* Your most special Michael's song? *

first reply ! woohoo!

Well...couple of them of course.

GONE TOO SOON - because I lost a school friend last year... and for all the people that are gone ALWAYS too soon :(
WILL YOU BE THERE - it's like an ODE to friendship for me...
HEAL THE WORLD - one of the saddest songs ever for me... reminds me of my childhood...

and CHILDHOOD as well ... for the very same reason ;)
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Let's see, it's between "Human Nature", "For All Time", "Someone In the Dark", and "Someone Put Your Hand Out".

All of them have special meanings for me for different reasons.:wub:
Man in the Mirror or Heal the World those two songs are really sepcial to me
Mine is probably Will You Be There, it is so emotional and uplifting, I've always liked it. It also gives me strength from time to time and I seem to always hear it at all the right times. The day after the trial ended, two of my faveroute dj's played that song over the radio and dedicated it to all MJ's fans. The song seems to remind a lot of people of MJ's relationship with his fans, which is unlike anything else if you ask me.
Got to Be There is such a beautiful song, its just really special to me, I can't explain why.
omg there's too many to list. so I'm going to choose Heal the World because it has so much meaning and is such a beautiful song . well okay, and he looked so cute singing it too :wub::swoon:
Man in the mirror...it was the 1st song that ever made me cry..and believe it or not i was 2yrs old when it did. And 2 this day its my fave song by mike..he may have not written it..but he sure as hell SANG the hell outta those lyrics and made em his own.and that song holds a special place n my heart now and 4ever
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..he may have not written it..but he sure as hell SANG the hell outta those lyrics and made em his own.and that song holds a special place n my heart now and 4ever

Agree!!! :yes:

Mine is Man in the mirror, too. It has a special place in my heart. I've seen that live compilation at the beginning of Moonwalker. That was the first concert, "live performance" I've seen and I was totally amazed. I'm shivering just while thinking about it. It's a very determinative experience in my life. I'll never forget it. Then was the day I decided that I want to see this man live in a concert.

How he sings this song, it's so incredible. You start to believe him that you can change the world by first changing yourself. It's like he wrote those lyrics. They are his, he made them his by his emotional singing, ad-libs. That song is different from the others. It's so unique.
mine has to be "All I do is think of you". i know its a jackson song, but i like the words and mj's voice is really sexy
Michael has so many songs that mean a lot to me so it's very hard to choose, but there are three that are very very special to me:

Man in The Mirror
The Lady in my Life
Human Nature!:wub:

Last summer, I was searching for this song. I knew it was a song of Michael Jackson but I didn't know the title ( I never heard him say 'Tell m that it's human nature' I thought it was just 'tadatatatatadata why why tadatata...')and I thought it was recorded in 2005 or something:doh:.
So I was searching through Mj-videos on Youtube because I really wanted to know the title of that song and then I found out that he is a great performer, singer, dancer,...
And that is how I became a fan:D. So this song is pretty special to me:)
God bless Youtube!

Smile ~ Because the song helped me to go throught the pain and sorrow when my daddy died.
HIStory ~ Reminds me of the HIStory concerts I went to. What an awesome way to end a show. A lof of tears and happiness.
Stranger In Moscow ~ Everytime when I feel lonely or sad I listen to SIM.
Whatever Happens ~ Yeah, whatever happens don't let go of my hand.

Just a few to mention :)
Cry. It is the most amazing song I've ever heard. So heartfelt, so amazing, the vocals are brilliant, and whent he choir comes in... :wub:
Earth Song. If I wouldn't have listened it back then, I probably wouldn't be writing this here right now.
You are My Life touches me everytime I listen to it. I love that MJ wrote it for his children.

And One More Chance similarly touches me, but in its case, it is because I have always felt some sort of affinity towards it.
Gone Too Soon. It's a really sad song, while there's still some hope in there. I really don't know how to explain it, but it gives me this strange feeling.. That life is short, so you better enjoy it while you can. I guess the message is that this is just how life is, and will always will be. Notthing will last forever.
Childhood, for sure.. It is such an honest song and I feel I can relate to it.

Earth Song is another one..
Definitely, Childhood. There's just so much heart and soul in that song.

Um... I would have to say Stranger in Moscow and Baby Be Mine aswell.