Yeah I didn't even see billboards article till after I posted. But wooooooooow im so heartbroken. What a kick in the groin. Shamon for god sakes US you guys SUCK!!!!. I cannot believe with all the promotion the hologram and everything and still they couldint hit #1. Call me crazy , but couldint black keys just get people from there camp to go out and buy 100s of albums? Therefore giving them #1 and also adding to future sales. Because when people find out an album has gone to #1 it usually generates more sales especially since it a black keys first #1. Im actually a little depressed right now. Coldplay coming in next week and the majority of the promotion for mj album is over I think its safe to say Xscape I sent going to #1 in the US and is probably gonna fall off the face of the earth seeing as Michael Jackson Is not here to promote it with ground breaking music videos , world tours, public appearances, etc. This is truly a dark day. For me personally it went from very excited and soooo happy and anxious about this album , to really not caring as much now that we've had the album for weeks and played it a million times had a hologram and getting to #2 after all that. There is really nothing to look forward too. Except sit back. Sorry if i sound like a broken record , im just very passionate because Michael always wanted to get the top spot. If he didn't hit #1 with this album of good music and great promotion its pretty much guaranteed this the last big project we will ever see from Michael Jackson posthumously to have a chance at #1. GOT DANG IT!! Im sooo sad and empty
Hey- unless you're from the US, watch it :lol: