* Your most special Michael's song? *

Will You Be There- first MJ song I ever heard when I was around 7 ,more than 10 years ago. Not to mention how bloody perfect it is!
Ben - It's like OUR song between me and my mum :)
Earth Song - first MJ song I head & the only song I've cried to lol
Don't walk way - Listened to it same time I split up with my ex girlfriend
Earth song. It's the very first song i heard of him.
I fell in love with his voice instantly. And as soon as i laid eyes on him, i was in awe.
Let's see, it's between "Human Nature", "For All Time", "Someone In the Dark", and "Someone Put Your Hand Out".

All of them have special meanings for me for different reasons.:wub:


Human Nature - Sexy as hell. Michael's basically talking about getting busy lol. Which is obviously rare for him. It's not often you hear im decribing how he seduces a woman.

"See that girl, she knows I'm watching. She likes the way I stare."


::in ghetto accent:: Haaaaaaaaaay.

For All Time - I hear this song and I automatically think of Neverland. Some of the times that I went to Neverland I was listening to this song on the way there :wub:. On top of that, the song describes my feelings for him.

Someone In the Dark - "Wherever you may be, I'll look up and see, someone in the dark for me." MJ is kinda my E.T. lol. He's literally far away, and doesn't know me on a personal level. But when this song is playing, it's like he instantly came from another corner of the world just to be my friend and comfort me. I guess it's kinda like MJ's saying, "when you feel lonely, just look up at the stars and think of me and I'll be there with you." That's exactly how the song makes me feel. :blush:

Someone Put Your Hand Out - Michael is basically begging for someone to take the chance to love him. It's actually kind of sad, but still so endearing. It makes you want to be the one to take his loneliness away.
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Earth Song for me, because it was the first MJ song i heard when it was released i was 4 lol, i knew the words and i remember singing to it on the radio :lol:
the song and the video are amazing and it makes me cry, such a powerful song!
Who Is It : because this song i made a FAN!!!:punk::punk::punk:
I have to think about this.

But in the meantime, I'm gonna make a change... ah... for once in my liiife...
one of them is
'Keep The Faith'.....

during the jury deliberation and the stage of their reaching the verdict I had been listening to it over an over again....
and I love the lyrics...

this song really means a lot to me......
Man In The Mirror

When i was a teenager I went through some stuff (as most teenagers do) and I was struggling to come to terms with who I was. I felt kind of empty and confused about why I was here, what was the point and was I good enough to carry on. I didn't realise at the time but i played Man In The Mirror alot and looking back now I can see how the song helped me through that low period of my life. I can't really explain how it got me through but I remember listening to it and watching the dangerous tour vhs that i recorded off tv and thinking that I am worthy of a place on this planet, there is a point to my exsistance and I will one day be proud to be me and look in the mirror and love the person staring back. Sounds corny as hell but i've had nearly 10 years to analyse the situation and this is my conclusion lol.

There are songs in life that just grab u by the balls in ways you can't explain.
Man in the mirror have a special place in my heart, '' if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at youreself then make a change '' truly a visonary
first think of in my mind is 'MAN IN THE MIRROR'
CD, the BAD Tour, or 1988 Grammy live
all versions ARE GREAT!!!
remember once I listened to this song.... for about 20 times... none stop ^^
AND still never get tired of it