You know what's so SAD?

"And 6 million boycott it"

Their loss ... :lol: ... thankfully not mine or the other 4 million!!

BTW ... I cannot agree though on this percentage. Many squealing now IMHO will anyway go out and buy the album eventually.

You wish but you are not in the minds
I for myself definitely wont buy this fake album and no fans will influence my decision
I agree. I think it's sad that some "fans" are knocking this album before it even debuts. That's why I don't listen to "leaked" songs. I am planning on buying this album. It's going to get my full support.
Why is only Sony responsible for this mess? I thought Estate is the only one who choose what's to be or what's not to be on an album?
well i am sure that michaelJackson fan community is "a lot" bigger than those of MJJcommunity

The fact is that in most mj forums the tendency is the same almost 40% pro-fake 60% anti-FAke
Which means that out of 10 millions potential michael 'Fans over the world
only 4 million ( 40% ) of them will buy the fake album
And 6 million boycott it
thats a bit huge

That's what you hope ? very sad - :no:
however, here you are 307 to boycott it - so far from the 6 millions you wish
I won't boycott anything because I long to hear his voice no matter how many songs will be in the album without controversy!
Sony is a very powerful company in the end the only one that will be damaged from all this is Michael and nobody else!
Sony has other artists that sell and we have to understand that we will hurt Michael and only him!
The saddest part about all of this is that this new album seems to be dividing the fans and splitting us up. One camp support it, one camp don't. MJ would NEVER want us to be divided.
I don't think it's dividing the fans, a fan is just choosing to no longer be a fan because they don't like what they hear. I personally love every song I've heard that's been officially released.
What's sad is that the people who were putting the album together didn't have the common sense to remove the Cascio tracks after the whole up roar with Breaking News. Were the Cascio tracks really so jaw dropping awesome that they just had to include them?
I completely agree with the original poster. Regardless of everyone's opinions about the album, the family, the Estate, and so on, the single most important thing that should be on everyone's minds right now is Michael Jackson's legacy. When 'Michael' hits the record store shelves in a few weeks from now and reaches that #1 spot all over the world then that is what will be written about and that is what people will remember. Not the controversy about the vocals, not the family's comments or the fans comments or the forensic musicologists' results -- all that stuff will, if anything, be mere footnotes to the story of MJ's first posthumous album reaching #1. Again. Just like all the material he released during his lifetime. And that's what this should be about.

I liked how the OP used "doggone", so I'll follow their lead. Everyone! Get your doggone act together and start focusing your energy on promoting this album!

And mehdiblanket... All respect to you, man, but I don't believe that what Michael said back then is applicable to this situation or this album. The fact that his children will profit from this project should, on its own, be a major reason for fans to support it. I am convinced that Michael would have wanted us to support any material that would be released after his passing, simply because it would mean financial stability for his kids and it would show them that our love for their father is unconditional. And I also strongly believe that he was smart enough to know, and to trust us to know, that even though it would never be the same as it was during his lifetime, part of his magic would still be present and live on through these songs. Even though he would not be the one putting the final touches to them.

Michael has said many times that he loves it when people enjoy his work. He's said that it's what sustained him and kept him going. And the best, and arguably easiest, way to show our enjoyment and show the world that Michael's magic will last forever is to make this album a HUGE succes.
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I completely agree with the original poster. Regardless of everyone's opinions about the album, the family, the Estate, and so on, the single most important thing that should be on everyone's minds right now is Michael Jackson's legacy. When 'Michael' hits the record store shelves in a few weeks from now and reaches that #1 spot all over the world then that is what will be written about and that is what people will remember. Not the controversy about the vocals, not the family's comments or the fans comments or the forensic musicologists' results -- all that stuff will, if anything, be mere footnotes to the story of MJ's first posthumous album reaching #1. Again. Just like all the material he released during his lifetime. And that's what this should be about.

I also liked how the OP used "doggone". So I'll follow their lead. Everyone! Get your doggone act together and start focusing your energy on promoting this album!

