Your Fave Song you like to dance to?

I'll pretty much dance to anything...:lol: Most of the time I'm goofing off though. Like at work one of the nurses' cell phone started ringing while we were in the staff room and it was playing some melody and I happened to be standing up, so the clown that I am...I started dancing to it and pretended I'm totally into the song. And the other nurses were laughing their butts off. :lol: I can't really sit still when ever I hear music, especially if it has a good beat. I can be shopping somewhere and some song is on and I instinctly start walkin to the beat or tapping my fingers to the beat or bobbing my head. :lol: to what songs I like to dance to...well...there's this one Smooth Criminal remix that I am really liking at the moment and Hot Street and gee...I actually dance to even to "The Way You Love Me" at home. :lol:
I used to enjoy dancing to the song China Girl, by David Bowie. It's kind of a different one, but I remember owning the 45 and dancing to it quite a bit.
so excited/feedback/together again/so much better - janet jackson
I always dance to Off the Wall haha it gets me goin' :rofl: all upbeat MJ songs do but there's something about that one :chillin:
and Duran Duran's Rio or The Reflex :D
"Wake me Up Before you Go-Go" by Wham... but I can't really dance, I look like an idiot when I try :rofl: