Yes, I know, but...

Severus Snape

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Dungeons
I know, as of late, several people have been treating the MJJC General Discussion section as a medical board. I'm here to tell you I'm going to jump on that bandwagon, simply because I just want to know if anyone else has had the problem I seem to be having as of late.

So, the problem is, I seem to be having stabbing pain in the right side of my body, right at and below my rib cage. I've had on-and-off pains there for a while now (since I was 16, so that's almost four years.) Since they're completely infrequent, I've never felt the need to bring it up to any medic's attention. Usually, the pain lasts only a few seconds, and then it goes away. Later, perhaps one or two times, it comes back, after which it goes away for months.

Yesterday, though, the pain came and did not go away after a few seconds. It's been on-and-off, but constant. In fact, this morning, I woke up and I still had the pain. I have it as I write now. I have no idea what it could be--the Internet has suggested everything, from costochondritis, to downright kidney failure. So, I don't know what it is, and I have no real way to get to a doctor. That would involve calling my mother, and I'd rather not. So, has anyone else had any issues of this sort?

If so, how was it resolved, or was it resolved? I honestly don't think it's anything serious, since I've had this for over three years now, and I have yet to die. So, I'm just curious as to what it could be.
I am not a could be something as simple as a gas bubble pain..sometimes they are known to collect under the rib cage area. I have alot of stomach problems..I have had two major surgeries on my stomach and take alot of stomach meds....I dont know if this maybe your say it comes and goes for months at a time. Maybe this is your problem....I wish you luck...and for might be worth it to contact your mom.
I am not a could be something as simple as a gas bubble pain..sometimes they are known to collect under the rib cage area. I have alot of stomach problems..I have had two major surgeries on my stomach and take alot of stomach meds....I dont know if this maybe your say it comes and goes for months at a time. Maybe this is your problem....I wish you luck...and for might be worth it to contact your mom.

Perhaps, I did also read on that. But, it's been over 12 hours, and still I have the pain. I would think a gas bubble would have gone away by then(?) Still, perhaps you are right in saying I should at least contact the medic.
well then maybe the bubbles not your problem then..yes...I think you should contact the cannot hurt to get checked....please don't wait to long...
hi there,

please do consult the doctor straight away so that you can have a peace of mind. Your guessing maybe something less serious than what you thought :) I'm pretty sure you are going to be fine but a check with doc is recommendable :hug:
hi there,

please do consult the doctor straight away so that you can have a peace of mind. Your guessing maybe something less serious than what you thought :) I'm pretty sure you are going to be fine but a check with doc is recommendable :hug:

Like I said in the OP, I'm pretty sure it's not anything to be concerned over, since I've had it for over three years and have yet to die, but I was curious to see if anyone else on here has had the same problem. Still, your advise to get peace of mind by checking with the medic is good advice to follow. Thanks!
It may be stress-related pang or it may be caused by fatigue or exhaustion...? Maybe even due to a scarce body motion or lack of exercise... It happened to me, or it sometimes happens when I get up early and go out after sleeping little at night or not enough.... Do you go out much? Walking more outside is important for the heart and lungs, the brain activity and one's general state of mind. But just for your peace of mind, a visit to the doctor's could tell you exactly where the problem lies..
It may be stress-related pang or it may be caused by fatigue or exhaustion...? Maybe even due to a scarce body motion or lack of exercise... It happened to me, or it sometimes happens when I get up early and go out after sleeping little at night or not enough.... Do you go out much? Walking more outside is important for the heart and lungs, the brain activity and one's general state of mind. But just for your peace of mind, a visit to the doctor's could tell you exactly where the problem lies..

I agree, perhaps it's stress-related, but I've been happier than usual as of late and I don't consciously feel particularly stressed, so I don't know if that would be it. I try to walk as often as possible, although that's kind of difficult where I'm at. Like I said, though, I used to have the pain even three years ago, and back then I took 3 hour walks almost every day.
I get that sometimes too, it hurts like hell at the time (only for a few seconds) then I just forget about it for months. I once told my brother about it when we were out and it suddenly came on, and his very helpful response was "you just need a big old s***", yep thanks bruv and thanks for the very loud public announcement there! It's not obviously as it is higher up but I've never really worried about it, it's so quickly over and not at all frequent that I think it's nothing much. If you're worried though go to your doctor. Let us know if you find out what it is :)
Wow... So the pain in your chest was constant these days?.. It's good you're packed with some sense of humor, as opposed to freaking out like, say, me. ... Try to go there soon enough, though, maybe it's nothing serious, still..
What about public transport or asking a friend/relative/acquaintance to take you there?

