Yes, I know, but...

how have you been feeling?..did you call your mom? your doctor??

The pain went away, actually. Since it was persistent for three days, called my mother, who says she will call the doctor. I don't know if she has, yet. I would have called her myself, but my brother convinced me that calling my mother was the better idea.
mikagesouji is that you?
i know i'm late but i hope you get to see a doctor about it. write down your symptoms in a diary so your doctor has something to work with. also i thought that pretty much all uni's have a GP on site for students, so maybe check that up if you havent already.
mikagesouji is that you?
i know i'm late but i hope you get to see a doctor about it. write down your symptoms in a diary so your doctor has something to work with. also i thought that pretty much all uni's have a GP on site for students, so maybe check that up if you havent already.

Yes, it is. We do have a nurse office on campus, however, these are pretty much like the school nurses--they're pretty limited in their knowledge of actual medical stuff. I think going to see the actual doctor sounds like a better idea. Thanks, Sharlene!