And mehdiblanket... All respect to you, man, but I don't believe that what Michael said back then is applicable to this situation or this album. The fact that his children will profit from this project should, on its own, already be a major reason for fans to support it. I am convinced that Michael would have wanted us to support any material that will be released after his passing, because it would mean financial stability for his kids and it would show them that our love for their father is unconditional. And I also strongly believe that he was smart enough to know and trust us to know that, even though it would never be the same as it was during his lifetime, part of his magic would still be present and live on through these songs. Even though he would not be the one putting the final touches on it.

Michael has said many times that he loves it when people enjoyed his work. He's said that it's what sustained him and kept him going. And the best, and arguably easiest, way to show our enjoyment and show the world that Michael's magic will last forever is to make this album a HUGE succes.

well said....thank you...I needed this today :huggy:
You know what's sad? This album could have been HUGE, tremendous, magnificent, amazing, monumental, wonderful, terrific, ALL OVER the place..if it had the FULL support of ALL of Michael's fans...

Can you imagine what it'd be like if ALL of us were on the same boat, excited and thrilled with the fact that we'd hear Michael's voice again?

We're all busy picking sides and worrying about what whether we'll buy it or not, this could have been soooo AMAZING if we all put that doggone effort into promoting the album and getting it to #1 all over the world. That #1 spot could have been Michael's once again, but everyone's so divided I don't think it'll happen anymore.

I wish this whole impersonator crap didn't start. It's MICHAEL's album, Michael should be the one on it, not somebody else under his name! Bad publicity is not good publicity no matter what anyone says. Because of this, many who were going crazy just waiting for it's announcement aren't even considering buying the album anymore. THAT'S sad.

In the end, the album is coming out with Michael Jackson's name attached to it, whether we like it or not. If it goes well, Michael's name will be on the charts, not some Jason Malachi's.

I just wish all of us could be happy about this and give our all to it. I've heard that many are planning to boycott it and petition against it. Our energy is being diverted into several different directions when it should all be focused on one. I understand everyone's confusion and anger regarding this, and believe me, I'm not blaming you guys for any this. I'm blaming whoever put such controversial tracks on Michael's FIRST posthumous album. Why couldn't we have just enjoyed this for once? :(

there seems to be this overwhelming unnecessary fear that Michael's legacy can be destroyed, somehow. Michael had first dibs on his own legacy, so that's impossible. let me be blunt. he did all things necessary, to secure his legacy, that the other musicians before him, didn't have the sense to do. he looked at history before him and said he wouldn't make those omissions or mistakes, and he kept his word. some of those prior musicians were 'fortunate' to have the media on their side. with Michael, it don't matter. so the worry about the status of Michael's legacy is, based on he-said-she-said, is unfounded. there are so many ways the 'little guys' in the privacy of their own homes, are supporting the many layers of his legacy, it's insane.

but like you said, the head of the company is solely responsible for how he puts out a product, not the consumer. Michael managed to make himself a seperate entity from sony while being contracted with them at the same time. so Michael can't be held responsible for what the company does after his death. sony is solely responsible. no company head turns the other way, when products are under its banner though some here said otherwise, regarding Sony. a responsible company can't do that.

meanwhile, people(not the o.p.) are acting like my constant repurchases of Invincible don't count for anything. well, they still do. and many other people who are doing similar purchases to what i'm doing. the media and he-said-she-said don't have to sanction that for it to be true. Michael's brilliance and intelligence are responsible for that, and his children are secure because of that. let's not underestimate his brilliance and intelligence.

don't let the media and he said she said determine your actions. i thought we all had minds of our own. certainly those of us who make those back purchases, do.

and i agree with mehdiblanket and Michael.
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What's sad is that the people who were putting the album together didn't have the common sense to remove the Cascio tracks after the whole up roar with Breaking News. Were the Cascio tracks really so jaw dropping awesome that they just had to include them?

This is where the problem begins.

Whoever created this rumor, it's all their fault and in time, they will see the consequences of their actions in ways we don't know.
I can't trust the family. I can't totally trust the Estate. I can't trust Sony. I can't fully trust any of the many "insiders" throwing bits of conflicting info here and there....

... but I can trust my hears and my heart. I know what I heard. I don't need anyone on Twitter, or in any statements to tell me what to believe or not.

I was expecting this album with open arms. I was totally supporting this album. But not anymore. And I hate saying this. I will wait and hear the tracks when they play the whole record and then make my decition. I cancelled my order the very same night I listened to BN.