I have no relatives who live in this country, I don't have any friends who drive or live near my campus (actually, truth be told, I don't have any friends since the ones I used to have pretty much left the everyday aspects of my life by now) and I won't be able to afford public transport until Feb. 1st, when I get paid, and can go cash my check (I only get paid once a month in work-study.) As embarrassing as it is, I only have $2 to my name at the moment, which is enough for public transport fare to town, but not enough for fare to return. Once I have my check, though, I can take the bus, go cash the check, and have enough money to come back, etc. College makes you po.
I have no relatives who live in this country, I don't have any friends who drive or live near my campus (actually, truth be told, I don't have any friends since the ones I used to have pretty much left the everyday aspects of my life by now) and I won't be able to afford public transport until Feb. 1st, when I get paid, and can go cash my check (I only get paid once a month in work-study.) As embarrassing as it is, I only have $2 to my name at the moment, which is enough for public transport fare to town, but not enough for fare to return. Once I have my check, though, I can take the bus, go cash the check, and have enough money to come back, etc. College makes you po.

Well, do you think you can hang on for another two days or is the pain too serious? If you are really worried, I'm sure there is someone at your campus who would help you get to the doctor. Don't you have a student advisor or something like that? Maybe he/she has a solution. I do think it's important to have access to a doctor at all times though. I don't know your financial situation but I'm a student myself so I know we're usually broke lol, but maybe you can save a few dollars every month for emergencies so when cases like these arise, that you are able to take the bus to town and back? :)

Another thing: why don't you call your doctor, describe your situation and ask him what it could be?
Well, do you think you can hang on for another two days or is the pain too serious? If you are really worried, I'm sure there is someone at your campus who would help you get to the doctor. Don't you have a student advisor or something like that? Maybe he/she has a solution. I do think it's important to have access to a doctor at all times though. I don't know your financial situation but I'm a student myself so I know we're usually broke lol, but maybe you can save a few dollars every month for emergencies so when cases like these arise, that you are able to take the bus to town and back? :)

Another thing: why don't you call your doctor, describe your situation and ask him what it could be?

The latter is a good idea. I don't think it can't wait. It doesn't really seem to be too serious. I reckon I'd be dead by now, and we haven't gotten anywhere near that fortunate. So, I guess a call is the best way to go about it, and if he says to come in, I'll go.
I know, as of late, several people have been treating the MJJC General Discussion section as a medical board. I'm here to tell you I'm going to jump on that bandwagon, simply because I just want to know if anyone else has had the problem I seem to be having as of late.

So, the problem is, I seem to be having stabbing pain in the right side of my body, right at and below my rib cage. I've had on-and-off pains there for a while now (since I was 16, so that's almost four years.) Since they're completely infrequent, I've never felt the need to bring it up to any medic's attention. Usually, the pain lasts only a few seconds, and then it goes away. Later, perhaps one or two times, it comes back, after which it goes away for months.

Yesterday, though, the pain came and did not go away after a few seconds. It's been on-and-off, but constant. In fact, this morning, I woke up and I still had the pain. I have it as I write now. I have no idea what it could be--the Internet has suggested everything, from costochondritis, to downright kidney failure. So, I don't know what it is, and I have no real way to get to a doctor. That would involve calling my mother, and I'd rather not. So, has anyone else had any issues of this sort?

If so, how was it resolved, or was it resolved? I honestly don't think it's anything serious, since I've had this for over three years now, and I have yet to die. So, I'm just curious as to what it could be.

i don't want to be dramatic, but i don't know how else to ask this..

is there any emergency service, where you are, that you can call, that is similar to those who called 911, when Michael Jackson had to be taken to emergency?
i don't want to be dramatic, but i don't know how else to ask this..

is there any emergency service, where you are, that you can call, that is similar to those who called 911, when Michael Jackson had to be taken to emergency?

Of course there is, but that's only to be used during medical emergencies. This isn't one. I don't feel like I'm in any immediate danger, nor like I am going to die any time soon, unfortunately for the world at large. I wouldn't want to feel like I'm holding up the line for someone who is actually in immediate danger and having a medical emergency.

I will probably just go through some more discomfort before this becomes a non-issue. I will, however, take it up with my doctor once I either call or see her in person.

Thank you for your concern, though. I really do appreciate it.
Well, do you think you can hang on for another two days or is the pain too serious? If you are really worried, I'm sure there is someone at your campus who would help you get to the doctor. Don't you have a student advisor or something like that? Maybe he/she has a solution. I do think it's important to have access to a doctor at all times though. I don't know your financial situation but I'm a student myself so I know we're usually broke lol, but maybe you can save a few dollars every month for emergencies so when cases like these arise, that you are able to take the bus to town and back? :)

Another thing: why don't you call your doctor, describe your situation and ask him what it could be?

That is a good idea. I will probably call and see what she thinks. I'm sure I can hang on for more time. Like I said, it hasn't killed me yet, so it probably won't at any point in future. Still, it's worth looking into, because it could be something noteworthy.
Of course there is, but that's only to be used during medical emergencies. This isn't one. I don't feel like I'm in any immediate danger, nor like I am going to die any time soon, unfortunately for the world at large. I wouldn't want to feel like I'm holding up the line for someone who is actually in immediate danger and having a medical emergency.

