
Save the Children RT Shawn Ahmed: "I can't explain how much of an impact your P4A-style response helped. It's the buzz of headquarters at Save the Children."

As Always

Woo! Hoo!

Save the Children New law in India "makes education a fundamental right" for children ages 6-14, reports Voice Of America News: http://bit.ly/9zrOLB

As Always

Save the Children: 3 months after the earthquake hit Haiti, Save the Children has reached over 550K children & families.

Learn more: http://bit.ly/5dDppC

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Save the Children President Rene Preval of Haiti visits Save the Children's medical clinic: http://bit.ly/yHosM

Save the Children Voices from the Field
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United States and around the world.

As Always

Save the Children America Ferrera travels with Save the Children to Africa to promote education.

Watch a video diary of the trip! http://bit.ly/aCZR6y

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Save the Children
1st & 2nd graders raise $2,000 for Save the Children s Haiti relief and record a
song to raise more money: http://nyti.ms/901IHT
Hope Grows for Haiti at Seth Boyden - The Local – Maplewood Blog - NYTimes.com

Students at Seth Boyden Elementary School raised $2,000 and recorded a CD this morning to help aid earthquake victims in Haiti. Hear their original song here.


As Always

Save the Children publishes it's 11th annual State of the World's Mothers report:

Women on the Front Lines of Health Care: http://bit.ly/djrWuy

As Always~~~

See where the Good Goes: Save the Children & the Ad Council work together to mobilize action to help local health workers help save more children worldwide.

Learn more: http://bit.ly/co4IU2 #goodgoes GoodGoes.org

As Always~~~

Every 4 sec a child survives thanks 2 basic health care provided by local health workers. #Advocacy Day is about advocating politician to support legislation to save more lives of children.

Watch video: http://bit.ly/brCc3P

As Always

Save the Children GoodGoes.org Local Health Worker of the day is Madalitso Masa of Malawi.

She keeps the children of Jonasi Village safe and healthy. She has saved newborns from infection and has taught mothers the “kangaroo” technique which keeps babies warm and protects them from infection.

She walks miles each day to visit children in need, sparing new m...others
and their children an exhausting trip to the nearest hospital. As a
local health worker, Madalitso has helped save the lives of hundreds of
children. Help Madalitso and other health workers reach more children:


Madalitso Masa - My Community [HQ]

Madalitso Masa is a local health worker in Malawi. She keeps the children of Jonasi Village safe and healthy.

She has saved newborns from infection and has taught mothers the “kangaroo” technique which keeps babies warm and protects them from infection.

She walks miles each day to visit children in need, sparing new mothers and their children an exhausting trip to the nearest hospital.

As a local health worker, Madalitso has helped save the lives of hundreds of children. Help Madalitso and other health workers reach more children.

As Always

Nearly 800,00 kids in Mali aren't in school.

Watch America Ferrera's effort to change this in a CNN Impact Your World segment: http://bit.ly/cByZsG

Love Always

Save the Children:

"1 in 4 children in Afghanistan die before the age of 5" Save the Children Chairman Anne Mulcahy tells CNBC Power Lunch.

Join GoodGoes.org to find out what you can do to help.

Love Always

We can effect change for children on a global scale. Save the Children Chairman Anne Mulcahy talks about the GoodGoes.org campaign with CNBC's.

Watch the video! Share your thoughts, we'd love to hear them: http://cot.ag/9sltsR

Love Always

Save the Children: First ever World Health Assembly Resolution to fight childhood pneumonia reached, the world's top killer of children under 5: http://bit.ly/atuaB6

Love Always

Save the Children

Low-cost treatments can help 9 million children in developing countries who die from diseases like pneumonia, diarrhea and malaria. Learn more, join GoodGoes.org

Love Always

The "Lazarus Effect": Fighting AIDS in AfricaShare
Today at 4:11pm

The Lazarus Effect film by (RED), HBO and Anonymous Content is a 30 minute documentary directed by Lance Bangs and executive produced by Spike Jonze. The film follows the story of four people who were at deaths door and were brought back to life thanks to access to treatment.

Watch "The Lazarus Effect" Video

The film intends to raise awareness of the transformative effect of antiretroviral medicine for those living with HIV in Africa.

See the trans-formative power of 40 cents/day.

Save the Children recognizes this outstanding effort in combating a global epidemic. Watch it and be inspired to help fight AIDS.

Love Always

With support from Save the Children , 260 kids are attending school after their kindergarten was relieved from flood damage http://bit.ly/btCdSY

Love Always

Waka Waka (This Is Africa) is the 2010 World Cup Official Anthem! Show your support and make a fun video. Watch video: http://bit.ly/9kLYyJ

As Always
