You are no alone-the worst plagiat ever

I cigni di Bakala sounds verrrrry vaguely like Will You Be There. People will search for anything. It's nearly impossible to be original these days because everything's already been done. You're always going to have overlapping and borrowing. The point of music is making something your own. Just like a film, it's all about interpretation. It's a creative outlet, and what's important is what you bring to the art form. When Michael sings "Come Together" or "Smile", for that moment, those are his songs.

MJJKingforever - are you insinuating that YANA is less of a great song because it's "stolen"? It's about what Michael brought to the table. It becomes a completely different song once Michael touches it.
Rihanna sampled MJ's song, so she gave credits to him, which is logical.
I don't beleive that WBSS is plagiat. Those 2 songs are not similar except for a part of lyrics spoken in foreign language.

But now listen to this:

Coincidence? I'm quite sure... But for YANA i'm pretty sure it isn't.
The songs don't have to sound alike, using lyrics from another song count as theft too. The court decided Mike took the chant from the previous song and Mike had to pay Manu. George Michael was sued by the Rolling Stones for his song "Waiting For That Day". George's song sounds nothing like the Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want", but like the Michael case, George was said to have taken a line from the Stones tune. So "Jagger/Richards" was added to George's name in the songwriting credits.
The songs don't have to sound alike, using lyrics from another song count as theft too. The court decided Mike took the chant from the previous song and Mike had to pay Manu. George Michael was sued by the Rolling Stones for his song "Waiting For That Day". George's song sounds nothing like the Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want", but like the Michael case, George was said to have taken a line from the Stones tune. So "Jagger/Richards" was added to George's name in the songwriting credits.

It's people looking for a quick buck is what it is. Nothing out there today is completely 110% original.
The songs don't have to sound alike, using lyrics from another song count as theft too. The court decided Mike took the chant from the previous song and Mike had to pay Manu. George Michael was sued by the Rolling Stones for his song "Waiting For That Day". George's song sounds nothing like the Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want", but like the Michael case, George was said to have taken a line from the Stones tune. So "Jagger/Richards" was added to George's name in the songwriting credits.

I know that.

But does that part that is said to be copied has any meaning? If it doesn't, chances that MJ copied it are lower.
I know that.

But does that part that is said to be copied has any meaning? If it doesn't, chances that MJ copied it are lower.
The words don't have to have a meaning. Let's say I make a song and sing a scat vocal from Ella Fritzgerald at the end of the song exactly the same way she did it and claim I wrote it. The scat words have no meaning, but I still stole her vocal arrangement. So I could be sued. Or I copy the scat from George Benson's "This Masquerade". Same thing.
The words don't have to have a meaning. Let's say I make a song and sing a scat vocal from Ella Fritzgerald at the end of the song exactly the same way she did it and claim I wrote it. The scat words have no meaning, but I still stole her vocal arrangement. So I could be sued. Or I copy the scat from George Benson's "This Masquerade". Same thing.

Em... I know that... I just said that chances are lower if a part of lyrics without meaning sounds similar in 2 songs.
The "R. Kelly Remix" of "You Are Not Alone" was actually the original version of the song, but Michael didn't care too much for that one. The lyrics were still written by R. Kelly.
As for Michael's involvement in YANA, speaking to Adrian Grant in 1998 about it Michael said he told R. Kelly to put a modulator and a choir in there which he did. That's as far as MJ's involvement went, so he got a co-producer credit.

As for Bano suing over WYBT, Michael won all bar one and Bano was subsequently banned from ever bringing a lawsuit against MJ in Italy. Bano's song was only ever heard in Italy at that time.

Michael's also been sued over Thriller, WATW and TGIM alongside Q, Lionel Richie and Rod Temperton. They won and the idiots lost.

Crystal Cartier sued MJ over Dangerous - Michael won and Bill Bottrell also testified too.
How do you know this was before? Was it released on a cd? Is there a possibility of it being recorded after and someone just saying it was pre 95? x
As for Michael's involvement in YANA, speaking to Adrian Grant in 1998 about it Michael said he told R. Kelly to put a modulator and a choir in there which he did. That's as far as MJ's involvement went, so he got a co-producer credit.

As for Bano suing over WYBT, Michael won all bar one and Bano was subsequently banned from ever bringing a lawsuit against MJ in Italy. Bano's song was only ever heard in Italy at that time.

Michael's also been sued over Thriller, WATW and TGIM alongside Q, Lionel Richie and Rod Temperton. They won and the idiots lost.

Crystal Cartier sued MJ over Dangerous - Michael won and Bill Bottrell also testified too.
Why would Mike be sued for "Thriller"? He had no part in writing that and he's not listed in the credits as one.