the boy band scene, but I remember thinking his outfitting was really cool (because we were dressed like him) and that his dance moves were WAYY too complex.

I love looking back and watching those dances, especially now!
My favorite memory of him was when he came to visit my country, the Philippines back in 1996 and the first thing he did was visit a children's hospital and i saw him on tv kissing an infant on his forehead and MJ just kept saying "ooohh" as he visited each children in the hospital. I was so mesmerized by his kindness and big heart. He also said "I love the Philippines and its people are so spiritual." I believe that, that was his 3rd visit and last one there. The first two was back in the 70's when they were still the Jacksons to appear on a television show. They even said back then that Michael stood out the most and the nicest out of all of them. Miss u Michael!