What I will do is to buy those tracks I know MJ is 1000% there, such as Much too soon and Hold my Hand (and this last is not even one of my favourite ones, but I like it, for it's MJ!). In fact, I already ordered the HMH CD single.

One thing that I really hate is the way some other Michael Jackson fans try to make me feel. I am tired of the emotional blackmail we see every single day in forums, twitters, FBs, everywhere by MJ fans, "friends", relatives, former staff, etc.

I HATE IT when people dare to say "YOU are not a REAL MJ fan if you buy / not buy this album". It makes me sick when people go "YOU are not a REAL MJ fan, because you are not able to see MJ is / isn't singing".

That's what I hate the most :no:

And I also hate the fact those who don't agree with me fail to recognize my pain. I mean... do you think I feel "good" saying MJ is not 100% in BN? Do you think I enjoy having doubts and questions and concerns about the album? Please!!!!! :doh: I HATE IT!! And in all this mess I am suffering too. But no one cares. Many just want to judge those of us with doubts and many more want to judge those supporting the album.

It's a mess. Once again, we are all divided in camps, just as we were before with the crazy "You are NOT a real fan because YOU were not in the forums before June"; "NO!! You are NOT a real fan because you didn't camp out of court to support Michael", "NO!!! You are not a fan for you can not see Michael is still alive and watching all this"...




This is sad. The division. The mess.

Whoever did it, you got your little victory. But not forever. Michael Jackson's legacy is sealed and set on stone. Michael Jackson is certainly much more than this current affair we face today. Michael Jackson will continue. And that something they hate... because they can not change it.

I got a bit emotional and passionate :blushing:
l don't want to have this album because l believe in someone said in 2002.

"Hello ,First of all mmm anyway l'm ....please let me say ,l really don't like
to talk that much ,l really don't hehe ,l prefer to perform than talk, you
know let me say this ,the tradition of great performers from Sammy davis
jr ,James brown ,to Jackie Willson ,to Fred Astaire ,Gene Kelly ,the story is
usually says the same though,these guys worked really hard ,and they're
crabbed ,but the story ends the same ,they usually are broken ,torn ,and
usually just sad and the story is very sad in the end ,because the
companies take advantages of them ,they really do.

And being the artist that I am, at Sony I've generated several billion dollars for Sony, several billon. They really thought that my mind is always on music and dancing. It usually is, but they never thought that this performer - myself - would out think them.
So, we can't let them get away with what they're trying to do, because now I'm a free agent. I just owe Sony one more album. It's just a box set, really, with two new songs, which I've written ages ago. Because for every album that I record, I write - literally, I'm telling you the truth - I write at least 120 songs every album I do. So I can do the box set, just giving them any two songs.
So I'm leaving Sony, a free agent, owning half of Sony. I own half of Sony's Publishing. I'm leaving them, and they're very angry at me, because I just did good business, you know. So the way they get revenge is to try and destroy my album. But I've always said, you know, art - good art - never dies. Thank you.
And Tommy Mottola is a devil! I'm not supposed to say what I'm going to say right now, but I have let you know this. (Points to crowd). Please don't videotape what I am going to say, ok? Turn it off, please. Do it, do it, I don't mind! Tape it!
Mariah Carey, after divorcing Tommy, came to me crying. Crying. She was crying so badly I had to hold her. She said to me, "This is an evil man, and Michael, this man follows me." He taps her phones, and he's very, very evil. She doesn't trust him. We have to continue our drive until he is terminated. We can't allow him to do this to great artists, we just can't.
I just wanted to let you know, I appreciate everything you've done, you've been amazing. You're so loyal! (Scanning the audience). Diana, everybody, Waldo, all the people here! I love you all. You've been amazing, I love you!
But still, but still, I promise you, the best is yet to come!"

This is IT...!!!
At first I was so excited... Then the fake impersonator bull**** started. I really can't believe those Cascio tracks will be a part of MJ's almost flawless catalog.

I'm going to buy this CD just because it has Mike's name attached on it. I have to support him. If it fails, the blame will be on him rather than stupid Sony. Good thing, Do You know where your children are made up for some of the other songs. Now that one, I have no doubt was Mike. Hopefully, Sony releases more genuine MJ songs in the future.