your grammy thoughts


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
what were your highliights and lowlights of tonight's show?

do you even care who wins and what makes a performance worthy to you these days? or do you just watch what you want on youtube???
what were your highliights and lowlights of tonight's show?

do you even care who wins and what makes a performance worthy to you these days? or do you just watch what you want on youtube???

lowlight was Taylor Swift trying to sing with Stevie Nicks - uh, no????? Taylor is fine on her own, I guess, but she murdered Rhiannon and could not harmonize at all. Stevie's voice is too distinctive for that IMO.

another lowlight was Lady Gaga and Elton John. Another song murdered. Blah.

Don't really care much who wins because too often they get it wrong, at least in my opinion. I did agree with some tonight though. Usually skip award shows for all of these reasons. If not for the MJ tribute, I wouldn't have bothered. And I didn't think that was all that well done either. I think I'm in the minority on that one, though. But I thought more attention should have been focused on MJ and the video and not on the singers, though most did well enough.
Lowlight was the Earth Song I mean Seriously I waited 2 hours to see Michael not Usher not Carrie underwood But I wanted to See Michael in 3D. and they cut out most of his vocals to WTF?

I liked seeing his kids though and I liked their outfits
Besides the tribute, along with Mary J Blige and Andrea Boccelli.......I have 3 words to describe it




Taylor Swift....don't u ever insult Stevie Nicks again plz!!!
I usually love the Grammys, but aside from the tribute, that was the worst one I've ever seen. I love Beyonce but even her performance was not appropriate and not polished.
That "MJ Tribute" was waaay too short.

I feel like everyone has been so short on the MJ tributes
I still think the worse one, aside from Janet's part was MTV, those dancers were stiff and all they focused on was his dancing, MJ was more than that.

Atleast the Grammys did a meaningful tribute and sent a message, BET only had a few days to rearrange the show and they did a decent job..but MTV made me angry.
I was sitting there watching it like.....:ermm: ......that's it? :unsure:
During the show, in between, before the commercials, they kept showing the footage of one of Michael's performances. One with the blue shirt, white tie belt, I kept waiting for them to show it, they didn't! I haven't seen that one before! Anyone know what's it from?? How can I find it?? Thanks!
It's Man In The Mirror from the Grammys in 1988. You can find it on Youtube.
GRAMMY SUCKS!!! the only highlight from that show was obviously the MJ tribute/prince&paris ....

I haven't seen the whole thing. It was in the middle of the night for me.

Ofcourse I saw the tribute and I have mixed feelings about it. I loved to see Smokey up there though. As he has that emotion in his voice. They could have left everyone else of the stage though...
I only watch what I want to watch on youtube.

F*** the Grammies. I can dig some individual artists and their performances, but industry events like this look so fake. I guess I like what's real even through TV broadcasts.
Err,am I alone? When I saw Beyonce's performance,I immediately thought about "the Drill" '.',and did she kinda crabbing her crotch at the beginning of her performance?

I was like :"WTF?" when I knew Taylor won Album of the year...
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I didn't watch the whole way through because I had family and friends here last night. I only caught bits and pieces because I was waiting for the Michael Jackson tribute. But my mom watched a bit of it and she complained....a lot. She wasn't too happy about it. From the pieces I caught, it was just a mess. I've watched clips from passed shows and they just aren't the same at all. The Grammy's used to seem a little bit more sophisticated and classy.

I don't even know who the winners are. All I heard about was Beyonce, Swift (cringe), and Gaga...
In my opinion, none of those artists last night are worthy of Grammy's. Most of the songs I hadn't even heard before. And Taylor Swift for album of the year? For real?
I thought Pink's performance was magnificent!! I don't know if her set was a standard for her and if others have seen it often, it was the first time for me, and I thought it was amazing! Also liked Gaga and Elton.

It was also gratifying to see the love the Jackson cousins have for PP. The cousins were standing there like proud parents, smiling and supportive.

On the whole, it was obviously a very very "expensive" production. As far as content, it was okay. But I've felt that way for a few years. If I didn't know MJ was being honored, I probably wouldn't have watched it again this year. After it and the kids, I did tune out.
This years grammys was the worse ever and the nominations and winners were a disgrace.

Anytime Beyonce can get 10 nominations and win song of the year for SINGLE LADIES? what the hell? and Taylor swift wins album of the year? LOL The Grammys are a joke. Its not about quality music anymore. Its about who is more popular. The only best part was the tribute to Michael and his children accepting the award.
I found the whole show to be a disappointment. The speech by Prince and Paris was the only highlight of the night, and it made sitting through the first hour, worth it.