I will probably just go through some more discomfort before this becomes a non-issue. I will, however, take it up with my doctor once I either call or see her in person.

Thank you for your concern, though. I really do appreciate it.

sometimes a person may sound like a drama queen..or..drama king, but that's sorta what i thought, when i listened to some adverts on the air on radio, about medical emergencies. they always would say, that the patient feels like it's no big thing', but then, come to find out, that it is a big thing. i'm not saying you're going to die, either, but i am saying that sometimes, the body can be least, what you might not consider an emergency may be an emergency. not enough to die, necessarily, but enough to hamper your health, on some level..
although i have heard some adverts where some patients didn't take some things seriously, and it did kill them. i can only hope the advertisers were joking..but, i sincerly doubt it, unless they were pranksters on radio, that are sick in the head..

just saying..u might wanna really check it's not like you are playing with the paramedic's time. you obviously are experiencing something real..whether or not it's heavy..

some of the things you say, such as the bolded, sound like you think the world can do without you..

i beg to differ, though i never met you. i am kind of hoping that things like that, that you say, in the bolded, don't contribute to it Sounding like you might be sorta..playing down whatever you are going through..

i don't mean to sound like you are deliberately playing anything down. i'm just saying, you might be tending to be's ok to be concerned..

i don't know ahat ur feeling about all this, of just feels to me like it's never too minor to be considered a cause for immediate concern..even if it's not serious.
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This isn't one. I don't feel like I'm in any immediate danger, nor like I am going to die any time soon, unfortunately for the world at large.

Come on, don't say that and make it seem like you're a burden for the world or that they're not ready for you.... The world at large doesn't even know you. You are certainly no burden, don't bring up death so much, you're so young, 18, or how old are you?..

I haven't read through all the posts, but isn't there a way that your parents can help you with talking to a doctor for you?... You've said before that you don't like them at all, they're not good to you or something along those lines. But surely, it's a matter of health now - it doesn't have to be a life-and-death thing - , wouldn't they be concerned for you?...

At least, try to call your doctor and set up a meeting. That's not too good if your chest pains are constant..
Come on, don't say that and make it seem like you're a burden for the world or that they're not ready for you.... The world at large doesn't even know you. You are certainly no burden, don't bring up death so much, you're so young, 18, or how old are you?..

I haven't read through all the posts, but isn't there a way that your parents can help you with talking to a doctor for you?... You've said before that you don't like them at all, they're not good to you or something along those lines. But surely, it's a matter of health now - it doesn't have to be a life-and-death thing - , wouldn't they be concerned for you?...

At least, try to call your doctor and set up a meeting. That's not too good if your chest pains are constant..

They're not ready for me (or for anyone else for that matter.) The world at large comment was just my attempt to be humourous. :p

In any case, like I said, the calling the doctor and seeing what she says to do route sounds to be the best option for now. If anything major happens between now and Feb. 1st, I'll consider telling my mother about it.

I believe in my profile, that I said I was 19. Unfortunately.
sometimes a person may sound like a drama queen..or..drama king, but that's sorta what i thought, when i listened to some adverts on the air on radio, about medical emergencies. they always would say, that the patient feels like it's no big thing', but then, come to find out, that it is a big thing. i'm not saying you're going to die, either, but i am saying that sometimes, the body can be least, what you might not consider an emergency may be an emergency. not enough to die, necessarily, but enough to hamper your health, on some level..
although i have heard some adverts where some patients didn't take some things seriously, and it did kill them. i can only hope the advertisers were joking..but, i sincerly doubt it, unless they were pranksters on radio, that are sick in the head..

just saying..u might wanna really check it's not like you are playing with the paramedic's time. you obviously are experiencing something real..whether or not it's heavy..

some of the things you say, such as the bolded, sound like you think the world can do without you..

i beg to differ, though i never met you. i am kind of hoping that things like that, that you say, in the bolded, don't contribute to it Sounding like you might be sorta..playing down whatever you are going through..

i don't mean to sound like you are deliberately playing anything down. i'm just saying, you might be tending to be's ok to be concerned..

i don't know ahat ur feeling about all this, of just feels to me like it's never too minor to be considered a cause for immediate concern..even if it's not serious.

You bring up a good point in stating that some people fail to recognize a medical emergency when they see one, however, the symptoms would generally be a lot graver than just this. It is noteworthy, though, so that is why I am going to inquire about it.

Like I told Alma, the world at large comment was my attempt at humour (I have a twisted sense of humour, I realize.) I wouldn't make more of it than what it was.

So... I will let you guys know what goes on when I call.
how have you been feeling?..did you call your mom? your doctor??