Write a STORY one line at a time...

^^Heheh. Good to know. :)In fact, she became so beautiful, the dinosaur snapped out of his broccoli state. He grabbed the princess and ran with her, far away, far beyond Sammy's pr the fairy's reach. He ran over moor and mountain, forests and lakes and rivers. The princess was crying and screaming to no avail. But then, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the clear water of a river...
the princess could not believe her eyes, she had never seen before her own reflection. she had seen through the zombie state she was once in, and she saw a beautiful princess, '' its me'' she said, the dinosoaur stared at the princess and thought how beautiful she looked. he wished he knew what the princess's name was. the sad thing was, the princess was never given a name.
During her sleep, the dinosaur heard her whisper "I have no name! I have no name! The monster inside me... my brother... I'm Nina... No, I have no name. We... have no names."
But the nameless princess wouldn't let him go. "You must remain with me now." she said while gripping the dinosaur hard.
The dinosaur was extremley frightened but as He felt loyal to her He stayed, but insisted that she she went to the supermarket to buy some fresh orange as that was His favourie drink and some fish and chips.
The princess obliged and when she got beck, she ate the fish and chips and drank the orange juice in front of the dinosaur, leaving him drooling.
He just couldnt believe it !!!! He was in total shock , He was so desparate for those fish and chips and fresh orange that He drooled so much that it made a river and swept the princess away (Ewwwe yuk sorry bit gross) lol!!
But the princess was in fact a very powerful witch, so she turned the saliva into blood and the dinosaur bled to death.
When she saw the frog. she started running, because she hated frogs.
And the princess disappeared into the forest, and she too, was never seen again...
But Sammy decided zombies stink, so he moved to another planet.
But just as he thought he was safe, he was attacked by giant acid pooping space cows. :lmao:
One of the space cows ate the jelly, but with the jelly, he ate a fur of Sammy's too. And so, the cow developed a double personality, one of which was Sammy. So he was allowed to live on.
so now the cow was half sammy, half cow and he grew a big bushy tail and smelt of nuts and zombie princess odour, from where the princess once hugged sammy. the poor cow didnt know what was going on, he randomly started to have cravings for eating nuts and climing trees, which he failed at. badly
So he... tried to kill himself? :lmao:

edit. slow. :lmao:
So the princess brought the cows some cow sized nappies and the cows were much much happier and so was she but then there was a big swirling in the sky a loud clap of thunder and then It Was Here !!!!!...............