I think I would have enjoyed MJ's tribute more if it wasn't in 3D!! It was so blurry and distracting! Didn't CBS realize that not everyone would have the 3D glasses? :sigh:

In my opinion a video package of Michael's music, interview clips, Michael accepting his Grammys for Thriller....etc would have been much more touching and fitting.

Pink was the only performance that I actually enjoyed. I have no idea how the hell she did those spins...etc and sing at the same time. :lol:
not counting prince or paris. but, i thought the tribute was dull, and from comments on the grammys complaining not everyone knew about the 3d glasses. seriously? i was stuck as of many looking at blurry footage, which made it boring. isnt 3d so 80s anyway? these stupid glasses. Where did this 3D craze come from all of a sudden, are we to believe it’s finally the year 2010? 3D has been around for a long time, do we really need those old looking glasses for anything to look amazing. is it a money thing. im sure it is, so we would watch. i think it should have been footage like in the movie and had michael sing by himself more, although im glad he sung parts. the singers weren't so good at bringing power to the song, even though i like smokey. i also thought more animals should have been shown like in the music video, the highs and lows like animals being trapped in nets and elephants losing tusks and then footage of happy animals, to get a serious point across with such a powerful song. i also thought the grammys should have shown clips of michael through the years at the Grammys like this clip would have been more interesting. maybe the grammys did?
anyway this was the last big music award show tribute, the biggest being the grammys, and i felt it should have been better. any tribute is great in general, but i dont think anyone is that creative these days, which is why i dont watch music award shows anymore. but i was sitting there seriously envisioning a whole other show.

beyonce copied the drill a bit, not shocked! i noticed she copies who ever is hot at the moment. nothing wrong with her doing that though. but its odd that singrs aren't that creative. if i knew mary j blige was there i would have watched, but award shows dont entertain me. i channel switched happily back in forth. its nice to see others not consumed with award shows in their lives either. waste of 3 hours. next time i wont watch and wont waste time commenting either. i watched because of mike. but, i dont like any of the modern singers, and its rather sad. i was only happy seeing past singers!

During the show, in between, before the commercials, they kept showing the footage of one of Michael's performances. One with the blue shirt, white tie belt, I kept waiting for them to show it, they didn't! I haven't seen that one before! Anyone know what's it from?? How can I find it?? Thanks!

you mean his performance from the Grammys in 88'? its on youtube hun.=)
i thought the Grammys would have shown that footage too in some montage. actually, even better, it should have been re shown, that would have been a better tribute!
During the show, in between, before the commercials, they kept showing the footage of one of Michael's performances. One with the blue shirt, white tie belt, I kept waiting for them to show it, they didn't! I haven't seen that one before! Anyone know what's it from?? How can I find it?? Thanks!

Thats exactly what I thought I was thinking after Earth Song they were going to show MJ performing in 3D and they diddnt.......... False advertising :(
I didn't watch the whole way through because I had family and friends here last night. I only caught bits and pieces because I was waiting for the Michael Jackson tribute. But my mom watched a bit of it and she complained....a lot. She wasn't too happy about it. From the pieces I caught, it was just a mess. I've watched clips from passed shows and they just aren't the same at all. The Grammy's used to seem a little bit more sophisticated and classy.

I don't even know who the winners are. All I heard about was Beyonce, Swift (cringe), and Gaga...
In my opinion, none of those artists last night are worthy of Grammy's. Most of the songs I hadn't even heard before. And Taylor Swift for album of the year? For real?

Over GaGa's 'The Fame'??? :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed

L. Gaga should have won album of the year...

That's all I can say....
I thought the MJ tribute was incredible. Turned off the lights and watched it on the HD screen. It looked great. Prince and Paris were very brave to go up there on stage. They looked really good too and composed.

I kinda liked the Lady Gaga/Elton John thing, and Dave Matthews Band, but I've always loved the Dave Matthews Band. The rest was pretty uneventful.

Taylor Swift is a joke. I wish she would have got off the stage and just let Stevie Nicks sing. And her winning "album of the year" means nothing to me. The Grammys mean nothing.

-MJ Tribute

-Pink's Performance

-Mary J and Bocelli's performance


-Taylor Swift winning album of the year. The Grammys have really lost credibility.
It's just cool to SAY you've won grammys nowadays - it DOES NOT mean you are accomplished!
Over GaGa's 'The Fame'??? :bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed:bugeyed


I can honestly say that I've only heard a small bit of Gaga's songs. Not a big mainstream listener, but I think anything is better than Taylor Swift. I have a friend who is beyond obsessed with her (she's 17) and when we hang out, I'm forced to listen to her music. It's absolutely horrible. All of her songs sound exactly the same, they all talk about the same stuff, etc. No originality at all. I don't think she deserved album of the year..

The Grammys mean nothing anymore...ugh.